Michael Jackson Planned a Halloween TV Special In 2009


Dark Lady H2O
Mar 16, 2009
Michael Jackson’s 2009 Halloween TV special that never was, but still could be!
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It&#8217;s that time of year again. That time when the King of Pop and his dancing ghouls rise triumphantly from the grave the to the top of digital music charts, thrilling fans &#8211; both old and new &#8211; all around the world.

It&#8217;s Halloween; one of Michael Jackson&#8217;s favourite festive occasions. It&#8217;s no secret that Jackson loved all things that Halloween is famous for; from the thrill of the spooky stuff to dressing up in disguises and costumes and even the candy.

&#8220;I love to trick or treat,&#8221; revealed Jackson in a 2001 interview. &#8220;I love dressing up like some kind of monster&#8230; and knocking on doors. Nobody knows it&#8217;s me and I get candy!&#8221;

&#8220;I missed out on Halloween for years and now I do it. It&#8217;s sweet to go door-to-door and people give you candy. We need more of that in the world. It brings the world together.&#8221;

&#8220;I always thought Halloween and &#8216;Thriller&#8217; fit each other like a glove,&#8221; said Jackson in a 2008 statement about &#8216;Thrill The World&#8217; - an international dance event held annually in late October in which participants simultaneously perform the zombie dance made famous by Jackson in his 1983 &#8220;Thriller&#8221; short film.


The track, &#8220;Thriller,&#8221; is the widely reported to be the biggest-selling Halloween-themed song in history. According to Nielsen SoundScan &#8221;Thriller&#8221; has sold in excess of 3.4 million digital downloads to-date, and it&#8217;s not stopping there!

Right now, today, the &#8220;Thriller&#8221; short film is #1 on numerous iTunes Music Videos charts around the world, including the U.S. (pictured above, left). The track also appears on multiple occasions on the Songs charts in most countries, including three different times within the iTunes U.S. top 100; at #21, #68, #100 and rising!

Halloween just wouldn&#8217;t be the same without &#8220;Thriller,&#8221; and &#8220;Thriller&#8221; has most definitely benefitted from Halloween. Like Jackson said, they fit each other like a glove.

<figure id="attachment_987" aria-labelledby="figcaption_attachment_987" class="wp-caption alignright" style="display: inline; margin: 4px 0px 20px 24px; float: right; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240); line-height: 18px; padding: 4px 14px; text-align: center; -webkit-box-shadow: black 0px 0.7em 1.5em -14px; box-shadow: black 0px 0.7em 1.5em -14px; max-width: 100%; width: 290px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">
<figcaption id="figcaption_attachment_987" class="wp-caption-text" style="font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: rgb(136, 136, 136); margin: 17px 5px 14px;">JACKSON'S HANDWRITTEN NOTE</figcaption></figure>Halloween Television Special
When Michael Jackson signed on with AEG Live to perform a concert residency at London&#8217;s O2 Arena, his agreement to do the shows came with a specific requirement; that AEG would also help him venture into movies.

One of the first things Jackson wanted to do was produce a Halloween television special focusing on his more horror-type music and film pieces; &#8220;Thriller&#8221; and &#8220;Ghosts&#8221;. To to this, Jackson had Randy Phillips set up a meeting between he and Grammy Award show producer Ken Ehrlich. Phillips and AEG&#8217;s Tim Leiweke joined the pair, along with Jackson&#8217;s manager Frank Dileo. The meeting took place before rehearsals on June 24th, 2009 at the Staples Centre &#8211; the day before Jackson died.

&#8220;When I saw him the night before he passed, we were having a meeting about another show; a Halloween project that Michael wanted to do with CBS,&#8221; Ehrlich recalls.
&#8220;Ken Ehrlich was to produce the show for Michael. It centered around the &#8216;Ghosts&#8217; footage Michael had personally financed,&#8221; Randy Phillips told me today. &#8220;The intent was to create a yearly Halloween television special. Michael was going to host and perform on the show.&#8221;

