Authorities: There's Never Been Evidence Michael Jackson Was A Pedophile!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think this is worth posting:

Authorities: There's Never Been Evidence Michael Jackson Was A Pedophile!
Posted on May 05, 2011 @ 03:43PM print it send it
Splash NewsBy Jen Heger

With Katherine Jackson ratcheting up the debate about her son Michael Jackson's relationship with children by saying he was no child molester, a well-placed government source tells RadarOnline she's right.

"The Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services absolutely agrees with Katherine that her son never molested any child in cases the department investigated," a source told RadarOnline.

Michael Jackson was investigated by DCFS on and off for at least 10 years. The department undertook a first extensive investigation of allegations made by an underage accuser in 1993.

"Michael was fully cooperative during all of his interactions with DCFS," the source said. "Michael was interviewed for hours without his lawyer. He held nothing back. He couldn't understand why these allegations were being made against him. DCFS cleared him on any wrongdoing in ALL investigations.

"Did Michael put himself in precarious situations that most normal people wouldn't? Absolutely . . . The questioning was very, very hard on Michael, he just couldn't fathom that anyone could accuse him of being a child molester."

Another accuser, in 2005, "had absolutely no credibility," the source said. "There were differing accounts of what happened from the accuser and his family members."

Los Angeles' DCFS also investigated claims of abuse last year involving Michael Jackson's three children. Michael's nephew, Jaafar, allegedly used a stun gun on Michael's son, Blanket. After an extensive investigation, DCFS again took no action in the 2010 stun gun incident.

"Katherine was questioned by officials from the department, and as always, she was cooperative but saddened," the source said. "Katherine feels that her family has been targeted by opportunists over the years, and she just hopes that was the last time she ever has to go through that."
Where were these authorities when MJ could have used them in court early on to throw out Sneddon's claims? The fact he had to go through an entire trial is BULL!
Lets just be happy the tabloids are saying something positive about Michael for once.
19 months...too late.

But like they say, better late than never.
Sadly, one person speaking under anonymity, will not do much good. However, I am happy that we have at least this. I guess if we work hard as a fan base, we can accomplish more??
But I am worried that media will/can turn against Katherine and accuse her of lying... and defending Michael with lies about the 1993 case!

Then the media and people can question Katherine as an untrustworthy person... because somebody told Katherine lies about the cases.

Katherine Jackson has to inform media through such interviews about the Evan Chandler audio phone call tapes (available on YouTube) admitting conspiracy against Michael, and stress that people can hear him lying and conspiring against Michael + that Michael didnt pay a cent of his money + that it was his insuarance company that paid Jordy .... and so on.

Such interviews is great opportunity how to spread these facts to people... and not telling lies....

the 2003 case was nothing but a parody of the 1993 case..., everything is set on the 1993 case... and that has to be be cleared up...
19 months...too late.

But like they say, better late than never.
17 years too late i'd say but i'm glad things are coming out. we have this and fbi document.

on the side not, i really trie not to hate or wish anyone go to hell but these people specially sneddon got to pain
Actually the DCFS launched an investigation after the Bashir interview aired and the media was full of pedo accusations against Michael because of that. And they concluded Michael didn't molest anyone. And Sneddon later called them "incompetent". Even though at the time his own office too concluded there was no evidence of molestation.
But I am worried that media will/can turn against Katherine and accuse her of lying... and defending Michael with lies about the 1993 case!

Then the media and people can question Katherine as an untrustworthy person... because somebody told Katherine lies about the cases.

Katherine Jackson has to inform media through such interviews about the Evan Chandler audio phone call tapes (available on YouTube) admitting conspiracy against Michael, and stress that people can hear him lying and conspiring against Michael + that Michael didnt pay a cent of his money + that it was his insuarance company that paid Jordy .... and so on.

Such interviews is great opportunity how to spread these facts to people... and not telling lies....

the 2003 case was nothing but a parody of the 1993 case..., everything is set on the 1993 case... and that has to be be cleared up...

This could be great Moonwalkerfan, I completely agree with the interviews being wasted. But the thing is this is hard to explain for anyone, it really is. Until this day I've never heard anyone talk in an interview about this case in such details, Not even Mike did it when he got the chance, in that 1995 interview, probably because of the agreement.
This could be great Moonwalkerfan, I completely agree with the interviews being wasted. But the thing is this is hard to explain for anyone, it really is. Until this day I've never heard anyone talk in an interview about this case in such details, Not even Mike did it when he got the chance, in that 1995 interview, probably because of the agreement.

You know, what is the point?

...that MJ fan boards and fans are far better and well informed about the 1993/2003-2005 cases than all MJ family members including Katherine.
We have discussions threads... we have discussed almost everything... (+ Sony/ATV biz info...)

LaToya, Jermaine, Randy and others ... have accounts on Twitter or FB, why dont we post them "instructions" and info about the cases, links on web pages about the info, YouTube videos....???

