Should Jetzi website close down or continue?


Proud Member
Jul 28, 2011
My Bravenet package expires at the end of this month. It will cost me several hundred Dollars to keep it going and I can’t decide if I should renew it or let end. Please let me know what you think I should do … email:

History of Jetzi

My website is about Michael, not about me so very few people know anything about me. Most presume I’m male and American. I’m female and English, living in England.

I first discovered Michael in 1988 during BAD. I began collecting everything, and I mean “everything” connected to Michael. As my collection grew I wanted to share it and I made videos to sell and swap. I now have over 2000 hours of Michael on video, much of it original recordings so the quality is very good. Transferring it all to DVD is a slow process.

Jetzi was born in January 1997. When I learned how to get videos into my computer playing with screen captures of Michael began as just a hobby for me. Michael was a great subject to play with and I wanted to share my videos with other fans so when I discovered the original insidetheweb King of Pop messageboard I posted captures and animations I had made there. There was only KOP back then, others followed. The internet was in its infancy and I enjoyed the comments I got from fans who saw what I had posted on KOP so I created “Jetzi’s Video Frames”, naming it after Jetzi. It consisted of hundreds and hundreds of screen captures taken from my extensive video collection. Initially, I used Geocities which at that time was free, it was limited but for a beginner was adequate to learn with.

I uploaded something new every day and as “Jetzi” slowly started to became known fans visited daily to see what treat there was. I then began making short video clips which were not great quality as I used Real player, Real Player and Windows Media Player were all that was available and pretty basic back then. This was years before YouTube was even thought of, we were still in the 1900s. About this time the free Geocities, Lycos etc brought in bandwidth, storage and upload limits and charges. I enjoyed adding Michael stuff and fans enjoyed seeing what I uploaded so I decided to buy webspace from Bravenet and it evolved into “”. It was expensive and the bandwidth was not great back then but I wanted to keep it all free for fans so as my website grew I kept it all free by financing it myself. It has cost me many Dollars over the years but I’ve got great pleasure from it and I’m sure many of Michael’s fans have too.

I then started uploading books and magazines I have in my collection to share with fans as many of these publications were not available world wide. As Jetzi became more and more known and popular it attracted the attention of book publishers and authors, some of who threatened to sue me if I didn’t remove their publication. This I did, and still do, immediately. This is the reason why publications suddenly disappear from my site.

I posted on numerous newly created Michael related messageboards to promote new items I had added and to spread the word so more fans could enjoy Michael. I uploaded news reports and documentaries within hours of them being broadcast. Unfortunately, there was one messageboard who constantly removed my posts to obscure forums or deleted them altogether depriving fans of knowing what they were missing. They allowed posts by a member who was connected to the administrators of the messageboard, and promoted her website which charged fans to watch videos on her website … this blatant favouritism often made me wonder if they really had Michael’s fan community as a priority?!?

In September 2008 my Bravenet package was due to expire and I was tired of the hassles, expense and time it took for me to copy and upload books and magazines. Michael was not doing much and all we were getting were the horrible allegations and speculation. Much of the fun had gone out of it for me so I decided not to renew and let my website disappear. Bravenet then sent me an email reminding me that I needed to renew and announcing their “special offer” – five years hosting and domain for the price of three years. I can never resist a bargain so I renewed for a further five years. At this time there were numerous books and magazines being published about Michael – some nice some not so nice. I decided I would upload them so fans could read the bad as well as the good to discuss them without the expense of buying all these publications. I also at this time added a button on my site for people to make a donation towards my costs. In those five years I have had 34 donations! Michael’s fans obviously don’t like helping when they can get it for free!

Then Michael died and interest in him soared so I was busy again but not enjoying it. I made the effort but my heart wasn’t in it. Last year, shortly before her 16[SUP]th[/SUP] birthday, Jetzi died and I completely lost interest in the website and uploaded almost nothing.

I still have numerous books and magazines, many from way back so are probably quite rare. I still have videos of Michael that I haven’t uploaded yet and haven’t seen anywhere else so I presume they are rare too. Michael is gone, Jetzi is gone. Most Michael related websites have gone. Do I carry on or is it time to close down?

If you want to stay alive please email to let me know
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I'm sad to hear that. I hope you will be able to continue, however if your heart is not in it any more... Idk.
It is of course whatever you choose but I would like it continued. It gives so much MJ resource through video and books. You have so much Michael information that it really is valuable.
I understand it's hard, but please carry on. Thank you so much for all your work, I can tell you for sure it's very much appreciated!
I do hope that you decide to keep the jetzi website going, I think you've done a wonderful job with it over the years. No matter what you decide, thank you for your generosity in sharing so many great resources that I may otherwise not have known about or had access to.
I have visited and enjoyed your website for many years, such a treasure trove of all things Michael Jackson. The time involved must have been incredible, not to mention the costs. You ultimately must determine what road to take, but to never be able to visit your site again makes me very sad, like closing a special chapter in Michael's life and mine forever.

Thank you so much for all that you've shared with so many of us r/t Michael. Hopefully you will decide to carry on, but do what is in your heart.

