Compilation of enlightening MJ books-contemporaries, fans+others (all genres)


Proud Member
Sep 15, 2009
"Please hold. All muses are busy right now, but yo
I figured it might be beneficial to have an ongoing thread that attempts to collect books available on Michael- as it might be handy for some to either check authored books- or to even add books to the list. (especially the lesser known gems+ and in addition to the singular threads when a new books is being published- as a compilation, if you will.)
So please do not be shy- if there is a book that we don't know about yet (it does NOT have to be in English!)- post it, let us know.

Since MJ had unparalleled international appeal and success I'd love to see an international book list- with books of all languages.


The range of books published is long... the only ones I intend to exclude are by the likes of Jones, Dimond etc and those seeking to accuse an innocent man of crimes toward those he loves most.

Looking forward to seeing more books showing up here for the book loving crowd. :)
It would be amazing if people could add books published in their country and in their native tongue- and then perhaps just give us brief synopsis on the topic of that book.
Ideally this could become a total no holds barred area for absolutely all genres as long as they reflect Michael fairly as the human being, artist and philanthropist that he is- fiction, non fiction, biography, fan fiction, sheet music etc. Anything.

Michael was known as lifelong book lover, collecting and reading books- yet even those books had been used to attack unfairly.
Books contain knowledge, he who choses and reads wisely has access to knowledge unparalleled. Let's compile and read...


P.S.: I thank my dear friend Elmira- and of course Michael- for the inspiration. There I am on the phone with a friend, it's 5am her time- while nightfall painted the sky dark under the moon across the globe- and we talked books.
A book we both read- and the understanding both of us took from the same author now residing elsewhere.
From a mere book we spoke and spoke and spoke...
Thank you, dear friend- you and your work inspire.
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"Au paradis avec Michael Jackson"
by Gonzague Saint Bris
ISBN-10: 2258084792
ISBN-13: 978-2258084797
Language: French

Translation of the book description on the French Amazon site:

"Do not judge a man until you have walked two miles in his moccasins."
Thus spoke Michael Jackson during his first journey into the heart of Africa with Gonzague Saint Bris in the year 1992.
Between the exploration of the Gabonese forest and the river Ogooué the global superstar confides in the author his aesthetic preferences, his spiritual choices, his love of history, his admiration for Michaelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci as well as his boundless taste for French castles- down to his dream of living out his days in one of them.
But Michael Jackson speaks also speaks to his human experiences, the secrets of his life, on the mysteries of his craft- a personal message on his unique search for beauty beyond all taboos.

Who would have suspected Michael Jackson privately to be a book loving scholar with a love for the writings of Charles Perrault and James Barrie - with an adoration of the paintings by Nicolas Poussin or Edgar Degas, the style of Louis XIV, the projects of André Le Nôtre, the music of Pergolesi and the architecture of Jacques-Ange Gabriel?

Gonzague Saint Bris was noticed by the King of Pop on the known TV show "Good Morning America" and became his traveling companion and cultural confidant from Africa to Europe and along the emerald green forest of the golden savannah. And this pilgrimage with Gonzague Saint Bris reveals the true life of Michael Jackson."

Présentation de l'éditeur

"Ne jugez pas un homme tant que vous n'avez pas marché deux limes d'affilée dans ses mocassins". Ainsi parlait Michael Jackson lors de son voyage initiatique au coeur de l'Afrique en compagnie de Gonzague Saint Bris. C'était en 1992. Entre une descente du fleuve Ogooué, une exploration de la forêt gabonaise ou une rencontre avec les Pygmées, la star planétaire confie à l'auteur ses préférences esthétiques, ses choix spirituels, son amour de l'Histoire, son admiration pour Michel-Ange et Léonard de Vinci comme son goût immodéré pour les châteaux de France, au point de rêver de finir ses jours dans l'un d'entre eux. Mais Michael Jackson en dit plus aussi sur ses expériences humaines, les secrets de sa vie, les mystères de son métier, délivrant un message personnel sur sa recherche singulière de la beauté au-delà de tous les tabous. Qui pouvait soupçonner que Michael Jackson était en privé un homme d'une grande érudition, épris de lecture, amoureux des écrits de Charles Perrault et de James Barrie, adorant la peinture de Nicolas Poussin ou d'Edgar Degas, le style de Louis XIV, les projets d'André Le Nôtre, la musique de Pergolèse et l'architecture de Jacques-Ange Gabriel ? Gonzague Saint Bris, qu'il avait remarqué dans la célèbre émission " Good Morning America ", est devenu, dans ce retour aux racines du Roi de la pop, son compagnon de route, de l'émeraude de la forêt à l'or de la savane, et son confident culturel de l'Afrique jusqu'à l'Europe. Et ce pèlerinage avec Gonzague Saint Bris révèle la vraie vie de Michael Jackson.

