Miscellaneous Michael J. Jackson - MMJJ

Mikky Dee

Sunset Driver, Midnight Rider
Mar 8, 2016
Sometimes members want to share something relating to Michael and perhaps have a brief discussion about it with other MJ fans, but they don't know where to place their item, or their thoughts. They might even be unsure about whether they should start a new thread for their contribution, or not.

Sometimes there's really no need for a whole new thread......especially for items that have been around in the fan community for a long time, BUT they still could be "new" to some people. Anything and everything related to Michael is always worthwhile for someone.

So that we don't have a whole bunch of small threads with only one or two posts in them.....where items and interactions become lost in the back-blocks of the forum, let's have a MISCELLANEOUS thread like this one.

Whenever you want to share something, but are undecided about where it should go, or if it deserves a new thread, just place it here.
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Bad Tour Footage Used in AMA Achievement Award Compilation? (1989)

Was that concert footage (starts at 6:03) from the LA dates in 1989? Or was it from somewhere else?
Re: Bad Tour Footage Used in AMA Achievement Award Compilation? (1989)

Was that concert footage (starts at 6:03) from the LA dates in 1989? Or was it from somewhere else?

The whole footage is a mixture of different venues, I think, but parts of it at the beginning, definitely look like the January 1989 concerts in LA, judging by the particular jacket Michael is wearing. I think there is some Wembley 1988 footage in there, as well.
Re: Bad Tour Footage Used in AMA Achievement Award Compilation? (1989)

Here's some wonderful TV station footage, from a Bad Tour concert in Rome in 1988. What's interesting about this footage is that it's shot from the back, or side of the stage and also includes some back stage entries and exits. Sigh....I miss the heady days of the eighties.

Re: Bad Tour Footage Used in AMA Achievement Award Compilation? (1989)

The whole footage is a mixture of different venues, I think, but parts of it at the beginning, definitely look like the January 1989 concerts in LA, judging by the particular jacket Michael is wearing. I think there is some Wembley 1988 footage in there, as well.

Ah, gotcha. Thanks for clarifying that. The first shots of him singing Bad definitely look like they're from LA, as he looks a bit thinner and more like he would by the 90s.

Aaaah, it´s always so wonderful to see all those hot, exciting and beautiful moments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Bad Tour Footage Used in AMA Achievement Award Compilation? (1989)

Here's some wonderful TV station footage, from a Bad Tour concert in Rome in 1988. What's interesting about this footage is that it's shot from the back, or side of the stage and also includes some back stage entries and exits. Sigh....I miss the heady days of the eighties.

This looks like it was shot on an i-phone. The left and right margins are similar to what you see on the news when they show videos shot by people, not camera crews.

Odd. Or maybe somebody shot film of a film.
Re: Bad Tour Footage Used in AMA Achievement Award Compilation? (1989)

This looks like it was shot on an i-phone. The left and right margins are similar to what you see on the news when they show videos shot by people, not camera crews.

Odd. Or maybe somebody shot film of a film.

Well, it could have been filmed using a phone, from the TV footage.....from a tape or recording of it?? It's quite good quality, though, if it is a film of a film. I confess I didn't notice that. I was mesmerised by the back view of Michael. Hehehe.
hellooo totally random but, aside of Janet, with who of his brothers you think Michael got along best, and who you think supported him best in life?
Was there any album "Resurrection", MJ cancelled?

I was checking the unreleased song list on Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unreleased_songs_recorded_by_Michael_Jackson
and there is a song name "Resurrection".
This song has a description:

  • Working title for cancelled 2003 album
  • Early speculation suggests that it would have been a double album, similar to "HIStory"
  • Another report suggested the album would also feature remixes from "Invincible"
  • Cancelled due to increased speculation around Jackson and "Number Ones" was released instead
  • Several tracks from the album were instead put on the final disc of "The Ultimate Collection"

Also, in lost time 2006 there was a post which still exists: http://prince.org/msg/8/191540?pr this contains the tracklist which was rumoured. But now we are kind of sure that some of these songs really exists.
Further, Can't Get Your Weight Off of Me's description says "Planned for the cancelled album "Resurrection".
so was there any album Resurrection or is it just a rumour?
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Re: Was there any album "Resurrection", MJ cancelled?

