Treacy's Thriller


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Jul 25, 2011
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Walter Dhladhla/Agence-France Presse; Philip Treacy

The milliner Philip Treacy created the dramatic mask atop the Swarovski crystal ''spaceman'' suit from Michael Jackson's 1996 History Tour. Mr. Treacy on Sunday showed a series of hats and headpieces inspired by the legendary performer's stage costumes.

<nyt_byline>By SUZY MENKES


<nyt_text>LONDON — Just the idea was a “Thriller”: linking Michael Jackson’s stage wardrobe, from the military buttoned jackets to his tiny-waisted trousers, with Philip Treacy, the milliner with an imagination as big as the late artist’s voice. </nyt_text>

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Philip Treacy

Philip Treacy with his headpiece, inspired by this woolen tailcoat with military-style trim worn by Michael Jackson for a Vanity Fair shoot with Annie Leibovitz in 1989.

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Philip Treacy

A Swarovski crystal priestess headpiece by Philip Treacy and Michael Jackson's black wool ''777 jacket'' with silver metal embellishment.

Mr. Treacy’s challenge was to put together, on female models chosen for their African descent, the outfits from Mr. Jackson’s co-designers, Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins — and then create for each ensemble a hat to correspond in spirit or to tell the Michael Jackson story.

That could mean a curving metallic swoop of a headdress or hats decorated with childish playground pieces, as if from the famous Neverland ranch.
The show, prepared in the utmost secrecy for Sunday night, is to be considered a prelude to the sale of the Tompkins and Bush collection, scheduled by Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills, California, on Dec. 2.

An emotional Mr. Treacy spoke of his first contact with the auction house when he went with his muse, the late Isabella Blow, to buy Marilyn Monroe’s false eyelashes.

In a memorial to Ms. Blow and to the late Alexander McQueen, the famous sparkling Michael Jackson glove is to appear from under a veil of black hanging leaves, representing a tribute to his friends who have died. A headpiece in the shape of a ship with billowing sails, rigging and masts — as well as Swarovski sparkles — was created because the last hat that Mr. McQueen asked for before his death was an ivory ship.

“Living with these clothes in a vault has given me emotional energy and I believe that the hats are a futuristic way of showing the most beautiful clothes I have ever seen,” Mr. Treacy said. “I was thinking of Napoléon’s words ‘with baubles that men are led.’ These clothes were designed to fill a stadium of 80,000 people. Yet they are made like haute couture.”

Mr. Bush, whose partner passed away last year, was behind the theatrical use of metallic martial decoration — actually made from gilded plastic. The stage wear designer is scheduled to publish his book, “The King of Style: Dressing Michael Jackson,” with Insight Editions on Oct. 30.
The items destined for the auction, which have been exhibited in Chile and in Ireland, include Jackson’s Captain EO shirt, the black Spandex outfit from his “Scream” video and the breakaway suit he wore during his BAD tour in the late 1980s. The auction house says a portion of the proceeds will benefit Guide Dogs of America and the Nathan Adelson Hospice in Las Vegas.
These are the clothes that inspired Mr. Treacy to relive his own emotions about Michael Jackson’s life and music — and to present them to the world not as a static wardrobe but as vibrant artistic treasures.

“I find it very humbling how the world has embraced this work as an art form,” said Mr. Bush, who came to London from Los Angeles for the show Sunday.
“The fact that Michael Jackson had it on will draw people, but I saw the look in Philip’s eyes at the detail. We made handmade outfits, like Philip is hands-on with a piece of metal, fabric or a feather,” he added.

The piece with the longest history is not the red “Thriller” jacket but the jacket with police badges. It has been 25 years since it was first seen on the BAD tour.
Mr. Bush explained that his “boss,” as he called Mr. Jackson, took a very close interest in all the outfits, even ordering bespoke clothes for Bubbles, his pet chimpanzee.
The performing artist would surely have appreciated the artistic work of Mr. Treacy, who made each headpiece individually with a similar desire for perfection.

