10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight ~~Possible Spoilers!~~

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Dangerous Incorporated


The film is so very expansive, so incredibly epic. I decided that instead of a full review, I will just share my first impressions. But lets first talk expectations. Going into 2008, I was looking forward to only a few films, The Dark Knight being one of them. As you probably already know, WALL-E was at the top of my list, and Pixar’s latest didn’t disappoint. I was very sure that WALL-E would end up being my favorite film of the year, and it is… errr WAS. That is until I saw The Dark Knight. I screened the film on Saturday night in Los Angeles, and now that I’ve had a few days to think about the film, I thought I would share my ten spoiler-free reasons why I believe that The Dark Knight is a masterpiece - an almost flawless comic book movie adaptation.

1. The Movie is Epic - The Dark Knight is not just a superhero movie. It is the first comic book adaptation to transcend the genre. Imagine one of the greatest crime thrillers of all time which just happens to have a guy who dresses in a bat costume and fights crime. Think Godfather 2 or Heat, with a insane terrorist who paints his face like a clown and goes around killing random people. It’s expansive in feel and tone. It’s the type of film which you make a point to refer to as a “film” instead of a “movie”.

2. Bigger, Better, Longer - I’ll admit that I wasn’t completely blown away by Batman Begins. Sure, it was the best Batman film to date, incorporating darker themes and a sense of realism that the franchise had never seen before. But Batman Begins is also not without its problems. I think even hardcore fans would agree that the film suffers from third act problems. The Dark Knight is bigger and better in every single way. The film is 152 minutes (two hours and thirty two minutes) long, and every second is gripping. Does it feel long? Yeah. But at the same time I wouldn’t have removed a thing. Every single second is necessary to tell this story. Nolan even keeps some plot developments off screen which resonate in various scenes throughout the film.

3. Heath Ledger
- Some friends have expressed concern that the death of Heath Ledger will taint their Dark Knight viewing experience. It doesn’t, and here is why - Heath is amazing. From the first second he steps on screen you will forget that their is an actor behind the make up. Heath doesn’t play The Joker, he IS the Joker. You will believe that a psychopath wearing clown makeup is terrorizing a whole city. The performance is Oscar worthy. What Anthony Hopkins did for Hannibal Lector, Ledger does for The Joker.

4. Two-Face - At the core this movie is not about Batman, or even The Joker, but instead about Harvey Dent, and his transformation into Two-face. In a way the story is almost a Shakespearean tragedy of a man who goes bad. The screenwriters play against the established conventions of Two-face’s origin story to give you something new, refreshing, and ultimately more authentic than the story presented in the comic books. You will believe that a hero becomes the villain. And you might also be shocked at how long the two-face character appears on screen. It’s not just a tease - you will get everything! His computer generated make-up is so gruesome and realistic looking, that I’m shocked the film was able to get a PG-13 rating.

5. The Empire Strikes Back - The Dark Knight is The Empire Strikes Back of comic book movies. It is dark, bleak, and realistic. Kids looking for a fun superhero movie need to look elsewhere. This is a multi-layered, authentic crime tale. There is more than one casualty, and it doesn’t exactly end on a high note. Fans will eat the ending up. After sitting in the theater for two and a half hours, it will leave you wanting more.

6. IMAX - If you don’t see this movie in IMAX than you haven’t seen the movie. A few of the action sequences and many of the establishing shots throughout the film were shot using IMAX cameras. The result is breathtaking. There is a sequence where Batman leaps off the top of a building (you’ve probably seen it in the trailers) and the camera pushes in. It’s so vivid and high resolution that it almost felt like it was part of one of those motion controlled theme park rides. Going into the screening, I thought the IMAX thing was probably more gimmick than anything else. Previous IMAX presentations involved up-converting the 35mm film image to fit on the IMAX screen. The footage shot with the IMAX camera is amazing. Even if you’ve seen a traditional IMAX movie in the past, you will be blown away by seeing a Hollywood action film on the big big screen. It makes you wonder why more Hollywood productions haven’t begun incorporating the IMAX camera. I wouldn’t be surprised if the inevitable third Batman movie wasn’t shot completely shot on IMAX cameras.

7. Gotham City - The extensive on location filming in Chicago adds to the authenticity of Gotham City. There is never a moment that you feel like you’re watching a bunch of actors on a Hollywood soundstage.

8. Characters - Every character that appears on screen has a history. Even when Nolan doesn’t show us this backstory - we see it. Even a corrupt cop that has two lines of dialogue has an extensive past, at least I’m convinced they do. The world is so full of rich three dimensional characters, some of which only appear on screen for brief moments. And some of the characters do have backstories which were provided in the extensive viral marketing campaigns. If you participated in the alternative reality game online, than you will get more out of the film as a whole.

