The Story Behind MJ's Infectious NEW Song!


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Apr 11, 2012
Ohio, USA
The Story Behind Michael Jackson's Infectious, Newly Released Song
By Joseph Vogel
Jun 5 2012, 12:57 PM ET

The demo of "Don't Be Messin' 'Round" is among dozens of unreleased tracks from the Bad sessions, and provides insight into King of Pop's songwriting and recording process.

It's been 25 years since Michael Jackson was in Westlake Studio in Los Angeles putting the finishing touches on his classic 1987 album, Bad. Today, a demo of a never-before-heard song from those sessions will finally get an audience when Sony's re-release of Bad's original lead single, "I Can't Just Stop Loving You," hits Wal-Mart shelves. The B-side, an infectious rhythm track called "Don't Be Messin' 'Round," provides a glimpse into Jackson's creative process—and to his incredible profligacy as a songwriter.

Jackson had a habit of writing and recording dozens of potential songs for each new project. This was especially the case for the Bad era, a prolific period in his career. At one point, he considered making Bad a triple-disc album given the amount of quality material. So it's fitting that later this fall, Sony Music and Jackson's estate will put out a full album of previously unreleased material from the Bad sessions. While the track list has not yet been finalized and will not be made public until closer to the September 18 release date, more than 20 new, unheard demos from the Bad sessions are currently being considered for the album. The songs being evaluated include a number of real gems and a few titles previously unknown to the most ardent Jackson aficionados.

Jackson would pull out the song again during both the 'Dangerous' and 'HIStory' sessions. Clearly, it was a song he liked. But it never found a home. A team of Jackson collaborators and caretakers—including estate heads, Sony VP John Doelp, producer Al Quaglieri (who oversaw the excellent 2004 box set, Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection) and recording engineer, Matt Forger—combed through the vaults to see what was viable for the Bad 25 release. The criteria used for identifying potential songs were simple: They had to be recorded during the Bad era (1985-1987), and they had to be developed enough to feel like a complete track.

The Michael Jackson estate and Sony Legacy are leaving Jackson's work raw and unembellished this time around, in contrast to the King of Pop's first posthumous album, 2010's controversial Michael. The tracks will thus be less polished but more authentic, organic and true to what Jackson left behind. Similar to the critically acclaimed 2009 documentary, This Is It, the goal is to provide an intimate glimpse of the artist in his element. The listener, in essence, is brought into the studio with Michael Jackson as he works out a variety of musical ideas in his follow-up to the best-selling album of all time.

"Don't Be Messin'" illustrates this concept well. In the track, we can hear Jackson giving instructions, vocally dictating instrumental parts, mapping out where to accent words or add percussion, scatting and ad-libbing many of the unfinished lyrics. "One of the main intentions is to show that these are works in progress," says Matt Forger, a sound engineer and longtime Jackson friend and collaborator. "To pull the curtain back. To actually see Michael in his natural work environment, how he directs, his sense of humor, his focus."

The finished product, then, is intentionally unfinished and spontaneous. "You can just hear him having fun," Forger says. "His spirit and emotion are totally there. He knew in demos he didn't have to be totally perfect in his execution. So he'd be loose. He'd throw in ad libs and dance or sing or pop his fingers or clap his hands. You just hear him enjoying himself."

Jackson first wrote and recorded "Don't Be Messin'" during the Thriller sessions with engineer Brent Averill. Around this time he was working on a variety of musical ideas, including demos of "P.Y.T." and "Billie Jean." "Don't Be Messin'" features Jackson himself playing piano ("He could do more than he ever really let people know," Forger says.) He also produced, arranged, and guided many of the instrumental parts, including the cinematic strings, Jonathan Maxey's piano part in the bridge, and David Williams funky guitar licks.

Ultimately, since "Don't Be Messin'" wasn't fully developed and so much other strong material was coming in for Thriller, Jackson decided to put the song on the back burner, having in mind to revisit it for his next album. "That was kind of how Michael developed ideas and songs," explains Forger. "He let the song unfold in its own time. Sometimes a song wasn't ready or didn't quite fit the character of an album or a project and it would stay in the vaults. And then at a certain point of time, he would pull it out again."