“It’s the most exciting show I have ever done. It is a gift to have the models wearing the clothes — Michael Jackson did better than anyone the sense of the extraordinary,” said the milliner.
While Mr. Bush said before the show at the Royal Courts of Justice in London started: “I feel that I am going to touch the sky.”
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I love Michael's gold suit from the History tour...he looked so sexy and gorgeous in it!! He wore his clothes very well!!!!!!!!!!!
Pics of Lady Gaga wearing Michael's jacket and a Philip Treacy hat:



I think it's disrespectful for people to use MJ's clothes. They are treasures. And I also don't understand Michael Bush's decision to auction this costumes. I think an exhibition on a museum would bring much more money to him, if this is his motivation.
Omg isnt that the jacket michael wore at the annivarsy special in 2001?
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Lady Gaga Thrills At Philip Treacy's Michael Jackson Show At London Fashion Week September 17, 2012

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After a thirteen year hiatus, the incomparable haute milliner Philip Treacy has returned to London Fashion Week with a bang and a little help from prior millinery intern Lady Gaga, an army of incredible African models and, fittingly enough, a sequinned-gloved hand from musical genius/ass hat, Michael Jackson.

Looking every bit like a hot-pink mess, or a chiffon-swaddled infant child dangling from a balcony, Gags opened the show - which was dedicated to Treacy's close friends, the late, great Alexander McQueen and his mentor and Treacy's muse, Isabella Blow - with the declaration that Treacy is "the greatest milliner of all time"; a epithet he lived up to with a spectacular collection of hats and headpieces inspired by and paired with the actual archival stage costumes of Michael Jackson designed by Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins.
In attendance were various European and fashion royals, including McQueen's successor Sarah Burton, Gareth Pugh, Dita Von Teese, Kim Cattrall, Treacy's most limber fan, Grace Jones and Bryan Ferry, who all watched on as one of the most extravagant displays of camp not witnessed since the invention of camp took place. Predictably, onlookers hollered and danced to a quintessential Jackson soundtrack. Music! Hats! Fashion! I love you! Press play and scroll!
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At this point I figured I should stop with all the hats - naïvely thinking I should edit out all the 'unnecessary' or 'uninteresting' ones. It was also at this point I realised such a point/hat does not exist! This isn't the time for restraint - next!

















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Pics of Lady Gaga wearing Michael's jacket and a Philip Treacy hat:



I think it's disrespectful for people to use MJ's clothes. They are treasures. And I also don't understand Michael Bush's decision to auction this costumes. I think an exhibition on a museum would bring much more money to him, if this is his motivation.

I agree.

These were all incredibly personal to Michael, designed with him and for him, not for a bunch of models to wear as if they were just some convenient costume to set off fancy hats. If they had made replica Mj outfits I would not have minded, but to use the originals......I just don't like this 'use' of Michael once again, to bolster someone else's reputation (Treacy).
I'm very sad to see this indeed.
So far I thought Gaga was wearing a replica of the Oscars 1991 jacket,not the original...God...

And the majority of the headpieces were not really matching to the clothes...but thats how its done nowadays I suppose...
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I agree.

These were all incredibly personal to Michael, designed with him and for him, not for a bunch of models to wear as if they were just some convenient costume to set off fancy hats. If they had made replica Mj outfits I would not have minded, but to use the originals......I just don't like this 'use' of Michael once again, to bolster someone else's reputation (Treacy).
I'm very sad to see this indeed.

That's exactly how I feel. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling that way. I saw those gold pants on that model (and other various outfits), and I couldn't help but feel a little "annoyed" at seeing that. It just seems wrong. Those are Michael's clothes.:angry:

If they wanted to 'tick-off' about half the fan base, they've just done it.
TF? How dare they use Michael's original worn clothes on some skanky fashion show? Disrespectul and disgusting.

ETA: If this is how Michael Bush intends to promote his costumes and upcoming book, I have second thoughts about buying it. Someone should question him on this. Is he on twitter?
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Apart from it being so wrong to use Michael's clothes this way - those hats are mostly ridiculous. Can't see any of us wearing anything like that - ever. How the audience didn't laugh I will never know. If this is high fashion they can keep it.
They can't be his clothes right ? Look how well they fit the models, like the Badtour outfit and the Dangerous tour outfit, Michael wasn't fat, but he didn't have legs like that! It are like skinny jeans on those models.
They can't be his clothes right ? Look how well they fit the models, like the Badtour outfit and the Dangerous tour outfit, Michael wasn't fat, but he didn't have legs like that! It are like skinny jeans on those models.

