Money Matters Spark Sibling Rivalry Between Michael Jackson And Brother Randy 2007


Proud Member
Jul 11, 2010
Near a National Park
Randy tried a fast one on Michael during the Trial because billionaire Ron Burkle told Michael not to sign away his ATV Music Publishing Catalog to Randy Jackson and his business partner. Michael ended up in a lawsuit in 2007 over that one. Sad testimony that Michael gave describing what it was like to have your family try to undermine your hard work that you had earned in life, and in front of their mother, Katherine, who witnessed Randy's bad temper towards Michael during the trial!
Re: MJ Estate sues Tohme Tohme / Tohme countersues / Tohme's complaint @pg 14

Randy tried a fast one on Michael during the Trial because billionaire Ron Burkle told Michael not to sign away his ATV Music Publishing Catalog to Randy Jackson and his business partner. Michael ended up in a lawsuit in 2007 over that one. Sad testimony that Michael gave describing what it was like to have your family try to undermine your hard work that you had earned in life, and in front of their mother, Katherine, who witnessed Randy's bad temper towards Michael during the trial!
Do you have a link for your info. It seems that I have missed that part Michael's life too.
I knew during the trial, Randy was mingling with Karen and doing some shady fan site business, but I didn't know that he tried to get Michael's catalogue!
Re: MJ Estate sues Tohme Tohme / Tohme countersues / Tohme's complaint @pg 14


Money Matters Spark Sibling Rivalry Between Michael Jackson And Brother Randy

A legal deposition is revealing some hard feelings between Michael and Randy Jackson. The "New York Daily News" says the King of Pop is accusing his younger sibling of trying to steal money from him during his 2005 trial on child molestation charges. Michael's allegations against Randy came to light during a sworn deposition he provided for a federal lawsuit that was supposed to go to trial this week. In transcripts obtained by the "Daily News," Jackson blames several people for his financial troubles, including Randy, who reportedly counseled the singer on various money matters during the trial. Michael says Randy and an associate named Don Stabler tried to pressure him to sign off on a various deals against the advice of other financial counselors. Meantime, the federal lawsuit against Jackson will not be going to trial after reports of a settlement. The New Jersey finance house Prescient Capital had sued Jackson and his MJ Publishing Trust for 48-Million dollars, claiming breach of contract. The company claimed it helped the pop star secure millions of dollars to pay off his debts. The terms of the settlement were not disclosed.


---Legal Troubles Continue for Michael Jackson
Prescient Acquisition Suing the Pop Star for $48 Million

Financial woes, family loyalty and legal problems continue to vex the self proclaimed King of Pop.
Jackson is being sued by Prescient Acquisition for $48 million, according to the New York Daily News. The Hackensack, N.J. finance company is owned by Darien Dash, cousin of hip-hop mogul Damon Dash. The company is suing Jackson in Manhattan Federal Court. The pop singer's financial records are detailed in the federal lawsuit scheduled to start this week.

Dash's lawyer Steven Altman alleges that the singer owes Prescient Acquisition for helping him refinance a $272 million bank loan and securing $573 million in financing to buy out Sony's half of the Beatles' song catalog that Jackson co-owned.

The Grammy award winning singer is fighting back by placing the blame elsewhere. In defense of these charges, Michael Jackson claims he does not remember signing any agreement and he never met Darien Dash.

Michael Jackson is accusing his brother Randy of shady financial dealings. Jackson claims during his battle against child molestation charges back in 2005, he was nearly double-crossed out of his fortune. He also claims that the wise advice of the Reverend Jesse Jackson and billionaire Ron Burkle kept him from being totally swindled by those closest to him.

Michael Jackson names a man close to his brother Randy Jackson as the lead culprit, in disposition transcripts obtained by the New York Daily News.

The Gloved One states that Randy brought in Don Stabler, who pressured him to sign off on a multi-million dollar financing deal. Stabler, according to Jackson was persistent. He even went as far as to question Jackson's loyalty to his African American heritage.

Jackson then called in help from former President Bill Clinton's billionaire pal Ron Burkle, who then in turn brought in Reverend Jesse Jackson. Burkle had warned Jackson not to sign anything.

The New York Daily News quotes Michael Jackson from court documents regarding Don Stabler's reaction:

"[Stabler] said, 'What's the problem? You're not down, you're with the Jews now. You're not down with blacks anymore."

Jackson goes on to say that Stabler's remarks were "unkind", "mean spirited" and "nasty". He also points out that his brother Randy was not too happy with him disregarding their business proposal.

This was not the only incident where Randy Jackson and Don Stabler tried to get the King of Pop to sign off on a deal. Another unpleasant incident occurred on the Neverland Ranch in the presence of their mother, Katherine Jackson."

