Michael was almost brought back to life says documents *TMZ update post 50*

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Dangerous Incorporated

MICHAEL JACKSON was almost brought back from the dead, the News of the World can exclusively reveal.

Battling medics managed to restart his heart a full hour after he "flat-lined" following a cardiac arrest last June.

Hospital docs triggered a weak pulse for TEN MINUTES but it could not be sustained.
The incredible development emerged in a lawsuit filed by the pop superstar's father Joe against Conrad Murray, MJ's personal doctor.
Murray is already charged with involuntary manslaughter over MJ's death.
Joe's detailed 13-page document claims Murray caused his son's death by giving him drugs and not getting him to hospital sooner. The lawsuit also states Murray:

  • FAILED to tell paramedics he had given the singer Propofol, the anaesthetic coroners ruled killed the King Of Pop.
  • OBSTRUCTED justice by giving FIVE different versions of events about the star's death.
  • ORDERED bodyguards to clear up and hide the Propofol bottles before paramedics were called to the scene in Los Angeles' Hollywood Hills.
  • LIED to Richelle Cooper, the hospital doctor who took over the stricken star's treatment, telling her MJ had not been ill when he had pneumonia, bronchitis and brain swelling.
Last night angry Joe, 81, said: "This evidence is damning. They should lock him up and throw away the key. It's disgusting what happened here."
A family insider told us: "Murray's delays and lies cost Michael his life. Why has he not been charged with murder? He failed to do his job and willingly gave Michael the drugs that killed him.
"This lawsuit is not about what we think, it's filled with documentary evidence from those at the scene, who saw what Murray did."
The suit was compiled from police and coroners' documents and evidence from Dr Cooper, the respected head of the UCLA Medical Center Emergency Department.
As we revealed last week, paramedics declared 50-year- old Jackson dead at his home but he was still rushed to hospital, arriving at UCLA at 1.21pm on June 25.
Miraculously in the emergency room Dr Cooper and her team, with their superior equipment, established "cardiac rhythm." Hospital reports say the heartbeat "appeared to be wide and slow in the 40s."
The lawsuit explains: "The nurses and physicians at UCLA detected a weak femoral pulse and cardiac activity.
"At 13:22 hours he showed cardiac activity. At 13:33 he showed a weak ventricular rhythm (contracting of the lower heart chambers).
"At 13:52 he had a pulse of 53 beats per minute."


Cover up: Lawsuits claim Murray gave five versions of death. Suit also claims Murray did not mention killer Propofol

At 14:05 doctors inserted a balloon pump up through the star's leg to his heart valve entrance, hoping to kick-start normal heart activity. The report goes on: "His diastolic blood pressure (the pressure between heartbeats) went from 20 to approximately 40 at times and sometimes to 60.
"Despite these efforts, Michael Jackson did not regain a spontaneous pulse or heartbeat. Michael was pronounced dead at 2:26 pm."
The exact time of MJ's Propofol-induced cardiac arrest is unsure, but expert medical analysis obtained for the lawsuit suggests he was actually dead at 11am.
A report by Dr Cooper, filed the day after MJ's death, is among the most damning parts of the lawsuit against Murray. It shows he did not tell her about his daily Propofol injections.
Dr Cooper wrote: "By report of Dr Murray the patient had been working long hours but had not been ill.
"The only medications reported were Valium and Flomax. There is no history of drug use by the patient as reported by Dr Murray."
Last week we revealed Murray also lied to paramedics about what drugs he had given Jackson.
The lawsuit was filed by Brian Oxman, the attorney who represented MJ at his 2005 child molestation trial.
Oxman insists Murray has told FIVE different stories about *****'s drug intake. The suit claims: "He concealed his reckless and deadly use of Propofol for the purpose of protecting himself from his improper use of medications for Michael Jackson when the life of his patient was in jeopardy.
"Three times the defendant falsely stated the nature of the drugs used by and which he administered to Michael."
The suit then claims Murray altered his story a further two times about what and when he gave his patient over a few days last June.


