Katherine & MJ's kids sue AEG / Trial date April 2, 2013

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Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

How do we know that Murray was NOT hired by AEG????....Because they say so? I don't think we should be so quick to jump tp AEG's defense....Michael never signed that contract either for Murray to be his doctor...Murray plainly states that AEG was the one that was suppose to pay him 150,000 dollars a month..


aeg and murray are not even reliable. They've already told countless lies and contradictions, all which has yet to be cleared up.

According to murrray, Michael had SIX WEEKS to sign that contract!!
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

It actually has not been proven either way if AEG hired Murray, or if Michael did -- regardless if Michael had used that physician in the past. That is a key element of Katherine's lawsuit, and that may (or may not) come out in court. It's a question of liability. In a legal sense, if a company hires a contractor to do something, and that contractor causes a fatality while performing that job, the company can be held liable. That's just the way it works, even if the company did nothing specifically to cause the death.

We know that there was an UNSIGNED contract re: Murray/AEG on the seat of Murray's car when it was impounded. There have also been emails that have been leaked that reveal correspondence between Murray and AEG -- regarding the London trip, housing, and insurance. So in that sense, that may be sufficient to determine Murray's employment by AEG. It's a murky situation, and if Katherine's lawsuit does not make it to court, we may never know . . . .

It's to be expected that AEG's attorneys would attempt to make Katherine's lawsuit go away. We don't know yet, if that will happen, or not.
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

What strikes me the most about all of this is that it's not just Katherin's lawsuit....it's the children's lawsuit as well. Makes me wonder what they know, or what they have heard. They must have been there at the house when randy phillips, murray, and others went over to michael's house together and aeg threatened Michael.

Look at this video. It shows the emails between aeg and murray. Frank DiLeo says that in the beginning Michael KNEW what doctor he wanted, murray. A couple months later, Michael asks DiLeo "have you found a doctor yet?" :scratch:

ps: aside from the aeg contract, dont start with brian oxman. believe it or not, as far as this autopsy goes, he is correct in this vid.
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Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

Ivy, thank you for the summary of the document.
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

It actually has not been proven either way if AEG hired Murray, or if Michael did -- regardless if Michael had used that physician in the past. That is a key element of Katherine's lawsuit, and that may (or may not) come out in court. It's a question of liability. In a legal sense, if a company hires a contractor to do something, and that contractor causes a fatality while performing that job, the company can be held liable. That's just the way it works, even if the company did nothing specifically to cause the death.

We know that there was an UNSIGNED contract re: Murray/AEG on the seat of Murray's car when it was impounded. There have also been emails that have been leaked that reveal correspondence between Murray and AEG -- regarding the London trip, housing, and insurance. So in that sense, that may be sufficient to determine Murray's employment by AEG. It's a murky situation, and if Katherine's lawsuit does not make it to court, we may never know . . . .

It's to be expected that AEG's attorneys would attempt to make Katherine's lawsuit go away. We don't know yet, if that will happen, or not.


aeg and murray are not even reliable. They've already told countless lies and contradictions, all which has yet to be cleared up.

According to murrray, Michael had SIX WEEKS to sign that contract!!

Did you two bother reading Katherine's original lawsuit?

Did you also take the time and read AEG's response?

Because if not, I don't know how you can fairly comment on this from now on?

Take the time and read the freely available documents (all of them), form a facts-based opinion (from both documents)...otherwise, just skip the discussion because you are not adding anything new to it....just repeating the same information.


Thank you Ivy for your great summary..I read it before the full document. Very helpful...as always.
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Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

. . .
And I will forever think Klein should also have to explain what Michael was doing for so many hours in his office, and what he gave to him over the years.

. . .

This is in defense of Michael's right to privacy and not Klein . . .

Who is to say that it hasn't been explained to the proper authorities what Michael was doing for so many hours in his office? The info. may have been obtained and verified but since it may not have to do with the case, it was not released; we don't have the right to know all his medical business. And if it is connected with the case, then it is not going to be revealed now either.

Remember that records were confiscated and I'm sure that the coroner and other authorities aren't dummies when it comes to piecing together someone's medical history and seeing where there are holes or things that just don't jive with what is being recorded.
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

. . . If Murray was on on AEG payroll, AEG was responsible what was going on with Michael's health. Looks like nobody cared that he was losing weight, did not eat anything. They put too much pressure on this man and he could not sleep.

Who has verified that Michael had too much pressure put on him? That can only come from Michael himself.

Remember all the projects that have surfaced that Michael was working on simultaenously with the concert preparations; were those putting pressure on him also?

And if the concert preparations were the reason that he could not sleep, then other bouts in the past with insomnia was a result of what?

At this point, people are going to have to get way more info before pointing fingers here and there.

I still have questions about the state that this lawsuit claims Michael was in; it doesn't jive with anything others who were around him day to day says for months. I'd have to see more evidence that he was so out of it because it doesn't jive with him being able to take proper care of his children at this time if all this is true; yet, no one has questioned his fathering abilities.

Thanks for the summary, Ivy.
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Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

How do we know that Murray was NOT hired by AEG????....Because they say so?


aeg and murray are not even reliable. They've already told countless lies and contradictions, all which has yet to be cleared up.

It actually has not been proven either way if AEG hired Murray, or if Michael did -- regardless if Michael had used that physician in the past.

Autumn is right here. In his wrongful death lawsuit Joe and Oxman states that Michael knew Murray since 2008. MJ's bodyguards say that they knew and saw Murray in Vegas. (I think Murray also acknowledged this). So arguing Murray was a random doctor AEG came up and chose will be hard to impossible. It's more about duties and liabilities of AEG here.

who hired who will be a contractual determination. However as far a we know everyone was being paid by AEG (dancers, make up etc) but selected by Michael. We'll wait and see how this pans out.
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

Lil bit OT
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

i agree with some of it:yes:but let it go on:yes::yes::mad:
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

What strikes me the most about all of this is that it's not just Katherin's lawsuit....it's the children's lawsuit as well. Makes me wonder what they know, or what they have heard. They must have been there at the house when randy phillips, murray, and others went over to michael's house together and aeg threatened Michael.

Look at this video. It shows the emails between aeg and murray. Frank DiLeo says that in the beginning Michael KNEW what doctor he wanted, murray. A couple months later, Michael asks DiLeo "have you found a doctor yet?" :scratch:

ps: aside from the aeg contract, dont start with brian oxman. believe it or not, as far as this autopsy goes, he is correct in this vid.