"Michael Jackson un uomo oltre lo specchio"
by Cristian Porcino
ISBN-10: 1447591577
ISBN-13: 978-1447591573
Language: Italian

Translation of the book description to the best ability of my (opera based) Italian:

"Michael Jackson, a man beyond the mirror", is uniquely wise not to preoccupy itself with the life long rumors, or the gossip and speculations of a conspiracy revolving around the life and death of the King of Pop- but rather chooses to analyze from a different viewpoint: a compelling and exciting assessment of Michael.
Reverend Dawson Talbot remarks in the foreword: "The author treated Michael with the respect that is due and with the appropriate sensitivity.

It would have been easy to stir up muddy waters that aim at the destruction of an innocent man-
but Porcino steered clear from these sad episodes respecting the memory of a great man.
"A book that one can read in one single breath- the way one would read a novel that should be of particular interest to those who have little or superficial knowledge about both the man and the music of Michael Jackson."

"Michael Jackson un uomo oltre lo specchio" À un saggio assolutamente originale in quanto non si occupa della vita, dei pettegolezzi e delle ipotesi di complotto che ruotano attorno alla vita e la morte del re del pop; ma analizza, da un'angolazione diversa, il pensiero di Michael con un piglio critico magistrale e appassionante. Come scrive nella prefazione il Reverendo Dawson Talbot questo libro:"ha trattato Michael col dovuto rispetto e la sensibilitá necessaria. Sarebbe stato facile rimestare nel torbido di faccende che avevano come obiettivo l'annientamento di un innocente, ma Porcino si À tenuto alla larga da certi episodi tristi per rispettare la memoria di un grand'uomo". Un saggio che si legge tutto d'un fiato proprio come un romanzo, dedicato soprattutto a chi conosce poco o in maniera superficiale sia l'uomo che la musica di Michael Jackson."


Das Mysterium von Michael Jackson und Sathya Sai Baba
("The Enigma of Michael Jackson and Sathya Sai Baba")
by Margott Schürings
ISBN-10: 3934281001
ISBN-13: 978-3934281004
Language: German

* A provocative book that puts together the puzzle that regular thought denies to recognize

* The "King of Pop" and the greatest scientist of all times are luminaries of forgotten knowledge and of the awakening of a several centuries old dream

* Michael Jackson Sathya Sai Baba are unique, each one in their own way. Vilified and rejected, defamed, praised- humiliated, glorified and exalted.

* Margott Schürings, Doctor of Philosophy, has elected MJ and Satha Sai Baba for this book, they have not been "chosen".

* The first and only book- worldwide- that illuminated the spiritual side of Michael Jackson

[I guess that was indeed true for 1999 when the book was first published]

* For all those who consciously departed onto this journey- at it's end one realizes that one has travelled from oneself to One Self. ...

... the dream continues...

... this time around it is a dream dreamt lucid and awake...


Translation of the summary as found on

This universal book of counsel is a challenging the consciousness of the masses. It deals with the broad topics of spiritual issues when examining both The King of Pop and the Avatar. The book proves that the truth is everywhere and that there is no location where truth is not. It proves that limited thought and lack of imagination in mankind is the reason that mankind does not know what to do- nor does mankind know itself.

Many carrying knowledge have spoken- from Jesus to Goethe, from Wilber to Ghandi, from Hesse to Laotse.

New and interesting is the mix of sources here and the proof that there is no place where God is not. What mankind considers reality is unreal and what mankind consider unreal, is reality. What mankind divides- is One. God and men, SPIRIT and nature, energy and matter- all these are different names and shapes for the One Truth that is without a name.