Re: MJ Estate sues Tohme Tohme / Tohme countersues / Tohme's complaint @pg 14

Boy this is sad.
Indeed. That's what happens when you are born to a family of leeches.
Shame on Randy. Glad all his efforts to get mj's catalog was all in vain, he just waIsted his time and energy and his still broke today, ha ha. Learn to earn your own money Randy.
Thank you AliCat for posting that link.
I don't know what to say! I'm starting to understand more and more why he wasn't so much in touch with his family.

He is the scary one in the family, the way he pushed Michael on stage during MSQ concert :bugeyed

"[Stabler] said, 'What's the problem? You're not down, you're with the Jews now. You're not down with blacks anymore."
What an awful thing to say!

I did a little search after you posted the name Stabler, he had creditors claim filed agains the estate.
I think it was denied due the statue of limitations?

"This was not the only incident where Randy Jackson and Don Stabler tried to get the King of Pop to sign off on a deal. Another unpleasant incident occurred on the Neverland Ranch in the presence of their mother, Katherine Jackson.""

What's that about?
In 2007 Bain released a statement denying several rumors including 'Mr Jackson does not believe that his brother Randy Jackson has stolen monies from him, nor does he believe that Randy, or any members of his family members would ever steal from him. Reports regarding the same are untrue and malicious.'

It goes on to deny that Michael is selling or losing his share of the catalogue and it goes on to complain about Grace being attacked my Roger Friedman.

I don't know if this is simply Michael showing family unity or if those rumors were untrue or not, unfortunately it's another episode in Michael's life that is unclear.
^^michael was showing family unity there. There are too many incidents where members of his family will make deals on his behalf, and then he had to pay millions in lawsuits. This is another case where Randy will make some money, if he gets certain people to make a deal with his brother.

I am sorry to say it, but it seems to me that with the exceptions of cases involving the allegations, crooks saying he stole their music, and crazies suing him, most of Michael's lawsuits deal with someone making a deal on his behalf, which Michael was not prepared to accept. After money changed hands between the 2 crooks making the deal, then Michael would be sued. Due to this sad situation many people believe that michael was known for saying he would do shows and then not keeping to his word. In fact one of my friends told me some years back that she heard this on tv about how Michael was known for this in the industry. We have Randy and others like him to thank for this.

Sometimes I wonder what the amount will be if we add up all the money Michael had to pay to settle these suits. Everyone got paid except him, because he ended up having to pay money.
Randy is a crook.. the way he has acted since MJ's death with his focus on the estate, the will and the AEG lawsuit, it shows what his priorities are
Randy is a crook.. the way he has acted since MJ's death with his focus on the estate, the will and the AEG lawsuit, it shows what his priorities are

Yeap Randy has been very interested in the will and the estate, which is strange considering he was not very close to his brother in the end of his life and he is not Michael's child. I guess the bottom line is money and how can we as a family get control of that money. The deposition above shows how he tried to defraud his brother and how he was not really interested in Michael the person. And I love the way they use the race card to pressure him, stating that he was down with the Jews now.
In 2007 Bain released a statement denying several rumors including 'Mr Jackson does not believe that his brother Randy Jackson has stolen monies from him, nor does he believe that Randy, or any members of his family members would ever steal from him. Reports regarding the same are untrue and malicious.'

It goes on to deny that Michael is selling or losing his share of the catalogue and it goes on to complain about Grace being attacked my Roger Friedman.

I don't know if this is simply Michael showing family unity or if those rumors were untrue or not, unfortunately it's another episode in Michael's life that is unclear.

It was "family unity." There is a huge, and unpleasant, back-story there. Randy got Michael's POA around the time of the trial, and apparently thought it was HIS money to spend. It was quite awful, and Michael kept most of it out of the press. What was NOT kept out of the press was the MJJSource fiasco, a plan hatched by Randy and Karen Faye. They took advantage of Michael at the WORST time of his life! At first it was to be a news-site about the trial, but quickly morphed into a money-making scheme. They extracted fifty dollars each from a LOT of fans, with promises of a calendar, and what-not. I don't think the merchandise was ever delivered. That fiasco ended with Karen Faye TRASHING Michael on the internet, saying that he "failed to live up to his promises." And that, at a time when he was fighting for his life. I think Michael could have sued over it, but it would have been debilitating. Instead, he left the country, and K.F. was kicked to the curb.

