10/26/09--LaToya Jackson: Michael Speaking From The Grave

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
LaToya Jackson Reports Michael Speaking From The Grave

MJ's ghost thrills LaToya more than any ghoul could ever dare try.

LaToya Jackson reports she is still going to late brother Michael's house to visit him...and it sounds like Michael is quite a peculiar ghost -- er, host.

"When I go to his house," LaToya says, "I say, 'Hello, Michael. How are you? If you're here, please, please let me know'. And the lights start blinking. I can feel him."

But feeling is not the only way she senses her brother -- LaToya says she can even smell Michael. "I can smell his Tom Ford cologne and I've felt him brush past me," she says. "It's the most wonderful feeling and the biggest smile comes over my face. I tell him I love him so much and ask him to show me he's here again. The lights blink again."

LaToya reports being the only person in communication with Michael's spirit, but Michael's parrot also has conversations with him. LaToya quotes the parrot as saying, "Everything's OK, Michael. Everyone's fine, don't worry. The kids? How are the kids doing? Well, see how the kids are playing. They're playing and they're having fun."

She says she gets clues about Michael's death by asking him to reveal them. "I ask Michael to help me understand what took place. I've told him to find a way to let me know. A person's name will pop into my head out of the blue, I'll call them, they give me information and I'll find the connection I've been looking for. It's amazing."

Finally sounds like LaToya Jackson may have found her talent. Plus, it's reported Michael's been showing his ghost for months.

Jeffer Phillips "heroin" story source is Latoya' manager

MJ’s sister La Toya says his ‘ghost’ visits family
Retweetby ANI on October 26, 2009

Melbourne, Oct 26 (ANI): Late Michael Jackson’s sister La Toya has said that the King of Pop’s ghost has been visiting the family dressed in the white pearl beads he wore in the coffin.
In an interview with Woman’s Day, the 53-year-old onetime Playboy cover girl said that the ‘Thriller’ star has appeared “in the curtains” while the lights were out.
“His eyes were open and he appeared peaceful. I turned the lights on and asked, ‘Michael, do you wish to go to the other side?’” The Courier Mail quoted her as saying.
La Toya has also claimed that her famous brother’s ghost has flicked the lights on in his house to let her know he’s there.
She said that her manager Jeffre Phillips and sister Janet have also seen the star’s spirit but mother Katherine, a strict Jehovah’s Witness, has refused to accept that her son’s ghost walks the earth. (ANI)

ignore the other bullshit , the main point is jeffer phillips who handed the "heroin" and marijuana bags, the 12 pill bottles of temazepam 30 mg to the coroner investigator ,the "bleaching cream", the med for the eye "Harperuin comes to mind" was no one but Latoya manager :mello:

I highlighted this point before that jeffers phillips was the man who handed the "evidence" but had no idea who he really was, now we know he is Latoya's manager . that may explain alot of things -_-
Re: Jeffer Phillips "heroin" story source is Latoya' manager

I don't know what to say about the walking spirit story (I wonder what Katherine will think when she hears this), but the manager connection is interesting. What do you mean by handed them to the investigators? This dude gave this stuff to the investigators and said it was Mike's?
Re: Jeffer Phillips "heroin" story source is Latoya' manager

yes, he is mentioned on the search warrant as the source for the "evidence" he handed it to them . they did not say from where they were recovered, they simply stated that jeffers phillips gave these items to the coroner's investigator . and he said they belonged to MJ.
Re: Jeffer Phillips "heroin" story source is Latoya' manager

Sorry but Im getting so I just cant stand her at all
She is destroying Michaels legacy and making a mockery
of him and his children _ I just dont trust her becuase
of her past antics_ I dont think she has changed much.
I dont put anything past her - she is so transparent and
phoney ALWAYS Phoney _ of all the Jackson's she is the one
with the BIGGEST Mouth and using MJ for her own publicity
I cringe every time I read something she says about Michael
or his children_ she has no redeeming qualities _ and she LIES
through her teeth _

I wish she would go away and STFU

may I ask where is the source that that evidence was turned over by
Latoya's manager _ was it credible and has it been verified _ ??

I wouldnt put it past her to plant such evidence but ..
certainly I dont believe for one second Mj smoke marijuana
or used heroin - and how would her manager find it in the
first place _

she even stated MJ was being impersonated in his movie _ WHYYYYYYY ???
To give the appearance that MJ was an incapable Junkie unable to do his own
dancing and singing _ and that he was a manipulated Junkie _ F***k Her

I cant take this shyt NO more ..
someone shut that B****C down

Ok I feel better now :) :LOL:
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Re: Jeffer Phillips "heroin" story source is Latoya' manager

yes, he is mentioned on the search warrant as the source for the "evidence" he handed it to them . they did not say from where they were recovered, they simply stated that jeffers phillips gave these items to the coroner's investigator . and he said they belonged to MJ.

Oh Lord...Thanks for the info williamorange1.
Re: Jeffer Phillips "heroin" story source is Latoya' manager

by the way , among the meds this man handed to the coroner investigator was one for Glaucoma , but the benzo drugs are very dangerous and doctors don't prescribe them to people who suffer from glaucoma because they may end causing someone to become blind .* Halprien's source*
Re: Jeffer Phillips "heroin" story source is Latoya' manager

Yesterday her story in some other "newspaper" was she can smell and hear MJ whenever she goes to his house now. I had asked in that other post what house does MJ have that she goes to and can smell him. Now she changes it and adds more cray cray to her story. Now she is seeing him blah blah....Jesus take the wheel.

That stuff about her manager does not surprise me. It always rubbed me the wrong way and made me wonder why she gave those so called drugs to the cops and was running around with those stories "drug addict stories" about her brother. And where is the stuff she took out of MJ's house , where is the computer hard drive etc?*sighs hard*
Re: Jeffer Phillips "heroin" story source is Latoya' manager

I think as Michael's fans that we should not entertain such BS! Gary already closed a thread similar to this and I think this one should close too.
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