MTV poll-----Best VMA ' POP' Performance!


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
THIS one is a DIFFERENT poll from the one about the MTV VMA most 'ICONIC' performance. We are fighting Bon Jovi fans on THAT one, not this one! :)

Please don't get confused. Right now we have altogether total 3 different polls where we gotta vote for Michael!

1. MTV VMA poll-Most iconic performance(already posted in a SEPARATE thread)

2. BILLBOARD poll-Best VMA performance(already posted in a SEPARATE thread)


3. MTV VMA poll-Best pop performance
which I'm posting here so it doesn't get lost or confused with the other VMA and Billboard polls and all fans may see and know there is another poll.


Hope this clarifies things! Now go VOTE for the King in all 3! :)
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I had a look at the Backstreet Boys' Twitter page. They have tweeted a lot about this poll. That explains it. We need to vote on this. I would much rather lose to Bon Jovi than the Backstreet Boys.
Everyone plesae keep voting for Michael!

Sure!!!! :wild:
The polls don't end until August 24th. We have time to bounce back, we just mustn't fall too far behind.
KingMikeJ;3460982 said:
We are now beating the Backstreet Boys. Keep voting!

<label class="pds-feedback-label"> Michael Jackson, greatest hits medley (1995) 41.84% </label>

<label class="pds-feedback-label"> Backstreet Boys, &#8220;Everybody&#8221; (1998) 41.39% </label>

<label class="pds-feedback-label"> Bon Jovi, &#8220;Livin&#8217; on a Prayer&#8221;/&#8221;Wanted Dead or Alive&#8221; (1989) 43.66% </label>

Michael Jackson, &#8220;The Way You Make Me Feel&#8221;/&#8221;Scream&#8221;/&#8221;Beat It&#8221;/&#8221;Smooth Criminal&#8221; Medley (1995) 43.77%

If many fans do this everyday, we can win .

The Fastest Easiest way to vote is CLICK

( Michael - Vote - (F5) Repeat )
thanks to Qbee for this info
Both polls end at the same time, we need to get a strong lead in both because it will be hard to win 2 polls at the last minute.
Keep voting everyone! Everyday! As often as you can!
Bon Jovi fans are now voting for Backstreet Boys in this poll to try and distract us.


We must work even harder. ;)
^ That plan is pretty counterproductive. They're wasting time voting for Backstreet boys, when they could be using that time to vote for Bon Jovi :lol: Oh, well, while they're distracted doing that, we'll keep voting for Michael in the "iconic" poll.
Michael needs your help!

Please VOTE in all three

These votings are critical because the winner will be officially announced in MTV Video Music Awards 2011 just one day before Michael's birthday (August 28)!!!!!

Do you think that Michael deserves a gift from you?

Vote multiple times until Michael reaches the top!

Michael always on TOP!

It is outrageous moment because it is the first time Michael kissed in public!

It is supported by

To vote automatically:
1. You must use Firefox! -
2. Install iMacro-Addon -
3. Go to MTV web -
4. Click on imacro icon (deside downloading button) and in the new window you RECORD IMACRO. Click it.
5. Then you vote as usual in the MTV web
6. Once you have voted, STOP IMACRO.
7. Then you EXECUTE (PLAY) and down where MAX write 99999. It´s the maximun number of votes.
8. Then Click in EXECUTE BUCLE (PLAY LOOP), so that it will be always repeating

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Please remove that voting automatically part. I'm not going to cheat.

And don't vote for Most Outrageous Moment, it is disrespectful.
Outrageous means Bold!

Kissing in public is BOLD!

Kissing for your first time in public is BOLD!

Kissing for your first time in public Elvis Priestley daughter is BOLD!
If you don't stop posting the same "thing" in every thread...
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Keep voting, let's show what the army of love can do.
Can everyone please try to keep it clean here as much as possible? Please limit your profanity.

Thanks! :flowers:
Michael's losing percentage points rapidly to Back Street Boys!

Please note and spread the word that we're NOT supposed to be voting for Michael in the 'most outrageous' moment award! He deserves to win in the most ICONIC and best POP performance categories!!! So keep voting day and night in those categories, NOT in the outrageous one! I don't know who are these fans silly enough to vote for him as an outrageous act not realizing the meaning of 'outrageous' and instead voting for him in that category. I'm sure there are fans like me who are having a hard time undoing this stupidity by voting for Madge and Britney so that they overtake him! Winning that award is not an honour but a disgrace. We hate MTV anyway for what they've been doing to Mike all these years, but the ICONIC and Best POP performance awards are important and we must make sure the King wins those!
Outrageous means Bold!

Kissing in public is BOLD!

Kissing for your first time in public is BOLD!

Kissing for your first time in public Elvis Priestley daughter is BOLD!

I don't know where you get your definition from, but "outrageous" means "bad, shocking, scandalous", it's the complete opposite of "good". Maybe you should look it up in a dictionary.

I've been voting for ICONIC and BEST like crazy. I stayed up last night til 4 just so I could carry on voting. We can do this, guys!
Everyone, Keep voting the King!



nfj;3461274 said:
Outrageous means Bold!

Kissing in public is BOLD!

Kissing for your first time in public is BOLD!

Kissing for your first time in public Elvis Priestley daughter is BOLD!
outrageous |out&#712;r&#257;j&#601;s|adjective1 shockingly bad or excessive : an outrageous act of bribery.&#8226; wildly exaggerated or improbable : the outrageous claims made by the previous administration

This is the definition of outrageous, it doesn't matter what your opinion is as long as the rest of the world reading this word think otherwise. Bottom line, MJ winning this particular poll is not a good thing.
I don't know where you get your definition from, but "outrageous" means "bad, shocking, scandalous", it's the complete opposite of "good". Maybe you should look it up in a dictionary.

I've been voting for ICONIC and BEST like crazy. I stayed up last night til 4 just so I could carry on voting. We can do this, guys!

That's why we love him!

Because he is "Bad, Shocking and Scandalous" !!!

Anyway I agree with you Snow White but I think that we can vote any of the other candidates.

MJ fans giving Madonna's an achievement is very Outrageous!
And who gave you the right to scare my family?
And who gave you the right to scare my baby, she needs me
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?
And who gave you the right to take intrusion, to see me?
And who gave you the right to shake my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby, she needs me
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?
You put a :censored: in your back,
Shot an :censored: in you !
Tell me are you the :girl_pride: of jealousy
:censored: :girl_pride: of jealousy
Please dont post links or pics to Bon Jovi or any cheating scripts here
Thanks for your cooperation