Neverland FACT File. FOR REFERENCE ONLY! [No Discussion]

MJ TinkerBell

Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
Where Michael IS..Is where you will find Me <3


FACT #1 - Neverland Valley Ranch is located at 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd. Los Olivos, CA 93441.

To get a 3D view of Figueroa Mountain Rd.

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Neverland at Dawn

FACT #2 - The Say, Say, Say video was filmed there
Say,Say,Say Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney

FACT #3- It was bought in 1988 for US $14.6 million

FACT #4 - Neverland was a multi-purpose and multi-use complex


The Tudor-French Chateau style main house is virtually unchanged in the 20+ years that Michael Jackson has owned the property.The main house's interior is still trimmed in the oak paneling installed by Mr. Bone.

After Michael Jackson purchased Neverland in 1988 he transformed a 2,676 acre property in Santa Barbara County, California into a Disneyesque fortress of magical, and spare-no-expense proportions Fantasyland.

Michael Jackson didn't make any changes to the home other than to add a cedar room for recording. He did add buildings to the land, including a theater and arcade room.The train statiton(not to be confused with Jackson's actual house) resembles something out of Disneyland and had about 3/4 mile tracks laid. Michael Jackson designed all the flower beds because he hated seeing dirt between them.

According to Santa Barbara county records, Michael Jackson's home has a 14,185-square-foot, primary residence with five bedrooms and seven baths; a 1,830-square-foot garage; a 1,400-square-foot office; and another 1,231-square-foot guesthouse above the garage. In total, there are 22 buildings on the land, including a mansion, guesthouses and several apartments.

There are two helicopter pads and the Neverland Valley Fire Department, which was manned by several full time fire-fighters. He even added two functional railways complete with a steam locomotive and the infamous train station with it’s front lawn of manicured flowers in the shape of a clock face. This building is probably more famous than main house which is rarely photographed because it is shrouded behind large oak trees.

And on a hill overlooking the house stood the fabled train station a near replica of the one at Disneyland with its huge floral clock. It was still a stunning site from Jackson's front yard.

Michael Jackson DID have a fairy tale ranch where He called Home, and is known around the world as Neverland.

The Sources:

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FACT #5 - Neverland was created to provide an escape for Michael and children in need.

FACT #6 - Michael Jackson's Neverland fulfilled its purpose

Sick Kids Of Neverland - Then and Now

In March 5, 1989:Michael invites 200 deprived children of the St. Vincent Institute for handicapped children and of the organization Big Brothers and Big Sisters to the Circus Vargas in Santa Barbara. After this event he invites them to Neverland Ranch to show them his private zoo.

The Article:

"Michael Jackson reaches out to his new neighbors in Santa Barbara by hosting an afternoon at Circus Vargas for 200 very special children.
Michael Jackson will extend his hand in friendship to his new neighbors in the Southern California oceanside community of Santa Barbara when he hosts an afternoon at Circus Vargas for 200 children on Wednesday, March 15. Jackson's special guests will include children from St. Vincent's Home for Dysfunctional Children as well as children from the local Big Brothers/Big Sisters program.
The Sources:

January 6, 1990:
Michael invites 82 abused and neglected children from Childhelp to his Neverland Ranch. He provides games, throws a barbeque, and shows a movie.
The Source:

July 1990:
Michael invites 45 children with life-threatening illnesses from the Project Dream Street in Los Angeles to Neverland.
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August 18, 1990:
Michael invites 130 children of the YMCA summer program of Los Angeles and Santa Barbara to his Neverland Ranch.
The Source:

June 1993:
Michael invites 100 children from the Challengers Boys and Girls Club visit Neverland.
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January 7, 1994:
On the weekend of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, Michael gives a party for more than 100 underprivileged children at his Neverland Ranch.

The Article:

"On January 7, 1994, the pop star organizes, on occasion of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, a gala for 100 needy children at his Neverland residence. Meanwhile, "HTWF", with partners "Unihealth" and "Los Angeles Immunization Coalition", disseminate vaccines to the homeless children in Los Angeles, beggared by a damaging earthquake in the area. Moreover, the singer’s "HTWF", along with "Discovery Playthings", hands hundreds of toys to children attending an immunization drive. "Heal L.A.", additionally, donates more than 85,000 dollars to the "Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center", "Casa Rutilio Grande", "Clinica Para Las Americas", "Families in New Directions", "Meeting Each Need With Dignity", "Proyecto Esperanza", "Pueblo Nuevo", and "Vaughn Street Family Center" sheltering the victims of the Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley earthquake. Associated with "General Electric", "Lever Brothers" and "Surf Wash", "HTWF" deliver washers, dryers and soap to 25 NGO’s, as well as free laundry services, all for the earthquake-stricken people, in addition, along with "Heal L.A." and "Salvation Army", 400 homeless people and their children are invited to spend a day at "Universal Studios". Michael Jackson and his residence are also hosts to 100 children from the "Community Youth Sports and Arts Foundation" in Los Angeles, whom he speaks and plays with, poses for pictures and signs autographs; the children, moreover, watch film "Beethoven's 2nd" with him in his amusement park, and visit his private zoo."

The Source:


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FACT #7 - It was also a place of refuge for fans, friends and family

Neverland: A Touch of Heaven Here on Earth
by Stuart Backerman, former spokesman for Michael Jackson (USA)

It was a sun-splashed morning when I arrived at Neverland for the first time, driving the fifty miles from Santa Barbara through the rolling hills of the San Ynez Valley.
The lush estate was impeccably manicured and thousands of blossoms lined the shaded walkways, creating a sprawling tapestry of color and filling the air with a beguiling fragrance. Oaks and sycamores branched into the sky and in the distance I could see the amusement park with its painted Ferris wheel.
It was a sublime moment and I could hardly restrain my feelings of wonder as the melodic strains of Walt Disney's "Fantasia" poured from the concealed speakers, gently wafting me into the magical world of Neverland.
That night I slept in one of the guest cottages and woke up at the crack of dawn, slipping outside to explore the property, which was incredibly beautiful that time of morning. The air was clean and fresh, the lake was smooth as glass and the swans nestled peacefully in the rushes.
I thought about how Michael Jackson was blessed to own this ranch and how much pleasure it should bring him. I also thought that morning about how much pleasure and joy Neverland has brought to so many people all over the world....It felt good to be alive and touch a piece of heaven here on earth.

My Neverland Journey
Mari, a life-long MJ fan

“That was such a whirlwind day.. It’s crazy reliving it through this post (this is the first time I’ve even dared look at this stuff since he passed, since it’s been way too emotional for me). We were just going to support him outside the courthouse and there were some rumors that something was happening at Neverland but we really had no idea. The fans seriously came to this rally from all over the world and we never expected that Michael would actually coordinate something so elaborate and magical as a “thank you.” Seriously, out of nowhere these guys were passing out these invitations in the middle of the street and Neverland was 100% open to the fans that day. When we got there it was like a legit catered event with gourmet food and banquet tables, meaning Michael actually spent time and a lot of money on this gesture. It showed so much about his personality.. how truly selfless and giving he was because Michael wasn’t even there at Neverland and so he literally had nothing to gain from letting hundreds of people onto his property.. didn’t even get to hear all of our thank you’s (other than this video that was recorded where we got to scream into the camera about how much we love him etc) and the media wasn’t let in so it obviously wasn’t a PR move or anything. It was just an extraordinarily kind act to show us how much he truly appreciates the fans. BRB, getting emotional again!!”

