RIP Aaliyah - 10 years today


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
Today is the 10th anniversary of one of my favourite all time female singers, Aaliyah :( May she continue to rest in peace :angel: :weeping:

Thanks for posting this thrillerchild. :huggy:

I can't believe it has been 10 years already. They have been playing her videos all week. They are also doing a tribute to her today on BET, finally. They are going to acknowledge her with a show honoring her.

She was very talented and what's more she is always spoken very highly by all of her peers and that cannot be said about many artists today.

Damn wish I could watch BET :( I hope one of the music channels here does something.
I am going to DVR it and then burn it to a DVD. If someone shows me how I will try to get it posted. But if not, we can look out for Youtube links. I am sure someone is going to upload it. :yes:
Aaliyah was beautiful on the inside and out. Not a single person has had anything negative to say about her. It's a shame she's gone and been gone for so long now but her memory and music lives on. R.I.P. baby girl.
Hard to believe it's been ten years. I still remember when I first heard the news. She was so beautiful and talented, and it's a shame she died so young.:( RIP Aaliyah.
Damm I can't belived she gone for over 10 years.... I remeber when I was just a freshman in H.S like around 14 years old! & now I'm 24 years old! She was my role model & my idol. She is one of my fave female singers behind Alica Keys & Beyonce! I was so busy on the 25th trying to get ready to go to the regloius convention.... but I will try to wacth BET special on youtube! RIP Aaliyah aka Babygirl gone too soon! :( :cry:
Today is the 10th anniversary of one of my favourite all time female singers, Aaliyah :( May she continue to rest in peace :angel: :weeping:


R.I.P. our beauty, we miss you lovely voice as we do all of GOD's singers that have gone back up to join him. it's going to be a rejoiceful day when the saints come marching in. the will have all those wonderful voices singing God's praises. we miss you terribly, a loving fan.

Here was the tribute to Aaliyah. The rest was just infilled with her videos.

I can't believe it's already been that long. She was a multi talented person that was beautiful inside & out. It's hard to believe she isn't living.
Not to cloud the thread, but I found out about something that apparently many people believe about Aaliyah that is just completely false and even humorous. You know how she used to wear her hair and glasses over her face all the time? We all know she did out of insecurity and before she died, she completely blossomed and embraced herself and uncovered her gorgeous face. Anyway, I was at a party and an Aaliyah video came on the TV. People started discussing her and they were all talking about how she had a lazy eye and that's why she wore glasses and kept her hair in front of one eye. I was like, WHA??? I told them all that that's not true (because she stopped doing that during the final stages of her life and her last album). They were like, nope, she definitely had a lazy eye. I just shook my head and laughed it off. I had no freaking clue that this was a common belief. Has anyone else heard this? It's funny the myths people create over the littlest, most trivial things. SMH.
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Actually Travis, it was a very common belief of people. I remember she was on Video Soul on BET and they asked her about that. They told her that people had been saying that she had something wrong with her eye and that is why she wore her hair like that. She pulled her hair to the side and explained that this was false. She said she was just shy.

You are correct that at the end of her life she always wore her hair completely out of her face.

Some people. SMH.

Another interesting one Travis, I heard that she hid one of her eyes because she was being inducted by the illuminati and they have a thing with one eyes.:bugeyed :busted:
Sad, she died so young, with the whole life ahead of her. RIP. It looks like it was yesterday.