La Toya Interview in Ireland

^ thanks be I can't see it. Maybe it's restricted to people in Ireland.
The link does not work.
Is there another link to the Ireland interview?
Sorry guys and no, I haven't come across another link.
It may pop up on YouTube in the coming days so I'll keep a look out.

She talks about the conspiracy..Murray being what she calls the fall guy.

She's a strict aunt with PPB. She doesn't spoil them because Michael didn't and she wants to do what Michael would like her to do. Aww :heart:

Craig asked if any of the three look like going into showbiz. La Toya said one of them. Eventually she said Paris because she loves everything her Daddy did.

Michael loved how the Irish people would be happy to see him, say "hello, how are you" but then leave him be.

Her favourite memories of Michael are having fun and laughing with him.

She often refers to Michael in the present tense. =[
She talks about the conspiracy..Murray being what she calls the fall guy.

Homegirl is going to have to kick it up a notch with her "conspiracy talk. I mean, 5 years from now is she still going to give out cryptic quotes regarding a conspiracy.

If she (and some other family members) truly believe there was a conspiracy then some tangible evidence needs to be presented. Collectively, they need to hire a private investigator to provide some evidence, otherwise that conspiracy talk is nothing more then just TALK, in my opinion.
Or...what about going to the authorities with the names? I don't see what is the purpose of these interviews...other than to rile up some gullible fans. Some facts & hard proofs would be a start.
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Or...what about going to the authorities with the names? I don't whY is the purpose of these interviews...besides riling up some. Some facts & hard proofs would be a start.
In my opinion, she (and some of the other family members) are just repeating what they heard "through the grapevine." Third and forth hand stories, that are no more than speculation, personal agendas and [fill-in the blank].

I just believe if there was more to these stories, evidence would have produced itself a long time ago. LaToya would be able to name names and not just be repeating what the "other" guy said. If you know what I mean.
I know right? It makes her look a bit raving to be saying this stuff but she came across really well.
She said the ones involved know who they are and she knows who they are, and they should be brought to justice. Something like that.
Sorry guys and no, I haven't come across another link.
It may pop up on YouTube in the coming days so I'll keep a look out.

She talks about the conspiracy..Murray being what she calls the fall guy.

She's a strict aunt with PPB. She doesn't spoil them because Michael didn't and she wants to do what Michael would like her to do. Aww :heart:

Craig asked if any of the three look like going into showbiz. La Toya said one of them. Eventually she said Paris because she loves everything her Daddy did.

Michael loved how the Irish people would be happy to see him, say "hello, how are you" but then leave him be.

Her favourite memories of Michael are having fun and laughing with him.

She often refers to Michael in the present tense. =[
Thank You for the summary
In my opinion, she (and some of the other family members) are just repeating what they heard "through the grapevine." Third and forth hand stories, that are no more than speculation, personal agendas and [fill-in the blank].

I just believe if there was more to these stories, evidence would have produced itself a long time ago. LaToya would be able to name names and not just be repeating what the "other" guy said. If you know what I mean.

Spot on, she is acting like she knows more than everybody else but actually she knows less, nobody outside a small group of fans actually believe this conspiracy stuff, i mean if Murray was the fall guy then he has to be the biggest idiot ever because he is broke, in danger of losing his medical license and prossible going to jail, i can see why he agreed to this alright.