“What’s so crazy is that Michael trusted the fans so much that literally nothing was off-limits. I’m sure there were security cameras but there was no one telling us where we could and couldn’t go, what we could and couldn’t touch, etc. We were literally all little kids that day (including quite a few middle aged people), running around the amusement park and the zoo, etc. Some people were bold enough to wander into his actual house (I was way too scared.. I just creeped around the permiter hahah) but they probably were eventually shooed away from there!! Seriously though, who has that amount of trust and love for his fans?! Sigh, what an amazing man.”

My Visit to Neverland Ranch
by Faith (USA)

Hello my name is faith and my visit to Neverland Valley Ranch was an unexpected and amazing surprise.
It was the day Michael was in court for his verdict. I was ten years old. My mother, me and my younger sister headed out to Santa Barbra after hearing that he was inviting fans to come celebrate at his house so we got in our car and drove.
We arrived about two and a half hours early hoping to catch a glimpse of Michael. A group of three were also there, two women and a little boy. My mother and the women approached the first gate and told the security guard that we were supporters of Michael and asked if we could go in. I froze at the site of an opening gate. I was ecstatic my only wish was to meet the man I looked up to since the age of two.
Now i was entering the gates of the most peaceful place I've ever been to. We drove for quite a while me and my sister could see the magnificent gold gates and we stared jumping up and down. As we walked in my mind was clear as the sky. All I could feel was warmth and happiness. All of my fear and problems just drifted away. The most amazing thing was not only were we in Neverland we were the only ones there and had the whole place to our self's for two whole hours. This place was beyond disneyland it was peaceful and clam me and my mom and sister took a twenty minute walk and just took in all the statues the water fountains and beautiful plants. Its hard to explain the feeling you got there it was not weird not at all unusual but just too perfect for words.
Me and my sister ran to the two story arcade and immediately started eating all the candy we could get our hands on. We played numerous games before heading out to the trampoline. While I was jumping I turned around and was startled by a llama. What a wonderful place I thought to myself. There was food, carnival rides, a theater, a zoo and best of all it was all real. I wasn't dreaming this nor imagining it. I was so excited to watch a movie I ate so much candy and ice cream.
Soon enough Michael fans and family filled the ranch and we were no longer alone, but Ill tell you those two hours we the best hours of my life to date.
After meeting Tido and Marlin I lost my mom and sister. Much to my surprise I wasn't scared not even a bit! I just couldn't believe that this was actually happening to me!
Soon I caught up with my mom and sister. There were camera men around and they were filming a video for Michael. I was much too shy to say anything though and buried my face into my moms side. I still kick myself for that. Haha anyways the day went by so fast I felt sad that I would soon have to leave.
On my departure I met Jermaine he's was a very nice person. It was getting around six o'clock and we had been there since about nine-ten. So it wasn't at all a short day.
Leaving was one of the saddest times in my life but I will never ever ever forget that day. I have my memories and I look to them when ever I need a cheer up. Forever and always I will love Michael and support him and forever and always I will remeber that day that was too perfect and wonderful for words.

“In my entry I referenced the private rooms in the back of the movie theatre. They’re all facing the screen (with a wall of glass to make sure the viewer still has a great view) and they have speakers in there. When I went there/wrote this entry I just thought, “oh my GOD this is the most luxurious thing ever.. beds in a movie theatre, what!!) and I didn’t realize until after that the rooms exist for visitors who are sick and must be bedridden. It says so much that Michael would make sure they get the best treatment of all. “
“Also, some of my favorite parts of Neverland that I’ve never heard reports about are the basketball court and the bus stops. Literally there are random “bus stops” throughout Neverland where there’s a bench and poster advertising an upcoming movie (the movies advertised actually not having been released yet). Also, there was this basketball court that was just like a neighborhood outdoor court.. nothing fancy. I loved that touch so much because it was completely unpretentious and kind of exciting to imagine Michael and his friends just playing ball like anyone else. There were also beautiful sculptures throughout the property, as well as cute Disney-like displays (like a sculpture of porcelain storybook opened up to some kind of inspiring poem or short story). He really thought of every little touch to make Neverland a kind of grounded and cozy magical kingdom.. kind of like Disneyland but actually homey and in no way artificial.. like a legitimate little alternate universe.”
“Oh, and there are even streets, like the train station is on “Katherine St.” which I loved.

I literally ran through the gates of Neverland today.
I rode Michael Jackson’s ferris wheel with a woman from Georgia I’d never met and “Heal the World” began to play. I could not handle listening to this song while seeing Neverland from above and I began to cry, holding this stranger’s hand.
Today I tapped Tito Jackson on the shoulder and asked for a hug. After getting it, I had him autograph my invitation to Neverland.
I stroked one of Michael Jackson’s horses today and stared at his llamas for quite a while.
I walked into a movie theater in which money was nonexistent. There was an unlimited supply of typical candy, popcorn, ice cream, and soft drinks. The new “Peter Pan” movie was playing in the theater, which had private rooms in the back with huge windows and beds facing the screen. One could enter the theater at any time as it was not being monitored by anyone. One could just say, “I’d like three ice creams and four popcorns” and a peppy person would instantly grant all wishes. Better yet, one could just walk behind the counter him/herself and take anything. The same applied to the carts of ice cream and such outside.
I felt happier than I ever have before while I was basically flying on a huge swing at Neverland with nothing but mountains surrounding me all the way to the horizon line.
I felt insanely jealous when my mother informed me that while I was swinging, she had conversed with Jermaine Jackson. I was amused, amazed, and still jealous when she showed me his autograph on her shirt.
As she gave out her last hug and left the area, making me a moment too late to really interact with her, I made eye contact with Katherine Jackson and smiled.
Today I got the chance to wander aimlessly through Neverland Valley Ranch, absorbing its beauty.
I could not comprehend how a man could have so much trust and selflessness as to completely open up all this land to the public and fund an endless supply of food and hundreds of employees for this one event.
I watched a little boy dance to “Black or White” in the middle of the Neverland [Amusement] Park.
I actually slid down the slide, rode the carousel, took the train ride around the property, and spun around in the same “Spider” ride that I’d recognized from various video clips of Michael Jackson and many others in Neverland.
As “Heal the World” played again several hours after my first emotional experience with the song, I looked around myself and saw hundreds of fans of all ages frolicking in complete bliss.
I was in a place today where everyone was free and beautiful. I was so glad that the media was not allowed inside but the helicopters above the ranch would not go away, which made me sad.
I recorded a very emotional message for Michael Jackson and felt so close to him because I knew he’d probably actually see the footage.
As I left Neverland, I wondered where the gift shop was and then realized that I was not at Disneyland but rather, that this is actually someone’s home.
I felt sad leaving Neverland but the “Good-bye for now” sign cheered me up. Then I saw all the news vans right outside heaven Neverland’s gates and felt even more sad.
I did the one thing I’d been dreaming of for months today and I appreciated and loved it more than I can ever explain.