Edit: Will add English chapter summaries just in case there is someone out there as nuts as I am. :ph34r:
English chapter summaries:

Michael Jackson- hereinafter "MJ"

Sathya Sai Baba- herinafter "SSB" [thank God his middle name doesn't start with an "O"]

mankind = humankind, regardless of current gender understanding

[italic remarks in brackets are 'editorial comments' by me to facilitate better understanding through nuances used, context etc]

General comment: The book is only 192 pages long and one could seriously finish it in just a few hours. Apologies if it sounds complicated- it really isn't. It just sounds more complex since I am avoiding an actual translation which I don't feel okay with unauthorized, hence my attempt to summarize which is almost as long as the actual chapters. Translating it would be almost easier, I'm afraid.
The author does refer to literally everyone who came before her, hence the constant references.
P.S.: My summarizing does not mean agreement or rejecting of the subjects and conclusions drawn...

Foreword Second Edition 2009: [First Edition 1999 !]

Author declares that MJ now resides in the "place with no name"; not as the King Of Pop- but as a great soul, a Mahātmā.
[author seems to refer to the use of the word as used by Helena Blavatsky and in the theosophical literature that followed, since Blavatsky is listed as source very early on in the index]

Chapter 1: "The Diagnosis"

- Author proposes that all mankind suffers from a rampant disease.
-This disease being the 'collective amnesia' within mankind.
-What mankind has forgotten are the essential questions of "Who am I? Who are you? Where did we come from? Author cites "Are you listening?" by MJ, from "Dancing the Dream".
-Author seeks confirmation of MJ's questions by citing SBB, who in turn referred to the Vedanta and also the
Sanathana Sarathi by SSB.
-Author explains meanings, history etc of Vedanta, explores the word "veda/knowledge".
-Author further explores the importance that "Who am I? Who are you?" had to SSB and the general importance of wondering "who am I and where did I come from".
-Author references James Redfield's "Celestine Prophecy", citing Redfield as "mankind running through the world, wearing the blinders intentionally."

Chapter 2: "The Reminders and those who remind us"

- Author implores reader to listen to the messages of those two who she considers unaffected of such amnesia: MJ and SSB.
- Author cites "Two Birds" by MJ from "Dancing the Dream", relates the purpose of the book to finding the second bird and ask how one can possibly find the second bird when not knowing what it actually is that one is looking for.
-Author hypothesizes about the relevance of the search for our getting healed from aforementioned amnesia.
- Theorizes that healing will be achieved upon remembrance of who we are and where we come from.
- Compares not knowing to a river that doesn't know where it springs from.
- Suggests that the past consists of lessons to be learned as the only way to be present in the present.
-Author suggests that those who wish for healing from amnesia, need to sharpen their memory until they remember all that they once knew. [one could cut that short by calling it the "Ancient Wisdom" as many have done- despite theosophical tendencies this book theosophical- at least not in my very, very limited understanding since the author clearly refers to a narrow human focus at least in the beginning of the book- as far as I understood Theosophy, these principles would be applied universally and not to mankind alone. Author seems to be coming for a Hinduism standpoint largely]

-Author cites SSB's analogy of the little boy who was playing with a brittle world map that breaks into many pieces upon which the Father suggests putting the map back together with tape. The proves nearly impossible for the little boy until he sees a human eye on the backside of a piece of paper that contains the world map on the other side. Other human body parts become visible on the pieces of paper and by assembling the human, the boy manages to piece together the world map that is printed on the other side.

-Author references Plato and his use of "amnesis" and the subsequent fragmentation that needs to be overcome.
-Author references and cites "A Course in Miracles" [what the only sin and fall of mankind are according to ACIM) and that "reality didn't change just because it was forgotten". Cites that forgiveness shall be the way through which we remember.

Chapter 3: "The Heart's Eye"

- Author theorizes that one has to use the inner eye in order to dismantle the layers of the material to reach the essence.

> References to Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince"> That one can only see well with the heart. The fox maintains logic and reasoning and the outwardly directed view.

- States that world and men are connected and that both suffer the destiny of the other.

- Author proposes that mankind will be holy, redeemed and delivered when understanding has been reached that one is hole and holy. (further states being aware of 'freak outs' upon the use of the word "holy")

- suggests that words and language are merely instruments and directional signs in the landscape.
That understanding is only possible when reaching the essence.