I'd say you shouldn't bother, judging from most of the reactions. I'm even amazed at how some important videos like the above still exist and haven't been taken down. What was taken down and can't be found is a really crucial article about a fitness trainer who met MIchael (when working out with Lou Ferrigno) two weeks before June 25, and he told her how he was so upset, how "They were mean... just so mean", when he told 'them' (it's anyone's guess to wonder who They are) he was about to cancel some shows. Already, when one only got postpones, a mass of hysteria happened. He just couldn't win, when All sides are pressuring One man to do something They want. One man only. And stupid morons like Murray profited from his severe and Justified insomnia under the circumstances and took him away sooner. How I wished he (MJ) had been more selfish.

Before moderators may rush to delete this post, I'll say that I am not welcome in the conspiracy subforum, which is why I'm typing this here.

When ppl ask of others to refrain from mentioning conspiracy theories, ask yourselves first what the 2003 trial was, and if it was just about some stupid, money-hungry families that were acting by themselves to take down a powerful man like MJ. You're obviously stifling debates, freedom of speech. This has Anything to do with plotting, what June 25 happened. AEG to be actually defended, or seen as minor contributors to his passing, that major conglomerate that Pushed him into performing 50 shows, begging him for 2 years, threatening him by saying 'it's a do or die thing". Who are They he was complaining about? Who is Thome and Co.? The one trying to steal All of Neverland from him. AEG putting tickets on sale immediately after the March 5 press-conference. Pressuring him to go to rehearsals, Randy Philips himself saying he went over to his house to drag him to rehearsals? Isn't that much pressure slow murder? How can a man truly fall asleep when he's got a hungry, mostly ungrateful world to please? When he's sued left and right, pressured to tour here and there, and everywhere> How much more would that one person really endure, when scrutinized at every step? How do you explain the many fake death rumors before June 25, how Halperin was saying ultimately that he'd die in 6 months? How would this corporative world handle a man of his influence, on his first tour in 12 years, saying the words he did at his rehearsals: "We are family. Just know that. We are a family. You have to put love back into the world. To remind the world that LOVE is important. Love is important. To love each other. We are all one. There's a message...
Take care of the Planet. We have four years to get it right. Or else it's irreversible damage we've done. So I have an important message to give. Okay. It's important. I thank you for your cooperation. It's important. Thank You. Big Thank You...'' With that message? When he got to put Sony down, soon afterwards being accused of the same thing which is surely, yet slowly getting legalized? Epic is a label owned by Sony Music, they released the album "Michael" (that never had Michael's blessing, they never were finished and I'll stop at that) with three more than questionable tracks and truly managed to dismember fandom, got people to hate each other, be rude and noisy and defamatory, all this time Sony lavishly and carelessly collecting the almighty dollars; how do they manage do keep fooling music-hungry people, by re-re-releasing albums and people buying them (not all, of course) all the time.

Of course, many would rush to say "So, let's ask that all are set to prison". No, I'm not saying that, neither Kasume and others like them are saying. Just saying that AEG.... one needs to really read the history of corporations and their evolution and everything to really get it that supporters of conspiracy theories, although some do see everything as a result of conspiracy, and do seem awfully... not well saying that, ct's are a reality. Murray was ultimately the one who got hired to take care of Jackson and monitor his health, many conflicting stories about who ultimately hired him for this task. AEG, to save their huge, thick skin, are of course, gonna say whatever saves them from trial. To hunt a man and manipulate him into accepting to tour for an impossible number of 50 shows, seeing how he seemed sleepy, not resting, calling Ortega in the middle of the night with ideas for the show that he got so involved in, because he risked the laughters and complaints of too many unless he was putting into practice his perfectionism. How could one ignore his many assertions of dislike and hatred of touring, really? Or ignore what Kai Chase said he had told her once, that 'the rehearsals are killing me', how could one sleep with his adrenalin sky-high, with a non-stop functioning brain, with having to take care of his 3 children? With living in fear, and having to wonder who really is his friend, with all the media hostility? Living in fear and insecurity, yeah, the Klein's visits weren't done out of pleasure. Klein should be put to bars instantly for fueling Michael's insecurities. Many other people.

When companies are killing themselves to attain you, to make money for them, when they consider you a money-making machine and nothing more. Cause they only care about money, as Sony do, who're making more money than they ever did in their history, and the industry destroying more 'artists' today than they ever could before. With brainwashing people to react the way they do and fight, and get confused and inactive and wandering.. Do you have any idea how many really killed him? Time after time in his short, but full life? Stop blaming a family who wants to sue mafia clans like AEG. The family isn't guiltless (excepting the children, of course), not at all, but there are already too many hate threads on them, and this is all about AEG, really. Fast review events from March 5, really. All the Viagogo mess, the awfully increased prices they asked in partnership with AEG really, from fans, Michael telling AEG's Randy Philips: "No more shows, Randy, no more shows".. How they went from what M accepted, which is 10, then 30 or 31 (his "huge dollars note has 30 on it too), then is forced by "demand" to comply with this program. If AEG really cared about him and his health, they wouldn't have pressured him into 50. Ortega himself told more than once how he (Kenny) was nervous about him, up until his last couple of days, when he (Michael) saw the show is shaping itself more).