Bombshell finding: Dranatic part of the Jacksons' detailed 13-page lawsuit which shows brief glimmer of hope that he would survive

To make matters worse for Murray the lawsuit confirms reports that bodyguard Alberto Alvarez, who raised the alarm, was told to clean up the death scene. It states: "Alvarez told police that before he called 911 defendant instructed him to conceal bottles of Propofol and place them in a bag.
"In an outrageous departure from the standard of care, defendant stopped giving CPR and cleaned up the room so the medications would not be discovered.
"Defendant placed the previously unused wires of a pulse oximeter on Michael Jackson's fingers.
"Alberto Alvarez told police defendant asked him to call 911 only after the drugs were concealed."
The suit also says hours before MJ's death, Murray was leering at strippers.
The lawsuit continues: "Prior to treating Michael Jackson, defendant was at a strip club called Sam's Hof Brau where he had been drinking.
"It was reckless for him to drink prior to administering anaesthesia to Michael Jackson. He concealed his conduct from Michael Jackson."
Among a huge quantity of powerful medicines found at MJ's home were 19 tubes of hydroquinone and 18 tubes of Benoquin, both of which are used to whiten skin.
The lawsuit also confirms the singer - once famous for his energetic dancing - was a weak, exhausted, stressed out drug addict in the days before his death.
Murray has 90 days to respond to it.

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Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Isn't this a tabloid?
Docs Got Brief Heart Beat from Michael Jackson 1hr After Collapse

Aside (This is upsetting. I don't know where you want this posted- according to "News of the World". It concerns upcoming wrongful death suit. )

Docs got Brief Heartbeat from Michael Jackson 1hr After Collapse

MICHAEL JACKSON was almost brought back from the dead, the News of the World can exclusively reveal.

Battling medics managed to restart his heart a full hour after he "flat-lined" following a cardiac arrest last June.
Michael with father Joe

Hospital docs triggered a weak pulse for TEN MINUTES but it could not be sustained.

The incredible development emerged in a lawsuit filed by the pop superstar's father Joe against Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal doctor.

Murray is already charged with involuntary manslaughter over Jackson's death.

Joe's detailed 13-page document claims Murray caused his son's death by giving him drugs and not getting him to hospital sooner. The lawsuit also states Murray:

* FAILED to tell paramedics he had given the singer Propofol, the anaesthetic coroners ruled killed the King Of Pop.
* OBSTRUCTED justice by giving FIVE different versions of events about the star's death.
* ORDERED bodyguards to clear up and hide the Propofol bottles before paramedics were called to the scene in Los Angeles' Hollywood Hills.
* LIED to Richelle Cooper, the hospital doctor who took over the stricken star's treatment, telling her Jackson had not been ill when he had pneumonia, bronchitis and brain swelling.

Dr Conrad Murray

Last night angry Joe, 81, said: "This evidence is damning. They should lock him up and throw away the key. It's disgusting what happened here."

A family insider told us: "Murray's delays and lies cost Michael his life. Why has he not been charged with murder? He failed to do his job and willingly gave Michael the drugs that killed him.

"This lawsuit is not about what we think, it's filled with documentary evidence from those at the scene, who saw what Murray did."

The suit was compiled from police and coroners' documents and evidence from Dr Cooper, the respected head of the UCLA Medical Center Emergency Department.

As we revealed last week, paramedics declared 50-year- old Jackson dead at his home but he was still rushed to hospital, arriving at UCLA at 1.21pm on June 25.

Miraculously in the emergency room Dr Cooper and her team, with their superior equipment, established "cardiac rhythm." Hospital reports say the heartbeat "appeared to be wide and slow in the 40s."

The lawsuit explains: "The nurses and physicians at UCLA detected a weak femoral pulse and cardiac activity.

"At 13:22 hours he showed cardiac activity. At 13:33 he showed a weak ventricular rhythm (contracting of the lower heart chambers).

"At 13:52 he had a pulse of 53 beats per minute."
Cover up: Lawsuits claim Murray gave five versions of death. Suit also claims Murray did not mention killer Propofol

At 14:05 doctors inserted a balloon pump up through the star's leg to his heart valve entrance, hoping to kick-start normal heart activity. The report goes on: "His diastolic blood pressure (the pressure between heartbeats) went from 20 to approximately 40 at times and sometimes to 60.

"Despite these efforts, Michael Jackson did not regain a spontaneous pulse or heartbeat. Michael was pronounced dead at 2:26 pm."