9. The Bat-Pod - You will love how the Bat Pod is introduced in the film.

10. Nontraditional - The screenplay is both multi-layered and nontraditional. I was caught completely off guard at the many wonderful choices that Nolan and Goyer made in the script. You will wonder how they got Warner Bros to sign off on the screenplay, and I mean this in a good way. Characters that you expect to die might survive, and characters you expect to live will meet their ultimate demise. Even Two-Face’s origin is not exactly as you expect. That said, I advise you to stay as far away from spoilers as you can, because this is a film you want to experience for yourself in a packed IMAX theater on opening night.

To me, The Dark Knight is an almost flawless cinematic experience. Is The Dark Knight one of the best films of all time? No. Where does it fit in my top 100? I’ll have to digest it a couple more times before my mind finds a suitable placement. Rewatchability is an important factor to me. While I do think this film will hold up to multiple viewings, I’m not sure that the expansive IMAX sequences (which are part of the reason why I loved this film) will translate in a home movie viewing environment.

I do believe that The Dark Knight is the best comic book adaptation to date. For me it takes over the spot held by Spider-Man 2. For others it might replace Superman: The Movie, X-Men 2 or The Incredibles. And who knows, some people might be disappointed. Those expecting a fun movie filled with hope might come out sadly disappointed. I’m also not sure this film will play for younger audiences. And I’m not even going to pretend to know what women might think of it. I can only tell you my thoughts. I can’t wait for you guys to see the film so that we can have a discussion.
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Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

i saw the movie yesterday and loved it!!! it was awesome indeed. heath ledgers performance was great but not oscar worthy imo. i dont believe he'll get nominated. i still find the jack nicholson performance of the joker far more interesting.
Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

Jack was a well-fed Joker who was impersonating Ceaser Romero IMO. Ledger got Joker down to a tee. He's anarchy just because. Brilliant!
Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

Jack was a well-fed Joker who was impersonating Ceaser Romero IMO. Ledger got Joker down to a tee. He's anarchy just because. Brilliant!
How is "just because" brilliant? I'm starting to organize my thoughts on this movie, and I might be posting something pretty lengthy within the next day or so, but what was so great about The Joker here? I will say that there was conflict in his character, but this I find to be more of a flaw in writing rather than point within his character - DID the Joker really do things "just because," or was there a driver behind the Joker's intentions that this movie just did not want to explain? I argue the latter because this movie tries so hard to lift from The Killing Joke, but misses the boat because the movie explains nothing about The Joker. Joker wanting to conduct a "social experiment" is almost left of field considering Alfred's explanation of the Joker as well as even Joker's explanation of himself to Two-Face.

At least Nicholson's "Jack Napier" had some kind of drive because he was a former mob boss, and even the comic book Joker had some rhyme behind his reason...but Ledger's Joker, though funny with the expressions and one liners lacks to me as a character solely because there wasn't much time to really explain him. What's worse, to me at least, is while people are busy fawning over a random terrorist, people are either glossing over or completely forgetting the true tragedy in Harvey Dent. Even towards the end of this movie, I couldn't really identify him as a villain. Misguided, of course, but his reasoning for doing the things he eventually did actually made sense and made you feel sorry for him.

If this movie spent more time focusing on one thing, particularly Dent, and gave the Joker a bit more of a backseat since they did very little to make the audience understand (or at least relate to) the Joker, I think I would have enjoyed it much more. Now that I'm letting this movie sink in, it's striking me as trying to do and trying to be too many things all at once, and though Ledger does a good job as The Joker, this movie probably shouldn't have had so much focus on his character if he wasn't going to have much of a backstory.
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Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

So, in your opinion, is this movie better than Batman Begins?

I'll be watching this in IMAX in a few days.....can't wait! :wild:
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Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

There was an underlying drive to the Joker, and he mentioned it everytime he tried killing someone with that knife. And the manic quality of the joker was unconventional and a lot less cheesy and cliche than if they would have had the Joker completely predictable in his actions. It kept me guessing. And that combined with Heath's BELIEVABLE performance of him and his lunacy was tops.

I loved loved loved this film. I think it was better than the spider man movies cuz it had just the RIGHT combination of comic book cheesiness and real world grimness...unlike spiderman, which was all cheesy lol. I thought it was very carefully written in order to have the comic book feel but make it seem REAL. And since I live in chicago the movie was anchored for me...they even named streets from chi in the movie! :lol: so i could imagine everything happening in it as real. The effects were amazing...every Joker scene was like "WOW" lol Dude was CRAZY :lol: I also think he captured the Joker to a tee...like if the Joker was real, that's how he'd look and act like. And I'm not saying that cuz he's dead...dude did a REALLY good job. like OMG...WOW. But I've always been pleased with Heath's performances, it's not like he was a bad actor.