In this case, the track re-surfaced in 1986, during the early stages of the Bad sessions. Jackson worked on the song primarily with recording engineers Matt Forger and Bill Bottrell in the "laboratory," the nickname for his renovated home studio at Hayvenhurst. As was typical for Jackson rhythm tracks, the song was quite long (nearly eight minutes) in its early phases. "Michael loves a song to be long," Forger says. "He loves it to groove because he gets to dance to it—which is a big thing, because when Michael feels the music is making him dance it means the groove is in the pocket."

Jackson's grooves, however, were unusual in that they often lacked the predictable repetition of much dance music, surprising with strange beat patterns, textures and nuances. "Some of these long versions of ["Don't Be Messin'"] really sound very interesting because there's different things happening in different sections," Forger says. "It's really not like you're sitting there for eight minutes thinking it's terribly long, because things are happening within that length of time that make it feel like, 'Yeah, this is cool.' It's actually satisfying to listen to the rhythm."

Cutting the song down was often a brutal process for Jackson, especially the intros and outros. As with other songs on Thriller and Bad, though, Jackson tried to trim it down into the four-to-five minute range, which is where the new mix of "Don't Be Messin'" clocks in.

Jackson continued to work on "Don't Be Messin'" into late 1986, at both his home studio and at Westlake. However, once Quincy Jones came on board, the serious paring began and "Don't Be Messin'" was left on the cutting room floor. Jackson would pull out the song again during both the Dangerous sessions and HIStory sessions, updating its sound and adding new elements. Clearly, it was a song he liked. But ultimately it never found a home.

The version Matt Forger mixed was the last version Jackson worked on during the Bad sessions in 1986. Forger feels it is the purest, most emotionally satisfying version: "It's exactly how Michael dictated it at the time. It's precisely Michael saying, 'this is how it has to be.'"

The 1986 demo isn't a groundbreaking song. The vocal is only partial-strength, the lyrics aren't finished, and the production isn't close to what it would be had it been fully realized by Jackson and Quincy Jones. However, it is a solid addition to the growing list of quality Bad-era outtakes (a list that also includes "Streetwalker," "Fly Away," and "Cheater"). "It's such a catchy underlying melodic hook," Forger says. "And it has a rhythmic feel that syncopates in such an interesting fashion." In a 2009 interview legendary recording engineer Bruce Swedien cited the track as one of his favorite unreleased Jackson songs. "It's just beautiful," he said . "Oh my God, there's nothing like it."

Like much of his work, the track doesn't fit neatly into a single genre, fusing flavors of Latin, jazz, and pop. With its breezy Bossa Nova rhythm and layers of interwoven hooks, it is a song that easily gets stuck in the head and makes you want to move—yet it also rewards multiple listens with its sophisticated syncopation and complex rhythm arrangement ("Music is like tapestry," Jackson once said. "It's different layers, it's weaving in and out, and if you look at it in layers you understand it better.")

For Forger, working on the track triggered memories of a simpler time in Jackson's turbulent career: "It just brought all the feelings back of what it was like in that era. Michael was just this exuberant, happy person. He wanted to challenge the world and make wonderful, great music."

What was Forger's goal in resurrecting the track?

"Just to make it authentic. Something Michael would enjoy and be proud of. It's got his charm and energy. If people appreciate it and enjoy it for what it is then I'll feel great. All I want it to be is enjoyed for the simple thing that it is."
I do not like this demo, its horrible, I was able to listen to it only once..., and enough! I cant stand it.
I do not like this demo, its horrible, I was able to listen to it only once..., and enough! I cant stand it.

I clicked reply to attempt to explain the word "DEMO" to you but you've left me speechless. This is Michael singing, isn't that enough?
I clicked reply to attempt to explain the word "DEMO" to you but you've left me speechless. This is Michael singing, isn't that enough?

Sadly some fans get confused with the word DEMO to complete album songs - they can't enjoy the mastery.
Joe Vogel is great. I love reading about Michael's creative process. The genius at work...
I really like the song. I think it's amazing to listen to him "work" the song.:) It took a couple of listens for it to grow on me, but now I can't get the song out of my head! And it's nice to get a confirmation that it's actually Michael playing the piano.

And Joe Vogel is such an excellent writer... it's always a pleasure to read his articles.
While the track list has not yet been finalized and will not be made public until closer to the September 18 release date, more than 20 new, unheard demos from the Bad sessions are currently being considered for the album.

I clicked reply to attempt to explain the word "DEMO" to you but you've left me speechless. This is Michael singing, isn't that enough?