Is it about donations or is it about your heart not being in it?

Because it's been such a useful resource for so many fans, I feel like if enough people donated you should be able to keep it afloat.
Oh no :( I'm emailing you now. I sort of dreaded this day would come, but you are kind and generous enough to ask first.
Not sure if this is the correct forum to put this in, but mods, please move if needed.

Should Jetzi <nobr>website</nobr> close down or continue?
My Bravenet package expires at the end of this month. It will cost me several hundred Dollars to keep it going and I can&#8217;t decide if I should renew it or let end. Please let me know what you think I should do

History of Jetzi
My website is about Michael, not about me so very few people know anything about me. Most presume I&#8217;m male and American. I&#8217;m female and English, living in England.
I first discovered Michael in 1988 during BAD. I began collecting everything, and I mean &#8220;everything&#8221; connected to Michael. As my collection grew I wanted to share it and I made videos to sell and swap. I now have over 2000 hours of Michael on video, much of it original recordings so the quality is very good. Transferring it all to DVD is a slow process.
Jetzi was born in January 1997. When I learned how to get videos into my computer playing with screen captures of Michael began as just a hobby for me. Michael was a great subject to play with and I wanted to share my videos with other fans so when I discovered the original insidetheweb King of Pop messageboard I posted captures and animations I had made there. There was only KOP back then, others followed. The internet was in its infancy and I enjoyed the comments I got from fans who saw what I had posted on KOP so I created &#8220;Jetzi&#8217;s Video Frames&#8221;, naming it after Jetzi. It consisted of hundreds and hundreds of screen captures taken from my extensive video collection. Initially, I used Geocities which at that time was free, it was limited but for a beginner was adequate to learn with.

I uploaded something new every day and as &#8220;Jetzi&#8221; slowly started to became known fans visited daily to see what treat there was. I then began making short video clips which were not great quality as I used <nobr>Real player</nobr>, Real Player and Windows Media Player were all that was available and pretty basic back then. This was years before YouTube was even thought of, we were still in the 1900s. About this time the free Geocities, Lycos etc brought in bandwidth, storage and upload limits and charges. I enjoyed adding Michael stuff and fans enjoyed seeing what I uploaded so I decided to buy webspace from Bravenet and it evolved into &#8220;;. It was expensive and the bandwidth was not great back then but I wanted to keep it all free for fans so as my website grew I kept it all free by financing it myself. It has cost me many Dollars over the years but I&#8217;ve got great pleasure from it and I&#8217;m sure many of Michael&#8217;s fans have too.
I then started uploading books and magazines I have in my collection to share with fans as many of these publications were not available world wide. As Jetzi became more and more known and popular it attracted the attention of book publishers and authors, some of who threatened to sue me if I didn&#8217;t remove their publication. This I did, and still do, immediately. This is the reason why publications suddenly disappear from <nobr>my site</nobr>.

I posted on numerous newly created Michael related messageboards to promote new items I had added and to spread the word so more fans could enjoy Michael. I uploaded news reports and documentaries within hours of them being broadcast.

In September 2008 my Bravenet package was due to expire and I was tired of the hassles, expense and time it took for me to copy and upload books and magazines. Michael was not doing much and all we were getting were the horrible allegations and speculation. Much of the fun had gone out of it for me so I decided not to renew and let my website disappear. Bravenet sent me an email reminding me that I needed to renew and announcing their &#8220;special offer&#8221; &#8211; five years hosting and domain for the price of three years. I can never resist a bargain so I renewed for a further five years. At this time there were numerous books and magazines being published about Michael &#8211; some nice some not so nice. I decided I would upload them so fans could read the bad as well as the good to discuss them without the expense of buying all these publications. I also at this time added a button on my site for people to make a donation towards my costs. In those five years I have had 34 donations! Michael&#8217;s fans obviously don&#8217;t like helping when they can get it for free!

Then Michael died and interest in him soared so I was busy again but not enjoying it. I made the effort but my heart wasn&#8217;t in it. Last year, shortly before her 16th birthday, Jetzi died and I completely lost interest in the website and uploaded almost nothing.

I still have numerous books and magazines, many from way back so are probably quite rare. I still have videos of Michael that I haven&#8217;t uploaded yet and haven&#8217;t seen anywhere else so I presume they are rare too. Michael is gone, Jetzi is gone. Most Michael related websites have gone. Do I carry on or is it time to close down?

I urge any and all of you who can to donate to Jetzi as soon as possible. contact Jetzi through email at .


I really want to donate and make sure they stay open! I hope you guys do too!
Re: Jetzi mj site closing down?

Oh gosh. I didn't realize there was already a thread. Please merge if needed. ;D
Whew! I've been visiting your site for many years and would hate to see you close.
I know the site is a passion or you would not have been running it for so long.
But, ultimately, the last word is yours Jetzi.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you did, sharing all those rare MJ books. I love your website so much, please don't close it down. So many years of hard work shouldn't be wasted away.
I personally love your website and found it such a invaluable resource with a lot of info that would be hard to find anywhere else. I found it shortly after Michael's death and greatly enjoyed the treasure trove of information. I hope you'll find a way to keep it, otherwise I think it should be archived somehow just for historical reasons alone.
Re: Jetzi mj site closing down?