Michael was SO giving, regularly having busloads of disadvantaged and disabled kids spend a day there when he wasn’t even home. He cared so much about giving people just once place where they could be free and not have to worry about being judged or about any of their personal problems. It would be great if Neverland could be restored, as long as it’s done right and Michael is truly honored there. It really would show the world how amazing and pure he was.

So Surreal, So Magical
by Joseph

When we walked through the large iron gate that lets you into the residential part of Neverland, I felt more like I was going into Willy Wonka's place than Neverland. The whole thing was so unbelievable. The flowers that lined the perfect brick walkways looked as if they were almost painted there. The main house and guest house were so beautiful, so elegant looking, almost untouchable. The pond where the swans glided back and forth was such a perfect compliment to the setting. Dotted throughout the landscaped area were these beautiful bronze statues, mostly of children at play. There was a play area behind Michael's house for his kids with a plaque that read " To Prince and Paris, Daddy loves you very much". That's when you were reminded that this was Michael's house, where he was raising his family. Living his life his way. The movie theatre was a seperate building, and it was truly amazing. A fully stocked candy counter with anything you wanted. For free. The same with the train station, it had it's own bakery with staff who were baking and giving you anything you wanted. It felt as much like Willy Wonka's house as Pere Pan's. I was a bit numbed by the whole thing at the end of the day, you almost got tired of of thinking to yourself " I can't believe somebody actually built this, lives like this". It was so over the top beautiful. It's been 5 years since I was there and as I write this I'm so infuriated that those monsters ruined it for Mike and his kids. And for all of us, his fans. No man should ever be chased from his home. And in such a horrible way. It is my hope that Michael has healed enough to not let them take Neverland away forever. She deserves to be restored to her splendor and shared with the whole world, much the way the Presley family lets fans see Graceland. A place for Michael's fans to go and see the wonder of Michael's beautiful and creative mind. A place For All Time. That's how you win, Mike.

Celebrating 25 Years Of Marriage In Neverland
by Marina & Henri Van Asten (TMC/MJFC Belgium)

TMC (MJFC Belgium) was working with others to organize Michael's Birthday Party in LA. My husband and I never travelled that far, but looking forward to do this together with the team. In L.A. we met other teams and could finally see the faces that go with the names.

Later we received a ‘Thank you’ from Michael, with invitation to visit Neverland. That was already special to us. We were just 25 years married, how exceptional to celebrate it at such a place. What I remember most was the feeling I got standing by the gate. When it opens, you step into another world. You are closed in, still with the sky above you, and feel very safe.

In 1996 we had to give our only daughter, Jessica (see image on the right), back to God. Every time Michael is near, with a concert or so, he brings her back close to me. He is one of the very few people who can do this. It is because she shared with Michael the love for the world, the animals and the children. I did not expect to feel it otherwise, but it felt so good to have her with me, to be able to experience it again.

The 3 of us, Jessica in our hearts, stepped into Neverland.

Two small (!) animals stood at the entrance. A baby elephant and snake were introduced to us. Animals have a real home there. I saw the stables and it was just diner time for them. All was super organized, I remember the vegetables cut in perfect way. I like visiting a real animal lover, mostly they are also very kind to people.

I was deeply touched to see the train station, especially since Michael dedicates it to his mother. We were invited for a pick-nick. Everything was set outside between the shadows of the trees and all could find their selection in the buffet. Just to relax and enjoy. There is no must in Neverland and so much is possible. Just going into the theatre and get coffee and candies. Michael surely spoiled his guests.

He offered us the chance to know more of his life, around his house, his home where he lives with his children. I was allowed, with all respect towards his privacy, to get to know the real Michael a bit more.
Michael, I do hope you will find the courage one day to share this with others to be with them at the same time in Neverland. To enjoy and to share together. And that others will give you the chance to do this, to be yourself, without anyone asking something else of you. That is what I wish for you!

I felt welcome as a guest. It can’t really describe the wonderful spirit, there are no words for that. But I do know I will never feel it again. Not even if I ever was invited back to Neverland.
Since it was unique to me and I will treasure it always in my heart. I’m so happy I could share this with my husband, and all our friends. And of course with the loved one in my heart.
Thank you, Michael!!!

The Source:

Michael's Giving Tree

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Re: MJJC Legacy Project - Neverland FACT File. FOR REFERENCE ONLY!


FACT # 8 - Neverland was also refuge for many animals

Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation - Michael Jackson


Michael Jackson made the painful decision to give his animals up for adoption. Shortly after the decision, rumors started popping up all over the place regarding Jackson's mistreatment of the animals by organizations like PETA and others.

In honor of Michael Jackson's untimely passing I was blessed with the opportunity to help dispel this myth and show the depth of loving that lived in this man by speaking with Tippi Hedren.


Tippi Hedren is best known as the mother of Melanie Griffith and the blond bombshell who was made famous by Alfred Hitchcock starring in The Birds. She is also known for her lifelong love and commitment to animal rights, particularly "the big cats." She considers herself the "den mother" and close friend to sixty-odd big cats -- lion, tiger, leopard, cougar, and serval at The Roar Foundation's Shambala Preserve near Acton, California, which she founded in 1983.


This is the place where Jackson's Tigers Sabu and Thriller were blessed to go live when he had to give them up for adoption. I asked her about the treatment of Jackson's tigers knowing that her experience qualifies her to know when animals arrive at her sanctuary having been abused or mistreated, "They were absolutely beautifully treated. Animal organizations actually doctored photos." I also learned that for a three year period she and Michael Jackson shared their veterinarian, Martin Dinnes, who she has been in partnership with (in her animal work and her love life having almost married him) for over 30 years. She said, "Everything was perfect for those animals, they had the best food, best human care, wonderful areas to live, it was spectacular. He loved those animals. When Michael had the financial problems he asked Marty (her vet) to find the best homes in the U.S. for them. Michael once said about his animals, "Everything that I love is behind those gates. We have elephants, and giraffes, and crocodiles, and every kind of tigers and lions. And - and we have bus loads of kids, who don't get to see those things. They come up, sick children, and enjoy it."

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Re: MJJC Legacy Project - Neverland FACT File. FOR REFERENCE ONLY!


John Norris Remembers His Day At Neverland With Michael Jackson
Posted 6/26/09 5:18 pm ET by MTV News

"Back in 1993, MTV hosted a contest called My Weekend at Michael's Neverland Valley Contest. As a part of the contest, MTV News' John Norris was sent out to Neverland to cover the revealing of the grand-prize winner. Here is his account of what it was like on the grounds of Neverland and working with Michael Jackson.
"MTV had a contest where they asked fans to submit completed videos for the song 'Who Is It.' I don't remember whether MTV put the fan-made video into rotation — I have a feeling they didn't. The three finalists got to come spend a weekend at Neverland, and Michael would pick the winner there. At the tail end of that weekend, we came in. I was VJing at the time, so I was there more as a VJ, but we also had a news crew and a promo crew. The deal was that Michael was going to join me and the three finalists on the grounds of Neverland to reveal his choice for the winner. We were there to shoot several segments, first with the finalists and then with Michael.

"Neverland is huge. It's a ways to get to — you have to go up this long winding road through the mountains. It's probably a 15-minute drive up from the main road. And there's no mistaking when you get there, because there's a beautiful ornate gate. We didn't even see the entire spread, but passing through I saw a fort with a bunch of tree houses — you really get the sense you're entering the grounds of an amusement park. The house is an old Tudor style house with some guest houses, where the finalists stayed over. So they set us up on the perimeter of Michael's amusement park. There are probably half a dozen rides. There was one of those big spider-looking things, there was a huge slide and definitely a Ferris wheel. When you're on the grounds of Neverland, you really get the feeling that he thought of himself as a child. I mean, the damn place is called Neverland.
"So anyway, we got set up and did a few segments with the finalists and we were waiting for Michael. Finally he shows up, and he arrives on a little train that ran around the edge of Neverland. And he shows up with a couple of little kids. And I'm talking little — they could not have been older than 6 or 7. A boy and girl, and I don't remember if he introduced them or not.

"Bob Jones was our point person, and he was Michael's longtime publicist. Bob came over to me beforehand and said, 'You know, John, you know the agreement is that Michael is going to reveal the winner, but you're not going to talk to him.' I knew I wasn't going to be doing a sit-down interview, but I was like, 'What do you mean I'm not supposed to talk to him?' And he said, 'You can talk to him before we start shooting, but once we're rolling, just don't ask him any questions.' I said OK, but I said to myself that it was not right.
"Before we started shooting, Michael walked up and was really friendly and we started chatting. He asked if I had seen the zoo and I said I hadn't, but I'd love to see it. But the people in charge of us being there told us we had to stay in the one area where we were shooting. We didn't go in the house or anything. He said that he knew me from MTV and told me he enjoyed watching me. I was only a few years into being a regular on-air person, so the fact that he would even know who I was seemed crazy to me. I was amazed that he watched television or did anything that would fall into the scope of normal behavior. Then he started talking about Janet's record, which was about to come out and I hadn't heard yet. He heard it and said it was great.
"When we shot our first segment, I really grew a pair at that point, so I said, 'Michael, thanks for having us here this weekend. I know it's meant a lot to these guys. WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THE FINALISTS?' A real probing question, isn't it? So he mustered 'I liked them all.' And I said, 'I know you have to choose a favorite later on, but was there one that really jumped out at you right away?' And he said, 'No, you know, they were all great.' I knew I wasn't going to be getting much more than that, so I wrapped up the segment.
As soon as we shot it, Jones runs over to me and says 'What did I tell you?' And I was like, 'That's out of line? Are you serious?' I think he wanted me to talk about Michael with him standing right there. 'Look, here's Michael Jackson! He's standing right here! Look at him!' But Michael sees what's going on and says, 'It's fine, it's fine.' I feel like in that moment I realized that Michael was way more cool with actual human interaction than his handlers think he is.
"And that was it. He picked a winner, we ate lunch and we left."

The MTV Video of this Historic Event with Michael Jackson
Get More: Music News

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Neverland Updates: February 2012

Michael Jackson~My Neverland visit February 20th, 2012
Thank-you mysweetmichael1958v for this Video :bow::give_rose:
A big thank you to my family for accompanying me on my trip of a life time to pay homage to my kindred spirit Michael. We simply had a fabulous time. My little video will take you on what was about a 2 hour journey from L A up the Pacific Coast High to Santa Ynez Valley. The most Beautiful nature I have ever seen in my life. Valleys, mountains, one of the most beautiful lakes I have seen in my life. One bridge we went over I had to get in the floor board of the truck because im afraid of heights. lol. But I would have went thru the fire of hell to get to Neverland. It was very clear why Micheal picked this place in paradise to make his Kingdom. It was so strange because all of the houses.. and there were not many, that you passed were just ordinary homes like most people live in. Then you come to that Y shaped area and see those brown gates... and its like wow there it is! Then you stand at the gates and peer thru and you know whats on the other side..or what used to be on the other side. My emotions ran wild.. imagining all the rides and the zoo and Michaels Beautiful home...and oh yes... his GIVING TREE. If I could have went behind those gates and could only see one thing it would have to be his giving tree. But just to know I was on the property where God sent him songs like Black or White and Will You Be there was enough really. Michael's magic is still can feel it ! or should I say?? CAN YOU FEEL I ?! CAN YOU FEEL IT ?! CAN YOU FEEL IT ?! I Love You my Precious !

Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch from above via helicopter February 21, 2012
Thank-you MrRofeliak for this Video:bow::give_rose:
It's Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch from above. This video is from a helicopter flyover in February 2012. The Ranch is located outside Los Olivos in the middle of beautiful Santa Ynez wine country in Santa Barbara County.
[Appreciation goes to Tom Barrack as well for buying and renovating this lovely property.
The video is little choppy in places and originated from a Samsung Galaxy S2 phone. Still, great and otherwise impossible to get view of the ranch from about 150 feet above (guessing).
Right at the beginning at At 0:02 you can see the guardhouse that most people only see, where fans leave poems scrawled on the gate, love notes, flowers.

:bow::give_rose::bow::give_rose: :bow::give_rose:

Sincerely Your,
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:ciao: AllForLove :heart:

You never need to envy me, I have never seen Neverland myself, only in my heart and soul :pray:
Now I will :pray: that one day you and I will experience it together and have a little taste of Michael's Heaven on earth :heart::pray::heart:

I envy you MJ TinkerBell, I would give anything to have chance to go there !! maybe one day ... :pray:
I would have LOVED to have gone to Neverland OMG :yes: I wish it was still there,but Michael was the spirit of it. Wonderful place that's in my heart forever. :heart:
All of these amazing things Michael did for humanity and children and nature in itself (animals) is just beautiful and brings tears to my eyes. :cry: Great thread. I loved reading this.

Michael, you truly had a heart of gold. :heart:
If a quarter of the people in the world had half the heart he did, the world would be such a better place.
:ciao: Don't cry MJ angel Courtney, he did it all for everyone and that means me and you, he knew it was all worth it :group::bow:

Please come back anytime and see how much more joy we can bring to you about the Michael you LOVE so much :agree::group:

All of these amazing things Michael did for humanity and children and nature in itself (animals) is just beautiful and brings tears to my eyes. :cry: Great thread. I loved reading this.

Michael, you truly had a heart of gold. :heart:
If a quarter of the people in the world had half the heart he did, the world would be such a better place.
Cribs Exclusive Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch Tour

Michael Jacksons Neverland. You will see Michaels 12,000 pluss sqf house and around the 2800 acres estate. He had a personal lake, train station, movie theater, mini theam park, mini zoo, and much more. Michael had bought the house in 1988 after shooing the " say say say " music video on the property which at the time was know as " Sycamore Valley Ranch " which is where he lived here till 2005.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

Michael Jackson Neverland Ranch Short Tour

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Inside The Neverland Ranch (The Today Show)

In a TODAY SHOW exclusive, Matt Lauer tours the Neverland Ranch, Michael Jacksons fantasy-filled private compound in California where many fans hope to get their last look at the star before he is laid to rest.

