Furfree friday 25/11


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
"In Defense of Animals is calling on all advocates to stand up on behalf of animals raised and killed for their fur. Their miserable lives and merciless deaths must end. On fur farms, foxes, mink, rabbits, and other species are kept in squalid, tiny cages where they go mad running back and forth, desperate to escape. Their efforts to get out are only realized at the end of their tortured lives, when these terrified and helpless animals are killed by such stunningly crude methods, including gassing, neck-breaking, and anal electrocution. In countries such as China, their skins are peeled from their bodies while they are still alive, writhing in pain. Wild animals trapped for fur fare no better. Steel-jaw leg hold traps are painful and some of the captured are willing to chew off their limbs in order to escape. These helpless and tormented captives linger in these traps for days and sometimes weeks before trappers come to retrieve them."
I guess I`ll get terrible nightmares if I look at the Skintrade, the movie.A person works undercover in a foxfarm and see things i never want to see in my life.
But I don´t wear fur.