Rebuttal to OK Magazine/Aaron Carter/Daphne Barrak Story

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Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
As some may be aware, a story was started in OK!magazine in an interview of Aaron Carter by Daphne Barrck, in which statements were made that MJ gave Aaron, who was then 15, alcohol and cocaine. This story has not died down. Since that 156 news outlets have been reporting this story including CNN, Newsday, CBSNews, The Examiner, Glamour, and TV guide. These are not just gossip rags here people.

Some articles are not even focusing on the alcohol and drugs anymore. They minds are going straight to Jesus Juice and the idea that this was the malicious way MJ molested boys. Folks, this is not going away.

Again, it is up to the fan community to do something about what is taking place. Just when we thought the tide was turning after his death, if we do not act, Stories will cement MJ's reputation as a child molester. We have various members working on projects to directly refute what has been said. if you would like to help, please post here what you think should be done, what you will be able to do, contact information of people, etc.

Please do not use this thread for idle chit chat about what you think took place; or, to hurl insults at any involved. There is a thread in the controversy section for that. This thread is for action.

Thank you.

Originally Posted by ivy
I can contact Frank but what for? His tweet is public, there's no need to ask for permission to copy , repost, use it etc. If there's something else I'll contact him.


I think we can get better from him.

We can tell him what we want to accomplish...and the devastating impact aaron's lies will have on MJ's legacy. And ask him if he'd be willing to provide us with a good, forceful, No-BS quote that we use or attach to the letter.

We need more than 140-letter tweet.

ETA: Can Ivy or TheChosenOne or Ginvid create a new thread specifically for the rebuttal?

We can add all information we've accumulated thus far in the first thread.

Ginvid: research Australian OK Mag editor's contact information

Editor: Nicole Byers

Memefan: Ok Mag US contact

Edior: Richard Spencer

His assistant: Sue

Ivy: Contact Frank Cascio for a proper quote that can be used

Twinklee: Contact Tom Mesereau for quote and additional info Re: Aaron Carter's testimony etc (as much as we can get to defend MJ's name)

Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
So that we can keep track of what we are hoping to do:

1] statement from MJJC to shared with other fan sites/clubs - TheChosenOne

2] letter to the editor of OK magazine

3] contact the Estate to request a statement Limjj

4] tweet those who were present, encouraging them to speak out - all Ivy

5] tweet family members and ask them to respond (tweet info is in post #601) - all

6] respond to news sites carrying the article, pointing out the fallacies of the story and Aaron's history - all

What am I missing?
I think you have pretty much everything we discussed....who's writing the letter...? volunteers?

ETA> Please copy and paste this post in new Thread

Ilmjj...I added your name as the estate's contact person since you already sent them a message
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I'm so proude to be a MJ fan when I see what we can do against all the people who try to trash Mike.

Twitter can be a very fast gun against Barack and Carter. Carter needs to deny these lies and tell to the serious media that it's Barack who did this just for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Has the estate responded.... or do you think they could be preparing a lawsuit
The Estate MUST sue the Ok magazine, Barack and Carter if he doesn't explain what really happened and what was really said during this interview.
The estate has not responded so far.

Diplomate with US laws as of now, the estate cannot sue them. They would not win according to law. We as fans must do something to make them feel this. That is why we have this thread. Any who would like to discuss what happened, please use the thread in the controversy section. We are trying to have this thread to organize a rebuttal to give to the magazines and news outlets.

Thanks so much everyone! :flowers:

ETA: Here is the link:*Update-Post-41*-Merged?p=3424321#post3424321

Can you please bring over in the first post

Post # 618 from the old thread

We shouldn't use the TMZ link or Barack's link too much.

In fact, we should only used Aaron Carter's denial as an indictment. That he purposefully, waited 2 weeks, threatened fans before "claiming" he was misquoted.

We should use that denial or that clip only as support to our argument that it was a well orchestrated PR move to bring his some press.
We can also include his new reality show and new album.

We should now try to expose them as liars who plotted this PR coup from the very beginning.

People should stop acting like Aaron wasn't in on the act. He was. From the very beginning. If he wasn't he would have denied it from the get go...he would have release an official statement and he would have asked Barack for a retraction.

He did neither of that.

This was obviously planned from the very beginning. TMZ was most likely in on it...and was promised the denial story.

I am not falling for this.

We have been asking Carter since June 15 to confirm or deny the story...he never did.

Don't tell me...he just woke up to this now.

They planned everything...from the initial coke the edited clip that they released last Aaron Carter changing his name to an easier him denying the story on TMZ.

Aaron is blaming the writer...Jermaine is blaming OK Magazine.

This was a well planned PR move...and apparently, they will get away with it.
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The estate has not responded so far.