I was checking the unreleased song list on Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unreleased_songs_recorded_by_Michael_Jackson
and there is a song name "Resurrection".
This song has a description:

  • Working title for cancelled 2003 album
  • Early speculation suggests that it would have been a double album, similar to "HIStory"
  • Another report suggested the album would also feature remixes from "Invincible"
  • Cancelled due to increased speculation around Jackson and "Number Ones" was released instead
  • Several tracks from the album were instead put on the final disc of "The Ultimate Collection"

Also, in lost time 2006 there was a post which still exists: http://prince.org/msg/8/191540?pr this contains the tracklist which was rumoured. But now we are kind of sure that some of these songs really exists.
Further, Can't Get Your Weight Off of Me's description says "Planned for the cancelled album "Resurrection".
so was there any album Resurrection or is it just a rumour?

Keep in mind that Wikipedia is not an especially reliable source of information, considering that it can be edited, changed, updated, etc. by anyone, at will.

I'm unclear, from your post, whether "Resurrection" is rumoured to be a song, or an album, or both?? Personally, I have never heard of it, at all, but of course, anything is possible.

My gut feeling is that, given Michael's usual release timeline for albums - every four/five years - it's unlikely that he had plans to release another album only two years after "Invincible"; especially when "Invincible" ended up being such a battle ground for him and such a painful/tough process, both in terms of actually getting it done and getting it promoted. He may have considered doing a companion to "Invincible" with some remixes plus extra new songs, in much the same way as BOTDF was a companion to HIStory. The fresh round of allegations and the raid on Neverland, etc. would definitely have put an end to any such ideas, considering the emotional state that Michael must have been in, at that time.
foralltimerishi;4218362 said:
I was checking the unreleased song list on Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unreleased_songs_recorded_by_Michael_Jackson
and there is a song name "Resurrection".
This song has a description:

  • Working title for cancelled 2003 album
  • Early speculation suggests that it would have been a double album, similar to "HIStory"
  • Another report suggested the album would also feature remixes from "Invincible"
  • Cancelled due to increased speculation around Jackson and "Number Ones" was released instead
  • Several tracks from the album were instead put on the final disc of "The Ultimate Collection"

Also, in lost time 2006 there was a post which still exists: http://prince.org/msg/8/191540?pr this contains the tracklist which was rumoured. But now we are kind of sure that some of these songs really exists.
Further, Can't Get Your Weight Off of Me's description says "Planned for the cancelled album "Resurrection".
so was there any album Resurrection or is it just a rumour?

Mikky Dee;4218365 said:
Keep in mind that Wikipedia is not an especially reliable source of information, considering that it can be edited, changed, updated, etc. by anyone, at will.

I'm unclear, from your post, whether "Resurrection" is rumoured to be a song, or an album, or both?? Personally, I have never heard of it, at all, but of course, anything is possible.

My gut feeling is that, given Michael's usual release timeline for albums - every four/five years - it's unlikely that he had plans to release another album only two years after "Invincible"; especially when "Invincible" ended up being such a battle ground for him and such a painful/tough process, both in terms of actually getting it done and getting it promoted. He may have considered doing a companion to "Invincible" with some remixes plus extra new songs, in much the same way as BOTDF was a companion to HIStory. The fresh round of allegations and the raid on Neverland, etc. would definitely have put an end to any such ideas, considering the emotional state that Michael mus have been in, at that time.

There was never any album or song (or both) called ‘Resurrection’.

Some fans who were disappointed by the whole ‘Invincible’ situation (low sales, lack of inadequate promotion, etc) came up at that time with that fake project ‘Resurrection’ & they additionally started to spread those false rumors.

In fact, there were never any plans at all for a new studio album at that time. MJ decided to extricate himself from Sony by delivering the box set ‘The Ultimate Collection’ in 2004.
Unreleased Song Titles

Have you ever read the unreleased titles & even though you have never heard the song...the title alone creates its own melody in your head (like a prediction)...at least in my head. I've never in my life heard "lucy is in love with linus" but for Some odd ass reason...i walk around & hum it & i find myself doing it alot with alot of titles ive read about but that song in particular is stuck on my brain & IVE NEVER HEARD IT! I just go around like ?lucy is in loooooove with linus!?Has this ever happend to anyone else?
Re: Unreleased song titles

wondrouzmj said:
Have you ever read the unreleased titles & even though you have never heard the song...the title alone creates its own melody in your head (like a prediction)...at least in my head. I've never in my life heard "lucy is in love with linus" but for Some odd ass reason...i walk around & hum it & i find myself doing it alot with alot of titles ive read about but that song in particular is stuck on my brain & IVE NEVER HEARD IT! I just go around like 🎤lucy is in loooooove with linus!🎵Has this ever happend to anyone else?

Hahaha.. That happened to me with that same song! I sing that song in my head but with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (by the Beatles) melody.
Re: Unreleased song titles

wondrouzmj said:
Have you ever read the unreleased titles & even though you have never heard the song...the title alone creates its own melody in your head (like a prediction)...at least in my head. I've never in my life heard "lucy is in love with linus" but for Some odd ass reason...i walk around & hum it & i find myself doing it alot with alot of titles ive read about but that song in particular is stuck on my brain & IVE NEVER HEARD IT! I just go around like 🎤lucy is in loooooove with linus!🎵Has this ever happend to anyone else?

Yeah, 😂😂🤣🤣 its funny but its a sign that you are in love😂 with MJ 😍😍😚😚
We really love MJ, and the most important thing that I want to highlight "He wanted us to appreciate good things in our life, like love, childish love and all that good worthy and precious things" and thats it..... we are on our way to appreciate all these things

I cry every time I hear MJ saying "love lives forever" in This Is It, it seems like MJ saying "i am forever"...... its just amazing.....

MICHAEL MCKELLER, lyrics of this unreleased song are stuck in my mind.... 'cause I am lonely.... I try to ignore all the bad people around me..... and this song is most relevant to this.
mj_frenzy;4218378 said:
There was never any album or song (or both) called ‘Resurrection’.

Some fans who were disappointed by the whole ‘Invincible’ situation (low sales, lack of inadequate promotion, etc) came up at that time with that fake project ‘Resurrection’ & they additionally started to spread those false rumors.

In fact, there were never any plans at all for a new studio album at that time. MJ decided to extricate himself from Sony by delivering the box set ‘The Ultimate Collection’ in 2004.

Thank you. Pretty much as I thought.
Re: Was there any album "Resurrection", MJ cancelled?

Check out how COOL this is!!!!

YouTubers React - Top 10 Facebook pages of all time

Thanks to: Fine Brothers Entertainment (FBE)
Sara Conkey from the BBC has reached out to MJWN to tell us that she is making a programme for the BBC Radio 4 series ‘Soul Music’ about the famous Charlie Chaplin song ‘Smile,’ which Michael recorded and released on his 1995 ‘HIStory’ album.

Sara would love to hear from any Michael Jackson fans who have a particular memory or life event associated with this song.

You can share you story with Sara by contacting her at sara.conkey@bbc.co.uk.

Source: MJWN
Re: Is this a real picture of Michael?

It is an artwork by David LaChapelle
Re: Is this a real picture of Michael?

It's a painting of Michael. I guess you could consider it him,even though Carlo Riley was the body they used for the set of portraits they did.
Re: Is This a Real Picture of Michael?


I mean, the photo is from La Chappelle's pics, Carlo Riley was the model, but the face is ....

From the Admin Team: Can we please have the actual image posted, with the link as a source, rather than just the link, in future?

Also, it's not really necessary to start a whole new thread for a question that will be answered in one or two posts and won't normally give rise to a long discussion.

In answer to your question - as others have said, it's a representation of Michael in a painting. The face is definitely his face, painted no doubt by copying from photographs, as most artists do, when they don't have their subject available to sit for them. I think it's a very good likeness of Michael and a beautiful piece of symbolic art. All of La Chappelle's paintings of Michael, like Nate Giorgio's, are amazing, in my opinion.

Can anyone plz tell me...... the source of this snippet

Its a real digital dump
I have no idea, but the same person posted these TII outtakes.
Some bits and pieces I have seen and others I haven't.
There's a nice composite here.

Can anyone plz tell me...... the source of this snippet

Its a real digital dump

It's really lovely. Michael looked so amazing in that particular outfit. It looks as though it might have been recorded from a TV special, or something, judging by the logo in the top left corner and the "boxing" effect around the edges. That's all I've got. Lol.