<figure id="attachment_996" aria-labelledby="figcaption_attachment_996" class="wp-caption alignleft" style="display: inline; margin: 4px 24px 20px 0px; float: left; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240); line-height: 18px; padding: 4px 14px 4px 4px; text-align: center; -webkit-box-shadow: black 0px 0.7em 1.5em -14px; box-shadow: black 0px 0.7em 1.5em -14px; max-width: 100%; width: 290px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">
<figcaption id="figcaption_attachment_996" class="wp-caption-text" style="font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: rgb(136, 136, 136); margin: 17px 5px 14px;">"WHO'S DOING SCULPTURE FOR HALLOWEEN SPECIAL"</figcaption></figure>Jackson had dreamed of re-introducing his 1996 musical masterpiece, &#8220;Ghosts,&#8221; to the world. With his dazzling &#8220;This Is It&#8221; tour bringing the focus back to him as an entertainer, October 2009 was shaping up to provide the ultimate platform for Jackson&#8217;s dream to come true.

&#8220;Ghosts&#8221; is a 40-minute film, co-written by Jackson with legendary horror writer Stephen King, and directed by Stan Winston. Jackson plays the roles of several characters in the film including; the fun-loving yet eccentric &#8216;Maestro&#8217;, the rude, ignorant, bigoted town &#8216;Mayor&#8217; and the &#8216;Skeleton&#8217;. The characters are very different, but have one glaring thing in common &#8211; they all dance exactly like the King of Pop!

&#8220;The video contains some of the best, most inspired dancing of Jackson&#8217;s career,&#8221; said Stephen King in a moving piece published shortly after the entertainer&#8217;s death. &#8220;If you look at it, I think you&#8217;ll see why Fred Astaire called Jackson &#8216;a helluva mover&#8217;.
See below &#8220;Michael Jackson&#8217;s Ghosts&#8221; film in full:


The first &#8216;Michael Jackson Halloween Special&#8217; was to be broadcast on October 31, 2009 by CBS. This was perfect timing for all parties involved. By the time Halloween rolled around Jackson would be one month into a three-month break from the tour, so the positive PR and exposure would be warmly welcomed. The King of Pop&#8217;s final show of the tour&#8217;s first leg was scheduled for September 29, 2009. Jackson was not scheduled to return to the O2 stage until January 7, 2010 for the commencement of the second leg.

Because Jackson would not be on tour at the time of the broadcast, his performance for the special would have been sourced from a trove of high-definition footage AEG Live had planned to capture during the first leg.

It was planned that footage of the spectacular &#8220;Thriller&#8221;/&#8221;Ghosts&#8221;/&#8221;Threatened&#8221; portion of the live show would be edited as Jackson&#8217;s &#8220;performance&#8221; in the special, giving the home-viewing audience their first up-close glimpse of the superstar&#8217;s triumphant return to the stage, and the magnificent production on offer. This would be a excellent advertising for future ticket sales with AEG anticipating that the tour would proceed to residency in additional cities around the world.

&#8220;Michael was very happy. I solidified [the] Halloween special that he wanted,&#8221; explained Frank Dileo in an interview. &#8220;We laid out what we wanted to do with the film &#8216;Ghosts&#8217;, and what his participation was and he was acceptive of that. He was extremely happy.&#8221;

However unfortunately, the tour and the Halloween special weren&#8217;t to be, with Jackson passing away the day following his meeting &#8211; on June 25th, 2009.

See below the &#8220;Thriller&#8221; segment of the Sony/AEG/Estate film &#8220;This Is It&#8221;, crafted from footage that was filmed at Culver Studios as well as performances captured during Jackson&#8217;s rehearsals:


Four Halloweens have now passed since Jackson&#8217;s tragic death, and there has been no Halloween special to speak of. However, I personally believe there is a good enough argument in favour of The Estate commissioning the project&#8217;s resurrection &#8211; or at least something like it.

&#8220;Ghosts,&#8221; which would have been the centre-point of the CBS broadcast, is perhaps the most impressive piece of Jackson&#8217;s artistic body of work. I&#8217;m sure plenty of Michael Jackson fans around the world would love to see this film released in an official capacity, remastered in high-definition. And not only the film itself, but an extensive &#8216;making of&#8217; documentary featuring all kinds of rare and unseen bonus footage.
And let&#8217;s not forget the fact that it was Michael himself who wanted to share &#8220;Ghosts&#8221; with the world. He had put the wheels in motion to make it happen, so there is no question over whether or not Michael would approved of its release.