What about the unfinished shows, the unfinished rehearsals? Less than 4 months to prepare all for the shows, a month and a half (from May 7) to rehearse, really. For a perfectionist... no, for a human being, really, nobody could get things prepared in less than 2 months. For an insomniac who didn't know where to turn and who to ask for help, like he did on Father's Day, or right after it, when e complained of feeling both cold and hot. Yeah, he asked for help, no one heard him/, so cons like Murray could say, for the huuuge price he was being paid (by whom, no one really knows), that he can help him. Otherwise someone, anyone would ahve taken him to the hospital to treat his insomnia by force, esp when they ask for help. Did anyone do that? No. All they do is blame him and call him a drug-addict, most, that is, when that man was a cronic insomniac, desperately needing to sleep, not go on tours. Some say, "Oh, but he said he'll do a 3-year gig, even around the world". For Heaven's sake, how could an insomniac with his head dug into work all the time really survive that? He asked for huge money, because he had to be paid huge for this much self-sacrifice. He had children to be there for, people to worry for. And all many did was ask. The vibes his last months on earth gave are impossible to bear, Twitter people were following his every move, many were analyzing his every skin pore, clothing fabric, pajama hue. Why did he really wear PJ's on the street? Because he was a madman? No, because he had no freedom, like his bodyguards also said he complained about, or rappers like that Autotune rapper guy whose name elludes me now. Why did he wear masks? Because he had no real privacy? Why did the children wore masks? Because he wanted to protect them and their privacy against media animals, not because he was mad. Fear, a lot of fear would have taken him from this earth sooner than expected, you gotta expect a superman to be able to live until they grow old under such inhumane circumstances. He was afraid a lot, hence the handwritten messages he'd send, he was very loving, but fearful too, he started almost sounding and living like a servant, not a priviliged person, he'd do everything for others, to a fault of himself. And that was also out of fear of not receiving love. Who needs the world if one can't get the time and truth to find a really fulfilling soul, of not having a better father?... He wanted normalcy, but made things big to get noticed too. "If I'm perfect, will you treat me as less than a hot potato?" His fear never really waned, but it was fueled by when asked and forced to tour: do it or die. Maybe deep down, he knew he was going to, as time and time again said to himself, in interviews more or less, but esp to friends and family, knowing that if he'll tour again, he'll die. But he was Superman, really, he would have survived it, right? Wrong. He was a human being. Yeah, a great one, but one nonetheless, and idealistic scenarios aren't gonna last forever. He was afraid of Thome, like his taped voice would say. Of a lot of things.. AEG made him do the press conference, where he, full of humility and insecurity, says "I'll do the songs my fans wanna hear"... What about what he wanted to do? Most of his friends showed their true colors, not to mention after June 25. "People" now trying to get the re-enactment of his autopsy on TV, despite of furious various complaints. Never was he treated as human, except by the too few and some fans. He was meat, meat, a money-bearer, a comfort bearer that all came to.

The man had no stable home after he left Neverland, he was in search for a home. He was in search for true friendship, for normalcy (that he happilly got in Ireland). He was always in search for peace. He wanted to release music when he wanted and embark in the movies when he wanted to. He wanted to live and deep down not having to live for the world, and greed took him away. Murray did take him away, but also others. AEG is second to blame, and people should know that, really know that. Lots of controlling Mafia. It has everything to do with ganging on AEG. And with digging deep into things, which I didn't really do, too much more to be said. They'll never make themselves responsible for anything ever. It's always the dead man's fault for dying in the first place.
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Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

I'm afraid we'll never know the truth :(
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

AEG's legal team wrote that Jackson "was not helpless or incompetent; he lived in his own home, negotiated his own contracts, engaged his own attorneys and cared for his own family."

Hmm......while his own family would have us believe the exact opposite....that he was totally controlled by others.

Oh, and thanks for the break down Ivy
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Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

its a sad state of affairs where u are backing AEG rather than the jacksons. just sums it all up. but i have issues with anyone that wants to point mj as some wasted idiots for their own gains ie $ even more so when it is helping the peson who killed him get off. but then again it always was about $ with the jacksons. they have been doing it from the begining. its like the boy who cried wolf with them

thanks as always ivy
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

I'd say you shouldn't bother, judging from most of the reactions. I'm even amazed at how some important videos like the above still exist and haven't been taken down. What was taken down and can't be found is a really crucial article about a fitness trainer who met MIchael (when working out with Lou Ferrigno) two weeks before June 25, and he told her how he was so upset, how "They were mean... just so mean", when he told 'them' (it's anyone's guess to wonder who They are) he was about to cancel some shows. Already, when one only got postpones, a mass of hysteria happened. He just couldn't win, when All sides are pressuring One man to do something They want. One man only. And stupid morons like Murray profited from his severe and Justified insomnia under the circumstances and took him away sooner. How I wished he (MJ) had been more selfish.

Before moderators may rush to delete this post, I'll say that I am not welcome in the conspiracy subforum, which is why I'm typing this here.

When ppl ask of others to refrain from mentioning conspiracy theories, ask yourselves first what the 2003 trial was, and if it was just about some stupid, money-hungry families that were acting by themselves to take down a powerful man like MJ. You're obviously stifling debates, freedom of speech. This has Anything to do with plotting, what June 25 happened. AEG to be actually defended, or seen as minor contributors to his passing, that major conglomerate that Pushed him into performing 50 shows, begging him for 2 years, threatening him by saying 'it's a do or die thing". Who are They he was complaining about? Who is Thome and Co.? The one trying to steal All of Neverland from him. AEG putting tickets on sale immediately after the March 5 press-conference. Pressuring him to go to rehearsals, Randy Philips himself saying he went over to his house to drag him to rehearsals? Isn't that much pressure slow murder? How can a man truly fall asleep when he's got a hungry, mostly ungrateful world to please? When he's sued left and right, pressured to tour here and there, and everywhere> How much more would that one person really endure, when scrutinized at every step? How do you explain the many fake death rumors before June 25, how Halperin was saying ultimately that he'd die in 6 months? How would this corporative world handle a man of his influence, on his first tour in 12 years, saying the words he did at his rehearsals: "We are family. Just know that. We are a family. You have to put love back into the world. To remind the world that LOVE is important. Love is important. To love each other. We are all one. There's a message...
Take care of the Planet. We have four years to get it right. Or else it's irreversible damage we've done. So I have an important message to give. Okay. It's important. I thank you for your cooperation. It's important. Thank You. Big Thank You...'' With that message? When he got to put Sony down, soon afterwards being accused of the same thing which is surely, yet slowly getting legalized? Epic is a label owned by Sony Music, they released the album "Michael" (that never had Michael's blessing, they never were finished and I'll stop at that) with three more than questionable tracks and truly managed to dismember fandom, got people to hate each other, be rude and noisy and defamatory, all this time Sony lavishly and carelessly collecting the almighty dollars; how do they manage do keep fooling music-hungry people, by re-re-releasing albums and people buying them (not all, of course) all the time.