- Author states that words themselves are mere empty shells without meaning and that the meaning of words is thus not identical in people since words are being filled with meaning to create a whole that is filed with differing experiences and that no 2 people on this planet have the same exact experiences.

- Author delves into the difference between expression by the 'sayer' and the impression of the receiver.
Thus expression and impression are bound to differ due to the impossibility of 2 people assigning the same exact meaning to one word.

- A complete understanding is said to be therefore impossible between us through words since associations, feelings and thoughts supposedly blur the clear view of actual reality.

-That essence can be found when going beyond words to be open toward "Being" and reality.

- Author states that human evolution strives toward expression and impression becoming identical, but that this would be a rare occurrence in the current state of us.

- Suggests that readers are meant to do just that- to find for themselves if the author's words are to be filled with the readers interpretation and for the words to be used for their own purposes, or if the reader is willing look with the heart to see what the author is trying to express?

- Cites Descartes' "Cogito ergo sum" (I think therefore I am) and assigns that conclusion the role of a fatal dogma that confirms "being" being bound form.

- Maintains that this dogma is bondage and enchains both science and scientists.
If man would learn to love first and only analyze and judge second- then a portal to reality could be found since only thought born from love can mirror reality that is eternal und unchangeable.

- Cites MJ's song "Childhood" as proof of MJ's plea to switch the sequence of judgement and loving around. ("Before you judge me, try hard to love me", HIStory)
Author then asks if he meant himself personally or if was expressing an eternal law?

- Author takes side excursion to Plato's "Theory of Forms" [or "Theory of Ideas"] and his "anamnesis".
Author condensed it into "nothing fills man from the outside, but man remembers something that is already innate, but was forgotten."

- Suggests that the idea originates from a place beyond thinking and the mind and therefore cannot be grasped with concepts and words, but can be revealed through "knowing" and lived through awareness revealing itself without words in a direct fashion.
Cites "Heal The World. ("There's a place in your heart and I know that it is love.")

- States "I know that I don't know" to be the first step on the path of true knowledge and proceeds to assert that science merely constructs a reality on the basis of theories and trying to prove these theories, that every theory has a counter theory. (includes statistics and math models)

- Refers to science as Believe-ism and cites the earth is flat as such example.

- States that there is only one truth and that Jesus of everyone narrowed it down.

Matthew 11:25
At that time Jesus declared, "I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes;..."

- Author maintains that inspiration means for the reasoning mind to be void of outward concepts and ideas, so that spirit may fill it.

- Declares that religion and science are both believe systems, but considers them necessary help for verdant ("unripe") humans, maintaining that nobody has a right to takes this support away.

- States that science often wanted to disprove something with the result that truth has been found.
Cites examples of Para-Psychologists who traveled to India with the goal to "expose" SBB as charlatan etc. Cites another example of a journalist with the same intentions. When SBB answered all questions in a 2.5 hours interview without the journalist even having asked a single question. Journalist concluded that SBB is all knowing.

- According to the author children are the ones in teaching us what knowledge is as it relates to knowledge through experience.

- States that there is no reason and no explanation for such knowledge and that true knowledge cannot be explained or substantiated because that would be a function of the mind and reasoning while true knowledge is located somewhere beyond the mind.

- How can the intellect comprehend something that is outside of its reach because the reason for it is out its reach?

- author then poses rhetorical question what all of this has to do with MJ and SBB? PATIENCE.
Patience is being described as the first virtue on the journey; said journey has to be one from the heart as only then comprehension will be possible.

- Cites SBB as there being only one language, the language of the heart. Cites passage from "Moonwalk" by MJ how certain foreign trips helped him deepen the understanding that there's more than things that hands can touch and eyes can see.

- Quotes a book on Merlin/King Arthur legend. "If you had looked into my eyes and felt my heart, you would have recognized me... ."- Author proposes that those who want to find their own Self should follow the tour guides and directional signs by the named of MJ and SBB.
That perhaps those that understand both MJ and SBB know themselves. And that one better not have any fear of heights since both leaders are 2 birds that kidnap us on occasion up into the air to release us gently onto the ground.