Demo, or a song, or a single... or whatever...
imo, its horrible, this is not what should be presented as MJs - new - material, not for public, some fans can be happy, but almost all reactions I heard among our fan community in Slovakia and Czech rep. are "negative".

New (geneations of) fans are disappointed, and it effects their attitude towards the BAD25 collection and promo and they dont want to spend their money on "songs" like this one... buying the whole set, they want songs with some hit potential not demos.
I think its a very bad decision to release this, just read the media reactions to this song. (and why they chose IJCSLY instead of BAD as a leading symbol of Bad album and BAD era?, its beyond my understanding...)
Journalists dont want to make fun of MJ directly, because MJ is not alive...., but they do.
wow, great read :clapping:

I :heart: the DEMO... I absolutely love Michael DEMO's... They still carry the Magic and the freshness of the moment of NOW :blush:
Demo, or a song, or a single... or whatever...
imo, its horrible, this is not what should be presented as MJs - new - material, not for public, some fans can be happy, but almost all reactions I heard among our fan community in Slovakia and Czech rep. are "negative".

New (geneations of) fans are disappointed, and it effects their attitude towards the BAD25 collection and promo and they dont want to spend their money on "songs" like this one... buying the whole set, they want songs with some hit potential not demos.
I think its a very bad decision to release this, just read the media reactions to this song. (and why they chose IJCSLY instead of BAD as a leading symbol of Bad album and BAD era?, its beyond my understanding...)
Journalists dont want to make fun of MJ directly, because MJ is not alive...., but they do.

I'm sorry. I know this is just your personal opinion but I can't help but feel completely disgusted by such narrow ways of thinking... Maybe you should read Matt Forger's last quote since it describes in a nutshell what is the whole point of releasing such a song.

What was Forger's goal in resurrecting the track?

"Just to make it authentic. Something Michael would enjoy and be proud of. It's got his charm and energy. If people appreciate it and enjoy it for what it is then I'll feel great. All I want it to be is enjoyed for the simple thing that it is."
Demo, or a song, or a single... or whatever...
imo, its horrible, this is not what should be presented as MJs - new - material, not for public, some fans can be happy, but almost all reactions I heard among our fan community in Slovakia and Czech rep. are "negative".

New (geneations of) fans are disappointed, and it effects their attitude towards the BAD25 collection and promo and they dont want to spend their money on "songs" like this one... buying the whole set, they want songs with some hit potential not demos.
I think its a very bad decision to release this, just read the media reactions to this song. (and why they chose IJCSLY instead of BAD as a leading symbol of Bad album and BAD era?, its beyond my understanding...)
Journalists dont want to make fun of MJ directly, because MJ is not alive...., but they do.

Just because a song (especially a demo) doesn't have "hit potential" that doesn't make it horrible. I never understood that way of thinking really.
In my opinion this demo it's so unique it's brilliant.
Joe Vogel is great. I love reading about Michael's creative process. The genius at work...

Did you get his book, Man in the Music? Don't mean to get off-topic, but WOW. It's fantastic! Joe Vogel is probably one of the best MJ biographers I've ever seen, if not the best.

I can't really understand why people don't like "Don't Be Messin' Around". It was made clear that it was a demo, especially due to the fact that Michael mumbles through most of it (it makes me smile when he yells "Bridge!" halfway through though). But it's just so dang catchy and funky... it's hard NOT to like it at all! :clap:

I think its a very bad decision to release this, just read the media reactions to this song. (and why they chose IJCSLY instead of BAD as a leading symbol of Bad album and BAD era?, its beyond my understanding...)

"I Just Can't Stop Loving You" was re-released first because it was the original first single released back in 1987 (July 20, to be exact). They're essentially copying the strategy they did twenty-five years ago, which I think is brilliant. "Bad" was released as the second single, on September 7. If they continue re-releasing singles (which I think would be a fun collectible for those who weren't around for the original releases, like myself), "Bad" would come next.
It's very reassuring to read positive replies by people who actually understand the point of such a song being released and see the beauty and simplicity in demos like this one. Thank gawd that there are only a handful of people who have a really narrow way of think about this while the majority of the fans 'get it'... :D
To say most fans don't like the song is just false. I've been all over the place on different MJ boards, blogs, and even on You Tube. Only a handfull have said they don't mind it, or dislike it. You Moonwalker, are the ONLY person I've seen that's made an agenda to diss the song, the project and the people putting it together.