Of course, many would rush to say "So, let's ask that all are set to prison". No, I'm not saying that, neither Kasume and others like them are saying. Just saying that AEG.... one needs to really read the history of corporations and their evolution and everything to really get it that supporters of conspiracy theories, although some do see everything as a result of conspiracy, and do seem awfully... not well saying that, ct's are a reality. Murray was ultimately the one who got hired to take care of Jackson and monitor his health, many conflicting stories about who ultimately hired him for this task. AEG, to save their huge, thick skin, are of course, gonna say whatever saves them from trial. To hunt a man and manipulate him into accepting to tour for an impossible number of 50 shows, seeing how he seemed sleepy, not resting, calling Ortega in the middle of the night with ideas for the show that he got so involved in, because he risked the laughters and complaints of too many unless he was putting into practice his perfectionism. How could one ignore his many assertions of dislike and hatred of touring, really? Or ignore what Kai Chase said he had told her once, that 'the rehearsals are killing me', how could one sleep with his adrenalin sky-high, with a non-stop functioning brain, with having to take care of his 3 children? With living in fear, and having to wonder who really is his friend, with all the media hostility? Living in fear and insecurity, yeah, the Klein's visits weren't done out of pleasure. Klein should be put to bars instantly for fueling Michael's insecurities. Many other people.

When companies are killing themselves to attain you, to make money for them, when they consider you a money-making machine and nothing more. Cause they only care about money, as Sony do, who're making more money than they ever did in their history, and the industry destroying more 'artists' today than they ever could before. With brainwashing people to react the way they do and fight, and get confused and inactive and wandering.. Do you have any idea how many really killed him? Time after time in his short, but full life? Stop blaming a family who wants to sue mafia clans like AEG. The family isn't guiltless (excepting the children, of course), not at all, but there are already too many hate threads on them, and this is all about AEG, really. Fast review events from March 5, really. All the Viagogo mess, the awfully increased prices they asked in partnership with AEG really, from fans, Michael telling AEG's Randy Philips: "No more shows, Randy, no more shows".. How they went from what M accepted, which is 10, then 30 or 31 (his "huge dollars note has 30 on it too), then is forced by "demand" to comply with this program. If AEG really cared about him and his health, they wouldn't have pressured him into 50. Ortega himself told more than once how he (Kenny) was nervous about him, up until his last couple of days, when he (Michael) saw the show is shaping itself more).

What about the unfinished shows, the unfinished rehearsals? Less than 4 months to prepare all for the shows, a month and a half (from May 7) to rehearse, really. For a perfectionist... no, for a human being, really, nobody could get things prepared in less than 2 months. For an insomniac who didn't know where to turn and who to ask for help, like he did on Father's Day, or right after it, when e complained of feeling both cold and hot. Yeah, he asked for help, no one heard him/, so cons like Murray could say, for the huuuge price he was being paid (by whom, no one really knows), that he can help him. Otherwise someone, anyone would ahve taken him to the hospital to treat his insomnia by force, esp when they ask for help. Did anyone do that? No. All they do is blame him and call him a drug-addict, most, that is, when that man was a cronic insomniac, desperately needing to sleep, not go on tours. Some say, "Oh, but he said he'll do a 3-year gig, even around the world". For Heaven's sake, how could an insomniac with his head dug into work all the time really survive that? He asked for huge money, because he had to be paid huge for this much self-sacrifice. He had children to be there for, people to worry for. And all many did was ask. The vibes his last months on earth gave are impossible to bear, Twitter people were following his every move, many were analyzing his every skin pore, clothing fabric, pajama hue. Why did he really wear PJ's on the street? Because he was a madman? No, because he had no freedom, like his bodyguards also said he complained about, or rappers like that Autotune rapper guy whose name elludes me now. Why did he wear masks? Because he had no real privacy? Why did the children wore masks? Because he wanted to protect them and their privacy against media animals, not because he was mad. Fear, a lot of fear would have taken him from this earth sooner than expected, you gotta expect a superman to be able to live until they grow old under such inhumane circumstances. He was afraid a lot, hence the handwritten messages he'd send, he was very loving, but fearful too, he started almost sounding and living like a servant, not a priviliged person, he'd do everything for others, to a fault of himself. And that was also out of fear of not receiving love. Who needs the world if one can't get the time and truth to find a really fulfilling soul, of not having a better father?... He wanted normalcy, but made things big to get noticed too. "If I'm perfect, will you treat me as less than a hot potato?" His fear never really waned, but it was fueled by when asked and forced to tour: do it or die. Maybe deep down, he knew he was going to, as time and time again said to himself, in interviews more or less, but esp to friends and family, knowing that if he'll tour again, he'll die. But he was Superman, really, he would have survived it, right? Wrong. He was a human being. Yeah, a great one, but one nonetheless, and idealistic scenarios aren't gonna last forever. He was afraid of Thome, like his taped voice would say. Of a lot of things.. AEG made him do the press conference, where he, full of humility and insecurity, says "I'll do the songs my fans wanna hear"... What about what he wanted to do? Most of his friends showed their true colors, not to mention after June 25. "People" now trying to get the re-enactment of his autopsy on TV, despite of furious various complaints. Never was he treated as human, except by the too few and some fans. He was meat, meat, a money-bearer, a comfort bearer that all came to.

The man had no stable home after he left Neverland, he was in search for a home. He was in search for true friendship, for normalcy (that he happilly got in Ireland). He was always in search for peace. He wanted to release music when he wanted and embark in the movies when he wanted to. He wanted to live and deep down not having to live for the world, and greed took him away. Murray did take him away, but also others. AEG is second to blame, and people should know that, really know that. Lots of controlling Mafia. It has everything to do with ganging on AEG. And with digging deep into things, which I didn't really do, too much more to be said. They'll never make themselves responsible for anything ever. It's always the dead man's fault for dying in the first place.
Your post is wonderful....it made me tear up.....I think just about every word that you wrote is true....thats the sad part. Michael didn't stand a chance with all those shark trying to take a bite of him. Thank you for posting this....
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

Alma, I agree with the part you said about the tremendous pressure on Michael's shoulders. He was targeted by the whole world. we all know Michael hated to tour, the tour is killing him. he said that many times in his previous interviews. However, to be fairly, if AEG was guilty of pushing Michael doing the tour, his own family was also guilty, they had been pushing Michael to do the reunion tours with them for years. If people including his "family" could treat him as a humanbeing, not the commodity or cash cow, he would be still here with us.
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

I'd say you shouldn't bother, judging from most of the reactions. I'm even amazed at how some important videos like the above still exist and haven't been taken down. What was taken down and can't be found is a really crucial article about a fitness trainer who met MIchael (when working out with Lou Ferrigno) two weeks before June 25, and he told her how he was so upset, how "They were mean... just so mean", when he told 'them' (it's anyone's guess to wonder who They are) he was about to cancel some shows. Already, when one only got postpones, a mass of hysteria happened. He just couldn't win, when All sides are pressuring One man to do something They want. One man only. And stupid morons like Murray profited from his severe and Justified insomnia under the circumstances and took him away sooner. How I wished he (MJ) had been more selfish.