Diplomate with US laws as of now, the estate cannot sue them. They would not win according to law. We as fans must do something to make them feel this. That is why we have this thread. Any who would like to discuss what happened, please use the thread in the controversy section. We are trying to have this thread to organize a rebuttal to give to the magazines and news outlets.

Thanks so much everyone! :flowers:

ETA: Here is the link:*Update-Post-41*-Merged?p=3424321#post3424321

Ginvid, why the Estate and the MJ kids can't sue these liars ? They wrote lies in their magazine, and they earn money with these lies.

If the Estate don't sue them, all the people who wxant to make money will go on all the tabloids with horrible lies about Mike just to earn money!

I don't understand, why the Estate and Katherine and the MJ kids, can't sue these liars.

And I can't post on the controversy section, so war on Twitter against Barack, Ok mag and Carter ? ^^
How about a BOYCOTT with all involved I mean look at how many fans we are
Really proud of you guys. Love your fighting spirit. No doubt you shamed Aron carter to step up. We may squabble, but we are united in our love for this man.
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This just proved once again Michael Jackson fans are his true family, only his fans cared about him. I am so proud of u guys.

Can you please bring over in the first post

Post # 618 from the old thread

Done! :)

Ginvid, why the Estate and the MJ kids can't sue these liars ? They wrote lies in their magazine, and they earn money with these lies.

If the Estate don't sue them, all the people who wxant to make money will go on all the tabloids with horrible lies about Mike just to earn money!

I don't understand, why the Estate and Katherine and the MJ kids, can't sue these liars.

And I can't post on the controversy section, so war on Twitter against Barack, Ok mag and Carter ? ^^

Because by law, you can sue when a person is defamed or slandered. However, by US law, you can't slander or defame the dead. So technically they have not broken any laws. So it would be futile for them to sue in court. Ivy might be able to explain this better.
I also think we have to expose that Aaron Carter, his whole family and Daphne Barack have a long standing relationship:

His mom did an interview with Barack in 2004

Aaron Carter: A Nite With Jackson

So we have to make it very clear this is not a normal interview-interviewee relationship..The have known each other for for him to say his friend misquoted him is bogus
OK, head over to the Controversy part of the forum to find out the latest on whats happened as this really needs to be a place for action. I'm aware TheChosenOne is working on a statement to send to OK! magazine so that is currently in the works, head over to that thread to have a read and give your input.

In the meantime we can individually contact OK! and other media outlets who have reported this story to show our digust in their lazy journalism and to show that we know the actual facts.The fact that Aaron Carter has waited 2 weeks before attempting to stop the story just shows that it wasn't merely a case of 'They've twisted my words around'. To get 'the facts' head over to the other thread in 'Controversy' to help you write your letter/e-mail of complaint.

This is who to contact:

Editor's PA/General Enquiries:
News Editor:

OK! Magazine,
The Northern & Shell Building,
Number 10 Lower Thames Street,
London, EC3R 6EN

Remember they also have a twitter account and facebook if you want to display your views publicly online
TMEZ, was already contacted by Ivy and myself, I called him up be he'd already left the building (he only works from 9am-12 pm on Friday's) so I left him a voicemail, asking for any kind of additional information regarding Aaron Carter's 2005 testimony. Ivy sent him a mail, let's see if he responds or not.
How about a BOYCOTT with all involved I mean look at how many fans we are

can't really boycott Carter since his career has been done for years now. People were asking "who is Aaron Carter?" when the article was posted lol

He was a teenybopper with barely any hits and his music career faded QUICK. Most of his fame came from being a Backstreet Boy's brother and dating teen starlets like Lindsay Lohan
no matter what we do, there will ALWAYS BE ENVIOUS MISERABLE LOW LIFES who are an insult to the word LIFE, who will continue to insist what they know is not true...that being, the idea that MJ molested and plied kids. however, there never should be a ceasing of the effort to fight these lies.
Hi guys

I know that I have not been active for a really long time, but when I heard this nonsense I had to come here and see what you guys were doing about this because I know this community has Mike's back.

I really don't even know what to say anymore, why are they doing this? It's not only bad for Michael's name but it is horrible to put Aaron in this positiion as well, it hurts my head omfg.