Chapter 4: Will update with more chapter summaries in English whenever I feel like I can handle this particular book again.
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Vom King of Pop zum Mahatma: Reise einer Großen Seele
("From King of Pop to the Mahatma: Voyage of a Great Soul")
by Margott Schürings
ISBN-10: 3934281028
ISBN-13: 978-3934281028
Language: German

Translation of description:

With a bolt of thunder, aged 50 - and far too early- with that bolt Michael J. Jackson departed the earthly stage on June 25.
With each concert he appeared like a bolt of thunder on the stage that remained his home all his life.
He was loved and adored, scorned and defamed. Being the most famous one- barely anyone knew him. Michael Jackson remained a mystery all his life. The world agrees that he was genius and master of his craft.

Im Alter von 50 Jahren - viel zu früh - trat Michael Joseph Jackson am 25. Juni 2009 wie ein Donnerschlag von der irdischen Bühne ab.
Bei jedem seiner zahllosen Konzerte war er wie ein Donnerschlag auf der Bühne erschienen, die zeitlebens sein Zuhause war. Er wurde geliebt und verehrt, verhöhnt und verleumdet. Als der Bekannteste unter der Sonne hat ihn kaum jemand gekannt. Michael Jackson blieb zeitlebens ein Mysterium.
Die Welt ist sich einig, dass er ein Genie und ein Meister seines Faches war.
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Re: Compilation of enlightening+positive (various genres) MJ books-contemporaries, fans+others



Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson [Hardcover]
by Joseph Vogel
ISBN-10: 1402779380
ISBN-13: 978-1402779381
Language: English

Over his four decades in the public spotlight, Michael Jackson dazzled audiences, broke down barriers, and transformed popular music. Yet his brilliance as an artist has often been overshadowed by the tabloid frenzy that surrounded his unusual life. Now author Joseph Vogel returns to to the albums, songs and videos that made the King of Pop a cultural force in the first place. From Off the Wall and Thriller, to Bad, Dangerous, HIStory and beyond, Vogel takes us deep inside Jackson's vast musical catalog. Each song is carefully considered, from well-known classics like "Billie Jean" and "Beat It" to lesser-known standouts like "Stranger in Moscow" and "Who Is It."

Meticulously researched and documented, Man in the Music draws on hundreds of sources, including news archives, reviews, Jackson's own words, and interviews with key collaborators. With each chapter, Vogel takes the reader back in time, placing the music in its social and historical context, discussing its relation to Jackson's personal life, and revealing never-before-heard stories from the studio. Featuring a foreword by Rolling Stone contributing editor Anthony DeCurtis and a wealth of color photos, this unique book provides the first comprehensive assessment of the "man in the music."



Earth Song: Inside Michael Jackson's Magnum Opus (Paperback)
by Joseph Vogel
ISBN-10: 0981650694
ISBN-13: 978-0981650692
Language: English

Released in November of 1995, Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" was in many ways anachronistic. In both subject and sound, it was like nothing else on the radio. It defied the cynicism and apathy of Generation X; it challenged the aesthetic expectations for a "pop song" (or even a "protest song"), fusing blues, opera, rock and gospel; and it demanded accountability in an era of corporate greed, globalization and environmental indifference. A massive hit globally (reaching #1 in over fifteen countries), it wasn't even offered as a single in the United States. Yet nearly two decades later, it stands as one of Jackson's greatest artistic achievements.

In this groundbreaking monograph, author Joseph Vogel (Man in the Music: The Creative Life & Work of Michael Jackson) details the song's context and evolution from its inception in Vienna in 1988, to its release and reception in 1995, to Jackson's final live performance in Munich in 1999. Based on original research, including interviews with the song's key participants, Earth Song: Inside Michael Jackson's Magnum Opus offers a fascinating reassessment of this prophetic musical statement.

