10 Reasons Why Michael Jackson's Life and Death Matters


Proud Member
Jul 16, 2009

What can we learn from Michael Jackson's Life and Death?
1. It teaches us the dangerous power of idolatry.
2. It teaches us the reality that all flesh is like grass.
3. Enormous wealth is poisonous to flesh.
4. It confirms the Biblical Truth that fallen man is given to self-destruction.
5. It was the example of a WASTED LIFE.
6. Shows us that life is a vacuum outside of Jesus Christ.
7. Is a great reminder that it's been given unto man once to die and then the judgment.
8. It teaches us the vanity of popularity.
9. It reminds us of how short life really is.
10. Teaches us that in the end, he is just another man.

The couple seconds of music at the start is from the song No Hope in Time by Jason Bellard

Grace Community Church
San Antonio, TX

I saw this on another site.
He explains those points in the video. What do you guys think of this...? Not really fond of some things this guy is saying...(wasted life??)

:/ Thoughts?
It has some points, but he forgot one:

it also teaches us not to judge anyone, because God is our only judge. I am a Christian myself, but IMO Christians often forget this truth.

I did not know MJ personally. This preacher didn't know him either. God knew him, like he knows everybody. So let's leave judgment up to God!
Um, I'm really trying so hard to refrain from saying what I really think of that! What a load of :mello:.

Especially the "wasted" life part.
Michael lived life the the FULLEST and taught us to do so aswell.
He has taught me more about life than anyone else ever has and ever could. He inspired millions, probably billions around the world and spread a message of hope and love. He was the most famous man on earth yet still remained so humble and down to earth.
He gave so much to this world no matter how many times he was knocked down, more than most people could give in 10 lifetimes.

Enormous wealth is poision to flesh??
Um, Michael gave more of his money than any other celebrity to charities all over the world.
Yes, he also liked to buy expensive artworks and go on shopping sprees...but the man worked his ass off his whole life for that money.

Teaches us that in the end, he is just another man??
He's not 'just another man', if that were so, the world would be a much more beautiful place. He's so much more than 'just another man'.
I don't agree with what he said. I don't think he knew what he was talking about the video was too long for me to watch the whole thing.
whoever said those things strikes me as an extremely self righteous judgmental poo poo
" Judge not lest ye be judged" some point s can be taken but most not. Michael talked about the bible & trying to live a Christlike life. Heat have strayed at times but all Christians do. There is no perfect man. He helped many in his life, he would have helped many more. Satan is always tempting those who are trying to live a Godly life. The pastor should also refrain from judging man. He never looked at the good mj did with his life.
It has some points, but he forgot one:

it also teaches us not to judge anyone, because God is our only judge. I am a Christian myself, but IMO Christians often forget this truth.

I did not know MJ personally. This preacher didn't know him either. God knew him, like he knows everybody. So let's leave judgment up to God!

Amen! :angel:

Judge not lest ye be judged!
What's the difference between a Christian and a Pharisee?
I'm sure many will fill in this answer.
John Lucas
Yea, this is a load of bull. Pissed me off from the start. He should no better. Who is he to judge. What ever. I don't even know why I waisted my time reading this.
what a bunch of crap. I am a christian myself, but mostly preachings of the sort disgust me. Seems priests are easily forgetting they're only humans too. eewwww. EEWWW.
It has some points, but he forgot one:

it also teaches us not to judge anyone, because God is our only judge. I am a Christian myself, but IMO Christians often forget this truth.

I did not know MJ personally. This preacher didn't know him either. God knew him, like he knows everybody. So let's leave judgment up to God!

I am also a christian and the only thing i can say to your post is.........AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can think of 30 better reasons, of what michaels life and even though I can't bare to say it, death, has taught me. That are a hundred tines better.

Don't agree with anything he said at ALL.

Am I reading it wrong, but wasted life!!!??? :angry: