This forum is now open

Dec 1, 2002
Michael Jackson Community

Our remembrance we will be this forum and unlike last year we will only be closing the forums that are not about MJ,

You may now post your 2 year anniversary messages as this forum will be open for ten days five day prior and five days after.


I can't believe it's been another year already... Time really does fly.. But it does not take the pain away :(
It's sad. I was somehow able to manage to hold my tears in the fateful day. I still miss him and his music.
I can't believe Murray is still walking around acting as if nothing has happened to our dear Michael. As the days near the 25th June I become morel glum and sad anf I want to hear his music and videos more and more. I will never ever forget Michael til the day I too leave this earth. There is not one day that I go on without rememering what great joy he brought to me and many others too.
Wishing you were here Mike. :teary_eyed::teary_eyed::teary_eyed::teary_eyed:
I miss you so much Michael and will until the day I die. You truly were an angel walking the earth with us. You and your legacy will never be forgotten. I love you. Rest in peace.
I don't want this to come out wrong... im sad he's gone, but at the same time im glad, he with all the love that he gave through music and dance he can finally rest and catch up on some sleep, im glad that he's performing where anything's possible... in heaven, where he performs for the Lord and the angels and above all, he was too good for this earth, a gods gift to us all, and half a century of L.O.V.E is more than humans have ever had.

R.I.P Michael Jackson, You Saved my life, I will devote my life to defending you and the word you wanted to spread.
I've been very emotional lately, missing Michael so much. The pain has hit me with full force again.. I can't believe it's been two whole years already. And I can't believe how much it still hurts.

Michael, I love you.
I miss you.
For all time.

I've been very emotional lately, missing Michael so much. The pain has hit me with full force again.. I can't believe it's been two whole years already. And I can't believe how much it still hurts.

Michael, I love you.
I miss you.
For all time.


I fully concur with this. Since the past weekend and yesterday in particular I'm feeling like I'm back in 09 when it first happened. This time of year I think will always bring those feelings back. I'll never forget...

I just can't believe it was 2 years ago. Wow. :cry:
My 10-year-old son said yesterday: it's been two years and you're still crying... I can’t help it...
I miss him so much :cry:
Times was supposed to heal the wounds, wasn't it? Did nothing for me. :(

Bless you. I think time heals the wounds so they scab but unfortunately when we hear something familiar that reminds us the scabs come off again to reveal the wound is still there. Hugs.
I can't believe it's been two years either. I dread the 25 of every month, to be honest, because it always reminds me how it's just another month longer of him being gone. Another weird thing is I always seem to look at the clock when it's 6:25. It's eerie and sometimes sends chills. I catch 6:25 pm almost everyday.

Two years have gone by and it still feels like yesterday. I don't feel the pain you lifelong fans do, but I do feel a pain of my own. I felt it that day and I still feel it. Be in peace Michael. You have now been singing and dancing with the angels for two years. You are still loved enormously. :heart:
Two years, I mean its just insane. That's all the words I have, simply insane. Life has changed in so many ways but my love for Michael has never wavered. Michael I love you and I miss you.
it just unbelievable that 2 years has gone by doesn't seem possible...the pain is the same now as it was 2 years ago, Seeing Murray walking around and spending time with his own family is just so wrong. I will never be the same...Michael was such a huge part of my life. I miss you so much Michael....two years later...the world is still to quiet...the silence is still deafening..:(
Wow time is going by so fast. I can remember the complete devistation like it was yesterday. And again this year, like last year, I'm probably going to try and avoid everything around it. It's just to much. There's a really nice remembrance being organized by a few Dutch fans only 2 streets from my house. But I don't think I can bare to go. In this week I'm sticking my head in the sand. It's not good, but it's how I cope.

Like last year, I will wear my MJ shirt on saturday. I hardly ever wear it, not sure why. But I did the day after he passed and I did it last year. So I'll do it again.

Last year I wrote the poem that's in my signature on June 25th. Maybe it's a good way to remember Michael and write another poem this saturday.
wow almost 2 years, and the pain is still that fresh.. Also what happend last 2 years? We had a movie this is it, a cd Michael, but most weird think murray is still walking and practising!

I think of michael every day, and when i lay in bed for one minute i wish he and his fam and kids are ok, i hope he can watch over us and be proud of us.

when i hear his music sometimes i get tears and wish he could still be there

Im sorry michael that your life was shortened by this foul murray, that you only can see your kids grow from heaven. I hope you see your still loved and missed!

it just unbelievable that 2 years has gone by doesn't seem possible...the pain is the same now as it was 2 years ago, Seeing Murray walking around and spending time with his own family is just so wrong. I will never be the same...Michael was such a huge part of my life. I miss you so much Michael....two years later...the world is still to quiet...the silence is still deafening..:(

I've couldn't said it any better dear... I mean that 'time heals wounds' quote is the biggest BS I've ever heard...
The first year I didn't really realise it and hoped it wasn't true and all and NOW it has really 'sunken' in and its :tease: really....
Surely, the fact that a doc can just 'murder' his patient and walk 'FREE' for 2 years now... its :evil:...

Idd... The world is so cold, quiet, dull and boring... :doh:
but Thanks to GAZ, we still have a HOME here otherwise I'd be lost and just 'dead inside' ...
it seems like a knightmere and you just can never grasp it ....idk...
Confused, still im holding on .
june is horrible though :/
Thanks Gaz, for opening this thread up for 10 days. It'll be a helpful hand for sure! :)

Two years. So much has changed, yet much has also stayed the same.

Love to everyone here!
I still missing him like beyond crazy. I am still suffering from depression over what had happen to him. And I am still wearing all black on most days. To show that I am still very much in mourning over him. I still haven't felt a single ounce of happiness since before it happen. Sadness, misery, tiredness, and anger is all that I had ever felt since that horrible when that monster took my Michael away from me. I still can not help to have thoughts of wanting to get my revenge. On that monster who took my Michael forever away from me and causing me to go in to a deep state of depression. That I can not get out from. I have never hated someone as much as I hate that evil nameless monster. But I still just so badly wish I could be with Michael right now. I just so totally hate having to live in a world without him now. :sad: :boohoo: I would still give anything in this world to see a brand new picture or either reading, watching, or hearing some kind of news story about him. I just so totally miss those days so much. I just so totally wish I had a time machine where I can go back to those happy days again.:sad: :boohoo:
Thankyou Gary, for all that you do for us, all in the name of L.O.V.E...

Its been two years and I cry all the time for time will never heal this wound because its not a wound...its a hole in my soul which can never ever be healed...I still can't believe June 25 happened...and if I must live through this lifetime, I must never believe it...and still it hurts like fire all the time...We love you and miss you more with every passing day Michael...we need you...