Selling Out...

Severus Snape

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Dungeons
Don't you just hate it when it happens? I'm not sure if it's an outrage, or just plain sad. Whichever feeling is more appropriate is irrelevant, I reckon--the point is, I hate to see it when it happens. It happens all to often, especially in the pop industry. Anyone who has heard the pre-debut material of, say, Kesha Sebert (now Ke$ha) or Stefani Germanotta (now Lady Gaga), can attest to the fact that they both sold out--massively, with Germanotta's sellout being more apparent than Sebert's. Even before either of them were famous, examples of selling out abounded throughout the industry.

Well, gentlemen, I'm here to bring you the latest example. Normally, I wouldn't care much for the selling out of someone whose material I don't like (i.e. Gaga), however, I was a fan of this girl's before she signed with Universal. While she was never any artistic genius, back when Porcelain Black was Porcelain and the Tramps, her music was a lot better and more clever than the drivel she's currently shelling out under her new contract.



Just no. :no:

What do you guys think? Obviously, this only applies to musicians who have gone "to the dark side," so to speak. Is money enough of an incentive to sacrifice one's art/style/etc. and fit a mold? In this regard, Porcelain Black is almost like a P!nk 2.0. Her current stuff is so divorced from her original a bad way.
I don't like her previous music...and that video is vulgar. *shrugs*
I don't like her previous music...and that video is vulgar. *shrugs*

I loved Porcelain and the Tramps. It was most definitely not pop music, and that's the point. She had her own thing going on before she went all pop after getting a record deal. The new video sucks! Pretty much all her old fans are in consensus that the new image is just really stupid. It's like she's a really bad combination of P!nk and Lady Gaga, especially with the finger motions--that would largely be the domain of the latter (recalls baseball stadium fiasco). It's just sad--and the completely out of place Lil' Wayne... :no: Well, no, if anyone's out of place, it's Porcelain.

(Sorry, I just have to snicker a bit at a Lady Gaga fan calling someone else's "music" vulgar. It's like the pot calling the kettle black). -snicker-
Because "Love Game" is so not totally vulgar.

And neither is this:


Nope, nothing to see here, folks...

raz2911 said:
Lady Gaga was much better when she used to just sit at a piano and sing I think.

I don't like her music, but I agree with you 100%. It's the exact same thing.




Lorelei, you're right in that she does sometimes play the piano live, but it's usually her current material she sings, not her vintage stuff. It's not only about having the instrument present, it's about what the words she's singing say. If it was just about the instrument, no one would listen to vocals--yet they exist to convey a message just as much as, if not more than, the instrumental accompaniment.

? And I love the way you can make me dance from miles away
When Im with you Im so sedated Im captivated by you.
Youre just like the wind cause everything moves when youre around
The sun is just like the sound of your voice in the morning when you light my world up. ?

Compare that to...

"Wish i could shut my playboy mouth,oh oh oh oh, How'd i turn my shirt inside out, inside out right, control your poison babe, roses have thorns they say, And we're all gettin hosed tonight, oh oh oh oh...."

It's hard to believe the same person is behind both of those songs.

Then again, it's hard to believe the same person who wrote such a sad portrayal of what goes on in the Red Light District is behind that awful song.

"She charmed her way into your pocket with fake eye lashes that she flashes. Crawling towards you on her bruised knees kinda makes me think that she'll give it up, give it up, give it up. She'll give it up, if you wanna pay up. Give it up, give it up, give it up. I know you want to. Give it up, give it up, give it up. She'll give it up, if you wanna pay up. Give it up, give it up, give it up. Shes waiting for you..."

Although most PATT fans don't quite get it, the song is actually anti-prostitution/sex trade. Especially obvious when you get to this part:

"Hello, hello dear sir. I've got something for you. Look in my hand, I've got a couple of pills. Pop 'em. I'll make you feel hot and your wife feel horrible. I'll make you wanna, make you wanna. I'll make you feel hot and i'll make you feel right..."

Why would she need to give him/take pills if she were enjoying herself? The verses expose more of the harrowing truths than the chorus parts of the song, painting a dismal portrait of what it's like to work at one such place, despite all pop culture does to glamourize it.

Compare that piece of art to:

"Hey hey hey if you're ready to rage,Raise your hands up, this what rock and roll looks like, Yeah yeah yeah, wearing leather and lace, Raise your hands up, this what rock and roll looks like, Na-na-na-na-nana-na-nah (hey, hey, hey) Na-na-na-na-nana-na-na-now."

The decline in quality is scathingly obvious as well.

Regarding Gaga, it's not the piano stuff she's the electro crap. So, she's still selling out, and massively. Then again, so is Porcelain. I guess it's true, what they say:

Tom Lehrer's genius is so infinite that the stuff he wrote about is still relevant today...perhaps even more so than ever. :no:
^ I'm not a lady gaga fan but I'm not a hater. I was trying to be fair to her, okay? Yes she's sometimes vulgar and some of her songs are utter crap but she's talented.
^ I'm not a lady gaga fan but I'm not a hater. I was trying to be fair to her, okay? Yes she's sometimes vulgar and some of her songs are utter crap but she's talented.

No one is saying she's not talented, however, calling Porcelain's music vulgar and admiring Gaga's mostly vulgar studio work...makes no sense whatsoever. Talent and class are two very different things.
No one is saying she's not talented, however, calling Porcelain's music vulgar and admiring Gaga's mostly vulgar studio work...makes no sense whatsoever. Talent and class are two very different things.

Who says I do that? Can you please stop judging and acting like you know every thing about me? I'm just trying to be fair on Lady Gaga, some act like she's God, some act like she's Satan *sigh*
Who says I do that? Can you please stop judging and acting like you know every thing about me? I'm just trying to be fair on Lady Gaga, some act like she's God, some act like she's Satan *sigh*

I don't think she's either. She's clearly just an ordinary girl who likes fame and money and is willing to do whatever it takes to get that. However, from what you've said on other threads, it's clear you like her, which is fine. Going by what you've exhibited is not pretending to know "everything" about you--why so defensive?

It's no great sin to like Gaga or her music--but calling Porcelain vulgar while defending Gaga on other threads is a bit ironic, in my opinion. The only instance where I would agree that Porcelain is mindlessly vulgar is in her newly released song/video, which just plain sucks compared to her old stuff, but I could say the same about so many...
I don't think she's either. She's clearly just an ordinary girl who likes fame and money and is willing to do whatever it takes to get that. However, from what you've said on other threads, it's clear you like her, which is fine. Going by what you've exhibited is not pretending to know "everything" about you--why so defensive?

It's no great sin to like Gaga or her music--but calling Porcelain vulgar while defending Gaga on other threads is a bit ironic, in my opinion. The only instance where I would agree that Porcelain is mindlessly vulgar is in her newly released song/video, which just plain sucks compared to her old stuff, but I could say the same about so many...

I'm defensive because I'm mutual about Lady Gaga. I like her personality more than her music and outfits to be honest. I'm 50/50 on her yet you make it sound like I admire her music. I admire her commitment but her music? Nah.

Anyway, I realise I was too defensive in the earlier post, sorry about that.