Kindle edition also available:

  • File Size: 208 KB
  • Print Length: 130 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0981650694
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0057HM6EY
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Re: Compilation of enlightening+positive (various genres) MJ books-contemporaries, fans+others


Michael Jackson: Complete Chord Book (Topline/Chords/Lyrics)
ISBN-10: 0571533795
ISBN-13: 978-0571533794

This is a comprehensive songbook featuring 109 songs. The 332-page book contains a biography, a discography, all the songs arranged with top line, chords and lyrics and a separate section of all the lyrics too! Michael Jackson (August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009), the self-proclaimed 'King of Pop' made his debut as an entertainer in 1968 as a member of The Jackson 5. He began a solo career in 1972 while still a member of the group but it was 1979 with the release of "Of The Wall" that he started his meteroic rise. "Thriller" (1982) remains the world's best-selling album (over 65 million copies sold) and his further solo studio albums are still among the world's best-selling records: "Bad" (1987), "Dangerous" (1991) and "HIStory" (1995).
Re: Compilation of enlightening+positive (various genres) MJ books-contemporaries, fans+others


In the Studio with Michael Jackson [Paperback]
by Bruce Swedien
ISBN-10: 1423464958
ASIN: B0030DFSZQ (Kindle Edition)
Language: English

The inside secrets of Michael Jackson's greatest records by the Grammy-winning engineer who captured and enhanced their sound. Multiple color photos of Jackson, producer Quincy Jones, and all the talents who collaborated to make pop history with Jackson's albums. Plucked from a job at legendary Universal Audio in Chicago, Bruce Swedien entered into a fruitful and historic 30-year relationship with producer Quincy Jones. That partnership culminated in the groundbreaking recordings of Michael Jackson, beginning with The Wiz, continuing with Jackson's breakout solo debut Off the Wall, and triumphing with Thriller, which revolutionized music and video and fixed Jackson in culture as the King of Pop. Now Swedien reveals the technical details of creating those albums (along with Bad, Dangerous, and HIStory) and offers personal remembrances and anecdotes about working with the pop icon. Swedien's book provides an insider's look that will thrill anyone interested in the nuts and bolts of hit making and the history of some of America's most influential recordings. * Large collection of photographs from Michael Jackson recording sessions * Forewords by producer Quincy Jones and writer/producer Rod Temperton
Re: Compilation of enlightening+positive (various genres) MJ books-contemporaries, fans+others


Thriller: The Musical Life of Michael Jackson [Paperback]
by Nelson George
ISBN-10: 0306819686
Language: English

Kindle Edition:
File Size: 326 KB
Print Length: 258 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0306819686
Publisher: Da Capo Press; 1 edition (June 8, 2010)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
ASIN: B003P2W1K2

Nook book:
ISBN-13: 9780306819070
Publisher: Perseus Publishing
Publication date: 6/8/2010
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 256
File size: 283 KB

Book Description
Publication Date: May 24, 2011
From legendary hip-hop and R&B journalist Nelson George, Thriller is the definitive chronicle of the bestselling album of all time. George explores how the album changed the world in 1982, when Michael Jackson was king of the charts, breaking down the color barrier on MTV and heralding in the age of video. This incisive and revealing examination of the making and meaning of Thriller not only illuminates the brilliant creative process and work ethic of Jackson and producer Quincy Jones, but also explores the larger context of the music, life, and seismic impact the King of Pop has had for more than three generations.
Re: Compilation of enlightening+positive (various genres) MJ books-contemporaries, fans+others


Michael Jackson: A Life In Music [Paperback]

by Geoff Brown
ISBN-10: 1849382638
ISBN-13: 978-1849382632
Language: English

This is the indispensible consumers' guide to the music of Michael Jackson and the members of the Jackson family. Now updated to include Michael Jackson's solo album "Invincible". An album by album, track by track, examination of every song released by The Jackson 5, both as a group and as individuals, together with a special section on Michael's phenomenally successful solo ventures and the success of his sister Janet. It also covers the Motown era and all subsequent recordings. Features include: a detailed album by album, track by track analysis; a separate index on compilation albums; a song index for easy reference; and an eight page colour section.

Kindle Edition:
File Size: 3685 KB
Print Length: 64 pages
Publisher: Omnibus Press (April 7, 2010)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services

Nook book:
ISBN-13: 9780857122575
Publisher: Music Sales Corporation
Publication date: 7/4/2010
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
File size: 9 MB

Publication Date: April 7, 2010

Not just a complete fan's guide to the music of Michael Jackson, this book is the definitive overview of the unforgettable King of Pop's unique career.

Album by album, track by track, it examines every song released by The Jackson 5, as well as Michael's complete solo output from Off The Wall in 1979 to his last album of original material, Invincible, in 2001.