BTW the reason they choose I Just Can't Stop Loving You 1st, is because back in was the first single released. If they continue to re-release singles, Bad will be next.

Back on topic. Great read. I find the song catchy too...yes it's a demo...but it sure as hell beats a crappy remix ANY DAY! MJ's got a lot of demos out there that we have all heard, weather on cd or youtube. This song IMO is one of the better ones...I wouldn't rank it in the top 5 best demos I've ever heard, but it is good.

EDIT- I noticed during the article, they mentioned they don't classify the song under one genre because of how it touches a little of this and that. Interesting thing happening to me, when I popped the cd in my computer to put the songs on my harddrive, Windows classified it as
Demo, or a song, or a single... or whatever...
imo, its horrible, this is not what should be presented as MJs - new - material, not for public, some fans can be happy, but almost all reactions I heard among our fan community in Slovakia and Czech rep. are "negative".

New (geneations of) fans are disappointed, and it effects their attitude towards the BAD25 collection and promo and they dont want to spend their money on "songs" like this one... buying the whole set, they want songs with some hit potential not demos.
I think its a very bad decision to release this, just read the media reactions to this song. (and why they chose IJCSLY instead of BAD as a leading symbol of Bad album and BAD era?, its beyond my understanding...)
Journalists dont want to make fun of MJ directly, because MJ is not alive...., but they do.

First you claimed 90% of fans hated it and now, that people called you out on that claim you modified it to "most fans in Slovakia and the Czech Republic". I have the feeling it's just you magnifying some negative opinions you read, as usual.

Most people don't "make fun of MJ" because they actully understand what a demo is. They also understand this single was not released with the purpose of taking the charts by storm or anything. They also understand IJCSLY was released because that was the first single that was released in 1987 as well.

And if someone won't buy the whole Bad25 collection because they don't like DBMA, well, that's too narrow minded. Their loss. But I have the feeling it's just you overdramatizing the whole thing once again.
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Great article. Now the most important part...ahem, I want to listen to all 20 of those demos! Even if it's just Michael singing "do do do do do" :p
I do not think this is such a good song. sorry.
Great article.

Jackson's grooves, however, were unusual in that they often lacked the predictable repetition of much dance music, surprising with strange beat patterns, textures and nuances. "Some of these long versions of ["Don't Be Messin'"] really sound very interesting because there's different things happening in different sections," Forger says. "It's really not like you're sitting there for eight minutes thinking it's terribly long, because things are happening within that length of time that make it feel like, 'Yeah, this is cool.' It's actually satisfying to listen to the rhythm."

I wish they had put those versions on the single as well! It would be cool to see the process through various versions. I don't know why aren't they doing that.
there are more than 20 songs that were recorded for BAD (I mean finalized or close to be finalized songs).
Demo, or a song, or a single... or whatever...
imo, its horrible, this is not what should be presented as MJs - new - material, not for public, some fans can be happy, but almost all reactions I heard among our fan community in Slovakia and Czech rep. are "negative".

New (geneations of) fans are disappointed, and it effects their attitude towards the BAD25 collection and promo and they dont want to spend their money on "songs" like this one... buying the whole set, they want songs with some hit potential not demos.
I think its a very bad decision to release this, just read the media reactions to this song. (and why they chose IJCSLY instead of BAD as a leading symbol of Bad album and BAD era?, its beyond my understanding...)
Journalists dont want to make fun of MJ directly, because MJ is not alive...., but they do.

What an incredibly ridiculous comment! It's a 'Demo' and it's a 'B-Side' from a single thats been 'Re-released' because it was originally the first single from 'The Album'!! Furthermore, it's a track that 'at the time' was still going through the evolutionary process and this release is not, by design, put out there to be a potentail hit single. Great if IJCSLY hits #1, but DBMR (B-Side)Is a document and an insight into MJ's creative process.

You're understanding of this release=Epic fale!

On topic, I adore this track the more I listen to it! It's a pure little treasure, and would love to hear further developed versions on future release's a la Dangerous 25! Hope we get that. Dangerous needs the anniversary treatment!!
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I love Don't be messin around! It sounds almost salsa at first, and is such a fun song! Ah, all the unreleased treasures there still be...
This song IMO is one of the better ones...I wouldn't rank it in the top 5 best demos I've ever heard, but it is good.

Neither would I. It's a decent, catchy number, but to me, it doesn't fit with the rest of Bad, and I definitely understand it being left off the album. Somebody on here made a comment about this demo being better than Cheater and Streetwalker. That I have to disagree with. I don't dislike it, but I feel that those songs are far superior and more album-worthy.

EDIT- I noticed during the article, they mentioned they don't classify the song under one genre because of how it touches a little of this and that. Interesting thing happening to me, when I popped the cd in my computer to put the songs on my harddrive, Windows classified it as

When I imported it to my hard drive, it listed the demo as "Baby Be Mine." :lol:
Neither would I. It's a decent, catchy number, but to me, it doesn't fit with the rest of Bad, and I definitely understand it being left off the album. Somebody on here made a comment about this demo being better than Cheater and Streetwalker. That I have to disagree with. I don't dislike it, but I feel that those songs are far superior and more album-worthy.

When I imported it to my hard drive, it listed the demo as "Baby Be Mine." :lol:

Totally agree DBMR didn't fit with the Bad album. Cheater and Streetwalker would have fit much better as potential album tracks. They are also alot more realized and evolved production-wise though. Hopefully we'll hear a more fully produced version of DBMR in the future. But it's great to get something so raw and authentic from the era.
I came across this piece on Don't Be Messin it has some contirbutions from those workin with Michael on Bad plus a little hint at Bad 25 's content enjoy

The Story Behind Michael Jackson's Infectious, Newly Released Song
The demo of "Don't Be Messin' 'Round" is among dozens of unreleased tracks from the Bad sessions, and provides insight into King of Pop's songwriting and recording process.

It's been 25 years since Michael Jackson was in Westlake Studio in Los Angeles putting the finishing touches on his classic 1987 album, Bad. Today, a demo of a never-before-heard song from those sessions will finally get an audience when Sony's re-release of Bad's original lead single, "I Can't Just Stop Loving You," hits Wal-Mart shelves. The B-side, an infectious rhythm track called "Don't Be Messin' 'Round," provides a glimpse into Jackson's creative process—and to his incredible profligacy as a songwriter.

Jackson had a habit of writing and recording dozens of potential songs for each new project. This was especially the case for the Bad era, a prolific period in his career. At one point, he considered making Bad a triple-disc album given the amount of quality material. So it's fitting that later this fall, Sony Music and Jackson's estate will put out a full album of previously unreleased material from the Bad sessions. While the track list has not yet been finalized and will not be made public until closer to the September 18 release date, more than 20 new, unheard demos from the Bad sessions are currently being considered for the album. The songs being evaluated include a number of real gems and a few titles previously unknown to the most ardent Jackson aficionados.

Jackson would pull out the song again during both the 'Dangerous' and 'HIStory' sessions. Clearly, it was a song he liked. But it never found a home.
A team of Jackson collaborators and caretakers—including estate heads, Sony VP John Doelp, producer Al Quaglieri (who oversaw the excellent 2004 box set, Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection) and recording engineer, Matt Forger—combed through the vaults to see what was viable for the Bad 25 release. The criteria used for identifying potential songs were simple: They had to be recorded during the Bad era (1985-1987), and they had to be developed enough to feel like a complete track.

The Michael Jackson estate and Sony Legacy are leaving Jackson's work raw and unembellished this time around, in contrast to the King of Pop's first posthumous album, 2010's controversial Michael. The tracks will thus be less polished but more authentic, organic and true to what Jackson left behind. Similar to the critically acclaimed 2009 documentary, This Is It, the goal is to provide an intimate glimpse of the artist in his element. The listener, in essence, is brought into the studio with Michael Jackson as he works out a variety of musical ideas in his follow-up to the best-selling album of all time.

"Don't Be Messin'" illustrates this concept well. In the track, we can hear Jackson giving instructions, vocally dictating instrumental parts, mapping out where to accent words or add percussion, scatting and ad-libbing many of the unfinished lyrics. "One of the main intentions is to show that these are works in progress," says Matt Forger, a sound engineer and longtime Jackson friend and collaborator. "To pull the curtain back. To actually see Michael in his natural work environment, how he directs, his sense of humor, his focus."

The finished product, then, is intentionally unfinished and spontaneous. "You can just hear him having fun," Forger says. "His spirit and emotion are totally there. He knew in demos he didn't have to be totally perfect in his execution. So he'd be loose. He'd throw in ad libs and dance or sing or pop his fingers or clap his hands. You just hear him enjoying himself."