Before moderators may rush to delete this post, I'll say that I am not welcome in the conspiracy subforum, which is why I'm typing this here.

When ppl ask of others to refrain from mentioning conspiracy theories, ask yourselves first what the 2003 trial was, and if it was just about some stupid, money-hungry families that were acting by themselves to take down a powerful man like MJ. You're obviously stifling debates, freedom of speech. This has Anything to do with plotting, what June 25 happened. AEG to be actually defended, or seen as minor contributors to his passing, that major conglomerate that Pushed him into performing 50 shows, begging him for 2 years, threatening him by saying 'it's a do or die thing". Who are They he was complaining about? Who is Thome and Co.? The one trying to steal All of Neverland from him. AEG putting tickets on sale immediately after the March 5 press-conference. Pressuring him to go to rehearsals, Randy Philips himself saying he went over to his house to drag him to rehearsals? Isn't that much pressure slow murder?

How can a man truly fall asleep when he's got a hungry, mostly ungrateful world to please? When he's sued left and right, pressured to tour here and there, and everywhere> How much more would that one person really endure, when scrutinized at every step? How do you explain the many fake death rumors before June 25, how Halperin was saying ultimately that he'd die in 6 months? How would this corporative world handle a man of his influence, on his first tour in 12 years, saying the words he did at his rehearsals: "We are family. Just know that. We are a family. You have to put love back into the world. To remind the world that LOVE is important. Love is important. To love each other. We are all one. There's a message...
Take care of the Planet. We have four years to get it right. Or else it's irreversible damage we've done. So I have an important message to give. Okay. It's important. I thank you for your cooperation. It's important. Thank You. Big Thank You...'' With that message? When he got to put Sony down, soon afterwards being accused of the same thing which is surely, yet slowly getting legalized? Epic is a label owned by Sony Music, they released the album "Michael" (that never had Michael's blessing, they never were finished and I'll stop at that) with three more than questionable tracks and truly managed to dismember fandom, got people to hate each other, be rude and noisy and defamatory, all this time Sony lavishly and carelessly collecting the almighty dollars; how do they manage do keep fooling music-hungry people, by re-re-releasing albums and people buying them (not all, of course) all the time.

Of course, many would rush to say "So, let's ask that all are set to prison". No, I'm not saying that, neither Kasume and others like them are saying. Just saying that AEG.... one needs to really read the history of corporations and their evolution and everything to really get it that supporters of conspiracy theories, although some do see everything as a result of conspiracy, and do seem awfully... not well saying that, ct's are a reality. Murray was ultimately the one who got hired to take care of Jackson and monitor his health, many conflicting stories about who ultimately hired him for this task.
AEG, to save their huge, thick skin, are of course, gonna say whatever saves them from trial. To hunt a man and manipulate him into accepting to tour for an impossible number of 50 shows, seeing how he seemed sleepy, not resting, calling Ortega in the middle of the night with ideas for the show that he got so involved in, because he risked the laughters and complaints of too many unless he was putting into practice his perfectionism. How could one ignore his many assertions of dislike and hatred of touring, really? Or ignore what Kai Chase said he had told her once, that 'the rehearsals are killing me', how could one sleep with his adrenalin sky-high, with a non-stop functioning brain, with having to take care of his 3 children? With living in fear, and having to wonder who really is his friend, with all the media hostility? Living in fear and insecurity, yeah, the Klein's visits weren't done out of pleasure. Klein should be put to bars instantly for fueling Michael's insecurities. Many other people.

When companies are killing themselves to attain you, to make money for them, when they consider you a money-making machine and nothing more. Cause they only care about money, as Sony do, who're making more money than they ever did in their history, and the industry destroying more 'artists' today than they ever could before. With brainwashing people to react the way they do and fight, and get confused and inactive and wandering.. Do you have any idea how many really killed him? Time after time in his short, but full life? Stop blaming a family who wants to sue mafia clans like AEG. The family isn't guiltless (excepting the children, of course), not at all, but there are already too many hate threads on them, and this is all about AEG, really. Fast review events from March 5, really. All the Viagogo mess, the awfully increased prices they asked in partnership with AEG really, from fans, Michael telling AEG's Randy Philips: "No more shows, Randy, no more shows".. How they went from what M accepted, which is 10, then 30 or 31 (his "huge dollars note has 30 on it too), then is forced by "demand" to comply with this program. If AEG really cared about him and his health, they wouldn't have pressured him into 50. Ortega himself told more than once how he (Kenny) was nervous about him, up until his last couple of days, when he (Michael) saw the show is shaping itself more).

What about the unfinished shows, the unfinished rehearsals? Less than 4 months to prepare all for the shows, a month and a half (from May 7) to rehearse, really. For a perfectionist... no, for a human being, really, nobody could get things prepared in less than 2 months. For an insomniac who didn't know where to turn and who to ask for help, like he did on Father's Day, or right after it, when e complained of feeling both cold and hot. Yeah, he asked for help, no one heard him/, so cons like Murray could say, for the huuuge price he was being paid (by whom, no one really knows), that he can help him. Otherwise someone, anyone would ahve taken him to the hospital to treat his insomnia by force, esp when they ask for help. Did anyone do that? No. All they do is blame him and call him a drug-addict, most, that is, when that man was a cronic insomniac, desperately needing to sleep, not go on tours. Some say, "Oh, but he said he'll do a 3-year gig, even around the world". For Heaven's sake, how could an insomniac with his head dug into work all the time really survive that? He asked for huge money, because he had to be paid huge for this much self-sacrifice. He had children to be there for, people to worry for. And all many did was ask. The vibes his last months on earth gave are impossible to bear, Twitter people were following his every move, many were analyzing his every skin pore, clothing fabric, pajama hue. Why did he really wear PJ's on the street? Because he was a madman? No, because he had no freedom, like his bodyguards also said he complained about, or rappers like that Autotune rapper guy whose name elludes me now. Why did he wear masks? Because he had no real privacy? Why did the children wore masks? Because he wanted to protect them and their privacy against media animals, not because he was mad. Fear, a lot of fear would have taken him from this earth sooner than expected, you gotta expect a superman to be able to live until they grow old under such inhumane circumstances. He was afraid a lot, hence the handwritten messages he'd send, he was very loving, but fearful too, he started almost sounding and living like a servant, not a priviliged person, he'd do everything for others, to a fault of himself. And that was also out of fear of not receiving love. Who needs the world if one can't get the time and truth to find a really fulfilling soul, of not having a better father?... He wanted normalcy, but made things big to get noticed too. "If I'm perfect, will you treat me as less than a hot potato?" His fear never really waned, but it was fueled by when asked and forced to tour: do it or die. Maybe deep down, he knew he was going to, as time and time again said to himself, in interviews more or less, but esp to friends and family, knowing that if he'll tour again, he'll die. But he was Superman, really, he would have survived it, right? Wrong. He was a human being. Yeah, a great one, but one nonetheless, and idealistic scenarios aren't gonna last forever. He was afraid of Thome, like his taped voice would say. Of a lot of things.. AEG made him do the press conference, where he, full of humility and insecurity, says "I'll do the songs my fans wanna hear"... What about what he wanted to do? Most of his friends showed their true colors, not to mention after June 25. "People" now trying to get the re-enactment of his autopsy on TV, despite of furious various complaints. Never was he treated as human, except by the too few and some fans. He was meat, meat, a money-bearer, a comfort bearer that all came to.

The man had no stable home after he left Neverland, he was in search for a home. He was in search for true friendship, for normalcy (that he happilly got in Ireland). He was always in search for peace. He wanted to release music when he wanted and embark in the movies when he wanted to. He wanted to live and deep down not having to live for the world, and greed took him away. Murray did take him away, but also others. AEG is second to blame, and people should know that, really know that. Lots of controlling Mafia. It has everything to do with ganging on AEG. And with digging deep into things, which I didn't really do, too much more to be said. They'll never make themselves responsible for anything ever. It's always the dead man's fault for dying in the first place.

Thank you Alma, your post is wonderful.
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

Alma, I agree with the part you said about the tremendous pressure on Michael's shoulders. He is one man against the whole world. we all know Michael hated to tour, the tour is killing him. he said that many times in his previous interviews. However, to be fairly, if AEG was guilty of pushing Michael doing the tour, his own family was also guilty, they had been pushing Michael to do the reunion tours with them for years. If people including his "family" could treat him as a humanbeing, not the commodity or cash cow, he would be still here with us.

very true
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

Alma, I agree with the part you said about the tremendous pressure on Michael's shoulders. He was targeted by the whole world. we all know Michael hated to tour, the tour is killing him. he said that many times in his previous interviews. However, to be fairly, if AEG was guilty of pushing Michael doing the tour, his own family was also guilty, they had been pushing Michael to do the reunion tours with them for years. If people including his "family" could treat him as a humanbeing, not the commodity or cash cow, he would be still here with us.

If MJ agreed to reunion he would be still alive. MJ just did not want to go back to Jacksons 5 Era and it is pretty much understandable because after being a King of Pop it does not look good to be in Jacksons 5 anymore. This question is NOT about a family pressure. It is about STATUS. Do not put it like a family killed him. They are not monsters.

His family wanted to help him , but when you are the biggest star in the world, it is impossible to go back where you started. It is just impossible. He would not be a King of Pop anymore if he did it.
A choice he had to make, was a very tough choice imo. Basically it was a choice (how I see it) between life and death, but he hoped that he will survive.:(
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Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

His family wanted to help him

If MJ agreed to reunion he would be still alive.
and? if he were still in gary he would still be alive. dont try to justify the harrasment of the family members to get him to do the reunion show with him by saying he would still be alive. if he wasnt being pressured by ppl which no doubt added to his insomnia he might still be alive aswell
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

If MJ agreed to reunion he would be still alive. . . .

Will you explain what you have proof of as to what would have been different between pressures of a reunion tour and that of a solo concert series that he planned to do?

Michael, I believe, was capable of determining whether he wanted to do this concert series. He was also capable of finding a way to break the contract or get out of it if he wanted to do so.

What is interesting is that you no longer hear talk of a reunion tour anymore. With Janet announcing her tour for next year, I wonder why they don't see through the family reunion concerts now.

People need to start giving Michael some credit. Interesting who so him as capable of making decisions and who didn't. If Michael was that out of it, it is interesting how he had it together enough to pull out the terms and keep the proof necessary when it came to Bain's lawsuit. That is not someone not knowing what he wanted from his contracts and how to protect himself. Why would he not have put protections into his contract with AEG?

This isn't about supporting AEG or the family. It is only about Michael Jackson himself.

And for the record . . . pressure, contracts, pain medications, previous on the record addiction that was treated, lawsuits, trials, etc. did not kill Michael. So, people need to stop saying he would be alive without the pressure. Michael had lived with pressure all his life. Pressure didn't do a d#mn thing to Michael.
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

its a sad state of affairs where u are backing AEG rather than the jacksons. just sums it all up. but i have issues with anyone that wants to point mj as some wasted idiots for their own gains ie $ even more so when it is helping the peson who killed him get off. ut then again it always was about $ with the jacksons. they have been doing it from the begining. its like the boy who cried wolf with them

thanks as always ivy
I agree 1000%...I think people are forgetting about this....

Paris's own words also THEY worked Daddy to hard.....The THEY is AEG...THEY are NOT innocent....
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

I agree 1000%...I think people are forgetting about this....

Paris's own words also THEY worked Daddy to hard.....The THEY is AEG...THEY are NOT innocent....

Where did you hear Paris say that?
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

Well, I said I'll leave the family out of this... The 2300 subforum is enough, I'd say. But, maybe, some family members did try to get to him in his last days for real, I don't know, we don't know if it was still to try to get him to tour with them, I wouldn't demonize them, but weren't the staff from his home all fired on June 25?... Maybe some AEG controllers really did tried to get him to focus on only the shows, which brought the bread on AEG's tables, hence they pushed the family and friends back. We don't know, but that can't really be ruled out.. AEG, however, is not to be trusted at all.

Point is, AEG didn't need a liability like what Michael was becoming to them, with Randy Phiilips saying he'll grab him and take him off to the stage to perform if he couldn't, and with Michael Really, really wanting to cancel some shows. Seeing how people reacted to that One postponed concert, with some blaming AEG at that time, too, for their hurrying with the shows They fixed the date for, because the sets couldn't be finished in time... Didn't look good for them, but they knew they can't finish all that and get a wavering Michael to cancel. That would have been inevitable, and Michael could have really tried to be out of this at some point. A mass of hungry people would also have been disapointed, so he couldn't get off... And some fans actually said they did write to Michael in his last days to tell him not to tour under such tremendous circumstances... But that was not up to him, really... Thome Thome, for instance, didn't want to consider himself fired, nor Leonard Rowe etc., they didn't want out of the realm of the cash cow. Thome did actually say in an interview, among many lies, but he did say he tried to keep him away from all shady people... Really, Thome the 'saint' one trying to keep Michael away from the less saint... That real mobster, really, that threatened Julien's Auctions when he smelled the trouble Michael smelled, that he was trying to sell more than MJ wanted off of Neverland, all of it, actually, gates, everything from it.. Frank Dileo, not to be trusted, either, I've no real time now to delve in his affairs now, but the AGE deal, no matter what the concrete details of it, had Dileo's name involved, and that's shady.

AEG couldn't 'afford' to lose the money they would have if Michael canceled more shows, which he would have. You do it, or die. The result: the This Is It 'film' scored immensely high in the box-office, selling big, their reputation is in away still solid, many being grateful to see Michael at work... even though most of the rehearsals that were filmed were from his last couple of days.. They wouldn't have wanted people to see anything that would incriminate them. The This Is It DVD's and CD's sold a whole lot, more money for them... With Michael cancelling more shows, they would've been screwed, for M could have also ended up into the emergency room due to extreme fatigue and dehydration. He almost died before the HBO concerts that never happened in 1995, and that was something Michael himself wanted. When engrossed in that much work, he forgot to hydrate himself, to eat, couldn't sleep, and that's human... Because, with that much responsibility, who would? What would have happened to AEG, they couldn't have let that happen. Ortega, again... he said he was so nervous because of Michael not really being in his element up until the last couple of days. That says a whole lot. ...

What's devastating to remember, again... is how Cheryll Lee said Michael had someone to call her and Asked her to come to him, and Lee told him she couldn't from where she's at, but told those people (most likely, Murray) to get him to the hospital. They never did, he did ask for help for how he felt; he felt mostly very cold, the temperature in his room was unbreathable, he donned on many shirts at his rehearsals, he was always very cold, because of the crap Murray gave to him, instead of him and others take him to the hospital that very day.... How would a hospitalized Jackson looked to many? The world would have been shocked, and AEG... blamed big. Big... Money out the window, reputation down the drain... If AEG didn't pressure him, bringing up how he'll be bankrupt, how Neverland would be sold, how he would be dried down with the many lawsuits he already had on his back, mostly out of money, the Bain one... what a slow killer that would have been for anyone... The many lawsuits did dry him up pretty much, if he was gonna cancel more shows, one More lawsuit would have been brought forth: AEG would have sued him...God knows what else they told him that got him, the big diplomate he was, say "They were just so mean"... So he had to tour for that.

Not a coincidence... no. Michael did want out of this somehow, he couldn't get out, though, he would have done some shows, tried to get ready for all of them, but with being threatened like that, one can't rest, one can't be relaxed. But there was Murray, who got him 'relaxed' for good.... And AEG lives happily ever after. What if Murray, too?... Because if he does say some things he may really know about AEG, too many would be drawn down with him... what if by pulling their suicide farse, with some may be getting paid to work in the defense's favor, that Murray is gonna get free as a bird? Where are the results of the physical exams he underwent and that Philips concluded they could belong to a 30 year-old man, that's how healthy he was?... What were the real results? Michael's organs were healthy, but he did have some chronic lung bronchitis, so he couldn't have been that healthy, really..

Too many questions to ask... too many. I'm afraid of that justice won't be served. Justice, really?... Yeah, Michael got acquitted in 2005, he almost died then too. But now he is not here anymore to fight, people are getting 'bought' left and right, many of his 'friends' got bought, so much corruption everywhere, and invisible government. This trial on Murray... people that are acting for the defense of Murray are sure to lie. Most of what Murray says is a lie. People lie under oath, just like they serenely did at the 2005 trial, and in too many instances of MJ's life.. Why wasn't he arrested for gross negligence, at least, soon after June 25? Or for providing Propofol to him, Without proper equipment, without the presence of the anestheseologist? Propofol in a non-hospital environment, in no healthcare facility? That, right there, is enough for anyone with a brain to conclude how reckless Murray was and how money-hungry he really was. That's dumbfounding, what justice? His defense had more than enough time to create endless scenarios and things like that in over a year and a half, there were even people supporting Murray, appearing on that CNN channel, and regular folk in the streets saying that M did it himself, that it was his fault.... Jeez, that's impossible to fathom. Involuntary manslaughter, too?.... One has to be plain, plain dumb to rule this case as just that. Or really smart... after all, aren't they trying to brainwash folks that Michael was a drug addict, how would that fit with what Murray's defense is going after? These ppl can't be underestimated, they're bright as snakes.

.... Too much...
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Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

Hmmmmmmmmok. Will Katherine sue Joe, Allgood, Leonard rowe, & herself for the added pressure??
thanks !

Will you explain what you have proof of as to what would have been different between pressures of a reunion tour and that of a solo concert series that he planned to do?

Michael, I believe, was capable of determining whether he wanted to do this concert series. He was also capable of finding a way to break the contract or get out of it if he wanted to do so.

What is interesting is that you no longer hear talk of a reunion tour anymore. With Janet announcing her tour for next year, I wonder why they don't see through the family reunion concerts now.

People need to start giving Michael some credit. Interesting who so him as capable of making decisions and who didn't. If Michael was that out of it, it is interesting how he had it together enough to pull out the terms and keep the proof necessary when it came to Bain's lawsuit. That is not someone not knowing what he wanted from his contracts and how to protect himself. Why would he not have put protections into his contract with AEG?

This isn't about supporting AEG or the family. It is only about Michael Jackson himself.

And for the record . . . pressure, contracts, pain medications, previous on the record addiction that was treated, lawsuits, trials, etc. did not kill Michael. So, people need to stop saying he would be alive without the pressure. Michael had lived with pressure all his life. Pressure didn't do a d#mn thing to Michael.

Exactly...he was in an invetion process...people go so far with their imagination...Michael was able to survive all the concerts stress and pressure...the History tour was with the same senario and he survived ....why do people forget that he was killed !

why they want to take the truth search to another direction....we need to find out who killed MJ not how the stress was or how the media were...all this is BS compared to who killed him who decided that MJ must die that night!
not 50 shows or 3D or not !

another thing @ ALMA,,,,the person who said MJ was upset is a female patient and she wrote this on her blog,,,it was not a video as you said ...she is a TV personality:

a female patient at Dr. Klien office who met MJ there few days before his death and he was dancing and laughing with her,then he start to talk to her and dr. Klien and he said "people are mean" and she siad he refered to the people who were talking alot about his re-schedualing(not "cancelling" as some drama queen like to say) the first shows ..he was mad at the poeple who start to make big fuzz about this....i'm sorry to say the fans made this harder for MJ too.

PS. the patient did not notice anything that show MJ as a dying man , she said he was fine...
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serendipity;3166185 said:
Where did you hear Paris say that?

watch this...
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/U81pHfaGZAI?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/U81pHfaGZAI?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

also there are countless articles...

Paris Jackson: Concert organisers killed my dad




Image: Getty

Michael Jackson's 11-year-old daughter Paris believes her father died because he was overworked in the lead-up to his 'This Is It' tour. Speaking on British talk show The Paul O'Grady Show, Michael's sister La Toya Jackson voiced her niece's theories that Michael had died because he was pushed too hard by concert organisers.
"She said, 'No, you don’t understand, they kept working him and Daddy didn’t want that but they worked him constantly' — I felt so bad," La Toya said.
Michael died from a cardiac arrest with a cocktail of pharmaceutical drugs in his system. Immediately after his death in hospital, Paris confided in her aunt, "The cardiologist was the best, so how could this happen?"
"What happened is they worked him too hard."
Michael had originally planned to do 10 concerts but that number was increased to 50 — a decision he publicly complained about.
La Toya also revealed her own theory that Michael was murdered for the Beatles songs and other music that he owned.
"I thought that from day one ... you must understand something Michael always told me," she said.
"He said, 'If anything happens to me, if I die, it’s because someone murdered me — they’re trying to kill me'.
"It wasn't that he was being delusional, they did this over the catalogue."
An autopsy report released today reveals that Michael was in good health before his death with no heart problems whatsoever, however his arms were covered with puncture wounds from the drugs that eventually caused his death.

xthunderx2;3166273 said:
watch this...
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/U81pHfaGZAI?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/U81pHfaGZAI?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

also there are countless articles...

Paris Jackson: Concert organisers killed my dad




Image: Getty

Michael Jackson's 11-year-old daughter Paris believes her father died because he was overworked in the lead-up to his 'This Is It' tour. Speaking on British talk show The Paul O'Grady Show, Michael's sister La Toya Jackson voiced her niece's theories that Michael had died because he was pushed too hard by concert organisers.
"She said, 'No, you don’t understand, they kept working him and Daddy didn’t want that but they worked him constantly' — I felt so bad," La Toya said.
Michael died from a cardiac arrest with a cocktail of pharmaceutical drugs in his system. Immediately after his death in hospital, Paris confided in her aunt, "The cardiologist was the best, so how could this happen?"
"What happened is they worked him too hard."
Michael had originally planned to do 10 concerts but that number was increased to 50 — a decision he publicly complained about.
La Toya also revealed her own theory that Michael was murdered for the Beatles songs and other music that he owned.
"I thought that from day one ... you must understand something Michael always told me," she said.
"He said, 'If anything happens to me, if I die, it’s because someone murdered me — they’re trying to kill me'.
"It wasn't that he was being delusional, they did this over the catalogue."
An autopsy report released today reveals that Michael was in good health before his death with no heart problems whatsoever, however his arms were covered with puncture wounds from the drugs that eventually caused his death.

so now we suppose to believe what family is saying by using kids name ? i am no pro aeg .i don't think they are that innocent but that does not mean that family is innocent ,they are equally guilty as aeg.and they are the one trying to show the world that he was drug addict just to support their agenda of money for that they are letting Murry get away with crime ,now that is not a family in my book.
and by not speaking against the discovery documentary ,they showed their priorities ,it is all about money .
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

Here is what always confused me. By the sound of some of the things in the lawsuit, the family or some would have seen these alleged AEG behaviors and effects long before Michael's death. Then why on earth did the family allow these same people-AEG, Kenny Ortega, etc. to help organize Michael's memorial and participate in such?
That makes no sense.

Also, I have no idea what Paris and Prince and Blanket saw and heard. I'm sure that the police and prosecutors do know. While some are saying that Michael was in such bad shape all we have heard Paris say publicly is how he was "the best father in the world." But, not to belittle anything from them because they are very smart, but they are also children who probably had not seen their father work at such a pace ever before when they would be truly aware of such. The time and effort that Michael may have taken for granted because he knew that is what it took may have appeared totally different to them. Michael making off hand comments, such as what K. Chase said he told her (which she clarified was not said seriously) may have been taken more seriously if overheard by a child than what Michael really meant. So without actually hearing the children's words and descriptions of what they really saw and heard, perhaps for right now people should leave them out of the theories.
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

so now we suppose to believe what family is saying by using kids name ? i am no pro aeg .i don't think they are that innocent but that does not mean that family is innocent ,they are equally guilty as aeg.and they are the one trying to show the world that he was drug addict just to support their agenda of money for that they are letting Murry get away with crime ,now that is not a family in my book.
and by not speaking against the discovery documentary ,they showed their priorities ,it is all about money .

I agree with you 100%....please dont take my trying to show proof that AEG is just as responsible for Michael's death is me taking the family side...I didn't mean to imply that..me personally....I think they are to blame also....sorry for the confusion. They all had a roll in what happened to Michael.
Re: AEG Wants Katherine Jackson Lawsuit Dismissed

I do not care about the Jacksons and I do not care about AEG. But as a fan of Michael Jackson, I'll be very happy if the Jacksons lost the trial.
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