Features include:
  • A brand new chronology
  • A detailed album by album, track by track analysis
  • A separate section on compilation albums
  • A song index for easy reference.
  • Eight page colour timeline
  • Dozens of quotes from Michael himself
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Re: Compilation of enlightening+positive (various genres) MJ books-contemporaries, fans+others


Michael Jackson Conspiracy [Paperback]
by Aphrodite Jones
ISBN-10: 0578061112
ISBN-13: 978-0578061115
Language: English

Publication Date: November 11, 2010

Aphrodite Jones uses the court transcripts and photo evidence never before seen by the public to tell the real story behind the salacious headlines -- and what went on inside -- and outside -- Michael Jackson's highly sensationalized 2005 criminal trial. Turns out, inside the courtroom, there was no proof offered of Michael Jackson as a sinister character, and no proof that he committed a single crime. In their efforts to win ratings, Jones proves,the media completely missed the truth. Back then, Jackson was the pop icon everyone loved to hate. Now, with Michael Jackson Conspiracy, he may be restored to the pop icon everyone loves to love.
Re: Compilation of enlightening+positive (various genres) MJ books-contemporaries, fans+others


It's All About L.O.V.E.
A compilation of stories from fans, edited by Brigitte Bloemen, Martina Dobler, and Miriam Lohr.
Paperback: 446 pages
Publisher: BoD (February 5, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 383914941X
ISBN-13: 978-3839149416
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American Master
by C. Mecca
ISBN-10: 0965517403
ISBN-13: 978-0965517409
Language: English

Edit: According the internet folklore the book has been (back in the day) receiving the blessing of MJJ Production.
Further edit: Apparently the book contains a foreword by Bob Jones- but that just goes to show you that all was good in the day when it was written. :yes:
According to several reviewers the book is precious, free of negative slander slant and a joy for every collector.
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Marvelous Michael Jackson
an unauthorized biography
by Barbara McCall
Published 1984 by Weekly Reader Books in Middletown, CT .
Language: English

From one reviewer:
Marvelous Michael Jackson, written by Barbara McCall, was originally sold through the Scholastic Book Program sponsored by Weekly Reader Books. Young kids will enjoy learning about Michael Jackson, the origin of the Jackson 5 pop music band, and Michael's musical influences like James Brown and Diana Ross.

There are 48 color photos and a 20-question Trivia Quiz in this neat book. I really liked this book as a great introduction to Michael Jackson's early fame. The photo descriptions and simple paragraphs of information let kids know about things like where Michael was born, his early stage appearances, and some of the first songs he sang in public.

Topics included in the 5 chapters include The Motown Years, Michael going solo, and all about the world's biggest-selling album, Thriller. Kids will love the full-page photos and easy to read storyline.

Even if you're not a child, this book details Michael's life from the beginning through the Thriller years and should be in every MJ collection.

Edit: They had me by the time I read "Scholastic School Program"- sounds like something Michael would appreciate.

American Master
by C. Mecca
ISBN-10: 0965517403
ISBN-13: 978-0965517409
Language: English

Edit: According the internet folklore the book has been (back in the day) receiving the blessing of MJJ Production.
Further edit: Apparently the book contains a foreword by Bob Jones- but that just goes to show you that all was good in the day when it was written. :yes:
According to several reviewers the book is precious, free of negative slander slant and a joy for every collector.

That book is very rare and bloody expensive!

Michael Jackson
by Stewart Regan
Crescent; 1st Edition in this form edition (June 27, 1984)
Language: English​

I have this book :D Love the pics in it :D

P.S. What's that 'Michael Jackson - American Master' about? I've never heard of it :scratch:
^I love it, too. I love some of the older 80ies books, actually!

The "American Master" is a very highly sought after book- total collector's item. Expensive and rare. According to those owning it it's of high quality print and one of the best intelligent works about Michael and his art written in his lifetime. The kind of discourse we all longed to see.
^I love it, too. I love some of the older 80ies books, actually!

The "American Master" is a very highly sought after book- total collector's item. Expensive and rare. According to those owning it it's of high quality print and one of the best intelligent works about Michael and his art written in his lifetime. The kind of discourse we all longed to see.

And these are the types of books that are the rare ones? Such a shame that so many disgusting pieces of tabloid are in print, yet these beautiful books are so rare...