The jackets and tops (eg the gold 'fencing' top, the shirts with armbands) as far as I can see are all Michaels 'originals'...they seem too big for the models.

I have just noticed the teeshirt that Treacy is wearing in the photo of him sitting next to Gaga. Is that design on the front meant to be some sort of cartoon of Michael?

And is that Darren Julien wearing one of Michael's jackets?
I gather that Mr Bush was there...but he doesn't seem to be in any of the photos?

A lot of these hats are just 'sending Michael up', like the carousel hat, and the yellow smiley face hat with the Thriller jacket. The more I look at these, the more distasteful the whole show becomes.

(Plus they put this show on the evening before BAD 25 was released in the about riding on Michael's coat-tails)

I hope that anyone who was planning on spending tens of thousands of dollars on Michael's jackets at the Julien's sale is having second thoughts. These will be far from the pristine, museum-condition garments they will be expecting. Michael makeup and perspiration on a garment is one thing, model makeup and perspiration quite another.
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Good publicity stunt thats about it. hats are ridiculous. dont like them using the originals its disrespectful and cheep imo and just another example of how mj and his things are being exploited by others. they should be in his kids hands and imo if bush had anything about him he would at least have offered them to the estate/kids as an act of respect regardless of whether mj gave him them or not
I have just noticed the teeshirt that Treacy is wearing in the photo of him sitting next to Gaga. Is that design on the front meant to be some sort of cartoon of Michael?

I hope that anyone who was planning on spending tens of thousands of dollars on Michael's jackets at the Julien's sale is having second thoughts. These will be far from the pristine, museum-condition garments they will be expecting. Michael makeup and perspiration on a garment is one thing, model makeup and perspiration quite another.

It sure the heck is Michael on his t-shirt. Not exactly sure what's up with that.

And I remember seeing a show about auctioneer's and they stated that when someone bids on a famous celebrity's clothes, the value increases significantly when the clothes are stained by their makeup, sweat, etc. It loses value when someone else has "tainted" it. So, consider these now tainted, I guess.
Why are you all so upset, I don't get it. I don't think their intention was to make fun of Michael but to make a tribute. Maybe they wasn't so successful (I don't like the models wearing his clothes but oh well, worse things have happened). I honestly believe their intentions weren't bad and I, personally don't like Gaga, but I think she said it many times how she adores and respects Michael. It's still nice to see that "his fashion" matters. I read once that Michael himself wanted the fashion world to have him as an example.

Many of his costumes are being auctioned nowadays, that's worse IMO.
Ridiculous "hats". I really don't understand this type of fashion.

^ Agreed. Í don't get the negative response either. I think it's a wonderful show, creative and beautiful. I love the way Michael inspires so many other artists in so many different ways.
Why are you all so upset, I don't get it. I don't think their intention was to make fun of Michael but to make a tribute. Maybe they wasn't so successful (I don't like the models wearing his clothes but oh well, worse things have happened). I honestly believe their intentions weren't bad and I, personally don't like Gaga, but I think she said it many times how she adores and respects Michael. It's still nice to see that "his fashion" matters. I read once that Michael himself wanted the fashion world to have him as an example.

Many of his costumes are being auctioned nowadays, that's worse IMO

well, all of these MJ outfits will indeed be auctioned later this year...

And my reason for being upset, is that Michael's outfits expressed himself and his artistic personality. They were designed with particular events, songs, photoshoots etc in mind. They are iconic pieces which are steeped in 'Michael' history. Although Michael may have wished to be a fashion leader, I doubt that he would have wanted someone else literally stepping into his own clothes. To my mind, showing these outfits with a Treacy hat collection is like trying to graft a daffodil on to a rose. Both have their own 'personalities' and they don't belong together. If Michael had wanted to lend out his outfits for fashion shows in his lifetime I'm sure he would have done so.....I just don't like these decisions being 'made for him' after he is no longer here to agree or protest..