It was a VERY unpleasant time, for sure.
^^^ yes I know, that was the first time I got involved in the online fan community and I didn't come back until '09.
^^^Oh I forgot about the Karen part of that fiasco too. The term "kick me when I am down" comes to mind.
I lost money with mjjsource and got nothing back from them at all despite promises. Just feel so bad that Michael couldn't trust anyone, not even some family members.
mjjsource and jacksonsource are not the same, am I right?
Or is Randy running jacksonsource too?

"This was not the only incident where Randy Jackson and Don Stabler tried to get the King of Pop to sign off on a deal. Another unpleasant incident occurred on the Neverland Ranch in the presence of their mother, Katherine Jackson.""

Anyone knows what happen in Neverland?
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In 2007 Bain released a statement denying several rumors including 'Mr Jackson does not believe that his brother Randy Jackson has stolen monies from him, nor does he believe that Randy, or any members of his family members would ever steal from him. Reports regarding the same are untrue and malicious.'

It goes on to deny that Michael is selling or losing his share of the catalogue and it goes on to complain about Grace being attacked my Roger Friedman.

I don't know if this is simply Michael showing family unity or if those rumors were untrue or not, unfortunately it's another episode in Michael's life that is unclear.

He was trying to save his family the embarrassment. too late.

New York Daile news had copy of the sworn testimony that MJ himself gave.

I would love to get a copy of this sworn testimony. Randy is a know crook.

Here is the original piece by New York Daily News detailing the 7-hour deposition:

World of Jax & robbers

Singer says his brother and pal tried to cheat him out of fortune


Sunday, June 17th 2007, 4:00 AM

Jackson claims he was nearly swindled out of his fortune during his kiddie-sex trial and only the wise counsel of the Rev. Jesse Jackson and billionaire Ron Burkle saved him.

The behind-the-scenes battle over the pop star's finances is detailed in a sworn deposition he gave for a federal lawsuit scheduled to go to trial this week.

There is a possibility that Jackson himself might even be called to testify.

The seven hours of transcripts obtained by the Daily News reveal that the agitated entertainer was convinced his money woes were fueled by a cadre of disloyal advisers who stole from him while he was busy fighting criminal charges.

The Gloved One even fingered a man close to his older brother Randy as a key villain.

It was an ordeal that left Jackson bitter about the industry in which he's spent his entire life.

"It's full of sharks, charlatans and imposters," he said in testimony taken last summer in Paris.

"Because there's a lot of money involved, there's a bunch of schmucks in there," Jackson said. "It's the entertainment world, full of thieves and crooks. That's not new. Everybody knows that."

A Santa Maria, Calif., jury acquitted him of child molestation charges in June 2005, after which he retreated into the seclusion of his Neverland ranch.

But during breaks in the trial, Jackson says he was being pressured to sign off on a multimillion-dollar financing deal by Don Stabler, an associate brought in by brother Randy, his go-to guy on financial matters during much of his career.

Jackson initially took a liking to Stabler after Randy introduced them.

"He reminded me of people that live in mid-America like Indiana," Jackson testified.

Stabler was persistent, at one point during the trial sending a message through one of Jackson's Nation of Islam security guards that questioned the singer's faithfulness to his African-American heritage.

It was a sore point for someone who has denied he purposely lightened his skin.

By then, Jackson had turned to Burkle, the billionaire pal of former President Bill Clinton, for financial help. Burkle brought in Jesse Jackson, who's known Michael Jackson since his Jackson 5 days, to help with the consultation.

Burkle was calling him on the cell phone during bathroom breaks, warning him not to sign anything, Michael Jackson said.

Stabler wasn't happy, Jackson said.

"[Stabler] said, 'What's the problem? You're not down, you're with the Jews now. You're not down with blacks anymore,'" Jackson testified.

"It was unkind," Jackson added. "It was mean. It was meanspirited. It was nasty. Simply because he couldn't get me to sign something that he wanted me to sign."

The next time Jackson saw Stabler "he wanted to take my head off." And his brother Randy wasn't too happy, either.

Randy later claimed that Jackson and his staff had run up a $700,000 bill on his American Express card during the trial, which Jackson said he would repay.

It wasn't the first time that Stabler teamed with Randy in trying to get him to sign off on a deal, Jackson claimed.

At a meeting in a bungalow at the Neverland ranch, Jackson said he had his mother at his side when he fought off another proposal.

"And I vehemently told them, 'No, I am not signing this,'" Jackson recalled. "And I just remember how angry, the intensity of the anger in the room. And so they marched out."

Jackson made his comments when he was grilled by lawyers for the Hackensack, N.J., finance company that is suing the singer in Manhattan Federal Court. The firm, Prescient Acquisition, is owned by businessman Darien Dash, who claims Jackson stiffed his company out of $48 million.

According to Dash's lawyer Steven Altman, Dash was due the money for helping Jackson refinance a $272 million bank loan and secure $573 million in financing to buy out Sony's half of the Beatles' song catalogue that Jackson co-owned.

But Jackson claimed he's never heard of Dash, a cousin of hip-hop impresario Damon Dash, and doesn't remember signing any agreement.

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The reason I originally wrote this under the Thome thread was because of Michael's brother's always looking for someone to swindle Michael out of his fortune. Stadler was an accountant, brought in to help Michael with his taxes. Jermaine convinces Michael about Thome who was a real estate agent. Go figure!
Can you believe all this happening to mj when he was facing the pressure of the 05 trial - i just don't know how he survived that time. What is ironic is how family members always use mj's ownership of the sony catalogue as the reason why mj was targetted by shadowy forces in 09, yet here they were in 05 trying to wrest control of it from mj.

There were reports of outright warfare in neverland during this period between the brothers (i think jermaine v randy), each trying to gain control of mj's empire. Tito and jackie apparently got into a fight with the NOI security gurards (although tito now uses that memory to bolster his claims of a drug intervention). It all makes jermaine's constant assertions that mj's life went wrong when he left 'the family' just laughable.
You are so right Bonnie, it's so sad that during such a stressful time his family couldn't just support him.
And lets not forget Joe pushing Michael about touring with his brothers while he was in the hospital when he hurt his back. He must have been scared to death losing his freedom and not being with his kids and all these people could think about were money and money. If I was there with these people I would have lost it and told them what the hell is wrong with you people? I am not like that but if I really get upset i would. If they acted differently then I think Michael would have spent more time with them. He loved family but they drove him away. Anybody would be driven away.

People want to think that Michael kept his distance because of his "issues" but he had no problem staying in touch with people he cared about for years and years. Yet his own family hardly saw him. It makes you wonder what happened.
All the family cared about was who would pay their bills if mj were convicted. randy gets mj to sell the cat and no doubt would look after some of that $ for him ie we've got some cash stashed away if the worst happenswhat happened is mj got sick of been treated like a cash cow by his family. did any of them ever just ring him just to see how he was and for a chat. the only time they ever contacted him was for money or reunions. just like what mj said in those taped phonecalls.but the good ole jacksons would rather throw mj under a bus and make up crap as to why he kept away from them cause all they care about is the precious family image rather than except a few home truths.
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That is just sad. i feel bad for Michael that he had to deal with that.
mjjsource and jacksonsource are not the same, am I right?
Or is Randy running jacksonsource too?

I had a look at jackson source and at the end of page they advertising Jackson magazine!
Michael is on front cover in all four of them, certainly they have other Jackson's to grace "Jackson magazine" cover?
That is just milking it.

"This was not the only incident where Randy Jackson and Don Stabler tried to get the King of Pop to sign off on a deal. Another unpleasant incident occurred on the Neverland Ranch in the presence of their mother, Katherine Jackson.""

Anyone knows what happen in Neverland?

Jackson Source is run by a longtime Jackson fan from The Netherlands. Nothing to do with Randy.
Jackson Source is run by a longtime Jackson fan from The Netherlands. Nothing to do with Randy.

Ok, thanks for the info.
I'd better edit my previous post :blush:
this is old news, everyone who was around (active in online communties) in those years, the mid/late 00s knows how much of a crook Steven really is.
this is old news, everyone who was around (active in online communties) in those years, the mid/late 00s knows how much of a crook Steven really is.

Yes we know, this thread had branched off from the Thome thread and we just ended up discussing it. BTW I wasn't active online back then but I still managed to know about it at the time.
Poor Michael.. His family didn't care about him. They only cared about the money and what he could do for them
this is old news, everyone who was around (active in online communties) in those years, the mid/late 00s knows how much of a crook Steven really is.

Yes, but it's useful for any new fans or for browsers to the site to get to know all the back stories to mj's life. You can do alot of your own research, but i always found fan forums to be really good for background info.
Can you believe all this happening to mj when he was facing the pressure of the 05 trial - i just don't know how he survived that time. What is ironic is how family members always use mj's ownership of the sony catalogue as the reason why mj was targetted by shadowy forces in 09, yet here they were in 05 trying to wrest control of it from mj.

There were reports of outright warfare in neverland during this period between the brothers (i think jermaine v randy), each trying to gain control of mj's empire. Tito and jackie apparently got into a fight with the NOI security gurards (although tito now uses that memory to bolster his claims of a drug intervention). It all makes jermaine's constant assertions that mj's life went wrong when he left 'the family' just laughable.

I'm convinced that none of those alleged "interventions" were interventions, only attempts to try to get to Michael and scheme more money out of him.