Favourite Michael haircut (Era/Year)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I guess i am in the minority when i say that i really think short hair suited him the best.
My fav is 85/86 and early history era.

How about yours? :)
Not so much haircut but I have always had a huge L.O.V.E. for those curls of his. I had always thought he looked so very cute and so gorgeously sexy when he had those curls. I also like him with straight hair. But I have always been a huge lover for his curls.
I really liked the way his hair looked when he gave the interview with MTV in 1999, when he was able to discuss solely his music and his short films. I think his was wearing maybe just a white t-shirt and a cool brown (or maybe it's black) leather jacket...does that seem right? It's been awhile since I've watched it. Hopefully you guys know what I am referring to.
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:shifty: :naughty:
^ is that to say, Ash, that Michael is sayin' to us, "I like the way my hair looked best whenever it fell loosely over my forehead during some aggressive chowing down of a bucket of popcorn!"


PS: I think that gif has been slowed down and in real tme he is devouring it at maximum speed....INHALE!
Where's that emoticon that has that sign "This thread is useless without pictures,"or something like that? lol. Maybe we should be putting out the effort to post a pic to "support" our choices.

I'm trying to picture him at that 1995 MTV awards show. Is that where he did Dangerous and also Slash wouldn't get up and leave where he was playing on center stage? ...A bit of drama that would rival current day Reality Shows, haha.
Ill post pics tonight as im not able to now. But to answer, defff the curls for his girlsssss. I like the seventies too with the fro hair, so cute. Oh and the wet-ish hair during Invincible Era woooooo:wub: ohhh and the silky hair during the last years esp '06.

:girl_sigh: I could go onnn and on man
Huggs you for starting this :angel:
Right,I say Straight hair Little bit wavy so .. Dangerous era Remember the time 1992 -

And this Dangerous Era picture -

The pony tail in 1992 Pepsi commerical : I'll be there

and 2006 japan MTV VMAS

London 2006 -WMAS

Japan 2007

Michael's fashion shoot with Italian vouge Luomo 2007 :wub:


The layers are lovely :wub:When he visted bic cam store in Tokyo 07

"Thats a cool move " [Drill] This is it era 2009

eXceLOfFam1 is right ! LETS GET THE PICTURES :wub:
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2009 Curls:

I was really happy that he brought the curls back in 2009 for This Is It. The straight hair he had through most of he 00's did not suit him at all in my opinion. The curls made him look 20 years younger
I guess this style is called Jheri curls, he's kind of supernatural ;) when he wears that style. :) I really love it

Indeed, this thread deserves piccies :woohoo:

This is my MOST fave pic cause of his :D but I also :wub: the way his hair falls... I love it LONG and CURLY :heat:



I was also so :wild: that Michael brought back the curls in 2009 cause slick hair isn't really his style.

Out of all the MJ curls pictures there is. I just so totally L.O.V.E. this one the most. I think he just looks so extremely gorgeous, angelic, and sexy in that picture. It is no wonder the Who Is It Pepsi commercial (It is really called Pepsi Dreams I know.) is my number 1 favorite Pepsi commercial ever made. It is also another reason why I am so obsessed with anything that has to do with Who Is It. I just wish so very badly I had a poster of that picture. It would go so perfectly with my Who Is It poster. That I had kept up above my bed since 2004.
^ So beautiful

:thinking:Im not the only straight hair [with a little wave] fan i do know that :lol:
I hope more people add their opinions in this uplifting thread
Yay I love this thread already :D My absolute favorite would be long & curly, espicially on the Bad Tour :heart: He was so beautiful with a lot of different styles though.. as long as there's some loose curls falling over his forehead :D I think the 'Looking for me' pepsi one & his straight hair in Watzupwitu were also adorable :wub:




Cuteness overload :D :D
indeed, this is a :clap: thread...

This is my current FAVE piccie :wub:


Has the most :blush: smile and I love his hair there... long, curly, a little wet :heat:

Very good choice, wendijane. I definitely dug the ponytail in that commercial!

I suppose to be fair, I should now present some 'photo proof' backing up the doo (as in hairdo) that I mentioned some posts back:


(here's the link to the videos: http://www.mtv.com/videos/news/406507/what-makes-a-great-music-video.jhtml#id=1615223 )

~ and as a side note, I love the way he suspends his shades on the collar of his shirts...it's like magic how it changes the crew neck of a tee into an instant v-neck shirt! He's always been SUCH an illusionist. lol. Quite cool, though, doncha think? :)

And AlwaysThere, is this a good representation of the doo you were takin' about?


or this:


or, even this!!!


Yeah, ya got a point. :lol: Handsome there for sure. :yes:
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^I used to think it didnt suit him, the short hair around that time but the truth is, EVERYTHING looks good at this man. It's a bit unbelievable sometimes isn't it.

That curl in the middle, whooo

no comment

sweatish curlsss

Last but not least, the perfect shiny hair:wub:
^ is that to say, Ash, that Michael is sayin' to us, "I like the way my hair looked best whenever it fell loosely over my forehead during some aggressive chowing down of a bucket of popcorn!"


PS: I think that gif has been slowed down and in real tme he is devouring it at maximum speed....INHALE!


In my opinion, Michael is beautiful anyway with any type of hair..... :wub:
Short hair was awesome too,





Sidenote, its too bad we never got to see any performances from 86, he was kind of a hybrid between thriller and bad. That would have been cool :)
Hair or no hair, he's the most handsome man ever. His face changed a lot depending on what hair style he had, I find that fascinating. My friend who has curly hair looks like another person when he makes it straight.
I dig the curls. :wub: My favorites are the Dirty Diana/Moonwalker haircut and the one in the Give In To Me and Will You Be There videoclips.

I'm generally not much for the straight hair, but in Stranger in Moscow, it was really hot. :ninja: