Epic parts of Michael's songs! [merged]


Proud Member
Oct 28, 2009
Ok, I wanted to start this thread because of certain parts of his songs that just get me completely pumped...Or a surge of joy, or just makes me go crazy...The parts I'm talking about are the parts that make you shush everyone around you, saying, 'I LOOOOOVE this part!! It's so epic!'....LOL....I'm talking about the way he may sing certain types of lyrics, or the way the music is arranged at a certain part...etc...You know, those magical moments that only Michael Jackson could ever create...:D

I'll start...

From WBSS....This song has always been one of my absolute faves...But I especially love the part starting at 4:30...and of course, mama se mama sa ma ma coo sa.....And THEN, I just go nuts at 5:10 (HELP ME SING IIIIITTT!!!) and just the chanting, hand claps....I just love it! :wild:

Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

The beatbox bridge in the Hollywood Throwback
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

2:25 and on from STTR..

2:41 of Speechless

3:58 and on of WHE..

I find moments like this in every song, these are the ones that just jumped into my mind though. My favorite would be the finale of Earth Song, both versions. If I continued, I'd be here all day.
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

^ it's true! It's in every song :DI've got lots more in mind and I'll post them when I get a chance..
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

The ending part of 'Liberian Girl'..."I love you Liberian giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirlllllllllll...Allll the time" :jump:
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

The instrumental before the chorus reprise in Who Is It
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

the ending ad-libs of they don't care about us! "Were deep in the fireee......im here to remind youuuu....dont you sit back (8)"
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

3:20 -3:38 In the closet

2:20 - 3:47 Morphine

is entirely EPIC

Human Nature
in Bucharest 92:8-25-03stretcher:
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Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

The end of Earth Song...some of the best vocals I have ever heard..ever. His voice gives me chills.

Same thing with We've Had Enough.

I love the line when he first comes in on the duet with Stevie Wonder called 'Get it'...and the 'ha!' at the end of some of his lines. Full of attitude, I love it.

In terms of a live performance, I love Billie Jean live from Wembley on the Bad Tour. Just before the Moonwalk and he says 'daggonnit!'. Classic Michael, I know he's sung that a lot...but it was especially good that time.
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

I think most of those moments would be during live performances. Like the breakdown of IJCSLY in TII even though it was unintentional lol, or the transition from I'll Be There to Rock With You on the Victory/Bad tours, or the entire break down of Shake Your Body on those tours as well.

Album wise I love the "ooooh why" in Human Nature. It's otherworldly. :wub: I also love waiting for Michael's part to come on in "Get It", and the beginning of "Black or White" gets me excited :wild:, and I love the "I bet you remember" from RTT. I'm sure there's more, but my mind's drawing a blank.

Someone should make a compilation video of all the epic parts. :popcorn:
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

The last minute or so of Superfly Sister is one of my favorites as well. The whole 2 Bad is one big adrenaline rush for me. The rap from Jam to the end of the song does it for me as well. I can just imagine Michael doing his dance during the rap that he did on the Dangerous tour, I always like that part.

And 1:54-3:30 in WYBT is another one. That entire section is just so, well done.

There's just sooo much to choose from!
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

Keep it coming, guys...I just love talking about his music like this :D

Just thought of another:

In All Night Dancin'...pretty much all his ad libs...Especially when he goes 'That's the way I like it!!'...and at 1:17...'Temperature's burnin' hot...HOT!!'....and at the very end at 6:07....'Ain't nobodies business but miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!'....

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Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

2:39-2:53 Gone Too Soon- I love the way he says the word "day."

The opening intro of IJCSLY.

The ending of Human Nature and WBBS live!!

The entrie Heal The World song. His vocals are so beautfiul. I think its his best song.

The YANA "you are always in my heartttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt" part.

The acapella of Speechless.

The spoken ending of Will You Be There live.

First verse of Black Or White- I don't why but I just love the way he sings it.

The opening laughter in Off The Wall.

The Earth song ending.

The opening four five lines of MITM.

There are many more, but these are the only ones that I can think of the top of my head right now.
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

The bridge in Escape...I love the harmonies in it...And the funky guitar you can hear closer to the ending of the song....:D

Oh yes, and the bridge in 'If You Don't Love Me'...:D
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Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

While there are many songs that give me this feeling (most recently Unbreakable, didn't notice the harmonies before, now though WOW)! And there are a lot of excellent choices in here. My pick would be:

Earth Song

I always thank god I survived through the entire track. Everytime I hear it I feel like some wind will come and literally blow me away. It's THAT epic.

Honorble mention: Is It Scary, maybe not in the same degree as ES, but this song is nothing to scoff at. SO. FREAKING. EPIC!!!!
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

'Nuff said

Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

..The whole 2 Bad is one big adrenaline rush for me. The rap from Jam to the end of the song does it for me as well. I can just imagine Michael doing his dance during the rap that he did on the Dangerous tour, I always like that part.


I feel incredibly pumped whenever he is screaming "2 Bad!! 2 Bad!!" Totally agree.

I get otherworldly weirdo transcendence floating going on with the background chorus in "Ghosts"- so simply, leading up in threes. AaAAAh, AAAH, AAAAHHH.

I also lovelovelovelove the modulation in "Is It Scary". I swear that he is the only writer who can make a modulation sound as if the earth just took a double take.
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

While there are many songs that give me this feeling (most recently Unbreakable, didn't notice the harmonies before, now though WOW)! And there are a lot of excellent choices in here. My pick would be:

Earth Song

I always thank god I survived through the entire track. Everytime I hear it I feel like some wind will come and literally blow me away. It's THAT epic.

Honorble mention: Is It Scary, maybe not in the same degree as ES, but this song is nothing to scoff at. SO. FREAKING. EPIC!!!!

Yeah, the thing with many of his harmonies is that he doesn't waltz them out into eternity, so you either catch them- or you don't. And especially on Invincible you really need decent speakers, or a headset.

By the time "Then maybe you'll change your mind" rolls around, I am convinced that I am actually the world's coolest dancer and that I move like a goddess. Then reality sets in- but in those few seconds I am convinced to understand why he kept talking about the ecstasy of it all over and over and over again.
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

God, how I love speechless! I love love love that song. It moves me EVERY TIME I listen to it. Oh Michael!
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

Arky, what a great thread!

For now, top of my head:

Will You Be There: The entire song. I still get goosebumps listening to it. The emotional buildup s incredible.

Speechless: The song is a beauty. Particularly like "I'm humble in your grrrrrrrraaaaaaaaace."

Heartbreaker and Invincible: the bridge

Earth Song: the call and response

YANA: the ad libs at the end

RTT: Don't you remember girl. On the phone. you and me. In Spain....

In the Closet: the moans. :fear:

I can go on and on.
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

The bridge in Black Or White.
"If Martin Luther/Roosevelt was living he wouldn't let this be" in They Don't Care About Us.
The ending of Speechless.
"Aaaaaand girl I know that this is love" in You Rock My World.
The instrumental bridge in Don't Stop Till You Get Enough.
The intro and first verse in Rock With You.
The ad-libs from the live performances of Billie Jean.
"If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make A Change ('Cause When You Close Your Heart) You Can't Close Your . . .Your Mind! (Then You Close Your . . ." Mind!) in Man In The Mirror.
The intro to The Way You Make Me Feel.
The bridge in Speed Demon.
The gongs in the middle of Beat It.
"All you have to do is shout my name out loud" in Everybody.
The "I ain't working!" re-entries in the live version of Workin' Day And Night.
"So Annie are you ok? Are you ok Annie!" in the short film for Smooth Criminal.
"You knock me of my feet now baby Hoo!" in the short film for The Way You Make Me Feel.
The breakdown at the end of the Bad short film.
"That's why you got to be threatened by me" when Michael's voice sounds electronic in Threatened.
She's got her mojo in her pocket, ready just in case" in She Drives Me Wild.

I have more but I just don't remember them all.
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

Ending ad-libs of Man In The Mirror. Starts from around 3:55 in recording ''I'm gonna make the change...'' Then goes up till the end. Just pure awesomness. I love it :):)

Also, I love Billie Jean ad-libs in live performances.
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

The flute in Who Is It
The music part in Smooth Criminal after the guy says ''Ok i want everybody to clear the era right now''
The guitar solo in Give Into Me
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

Thought of another. 2:59-3:37 :wild:

Oh Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Can You Feel It! The whole song is an ode to epicness. I get goosebumps everytime i listen to that song.
Re: Epic parts of Michael's songs!

Ok, I wanted to start this thread because of certain parts of his songs that just get me completely pumped...Or a surge of joy, or just makes me go crazy...The parts I'm talking about are the parts that make you shush everyone around you, saying, 'I LOOOOOVE this part!! It's so epic!'....LOL....I'm talking about the way he may sing certain types of lyrics, or the way the music is arranged at a certain part...etc...You know, those magical moments that only Michael Jackson could ever create...:D

I'll start...

From WBSS....This song has always been one of my absolute faves...But I especially love the part starting at 4:30...and of course, mama se mama sa ma ma coo sa.....And THEN, I just go nuts at 5:10 (HELP ME SING IIIIITTT!!!) and just the chanting, hand claps....I just love it! :wild:


I know what you're saying, that part(4:30 and on) is amazing... especially in concerts, i love WBSS LIVE!!!


AWESOME! Even on HIStory Tour when he was having troubles with his voice!