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Thriller, Michael Jackson's tiger, dies of lung cancer
Published Wednesday, Jun. 27 2012, 4:27 PM EDT

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Southern L.A - Thriller, a tiger that belonged to Michael Jackson when the entertainer lived at his Neverland ranch, has died of lung cancer at actress-activist Tippi Hedren&#8217;s wildlife preserve in California.

The 13-year-old, 170-kilogram tiger died June 11, Ms. Hedren said Wednesday. A necropsy was performed and the tiger was cremated. Staff workers will hold a private service when the ashes are buried in a section of the preserve set aside for animals that die there.

Thriller and her brother Sabu were born on Nov. 20, 1998, and lived with Jackson until May 4, 2006, Ms. Hedren said.

When Jackson left Neverland for good, his veterinarian asked Ms. Hedren to take the cats at her Shambala Preserve in Acton, about 80 kilometres north of Los Angeles.

Other Neverland animals, including giraffes, flamingos, orangutans, elephants and dozens of reptiles, were sent to other sanctuaries in other parts of the country.

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Shambala didn&#8217;t have a lot of room, but Ms. Hedren built a $79,000 habitat next to the preserve&#8217;s lake and there were trees and a hill and Thriller had a great life with Sabu, she said.

&#8220;Thriller was a real piece of work, one gutsy girl. She ruled Sabu&#8217;s life. It was humorous to watch the whole relationship. She did things to him that male tigers would normally never allow. She would steal food from him. That&#8217;s unheard of. She ruled the roost, was very independent and tough,&#8221; Hedren said.

Unlike many of the animals at the preserve, Thriller and Sabu arrived at the compound in excellent health physically and emotionally, Ms. Hedren said.

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There are 15 tigers at the compound, but Sabu is now alone in the habitat he shared with Thriller and he&#8217;ll probably stay that way, Ms. Hedren said.

Tigers are loners in the wild, she explained.

Because Thriller was a famous tiger, she was very popular with visitors and media, Ms. Hedren said. &#8220;She didn&#8217;t care. She was not a diva and didn&#8217;t mug for the camera. We all loved her for it.&#8221;

Staff was trying to cope with Thriller&#8217;s death, Ms. Hedren said. &#8220;It&#8217;s very hard for all of us when these animals go away. Fortunately for Sabu and Thriller, they came in healthy and content. They had no problem with being in quarantine for 30 days. They adjusted so well.&#8221;

Most of the animals at Shambala, which requires $75,000 in donations every month to stay open, have trouble adjusting because they have such abusive pasts, Ms. Hedren said.

R.I.P ~ Nov. 20, 1998 ~ June 11, 2012
Dearest Thriller you are and will always be loved

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Shambala Online:

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The Blog Article:

Michael Jackson: In Search of Neverland....
Real Estate Agent Tells How She Negotiated 'The Sale Of The Century'
By DeBorah B. Pryor
..June 23, 2010

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JOURNALISTS&#8217; NOTE: I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the difficulty of writing about this particular topic at this particular time &#8211; the 1st anniversary of Michael Jackson&#8217;s passing. To write about his dream home, his utopia, his Neverland, and know that he is gone from us forever remains, at best, a devastating blow. Yet, in remembering the spirit of Michael, we can never forget his unbridled sense of joy at the smallest things, his almost childlike innocence, and his love of children and animals. This book tells us about the fulfillment of one of Michael&#8217;s biggest dreams &#8211; straight from the mouth of the woman that helped make it come true.

Just when you were probably thinking, &#8220;Oh no, not ANOTHER Michael Jackson book,&#8221; comes &#8220;MICHAEL JACKSON: In Search of Neverland&#8221; &#8211; a charming 98-page self-published paperback that details Jackson&#8217;s search for the home of his dreams. The book was written by Gloria Rhodes Berlin, the real estate agent who single-handedly shopped for, located and negotiated the transaction for what became known as &#8220;The Sale of the Century&#8221; in 1988. The sprawling 2,700-acre Los Olivos, California property; originally called Sycamore Valley Ranch; that later become known around the world as Michael Jackson&#8217;s NEVERLAND.

Berlin recently spoke with EUR&#8217;s Lee Bailey, who asked why she wrote the book.
&#8220;The book is because I found him the ideal paradise he wanted for himself and for his animals. When he was being cited by the animal regulation department continuously&#8230;at the family compound. They threatened to come and arrest him and impound all of his animals. They said they belonged at the L. A. Zoo, not at his home. He had llamas, giraffes, a baby elephant, [and] snakes. A python got out, went swimming next door in the neighbors pool; and it scared the neighbors and they called the animal regulation department (laughs).&#8221;

MICHAEL JACKSON: In Search of Neverland takes readers on a delightful walk with Jackson as he nears his 27th birthday. He still lived with his parents, at least three of his siblings, and a menagerie of animals at the Encino family compound on Hayvenhurst Avenue. At the time, Jackson was working on The Wiz, preparing for the Bad World Tour and feverishly trying to move away from the family home. Oh yes, and he was bagging groceries at Gelson&#8217;s.

But bear with me. I&#8217;m getting ahead of myself.
&#8220;He was a bachelor and wanted to get married. All he ever wanted to do was have a home of his own, get married, and have children. A wife to come home to. He tried,&#8221; says Gloria Rhodes Berlin, a neighbor to the Jackson family at the time of the sale.
Berlin had become friendly with Katherine Jackson and first met Michael at age twelve. She had been living in Encino for ten years when the Jackson family arrived from Gary, Indiana. Her book shares several sweet, little anecdotes that we have yet to hear elsewhere; and there is no doubt that the author is someone who genuinely cared for the entertainer.

Michael Jackson & Gloria Rhoads Berlin

&#8220;Michael Jackson and I had a very wonderful relationship&#8230; I always thought he was going to wind up being a box-boy at Gelson&#8217;s because he had a crush on a very beautiful young lady who was about 4 ½ feet tall who was working there. [She had] very white porcelain skin with big blue eyes; real red-haired, that she wore in little pigtails and he used to come over and act as a box boy for her; pack the groceries for the people who came through her aisle. I always came through there and he would say, &#8216;Hello Mrs. Berlin&#8217;. My son, Will, used to play with the Jackson Five, basketball, at their home.&#8221;

&#8220;I think they hired him (laughs). He &#8230; would come [to the market] dressed up as The Wiz; wearing these shoes that were like on stilts&#8230;He came to see that pig-tailed, red-head girl&#8230;.He loved her. He knew everyone that came to Gelson&#8217;s.&#8221;

Prior to becoming his real estate agent, Berlin had contacted Jackson on another matter.

&#8220;I wrote him a letter about a family that was losing their home. The man was 87-years-old, Black and married to a White woman. They had three children, young teens. The father had heart disease&#8230;and died, there was no burial money. Michael Jackson paid for the burial of that man he didn&#8217;t even know.&#8221;
This exchange opened the door for Jackson, who had worked unsuccessfully with other realtors, to seek Berlin&#8217;s assistance in finding his dream home.

Michael&#8217;s frame of mind during this time, according to Berlin, was to become independent of his parents &#8211; and for them to become independent of him. He wanted to be alone, away from prying eyes, street traffic and noise. He wanted a place where he could look out the window and see bluebirds, do his own farming and feed his animals. He specified the place had to be accessible to deer, so they could prune his trees.

A former actor who once shared the same theatrical agent as Elizabeth Taylor, dated Frank Sinatra for two-and-a-half years, and had roles in movies like &#8220;Guys and Dolls,&#8221; &#8220;Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,&#8221; and &#8220;There&#8217;s No Business Like Show Business&#8221;.

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Berlin lists some of her fondest Michael Jackson memories:

* When he played &#8216;I Just Can&#8217;t Stop Loving You&#8217; on the Boesendorfer grand piano in the living room of the main house.

* When he ran along the top of a wooden fence on the Neverland property as if it were a balance beam.

* Developed new dance steps on the stones in the middle of a stream.

* Planted flowers in the flowerbeds around the main house at Neverland using different color schemes for each season of the year.

* Slid down the banister and hid in the secret room inside the mansion.

* Played &#8220;Ghost&#8221; using a Casper ghost costume in the playroom with moving walls.

* Held my hand and walked with me throughout the entire ranch.

Michael Jackson had actually been on the ranch before.
&#8220;Paul McCartney had been a guest of Bill Bones,&#8221; said Berlin of the man who had originally developed and lived on the ranch with his family. &#8220;Then, without authorization, [McCartney] decided to start shooting video and invited Michael Jackson to come there and be in the video. And Michael Jackson had&#8230; been driven there&#8230;and then removed when they were kicked off after a manager phoned Bill Bones and told him they were filming and [had] brought film crews on the ranch.&#8221;

Berlin says that she happened to locate the same ranch Jackson had previously visited, as a guest was a coincidence. He needed a ranch of that size. At the time of his visit there, it was not for sale. But after a divorce between Bill Bones and his wife, it was. Bones-a realtor, broker, builder and developer himself- did not list the ranch. In order to see the house you had to register. Berlin found out about the property &#8211; which had an original asking price of $35 million dollars - by contacting the Chamber of Commerce.

But the transaction, says Berlin, did not progress without its share of drama from Jackson&#8217;s people.
&#8220;John Branca wanted to offer them $9 million&#8230;He didn&#8217;t want to listen to me; and then he said $10 million&#8230;11&#8230;12 and finally we presented an offer. Mr. Bone went crazy and said if I had been a man, he would&#8217;ve punched me out!&#8221;
After all was said and done, Michael Jackson laid down $17 million dollars and walked away with a ranch that housed part of the Los Padres National Forest in its back yard. He was there for 15 years.

Lee Bailey asks Gloria Berlin her thoughts about what is going on with the estate since Michael&#8217;s passing.

&#8220;My thoughts are that Mrs. Jackson is an amazing woman. She&#8217;s&#8230;a true beauty&#8230;I saw her about 2 ½ weeks ago and she told me the story about Michael and his death&#8230;For me it&#8217;s a heartbreak. I can&#8217;t even think about it without crying because I knew him since he was 12. But she is his mother. I told her Dr. Conrad Murray should be prosecuted for murder. She said &#8216;No, he can&#8217;t be prosecuted for murder he&#8217;s only going to be prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter&#8217;. She&#8230; was very calm, very polite. She hugged me and squeezed me.

December 16th, 2011- ActorsE Chat with author and realtor Gloria Berlin
(Michael Jackson: In Search of Neverland) and host Peter Allman

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ActorsE Chat with host Peter Allman and author Gloria Berlin
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Gloria Berlin Gets 2010 IRWIN Award for Best Celebrity Book Campaign
for Book on Michael Jackson


Gloria Berlin, author of Michael Jackson: In Search of Neverland, gets the 2010 IRWIN Award for Best Celebrity Book Campaign from Book Publicists of Soluthern California. Gloria Berlin knew Michael Jackson from the time he moved to Los Angeles as a young kid and she ended up finding him the Neverland Ranch when he bought it originally. Many of his people tried to push her out of the deal, but Michael Jackson stuck by Gloria and she loved him very much for all he did for her and many others during his lifetime.

MICHAEL JACKSON: In Search of Neverland by Gloria Rhoads Berlin is available at It can be downloaded, and is offered through Kindle and eBooks.
DeBorah B. Pryor is a freelance journalist and consultant to &#8216;everyday people&#8217; that aim to become better public speakers in daily life situations.
Her CD,&#8220;Public Speaking for the Private Person&#8221; can be purchased via her website at

In Search of Neverland Website

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The Article:

A slice of the Michael Jackson Dream: Rollercoaster from Neverland ranch is on the market for $50k
By JILL REILLY .. UPDATED: 17:15 GMT, 23 March 2012

A turtle rollercoaster from Michael Jackson's infamous Neverland ranch is up for sale, for an eye-watering $50,000.


The popstar had the five carriage 'Turtle Train' constructed at his personal amusement park so his children could play on it.
He instructed Italian company Zamperla to craft the ride so that it could be used inside his house if needed.

Celebrity auction house, Gotta Have Rock and Roll, are now selling it for a cool $50,000 (£32,000.)
It has a minimum bid of $30,000, but so far no bids have been placed. Jackson named the property Neverland, after the fantasy island in the story of Peter Pan, and the animal ride reflects his childish nature. Neverland was Jackson's home and private amusement park until 2005 when he closed it down.

All aboard: As well as the turtle ride, the amusement park included two trains on railway tracks, a ferris wheel, carousel, a pirate ship and an amusement arcade to name a few.

Spokeswoman Laura Carlucci said: 'The ride was sold under the direction of Michael Jackson himself roughly one year before he passed away.
'He hired a representative to sell some assets from the Neverland Ranch when he ran into financial difficulties.

Neverland in the past: Michael Jackson, singer and wife Lisa Marie Presley welcome 46 children from 17 countries as they arrive for the World Children's Conference at Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch.

As well as the turtle ride, the amusement park included two trains on railway tracks, a Ferris wheel, carousel, and a pirate ship and an amusement arcade to name a few
Spokeswoman Laura Carlucci said: 'The ride was sold under the direction of Michael Jackson himself roughly one year before he passed away.
'He hired a representative to sell some assets from the Neverland Ranch when he ran into financial difficulties.

'We usually don't get items of this type because, as you imagine, such items are rarely up for sale.
'We are thinking a museum or an amusement park or even a mega Michael Jackson collector.
'It is valued at $50,000, but we think in the heat of the bidding it could possibly go for a lot more.
'We are happy to ship it any where in the world, the postage should be pretty pricey.'
For the hefty sum, successful bidders will get the green tortoise shell coloured ride - which measures 160ft long and can hold 10 thrillseekers at a time.
And to make sure they begin using the priceless piece immediately, the lot comes complete with a control panel.

The Source:
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Thank-you so much to qbee for Originally Posting this Story :bow:

Larry Nimmer, the author of "Michael Jackson The Untold Story of Neverland"
just Posted a few nice words on his Facebook about his recent visit to Neverland.
He says its restored beautifully and even has some animals in the zoo.

Yesterday, I was guest of Sébastien Brassard Simard at Neverland Ranch for a tour and lunch. Sebastien is a MJ fan from Quebec and he (along with his guest, me) was invited by Tom Barrack, the owner of the Ranch. Barrack reached out to Sebastian, after receiving communications from him. In this photo, Sebastien and I are below Michael's "Giving Tree".

I found the estate to be well maintained with some things restored to their old glory. Part of the interior decorative gate has been reinstalled, many of the statues are back on the grounds, the train station is beautiful, and there were some animlas in the zoo. Apparently the staff are giving some sick animals a home. I have a few more photos posted on the "Being Mike-like" group page.

I offer my thanks to Tom Barrack, and the kind staff at Neverland Ranch. Some of the staff have worked their for years and had fond memories of Michael... they were very Mike-like... gracious, modest, effective and kind. And thanks to Sebastien, it was fun seeing Neverland through his eyes and hangin with him. His parents left him when he was a year old and he was raised on Michael Jackson music and stories. He learned English to understand Michael's words and he has made a study of Neverland. In fact, the ranch manager said that he should give tours of Neverland as he knew about everything, and it's exact location.

Best wishes to Michael's fans. I truly felt the spirit of Michael at Neverland and he has you in his heart.

The Source:!/...=a.70763193465.72244.509023465&type=1&theater

Thank-you so much to catseyes21 for Originally Posting these Youtube vidoes :bow:

Fans' Love & Support for Michael Jackson at Neverland (June 2005)
~ catseyes21 ~ Yes I recorded them!I was there at the trial with my camera!





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Sycamore Valley Ranch/Neverland Realtor Catalogue 1987

An original professionally printed brochure promoting the sale of the Sycamore Valley Ranch that was purchased by Michael Jackson and named Neverland Valley Ranch in 1987. The full-color brochure features extensive photography of the grounds of the ranch, including aerial photographs giving perspective of the layout of the property. The brochure also includes photographs of the exteriors and interiors of the main house, guest houses, and offices on the ranch. Jackson purchased the home fully furnished, as it is documented in the photograph in this portfolio. As Julien's Auctions catalogued the contents of the Neverland Valley Ranch for auction in 2008, much of the home was still as it appears in these photographs. The brochure also includes a signed letter from Mr. William Bone, the man who designed, built, and sold the property to Jackson as well as a copy of the first and signature pages of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the home and a copy of the Michael Jackson signed deposit check. This Sycamore Valley Ranch/Neverland Realtor Catalogue was SOLD at Juliens Auction for $1,250.00




































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Restoration In Neverland

I was diagnosed with a rare form of child bone cancer in 2000 at the age of fifteen. I was to start chemo therapy in August of that year. Not many people know this but Michael opened up Neverland several times each year for anyone to come and enjoy the park. Everything was free. Rides, games, food. A friend of mine who was a regular at Neverland called me one night and told me the park was going to be open for two weeks at the beginning of August that year. I asked my parents if they would take me the week before I was scheduled to start chemo. My doctors all advised against saying they feared I was too weak but I eventually talked my parents in to it. We had to drive what seemed like several miles after we went through the front gates of Neverland to get to where the actual park was with the rides. As we were driving down the winding road something came over me that I can't explain to this day. It was almost a feeling of peace.
When my family and I stepped out of the car we weren't sure if we should check in with someone or really what to do. A man finally walked over to us and introduced himself and then explained to my parents how everything worked. We signed in with our names and other information and were given matching wrist bands and told we could ride anything we wanted, eat anything we wanted, play any of the games, etc. The man mentioned that on occasion Michael would come outside and say hello to everyone there. My parents thanked the man and within minutes I was at the top of the ferris wheel with my Dad. We rode it three times in a row and then it was on to the swings. We rode the rides for hours before getting in line to get some cotton candy and popcorn. As we sat down at a table with our snacks we noticed a crowd of children running all in one direction. I stood up on the seat of the table we were at but couldn't see anything. Several minutes later the crowd began moving towards us and it was then that I saw Michael. Standing under a huge umbrella and laughing as children were pulling at his arms, legs, and hugging him.
My Mom then grabbed my hand and we made our way over to him. We introduced ourselves and my Mom told him what a wonderful time we were having. She then told him about my cancer and that I would be starting chemo the next week. When she said that Michael put one hand on my head and said, "God Bless you." When he touched me I felt the same feeling of peace and comfort that I did as I had when we drove through the gates of Neverland. He stood there and talked to us for a couple more minutes and then he left. I continued riding rides with my family and the other children but I couldn't stop thinking about meeting him. As we were leaving that night the man who we spoke to when we arrived stopped my dad and handed him a note. The note was from Michael and it was inviting the three of us to have dinner with him. Without hesitation my Dad accepted the invitation and the man then directed us to through another gate which led to the main house. I was surprised once we were in front of the house. I expected it to be this huge mansion but it wasn't. It wasn't small but it certainly wasn't huge. Several people who worked for him greeted us when we pulled up outside. We had dinner with Michael and his children that night and to this day it was the best night of my life. After dinner he asked my parents if it would be ok if he prayed with us and of course they said yes. I had never and still to this day have never heard anyone pray the way he did. At fifteen years old it made me cry.
After he finished praying I opened my eyes and looked to each of my parents who were in tears as well. Michael was gracious enough to give us a tour of some of the things were weren't able to see earlier in the day. He showed us the arcade and the movie theater. The movie theater at Neverland was not your typical theater. Not only were there seats like a real theater, there were also beds for the children who were too sick to sit up. After showing us around we said goodbye to Michael and thanked him for everything. Imagine my Mother's surprise when she received a call from him several days later! We assumed he had obtained our number from the sign in sheet that we filled out upon arriving at Neverland. He asked her how I was doing and she told him I would begin chemo on Monday. He then gave her a number in which to reach him directly and asked her to please call him and let him know how I was doing around the middle of the week. She agreed. I went that Monday morning to the hospital prepared to begin chemo. When the doctor walked in the room he asked both of my parents to sit down. The three of us feared he was going to say the cancer had spread. They had run blood work and some more scans on me two days prior which is typical prior to beginning treatment.When the doctor began to speak he looked at my parents and said, "I don't know how to tell you this. I don't know how to explain this but Danielle no longer has cancer. There are no signs of it on any of the scans we just took." My Mom, my Dad, and I sat there and just stared at him and finally my Mom burst in to tears. We left the hospital and the first thing my Mom did when we got home was call Michael. I was embarrassed because she was crying on the phone but then she handed the phone to me to speak to him and it was obvious he had been crying as well. Through the years Michael remained in touch with my family and would call us several times a year on the phone to say hello. He would sometimes send us gifts and cards. I have been cancer free for ten years now. I can't explain what happened when I went to Neverland. It's defies explanation. I want people to know that I am not the only one who visited Neverland very sick only to become well after my visit. There are hundreds, if not thousands of us. Our stories were never made public because Michael didn't want that. He was a wonderful man. I have never met anyone who cared so deeply about not just children but people in general.