MJJC team has a connection to MJ Estate, right? why dont we inform them about it?
So True...
God Bless Michael Jackson.
Michael never hurt anyobody and the fact that people thought he did must have hurt him badly. I hope one day more and more people will see the truth.
Have any other media outlets picked up this article yet? I don't think that an anonymous source will do much to change minds, but at least it's something. Hopefully, more and more people will see the truth.
Hell I'm happy! At least for once someone is telling the damn TRUTH! Ofcousre more should be done and been said yrs ago! But, better late then never!
You know, what is the point?

...that MJ fan boards and fans are far better and well informed about the 1993/2003-2005 cases than all MJ family members including Katherine.
We have discussions threads... we have discussed almost everything... (+ Sony/ATV biz info...)

LaToya, Jermaine, Randy and others ... have accounts on Twitter or FB, why dont we post them "instructions" and info about the cases, links on web pages about the info, YouTube videos....???

MJJC team has a connection to MJ Estate, right? why dont we inform them about it?

Of course we are better informed than them and I have no idea why. Really, it would be so nice if we get to inform them. Sometimes I just wanna go with them, make them sit and teach them with a board and everything :lol:
Has somebody got longer version of this report? or the audio record?

<iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="349" width="425"></iframe>

Taking Pellicano's advice (MJ´s Private Investigator), Jordan Chandler's stepfather Dave Schwartz recorded a telephone conversation that took place between him and Evan Chandler. On the tape, Chandler said:

"I had good communication with Michael. We were friends. I like him and I respect him and everything else for what he is. There was no reason why he had to stop calling me. I sat in the room one day and talked to Michael and told him exactly what I want out of this whole relationship. I've been rehearsed about what to say and not to say."

"[Michael] broke up the family. [Jordan] has been seduced by this guy's power and money."

"I am prepared to move against Michael Jackson. It's already set. There are other people involved that are waiting for my phone call that are in certain positions. I've paid them to do it. Everything's going according to a certain plan that isn't just mine. Once I make that phone call, this guy is going to destroy everybody in sight in any devious, nasty, cruel way that he can do it. And I've given him full authority to do that."

"And if I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way I lose. I've checked that inside out. I will get everything I want, and they will be destroyed forever. June will lose [custody of the son] and Michael's career will be over."

"[Jordan's welfare is] irrelevant to me. It's going to be bigger than all of us put together. The whole thing is going to crash down on everybody and destroy everybody in sight. It will be a massacre if I don't get what I want."

"This attorney I found (
Barry Rothman - was not a family lawyer but he had handled a custody case that involved child molestation allegations), I picked the nastiest son of a bitch I could find. All he wants to do is get this out in the public as fast as he can, as big as he can, and humiliate as many people as he can. He's nasty, he's mean, he's very smart, and he's hungry for the publicity."

Upon hearing the taped phone conversation between Evan Chandler and Dave Schwartz, Pellicano immediately interviewed the boy in question. According to Pellicano, Jordan Chandler denied any wrongdoing on Michael 's part.

Several days after the meeting, Pellicano tape recorded a conversation that took place between him, Barry Rothman and Evan Chandler. On the tape, Rothman and Chandler can be heard negotiating the amount of money it would take to keep Chandler from going forward with the child molestation allegations. Chandler restated his demand for $20 million and, according to Geraldine Hughes, was later told by Pellicano that MIchael would not pay him any money.
Keep in mind that if Michael had paid Chandler at that point, the entire criminal investigation would have been avoided.
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17 years late, isn't it?

Otherwise, it's good news. Michael was innocent and he shouldn't be bothered with these allegations anymore.
Even though I wish people were saying this before it's still never to late for the truth.
I am interested in hearing from one person only. Alive he shows zero courage. May be he will acquire some when he exits.
Where were these authorities when MJ could have used them in court early on to throw out Sneddon's claims? The fact he had to go through an entire trial is BULL!
actually they were at the trial testifying. The conclusion of their investigation was released prior to the trial and Sneddon's response was "well you know its LA"
Actually the DCFS launched an investigation after the Bashir interview aired and the media was full of pedo accusations against Michael because of that. And they concluded Michael didn't molest anyone. And Sneddon later called them "incompetent". Even though at the time his own office too concluded there was no evidence of molestation.
Thank you respect and the childrens social worker and the supervising children social worker testified at the trial. The actual document showing that the allegation was unfounded was leaked. They could have said inconclusive meaning there is not enough info to say for sure however unfounded means there is no foundation to the allegation in other words it didn't happen.
i agree with u guys. this article can only do good...poor mj...this makes me so sad.. i can't imagine what this is like for katherine as well.. for any mother to go throught this is just....sigh...
actually they were at the trial testifying. The conclusion of their investigation was released prior to the trial and Sneddon's response was "well you know its LA"

As to be expected by this Evil man! Yet, he also relied on these finding himself in the beginning....oops. Ha Ha Ha

Later to cover his a$$ he made up that the whole DCFS investigation was nothing but an interview.
Better than nothing..... someone will read it so I'm happy about that, without it no one would have that chance.