♥ Happy Birthday Michael ♥

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~On the 29th of August, 1958
A being was born who would prove most great.
Endowed with passion and the ability to sing
He showed little glimpses of the boy who would be King.

His childhood was lonely, with few friends of his own
His constant companion, instead, a microphone.
As his peers played, imagined, and laughed
He worked late into the night, to perfect his craft.

Blessed with talent and charisma to boot
He charmed audiences who thought, "How cute!"
With adoration and success, it would seem
That little Michael had achieved his dream.

Alas, for the boy performing onstage
His talent and poise belied his true age.
He longed to be a child, carefree and content
But it was the spotlight where his childhood was spent.

He continued to work, dazzling millions around the world
As he matured, his life's mission unfurled.
"I don't care if they call me a weirdo, or strange
I will use my music to make a change."

His love and generosity he could not contain
He reached out to all who were suffering, in pain.
He was lovingly embraced by many in need
But others sought his care, purely for greed.

He fought bravely to clear his good name
In front of a world that regarded him with shame.
Then one summer night in 2009
Michael closed his eyes for the final time.

As he ascended to the heavens above
He left two precious gifts, his art and his love.
His bright light will never stop shining
For he lives on in us all

Forever our King.~

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