Humberto Gatica is reached for the new album

Xtarlight and Mpenziwe

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Madrid, Spain
Chilean producer is reached for the new Jackson album

Humbero Gatica's name is linked with MJ's name. He works for Bad, Thriller and Invincible and now he's ready to review his works. In early summer of 2010, John McClain's people get in contact with him. McClain wants to have the 50 recordings and leftovers he did record with Jackson, which he have in his studio. The plan is to use this recordings for MJ's new album and the seven next albums with Sony. According Rolling Stone, the album will be for sale in november, but Gatica, who will work also as a producer, doesn't know any confirmed date. Gatica said: "It's a great stuff, it has a lot of hip hop and R&B, and it shows a fit MJ. Almost all the recordings are from Invincible".

I apologize if there are any mistake in the translation spanish-engligh :)
Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio":

Humberto Gatica said next Christmas will be a new MJ album with 14 previously umplublisehd tracks.

"The songs have a well defined rhytimical sense, they're very Michael Jackson kind of songs. There are few ballads, is more 'power'."

According to Gatica, the songs where not found at MJs home, but outtakes stored in Sony vaults or private studios.

"It's pretty normal that a megastar like Michael records 20 or 30 songs for an album and then use 12 and leave the rest finished. Some of them where not finished and we have to complete them" said Gatica.

About the people working in the project, Gativa reveals that "the team is formed for very private people. They all want to avoid the surface of recordings everywhere because that would be a chaos. The need confident people and everything is being held in a confidential and controlled environment".

Gatica confess to had feel "nostalgics" hearing this songs. "One can remember the actual moment when doing it, the recording the song, the things you were talking with him, about the life, the world, and then all this little ghosts came back to you".
Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio":

Humberto Gatica said next Christmas will be a new MJ album with 14 previously umplublisehd tracks.

"The songs have a well defined rhytimical sense, they're very Michael Jackson kind of songs. There are few ballads, is more 'power'."

According to Gatica, the songs where not found at MJs home, but outtakes stored in Sony vaults or private studios.

"It's pretty normal that a megastar like Michael records 20 or 30 songs for an album and then use 12 and leave the rest finished. Some of them where not finished and we have to complete them" said Gatica.

About the people working in the project, Gativa reveals that "the team is formed for very private people. They all want to avoid the surface of recordings everywhere because that would be a chaos. The need confident people and everything is being held in a confidential and controlled environment".

Gatica confess to had feel "nostalgics" hearing this songs. "One can remember the actual moment when doing it, the recording the song, the things you were talking with him, about the life, the world, and then all this little ghosts came back to you".

THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU, fory your translation,
Xtarlight and Mpenziwe.:cheers:
More bits from El Mercurio:

"They (the Estate) knows who I am and they know MJ really appreciate me".

[About the unfinished songs] Gatica says they need to re-record some instruments and make some arrangements on MJ's voice, most of them to have a record with a regular level of sound because there are songs of this decade and songs recorded 25 years ago: "Some of them will need, for example, some new guitar or bass. By the way, one can add to the song what one thinks Michael would like to add. Above all, he leave the roots of the songs well defined and several recordings of some songs, so we have to sit down and hear all of them and make the perfect take".

Gatica thinks it will have a big success, but can't says we'll hear the best Jackson. "There are pretty good songs and there are some fair songs... that's why they were leftovers".
interesting...."no confirmed date" "by next christmas"...exciting nonetheless
any new material will be good enough for enough people to buy the album and make it a success, whether they are fans of his or just like the record