I loved every 'blow up scene'. Every one lol. I love the Joker/hospital scene...classic. Christian Bale did a good job as well being 'pretty boy' batman :lol: I believed his performance as well. The cheeky jokes were GREAT. 2 face was pretty damn awesome. I forgot about 2 face as a villain and i was like "OHHH YEAH" when the transformation happened. I was like "nooooow i remember. The coin flipping and all of that...gotcha. " That was a great story for me since i forgot all about 2 Face. The ending was fantastic.

My only thing about it now is I'm gonna be talking in a raspy voice all day now :lol: After the movie i felt like everyone in that film needed a cough drop :lol: Batman, 2 Face, Morgan Freeman, erry one. :lol:
Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

What I meant by 'just because' is that Jack's Joker had an origin (which wasnt true to Joker's origin either btw) where as Ledger's Joker already is, there's no origin. At the end of Batman Begins is the idea of escalation, the idea of having established Batman as this heroic figure in Gotham who’s going to try and take Gotham back for the good people in the city, that there was going to be an extraordinary criminal response to that, that in going so big as he has in employing such heavy handed tactics, what are the criminals going to come back with? And that really manifests itself in the person of The Joker.
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Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

There was an underlying drive to the Joker, and he mentioned it everytime he tried killing someone with that knife. And the manic quality of the joker was unconventional and a lot less cheesy and cliche than if they would have had the Joker completely predictable in his actions. It kept me guessing. And that combined with Heath's BELIEVABLE performance of him and his lunacy was tops.

What was it? I actually think those stories he told were actually a reference to The Killing Joke where the comic points out that The Joker is so deluded that he changes his past based on how he feels at the moment. I don't think the movie means to infer that The Joker became who he is because had severe "daddy issues." Like I said, Alfred pegs him as a guy who wants to see the city burn just because he wants to see it burn [paraphrasing], and The Joker himself echos this thought by comparing himself to a mad dog chasing after a car and then not knowing what to do with the car once he actually gets it.

THOSE statements are a stark contrast to the guy who used Dent as a pawn just to see how crazy he would go (another ref to The Killing Joke) and used the whole boat thing as a social experiment. If the writers wanted me to believe that he was a dark killer for the sake of being a dark killer, he would have blown up those boats immediately like he blew up the warehouse Rachel was in rather than essentially leaving the power in the hands of the people on the two boats.

That's just one of my problems with the movie; as good as Heath was, The Joker in this one movie was two different Jokers...they had so much really good source material (The Killing Joke and The Long Halloween) that they had no idea what to really use, so they gave Joker no real back story and what they did with Dent's life and death struck me as rushed and easily overlooked.
Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

oh i c, i didn't know that.

In any case, to me lunacy is lunacy lol. the movie was long enough that I didn't need to know the back story about every character. We could have a whole movie about just the joker alone if that was the case. I think the joker was entertaining and convincing enough for me not know his whole history. And personally I think a lot of the movie was centered around Dent and his transformation anyway..rather than the joker. the joker was an evil comedic bonus. And when it's a comic book movie, there's no problem having an unquestioned "evil force" and a "good force". And I "related" to the Joker simply because he was FUNNY and unpredictable. I looked forward to what crazy ish he was gonna do next to mess with people's heads lol....no i didn't relate to him on a personal level, but i don't think that was necessary in this case. I don't need to feel sorry for this character when there is no purpose, in the scheme of the movie, to feel sorry for him. Or relate to him...what would be the ultimate goal of the audience relating to the joker at all? In some movies, yes, it's great for the lines of good and evil to be blurred, especially psychologically, but in this film, when the tradition of the GENRE is to have a GOOD and EVIL side......i don't see a problem ;)
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Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

So, in your opinion, is this movie better than Batman Begins?

I'll be watching this in IMAX in a few days.....can't wait! :wild:
IMAX is just awesome, ur so lucky :(
Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

I'm not generally interested in comic book hero films generally, but this one certainly looks interesting.
Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

Going 2 see it in 6 hours.. I can't wait..

I don't know the last time I waited with this much anticipation for a movie...
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Re: 10 Reasons Why I Loved The Dark Knight

I'm going tonight! I've been anticipating this movie for months, ever since I saw the first clip of Heath Ledger.

IMO nothing tops the first Batman movie, not so much for Jack Nicholson's Joker but for Tim Burton's entire concept for the film, the Batman series went downhill after the second one and I couldn't even be bothered to see Batman Begins, but THIS ONE looks friggin awesome.
DI... I edited the title a bit because peeps like myself who plan on seeing this movie and don't want to know nuttin! about it, will know not to read in here in case they are going to see it....