Okay MJFamily Please support Jetzi email the site thank the person for all they upload & donate if u can. Jetzi is a very, very, very, nice person I once asked to upload book back up they had cause I was sick & they did it,please let's help and encourage Jetzi!


with the L.O.V.E. :heart:
Re: Jetzi mj site closing down?

This is one of the first MJ websites, one of the foundation stones of the online fan community. I'm going to say something that some of you may not like, but I ask you to not be offended (if you're apt to feel offended) and just hear me out lol....

Unless you're filthy rich, I'm fairly sure that almost everyone's respective money situation (including mine lol) sucks right now lol, no matter what corner of the world you're in. But something as measly as $2 from each of us here, can have such an enormous impact. Jetzi is quite frankly one of our forefathers of sorts, and deserves to be preserved and maintained. If you're flat broke, then of course you need to worry about where you'll be getting your next meal more so than keeping a website up lol, but 2 bucks man, a small amount that you'll more than likely not even remember donating can make such a huge difference for others. I'm not trying to tell people how to spend their money, cuz that's honestly not my business. All I'm saying is that all of us, all of you, can play a major role in helping preserve a big part of Michael's legacy, for literally next-to-nothing; think about it hmm? :blush:
Re: Jetzi mj site closing down?

Oh no, Jetzi needs to stay up:-(

It is great site for the read books that you cannot find from any shops anymore, or books that you do not want to purchase in order to show that you do not support that book, but want to read a bit (or the whole book).
I read most of Jermaine's book there, but he obviously contacted on Jetzi and threatened sue if she didn't remove his book from her site, so it was removed. Never mind of that, there still are great books like Margaret M, must read, and others.
I read rabbi Shmuck's book there as I definitely didn't want to give any money to his pocket, and she also have L Rowe, Janet's and LaToya's books.

At least her book section needs to kept alive if anything, that is like libary of rare books of MJ.
I posted this on the other Jetzi thread, didn't realise there was two of them.
Oh no, Jetzi needs to stay up:-(

It is great site for the read books that you cannot find from any shops anymore, or books that you do not want to purchase in order to show that you do not support that book, but want to read a bit (or the whole book).
I read most of Jermaine's book there, but he or his publisher obviously contacted on Jetzi and threatened sue if she didn't remove his book from her site, so it was removed. Never mind of that, there still are great books like Margaret M, must read, and others.
I read rabbi Shmuck's book there as I definitely didn't want to give any money to his pocket, and she also have L Rowe, Janet's and LaToya's books.

At least her book section needs to kept alive if anything, that is like library of rare books of MJ. I go back for references all the time, and it would be terrible if I cannot visit my MJ library:-(
I hope you continue. Perhaps another host like dreamhost is better..
Hi Jetzi,

I still go to your site every so often, I enjoy it. I still read books on the site, and scatter through the footage on there sometimes.. I could understand that there isn't much to update too often, but a little creativity can go a long way..

The fan community loves footage/reading material when we can get it, and a place to go just to reminisce..

Michael's legend has to continue.

We absolutely need your database.

Please stay up! I sent in a donation !

Thank for all.
I've already sent an email. However, I'll still leave a comment.

I really hope you choose to keep the website up. As many have stated, it's such a wonderful resource for fans. I've enjoyed visiting for years. It would be sad to see it go. :(
Since Jetzi is a staple & foundation of Michael Jackson The site is part of Michael Jackson's legacy and so, I've tweeted to the #MJFam via MJJCLegacyTeam Projects official twitter to Help Jetzi.
With the L.O.V.E. :heart: Jetzi

@MJJCLegacyTeam Project Twitter
I have received hundreds of lovely emails from people, some telling me when they first visited Jetzi and some telling me about their experiences as a fan. This has reminded me of how much I enjoyed uploading new stuff and has reawakened my enthusiasm for

So far eight kind, generous people have sent me donations and to these I am truly grateful. I still need a little under $700 to keep going for three years, after staying free for 16 years I feel embarrassed asking for donations but any help would be wonderful.

If I decide to shut down, which is unlikely now, I will return all donations. Some have asked how to donate &#8230; you just need my email address to make a donation through Paypal. The link posted on some websites doesn&#8217;t work.

Many people have suggested alternative web hosts or YouTube. I appreciate these suggestions but as I have been with Bravenet for so long I get a loyalty discount which makes it competitive. If I left them, then returned, I would lose this discount. YouTube is free right now but I&#8217;m sure it will not always be free and you get annoying adverts, also I am told that they are very rigid on copyright infringement which Bravenet turn a blind eye to. My website is massive, it would take me weeks to upload everything to a new location so if I renew it will be with Bravenet.

Once again thank you to everybody who has shown their support, your lovely, kind words written to me and the donations to help me keep Jetzi open.

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