I am with you guys 100% and we will defend Michael's name
This may be a bit extreme but I've seen this work in the past. Personally, I believe both Carter and Barack should be ignored. The purpose of this story was to generate attention and so far they have succeeded. I think the focus should be on the magazine and its sponsors. Its been reported that this mag is struggling, they can't afford to lose any sponsors. If they fail to print a retraction, threaten to take out a full page ad in the Hollywood Reporter, NYT, etc exposing Barack for who she is then list all the sponsors who support this bottom-feeding reporting by their continued sponsorship of this mag. I hope the climate becomes so toxic that most publishers would think twice before hiring Barack or purchasing her "exclusives". At this point, Barack owes Michael more than an apology, she should lose her job. What she and Carter are claiming is criminal misconduct and its so unfortunate that these two can't be charged for making false claims.
Can anything be done to a reporter who knowingly posts incorrect information. Most professions have some sort of ombudsman who will act if they do wrong. What about Aaron Carter himself - surely he can sue a magazine who publishes lies in his name?
This may be a bit extreme but I've seen this work in the past. Personally, I believe both Carter and Barack should be ignored. The purpose of this story was to generate attention and so far they have succeeded. I think the focus should be on the magazine and its sponsors. Its been reported that this mag is struggling, they can't afford to lose any sponsors. If they fail to print a retraction, threaten to take out a full page ad in the Hollywood Reporter, NYT, etc exposing Barack for who she is then list all the sponsors who support this bottom-feeding reporting by their continued sponsorship of this mag. .
Great ideas!!

And yes..ok mag in the US are losing an average on 500K per week. That 2 years ago...and i hear it got worse.

I am beyond pissed at the estate at the moment. There is absolutely no reason for them to let that story drag all over the world...

The cirque du soleil shows are only 4 months away..I guess they will wake up in an arena of empty chairs.

How the hell are they gonna market MJ to kids with that lie being reported as fact?

They really dropped the ball on this one. MJ's legacy isn't just about making money....

And that family....

This is what Jermaine tweeted about the 2nd interview:
jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
@WhatAboutRain i've defended Michael's integrity for years thank you. you clearly weren't listening then either
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
@TJMJJ that's very kind of you - thank you
2 hours ago

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
@magicpoetryx he doesn't say anything disturbing. the coverage is what's disturbing - and how some believe it
2 hours ago

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
@KarlaJorge i worry he didn't even know he was being taped for audio. not being careful is not the same as attacking michael
2 hours ago

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
@OffTheWall4MJxx you cause no offense, and yes i do. this is barack's spin everyone is getting sucked into
3 hours ago

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
@magicpoetryx yes, i've heard the audio
3 hours ago

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
@DaQueen_GFM a bandwagon has rolled into town with aaron carter's name on it
3 hours ago

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
@Melishaxoxo listen carefully to what he said
3 hours ago

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
i don't need to be told to defend my brother. I will. I do. always. But only when i actually hear someone attacking him
3 hours ago

And the piece de resistance:

@UNITED4MJLEGACY it serves as no lesson. YOU are making the same mistake as Bashir and associating bed with something improper #listenagain

His defense of Carter insinuating that Michael would have raped him had he not woken up at we are making a "mistake by associating bed with something improper". He has deleted that tweet after he was ripped for even using this argument as a defense...but I got a good screencap.

That is why I tell you guys: leave the family out of this. Don't bother asking them to give us quotes or defend Michael....they are not PR-savvy and will cause irreparable damage to MJ's legacy if they start issuing statements. They are a disaster waiting to happen.
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Hi Memefan,
I agree with you about the estate. I've tried to see things from their perspective because Branca and McClain weren't there so they can't refute the story based on eyewitness accounts but that's no excuse for not saying anything. Now if Barack and Carter had joined together to sell replica MJ jackets, the estate would react with a quickness. Michael's integrity is worth more money they could possibly make. They tend to forget that Michael is the estate and at this point, they represent him. There is no way McClain and Branca should allow ANYONE who questions Michael's integrity with unsubstantiated claims to go unchallenged and that includes Gene Simmons and Joan Rivers who also pulled an "Aaron Carter" and went unchallenged. Both McClain and Branca have known Michael over 20 years, would they continue to work for a person with character flaws the media likes to portray? There is no reason those two men couldn't have released a statement similar to Frank Casio so yes, they did indeed drop the ball.
Carter is the last person I would ever believe in anything specially these stupid allegations I don't believe it at all Michael would have never done that.
This may be a bit extreme but I've seen this work in the past. Personally, I believe both Carter and Barack should be ignored. The purpose of this story was to generate attention and so far they have succeeded. I think the focus should be on the magazine and its sponsors. Its been reported that this mag is struggling, they can't afford to lose any sponsors. If they fail to print a retraction, threaten to take out a full page ad in the Hollywood Reporter, NYT, etc exposing Barack for who she is then list all the sponsors who support this bottom-feeding reporting by their continued sponsorship of this mag. I hope the climate becomes so toxic that most publishers would think twice before hiring Barack or purchasing her "exclusives". At this point, Barack owes Michael more than an apology, she should lose her job. What she and Carter are claiming is criminal misconduct and its so unfortunate that these two can't be charged for making false claims.
I support this as well as the petition. OK should be put under for this and that horrible "photo" of Michael in the ambulance. They are bottom feeders and apparently so is Barak. Personally I never liked Aaron Carter around MJ and his actions now do not surprise me.
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