Beyond the release of the &#8220;Ghosts&#8221; film, there are other ways The Estate could be capitalising on Halloween, while providing Jackson&#8217;s fans with something new and exciting to celebrate the occasion with. Things like megamixes, using a collection of similarly-them Jackson tracks (eg. &#8220;Thriller&#8221;, &#8220;Is It Scary&#8221; and &#8220;Threatened&#8221;) could be released, along with the original tracks, as Halloween EPs. Judging by the chart positions of &#8220;Thriller&#8221; alone today, it&#8217;s clear that people are on the hunt for these types of songs on Halloween. So why not introduce those people to more from Michael Jackson?

Another thing that could be done is to revisit a track that Jackson was looking forward to releasing as a single, with a short film, but was never able to. The song I&#8217;m talking about is &#8220;Threatened&#8221;.

On October 26, 2001 Jackson took part in an online audio chat sponsored by Get Music and Rolling Stone, answering fans&#8217; questions over the phone. During the interview Jackson was asked if there were any tracks on the &#8216;Invincible&#8217; album that he wanted to release as singles and create short films for.

&#8220;Absolutely,&#8221; responded Jackson. &#8220;There&#8217;s like an array of, an encyclopedia of just great short films to make from the album. It&#8217;s very exciting. I can&#8217;t wait to do &#8216;Threatened&#8217;. It&#8217;s a kind of scary one with Rod Serling from the Twilight Zone. I can&#8217;t wait to get my hands on that one.&#8221;

Alas, just like the Halloween TV special for CBS, Jackson never got the chance to create a short film for &#8220;Threatened&#8221;. It could still happen. Just like the CBS special or the release of the &#8220;Ghosts&#8221; film could. But will it? Who knows? Only time will tell.

I&#8217;ll leave you with a fantastic fan-made short film for the song &#8220;Threatened&#8221; made up of a combination of clips taken from classic horror movies mixed visuals from supernatural-themed short films released during Jackson&#8217;s life &#8211; including both &#8220;Thriller&#8221; and &#8220;Ghosts&#8221;.


Discuss below&#8230;

Source: Damien Sheilds

Such a shame this didn't come to be. It would have been awesome, and I'm glad michael was planning on bringing back ghosts.
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&#8220;Absolutely,&#8221; responded Jackson. &#8220;There&#8217;s like an array of, an encyclopedia of just great short films to make from the album. It&#8217;s very exciting. I can&#8217;t wait to do &#8216;Threatened&#8217;. It&#8217;s a kind of scary one with Rod Serling from the Twilight Zone. I can&#8217;t wait to get my hands on that one.&#8221;

I would have loved to see what Michael would have done with Threatened.

He had so many plans, but so little time:-(
Articles, news like this, always gets me thinking about how life would have been today if Michael never died. How your life, how my life, how the music industry, everything would have been.
Thriller is the #1 video today?

Well Michael wanted to do something with Cirque de Soleil and that is happening. I don't think it is impossible. I think it can still happen someday.
that halloween special sounded like it would have been fantastic, i would have loved to see that. it's a shame Michael passed before any of this could happen, the world was so ready for his return and i think these projects would have done Michael Justice. He had such a grasp on halloween, a vision into the creative side.. to thrill the world's audiences with theatre/illusions & Magic. i do hope that the estate will one day plan to have this project created, using the red shirt rehearsal of Thriller from at the forum in 2009. And the airing/release of Ghosts. Maybe they could plan a 5 track ep, using: 1. Monster (authentic Differential demo). 2. Is It Scary. 3. Thriller. 4. Ghosts & 5. Threatened. it could be a real treat. and i'd certainly love that. Ghosts Blu-Ray, remastered by Warner Bros. who worked on the Moonwalker Blu-Ray in 2010, with Making of footage would be great.. the motion capture footage is fantastic.. as is the footage they used in the vh1 & wowow making of’s. and yes, the making of thriller definitely needs to be released. Maybe with some additional making of footage as bonus features.
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I remember when VH1 had a Halloween Special and showcased "Ghosts"- that was so awesome. I just love Ghosts and I am hoping that they do have a network special because it would be worth the whole world experiencing a GREAT short film. And I am waiting patiently for the day that Ghosts comes out in Bluray. :angel:
We are definitely missing out on his wonderful ideas/creations. :( That would have been great to see.
Articles, news like this, always gets me thinking about how life would have been today if Michael never died. How your life, how my life, how the music industry, everything would have been.
It is my firm belief that the world would be in a better place if he had never died, at least I know my world would be :cry:
I always thought that IF the Estate ever decided to finally release "Ghosts" on Blu-Ray/DVD, that they should also package it with the original "Making of Thriller" to make it feel like more of a "complete" package. Not to mention some behind the scenes footage of Ghosts as bonus features, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
I can understand Michael wanting more people to see Ghosts. It never really had its moment. Shame he never got to finish those plans.


MICHAEL JACKSON'S - GHOSTS - "Behind The Scenes" RARE 'Un'edited* Material with Stan Winston - The Making Of.. "Skeleton Dance" (HQ) ***
© Kingdom Entertainment™ - 'MJJ Productions' - 1996/'97 ...
It would have been so nice for Ghosts to have been shown on network TV in the USA. Ghosts is pretty much unknown in the USA.
Reading this does not make it any easier. If anything it makes me only angrier with what really happened. Maybe it's just me...
this is little random to post here, but I am glad that choreography of Ghosts
is spreading in popular culture even without a big promotion.

currently uploading the 1996 alternative version of 'Ghosts' to youtube :)
It's a bittersweet symphony.
The fact that Michael would conquer the world with his amazing talents again, gives me alot of goosebumps.
Though Michael isn't here anymore, it's a kind of a sad story.
And all of the things he could do would be so damn amazing.

It makes you wonder, I would love to see MJ doing that, and there is only one option to do so.
Cloning, but yeah it's all against the human evolution. So no good about that, but sometimes I wished he was here you know.
His death shouldn't be like that he had.
I lost my muse. I know you all did too.
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I always thought that IF the Estate ever decided to finally release "Ghosts" on Blu-Ray/DVD, that they should also package it with the original "Making of Thriller" to make it feel like more of a "complete" package. Not to mention some behind the scenes footage of Ghosts as bonus features, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Yejh but they properly will do that if they release thiller on dvd anyway
Michael Jackson a Cannes-Avant première de Ghost part1


Michael Jackson a Cannes-Avant première de Ghost part2

Shame this couldn't come to be. It would have been awesome!
AliCat;3931228 said:
Michael Jackson a Cannes-Avant première de Ghost part1


Michael Jackson a Cannes-Avant première de Ghost part2


Cannes: The Storied Carlton Hotel Turns 100

Celebrities from Michael Jackson to President Obama have flocked to the Croisette's picturesque palace.

Like an elegant grand dame, the InterContinental Carlton Cannes Hotel has seen it all: kings, queens, a meeting of the League of Nations in 1922 and of the world's G20 leaders, including President Obama, in 2011. But it's during the Cannes Film Festival that the 343-room hotel, marking its 100th birthday this year, is at its starriest.

Surveying the crowded lobby in 1972 -- as starlets competed for attention and producers tried to nail down deals -- director John Huston told The Hollywood Reporter, "If you stand there long enough, you can see anyone who matters in the movie business walk by." And the hotel forever will be linked to Princess Grace of Monaco. It was there that she filmed Alfred Hitchcock's To Catch a Thief in 1954, then met her future husband Prince Rainier the following year.

On May 21, as part of its centennial celebration, the hotel will host a benefit gala for The Heart Fund. Sony Pictures Classics co-president Tom Bernard, who is chairing the event, has been staying at the Carlton since 1981. "It's just a grand place," he says, recalling seeing Michael Jackson -- whom he first mistook for a Jackson impersonator -- roaming the halls one morning and another occasion when Brazilian soccer star Pele, in the midst of a press conference, jumped into the crowd and collared a pickpocket. "Even the most outrageous and incredible things seem ordinary within those walls."