These items belong in a suitable setting, ideally somewhere where they can be looked after and appreciated, not casually used as if they were a kind of 'dressing up box' for people's amusement (and even worse, to promote somebody else's commercial business).
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We have every right to be upset because this is not a tribute but a damn circus! Michael made every outfit look special on him! Michael doesn't need "tributes" with Gagas and stupid abstract hats! Michael is a fashion icon himself and his clothes belong to a museum of his legacy!
What is this, a circus? Not sure what the intention is here, but to me wearing a bunch of random objects and Mickey Mouse ears with these legendary jackets certainly does not come across as honouring Michael's unique choice of fashion. The fact that these are the originals just makes it seem even more disrespectful and sad to me. There goes the Thriller jacket, once donned by MJ as he was revolutionizing the art of the music video, now draped around the shoulders of some model wearing a damn smiley face mask. Sigh...
I never said you don't have a right to be upset or negative about it, and please don't take it personally but I just pointed out that I don't get the negative response.
As I said, I DONT like Lady Gaga but still I think she didn't want to mock him or anything.

I think It's the way they did it that was clumsy. I, personally, would prefer some "Michael-inspired" unique pieces, but anyway I liked seeing this Michael inspired fashion week. It's a huge fashion event, and made me realize they still look up to him and admire his style, that's all.

And yes, the hats are ridiculous, 8/10 things you see on a runway are ridiculous, no one really dresses like that, lol. It's called fashion! (I don't get it either :D )
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This is kinda weird and I don't know what to think about it. The hats are really wacky, and I'll just say no one can wear Michael's clothes, but Michael himself.
zhelva;3710735 said:
I think It's the way they did it that was clumsy. I, personally, would prefer some "Michael-inspired" unique pieces, but anyway I liked seeing this Michael inspired fashion week. It's a huge fashion event, and made me realize they still look up to him and admire his style, that's all.

I agree with you. I would've love to see these costumes on permanent museum display (I did see them in Ireland) and it is heart breaking that they are going to be sold later in the year.
I didn't feel this fashion show to be disrespectful towards Michael, it was more like tribute to Michael's fashion sense.
Philip T honoured Michael the only way he could, through fashion.

Rolling Stone mag wrote:
London Fashion Week: Philip Treacy's Comeback Honors Michael Jackson, Stars Lady Gaga

Philip Treacy, the Mad Hatter of British style, made a huge splash at London Fashion Week on Sunday with a Michael Jackson-themed show that even featured Lady Gaga on its catwalk.

The headwear designer's Spring 2013 collection, which opened with a runway strut from Gaga, was dedicated to the mythology of Thriller. A roster of black models, including the iconic Alek Wek, stomped down the runway in Treacy's absurdist fascinators and magically illuminated hats to strains of "Billie Jean," all while wearing Jackson's most famous costumes. In fact, Treacy borrowed the original glittery, military-inspired looks &#8211; designed by Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins &#8211; for the occasion. The late pop icon's Captain EO shirt, "Scream" outfit, Thriller jacket and Bad-era breakaway suit were among the items in the show; they will go up for auction on December 2nd in Beverly Hills, California, so Treacy felt inclined to create a millinery collection in their honor while he could.

Though Treacy's whimsical, over-the-top hats have long earned him love from quirky celebrity fans &#8211; including Nick Cave, Grace Jones and Gaga&#8211; this was his first full collection to show at Fashion Week in a decade. He's been sorely missed, it seems: his is the most talked-about London show so far.

"These clothes were designed to fill a stadium of 80,000 people, yet they are made like haute couture," Treacy remarked to the New York Times. He added later, "It&#8217;s the most exciting show I have ever done. It is a gift to have the models wearing the clothes &#8212; Michael Jackson did better than anyone the sense of the extraordinary."

While Treacy fashioned his Spring 2013 hats with Jackson's legacy in mind, he also wished to pay tribute to the late Alexander McQueen and Isabella Blow. On that level, this show felt like a bombastic, highly produced eulogy to three individualistic icons. Lady Gaga was the cultural ingredient to link them all: a muse and collaborator of McQueen's, an obvious admirer of Blow's (she even mimicked the trendsetter's lobster hat) and an acolyte of Jackson's, she was the perfect choice to open Treacy's explosive return to the London Fashion Week circuit.

Read more:
I guess it must be an honor, but strange feeling to wear MJ's clothes. But why?
Why not just replicate his outfits like everybody else? :sleep:
Don't they know by now that when it comes to MJ and his belongings they are treading
on very sensitive ground for fans, and it may not go over as well as they think?

I don't get it.....none of it. :blink: