1 GB now and 20 years before

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date

Dangerous Incorporated

This image below shows a comparison in size between the storage of 1 Gigabyte , 20 years ago (1988) & 1 Gigabyte now

Ahh the memories... my first computer was a Pentium 100Mhz, I had 16MB ram and 1GB hard drive... it was faaaast :D
Ohh and those damn dail up models that sounded like "brrr schhh bring bring breiiee" :D

I wonder how long it will take until we will replace our regular SATA hard drives to flash cards, imagine how fast and silent it would be :)
The pic I posted must be old though cuz that one GB card is huge compared to the 4GB card I have for my mobile/cell phone.