Jackson first wrote and recorded "Don't Be Messin'" during the Thriller sessions with engineer Brent Averill. Around this time he was working on a variety of musical ideas, including demos of "P.Y.T." and "Billie Jean." "Don't Be Messin'" features Jackson himself playing piano ("He could do more than he ever really let people know," Forger says.) He also produced, arranged, and guided many of the instrumental parts, including the cinematic strings, Jonathan Maxey's piano part in the bridge, and David Williams funky guitar licks.

Ultimately, since "Don't Be Messin'" wasn't fully developed and so much other strong material was coming in for Thriller, Jackson decided to put the song on the back burner, having in mind to revisit it for his next album. "That was kind of how Michael developed ideas and songs," explains Forger. "He let the song unfold in its own time. Sometimes a song wasn't ready or didn't quite fit the character of an album or a project and it would stay in the vaults. And then at a certain point of time, he would pull it out again."

In this case, the track re-surfaced in 1986, during the early stages of the Bad sessions. Jackson worked on the song primarily with recording engineers Matt Forger and Bill Bottrell in the "laboratory," the nickname for his renovated home studio at Hayvenhurst. As was typical for Jackson rhythm tracks, the song was quite long (nearly eight minutes) in its early phases. "Michael loves a song to be long," Forger says. "He loves it to groove because he gets to dance to it—which is a big thing, because when Michael feels the music is making him dance it means the groove is in the pocket."

Jackson's grooves, however, were unusual in that they often lacked the predictable repetition of much dance music, surprising with strange beat patterns, textures and nuances. "Some of these long versions of ["Don't Be Messin'"] really sound very interesting because there's different things happening in different sections," Forger says. "It's really not like you're sitting there for eight minutes thinking it's terribly long, because things are happening within that length of time that make it feel like, 'Yeah, this is cool.' It's actually satisfying to listen to the rhythm."

Cutting the song down was often a brutal process for Jackson, especially the intros and outros. As with other songs on Thriller and Bad, though, Jackson tried to trim it down into the four-to-five minute range, which is where the new mix of "Don't Be Messin'" clocks in.

Jackson continued to work on "Don't Be Messin'" into late 1986, at both his home studio and at Westlake. However, once Quincy Jones came on board, the serious paring began and "Don't Be Messin'" was left on the cutting room floor. Jackson would pull out the song again during both the Dangerous sessions and HIStory sessions, updating its sound and adding new elements. Clearly, it was a song he liked. But ultimately it never found a home.

The version Matt Forger mixed was the last version Jackson worked on during the Bad sessions in 1986. Forger feels it is the purest, most emotionally satisfying version: "It's exactly how Michael dictated it at the time. It's precisely Michael saying, 'this is how it has to be.'"

The 1986 demo isn't a groundbreaking song. The vocal is only partial-strength, the lyrics aren't finished, and the production isn't close to what it would be had it been fully realized by Jackson and Quincy Jones. However, it is a solid addition to the growing list of quality Bad-era outtakes (a list that also includes "Streetwalker," "Fly Away," and "Cheater"). "It's such a catchy underlying melodic hook," Forger says. "And it has a rhythmic feel that syncopates in such an interesting fashion." In a 2009 interview legendary recording engineer Bruce Swedien cited the track as one of his favorite unreleased Jackson songs. "It's just beautiful," he said . "Oh my God, there's nothing like it."

Like much of his work, the track doesn't fit neatly into a single genre, fusing flavors of Latin, jazz, and pop. With its breezy Bossa Nova rhythm and layers of interwoven hooks, it is a song that easily gets stuck in the head and makes you want to move—yet it also rewards multiple listens with its sophisticated syncopation and complex rhythm arrangement ("Music is like tapestry," Jackson once said. "It's different layers, it's weaving in and out, and if you look at it in layers you understand it better.")

For Forger, working on the track triggered memories of a simpler time in Jackson's turbulent career: "It just brought all the feelings back of what it was like in that era. Michael was just this exuberant, happy person. He wanted to challenge the world and make wonderful, great music."

What was Forger's goal in resurrecting the track?

"Just to make it authentic. Something Michael would enjoy and be proud of. It's got his charm and energy. If people appreciate it and enjoy it for what it is then I'll feel great. All I want it to be is enjoyed for the simple thing that it is."