But I would love to get my hands on it....:)


You Are Not Alone / Portraits & Paintings of Michael Joseph Jackson
By Dan Lacey

ISBN 9781105939082
Copyright Dan Lacey (Standard Copyright License)
Edition First Edition
Publisher Lulu
Published July 9, 2012
Language English
Pages 40
Binding Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Full color
Weight 0.51 lbs.
Dimensions (inches) 8.5 wide x 8.5 tall

Dan Lacey 'The Painter of Pancakes' portrays Michael Jackson in this collection of nearly 100 of his unique and engaging paintings of the King of Pop. The originals of the art featured in this collection were either auctioned on ebay or commissioned by other MJ fans.



A Loving Tribute To The King Of Pop
by Eliza Lo

Description from the artist herself:
This hard cover book contains 137 drawings I have done to honor Michael Jackson. In keeping with Michael's legacy all proceeds from this book will go to help underprivileged children. Your support would be greatly appreciated!
For information on ordering, please email: or visit my website:!

The book can be purchased directly from the artist:!contact

Ever After
by Brenda Jenkyns
ISBN: 0-7414-7620-7
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 32 pages

The story of Michael Jackson’s life is one of amazing talent, incredible determination, endless hard work, and unlimited love. Ever After is a picture book for children and adults, telling the story of Michael Jackson, to comfort and inspire all of us to honor his message of love and, by doing our best at whatever we love to do, to make the world a better place.
Last edited:

With all our L.O.V.E - Letters for Michael Jackson
by Various Authors
Published on: Feb-09-2010
8.5 x 8.5 - Case w/Laminate - Hardcover - Color - Picture Book
56 pages

This book is composed of letters written to Michael Jackson following his passing. Our last words to a man who gave us his all!! All Proceeds go to Heal the World for Children.

Messages from the authors:
This book is written by a collective group of Michael Jackson fans in memory of the wonderful life he gave to us! Michael Jackson was an amazing man and we wanted to do our part to make that change!

Michael Jackson: A Visual Documentary The Official Tribute Edition [Paperback]
by Adrian Grant
Paperback: 196 pages
Publisher: Omnibus Press; 5th edition edition (August 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1849382611
ISBN-13: 978-1849382618
Product Dimensions: 11.3 x 9 x 0.6 inches

From the fifties to his death in 2009, it is a complete record of Michael's moves, grooves and music. Illustrated with hundreds of colour and black and white photographs, it includes all Michael's records, concerts, videos and awards, memorabilia and records you never knew existed. From Steeltown to Motown, from the Jackson 5 to his own man, from "The Wiz" to "Thriller", Michael Jackson was bad, smooth, dangerous and invincible. He made the most exciting videos, with the deffest moves, played the most spectacular concerts, and filled the world's largest arenas. He began performing at the age of five, broke records since he was 11 and was a star without equal from the age of 21. Never far from the media spotlight Michael's whole aura often seemed alienated from reality. "The Visual Documentary" presents all the facts about Michael's life and death as never before. Here is everything you need to know about the tragic superstar. "Michael Jackson - The Visual Documentary" has been compiled by Adrian Grant, a writer renowned fort his close affiliation with Jackson and a pioneer of many Jackson related projects including the stage musical "Thriller".

Michael Jackson: In Search Of Neverland [Paperback]
by Gloria Rhoads Berlin
Paperback: 108 pages
Publisher: Gloria Rhoads Publications; First edition edition
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0615355730
ISBN-13: 978-0615355733
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.1 inches

Gloria Rhoads Berlin began her life in Hollywood as an actress, From films like "Cowboy" with Glen Ford and other MGM major film productions Gloria had bit parts in many of them. Elizabeth Taylor and Gloria had the same talent agent for a number of years in the 40's and 50's. She later in life transitioned into publicity and journalism, writing for the Hollywood Times, Hollywood Night Life, and Hollywood Entertainer Weekly. By the 1970s, Gloria had moved into real estate, and she and her late husband Morton Berlin formed the Merlin Land Investment Corp. Gloria's primary focus in real estate became Estate luxury residential homes, paving the way for her to become the broker on the sale of the century, Michael Jackson's purchase of the ranch that came to be known as Neverland.