Thank-you Swiftheart for Posting this :pray:

The Source:
Michael Jackson's Beautiful Neverland Ranch

Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch Part I

Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch Part 2

We recently came across these two beautiful videos that we feel truly capture the essence of Neverland Ranch and we wanted to share them with you. They reveal the stunning beauty inside and out; very moving videos that convey perfectly the joy that emanated from this place because of Michael.

We hope they touch your heart as much as they did ours.


The MJTP Tribute Team

The Source:

Building Neverland: Local contractor turned a cattle ranch into Michael’s Jackson’s unique estate
By Raiza Canelon/Staff Writer/

When the news of Michael Jackson’s death spread throughout the Santa Ynez Valley, where the “King of Pop” had many admirers, one local man felt a particularly deep sadness because he knew that his 20-year friendship with Jackson could never be rekindled.
However, nothing can take away Tony Urquidez’s memories of the extensive construction he did to turn a cattle ranch into Neverland — from the gatehouse to the amusement park, train station and other elements — and even the piece of equipment he built for the “Smooth Criminal” music video.
Recalling his first project in 1988, he said, “I was called by a local architect to bid a proposal for a gate house, but didn’t know at the time who it was for. We weren’t the cheapest, but we estimated to get it built faster than the other bids.”
Urquidez, who owns Urquidez Construction in Los Olivos, came to think of his relationship with the late singer as more than just business as they often spoke on the phone and socialized in the years that followed.
While he was building the gate house, he said, a limousine came down the driveway and he had to quickly move the truck that was blocking the ranch’s driveway. As the limo drove by, it paused and the window rolled down a bit so that he could just see two eyes looking at him before it continued on.
That Sunday night after the project was completed, Urquidez received a phone call from a person claiming to be Michael Jackson. He hung up on him, thinking it was a joke. The phone rang again, and the person on the other end assured him it was in fact Michael Jackson. He asked Urquidez to come to a meeting the next week — and that was the beginning of Neverland.
“We sat at this huge conference table, and when Michael showed up everyone got up to greet him. He immediately asked me to step outside with him, and we took off from everyone, even his bodyguards. We zoomed around the ranch on a golf cart and he explained his vision for Neverland, the amusement park, the large animal zoo, theater, train, everything. I just thought to myself, ‘This guy is goofy,’” Urquidez said.

The next project Urquidez worked on at Neverland was the theater, with a state-of -the-art sound system, a candy and popcorn bar, a dance room, seats that had beds, and a stage big enough to fit an elephant under it if need be.
“He wasn’t the demanding type, but more of a little kid that wanted things immediately. We had crews working all hours of the day, and you could tell Michael was so excited. He put pressure on me, but it was a different kind of pressure, a fun pressure,” Urquidez said.
Once the theater was completed, Urquidez would get calls in the middle of the night from Jackson, asking

him to come watch a movie or just talking about ideas he had for the next project.

“Michael gave me a mental visual of what he wanted, and I had the freedom to create. After several projects like the ‘Magic Walkway,’ the bridge to the treehouse, the pirate ship, and the water fort, we had a language to ourselves. I knew what he was envisioning and I made it happen,” Urquidez said.

Urquidez’s son Aaron, now 28, said Jackson would call when he was a teenager and ask him about the latest trends in toys and games, then have him and his older brother Chris come out to test them.

“My favorite was the water fort. It was made into ‘Old West’ buildings and we would have teams against each other shooting out of water canons and guns,” Aaron said.

In researching all the amusement rides and games Jackson had on his ranch, Urquidez would go to conventions all over the country and even to amusement parks to test the rides in person.

“Michael always had to have the biggest and the best. The upside to all the strange requests was that I was able to work on projects I’ll never get to do again,” he said.

Jackson’s life started to go downhill after he was acquitted by a Santa Maria jury on child molestation charges and left Neverland for good. In November Jackson defaulted on a $24.5 million loan backed by the ranch and sold it to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company LLC for approximately $35 million, although he still retained an interest in the property.

When Jackson bid farewell to Neverland for good, Urquidez said, he started hearing less and less from the pop star.

“He would call me and we would have personal talks, but I can say in the amount of time I spent at Neverland I never saw anything out of the ordinary. Yes, he had sleepovers, but I never got a weird feeling.

“He asked sometimes for my boys to spend the night, and the only reason I said no was because I knew they would be up all night eating sugar, and I didn’t want to deal with them like that,” Urquidez said.

Urquidez still has a high opinion of Jackson, and thinks of him as a philanthropist. Jackson loved opening his ranch to underprivileged, inner-city and local children, he said, and when Urquidez built the steam-engine train that looped around the property, he had direct orders from Jackson to make it possible for bed-ridden people to ride.

Shortly after the train layout was completed, a bed-ridden, terminally ill boy with cancer visited Neverland, and he died days after his visit. Urquidez heard that the boy was all smiles about the train ride, and died peacefully.

As Urquidez recently sifted through the boxes of memorabilia he kept from Neverland, such as pictures of him working on the steam engine and the Time magazine from 1993 that showcased the ranch’s amusement park, he recalled instances of Jackson’s personality.

“Working with him so regularly, you forgot how big he was. I got a rare glimpse into his life and sometimes he would just burst into song or dance and I would think to myself, ‘Wow, that’s Michael Jackson!,” Urquidez said.

He also has throngs of items that Jackson personally gave to him, such as the original casting for the number 1 symbol off the steam engine, and the hat from the “Smooth Criminal” music video in which Jackson defies gravity.

Urquidez built the hitch that Jackson could clip into the stage, allowing him to lean forward beyond his center of gravity.

“He was always giving and so considerate. In the years we spent together he never once tried to buy my affection. Michael was brilliant,” Urquidez said.

The Source:

Conversations In Neverland with Michael Jackson [Kindle Edition]
Dr. William B. van Valin II MD (Author)
Publication Date: November 1, 2011

An insightful journey into the friendship between Barney Vanvalin, a rural farmland physician and music icon, Michael Jackson. You will read about the close friendship from their first meeting to the mysterious and sudden end of their long talks after five years. Michael spent countless hours away from the opulent Neverland Ranch inside the humble home of Dr. Vanvalin sharing time with his family. The books takes you inside Neverland Ranch from the dinner table to the extravagant game room, carnival rides, theater, to sitting in bed watching movies with Michael Jackson on one side and Elizabeth Taylor on the other.

You will read of the absence of memorabilia in his home from gold records to photographs of world dignitaries and his candid view of such acknowledgements; the nightly menu at the Neverland dinner table; the origin of the Moon Walk dance; Michael's curiosity of the deceased that had him at Barney's mothers' death bed; and his candid opinion of his father and mother. A must read for any Michael Jackson fan.


Original Cover

Heartwarming stories of the friendship between Michael Jackson and his long time friend Dr. William B. van Valin II M.D. He was more than just the King of Pop. He was a father, friend, and host to many people. Famous or not.
Listen as we hear charming and amusing tales of his creative, giving, funny ways as told by his close friend and physician.