The exact time of Jackson's Propofol-induced cardiac arrest is unsure, but expert medical analysis obtained for the lawsuit suggests he was actually dead at 11am.

A report by Dr Cooper, filed the day after Jackson's death, is among the most damning parts of the lawsuit against Murray. It shows he did not tell her about his daily Propofol injections.

Dr Cooper wrote: "By report of Dr Murray the patient had been working long hours but had not been ill.

"The only medications reported were Valium and Flomax. There is no history of drug use by the patient as reported by Dr Murray."

Last week we revealed Murray also lied to paramedics about what drugs he had given Jackson.

The lawsuit was filed by Brian Oxman, the attorney who represented Jackson at his 2005 child molestation trial.

Oxman insists Murray has told FIVE different stories about Jackson's drug intake. The suit claims: "He concealed his reckless and deadly use of Propofol for the purpose of protecting himself from his improper use of medications for Michael Jackson when the life of his patient was in jeopardy.

"Three times the defendant falsely stated the nature of the drugs used by and which he administered to Michael."

The suit then claims Murray altered his story a further two times about what and when he gave his patient over a few days last June.
Bombshell finding: Dranatic part of the Jacksons' detailed 13-page lawsuit which shows brief glimmer of hope that he would survive

To make matters worse for Murray the lawsuit confirms reports that bodyguard Alberto Alvarez, who raised the alarm, was told to clean up the death scene. It states: "Alvarez told police that before he called 911 defendant instructed him to conceal bottles of Propofol and place them in a bag.

"In an outrageous departure from the standard of care, defendant stopped giving CPR and cleaned up the room so the medications would not be discovered.

"Defendant placed the previously unused wires of a pulse oximeter on Michael Jackson's fingers.

"Alberto Alvarez told police defendant asked him to call 911 only after the drugs were concealed."

The suit also says hours before Jackson's death, Murray was leering at strippers.

The lawsuit continues: "Prior to treating Michael Jackson, defendant was at a strip club called Sam's Hof Brau where he had been drinking.

"It was reckless for him to drink prior to administering anaesthesia to Michael Jackson. He concealed his conduct from

Michael Jackson."

Among a huge quantity of powerful medicines found at Jackson's home were 19 tubes of hydroquinone and 18 tubes of Benoquin, both of which are used to whiten skin.

The lawsuit also confirms the singer - once famous for his energetic dancing - was a weak, exhausted, stressed out drug addict in the days before his death.

Murray has 90 days to respond to it.


Re: Docs Got Brief Heart Beat from Michael Jackson 1hr After Collapse

News of the world is a tabloid. Unless we can see the actual documents , we'll classify this as tabloid talk.

btw - even though some cardiac activity can be regained during efforts, I think after an hour the person will be brain dead. furthermore autopsy report mentioned that he was unresponsive.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Very disturbing to read this...:(
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

You can see the documents on the NOTW website but becayse they use J@cko in the image, it doesnt work.
Re: Docs Got Brief Heart Beat from Michael Jackson 1hr After Collapse

News of the world is a tabloid. Unless we can see the actual documents , we'll classify this as tabloid talk.

btw - even though some cardiac activity can be regained during efforts, I think after an hour the person will be brain dead. furthermore autopsy report mentioned that he was unresponsive.

You can see the documents.

The autopsy has a lot missing from it too.

MJ may have had some brain damage no doubt as you receive brain damage within 6mins of the cardiac arrest. But at least he would have been alive right?
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

I just read this via twitter link. Bahh! :cry: What to think? I thought he was gone even before they got to the hospital. What is truth :(
Murray is a liar we know that much :(
Re: Docs Got Brief Heart Beat from Michael Jackson 1hr After Collapse

MJ may have had some brain damage no doubt as you receive brain damage within 6mins of the cardiac arrest. But at least he would have been alive right?

I don't think that would classify as alive. As you can see from the news the experts estimated time of death is 11AM and then they get some activity at 13:22. If true the difference is more than 2 hrs and that would definitely mean brain dead. Even if they can keep him "alive" by the help of the machines, he would have no chance of recovery or waking up. and Most probably the doctors would suggest to stop the machines.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

the autopsy report never said that he had pneumonia, bronchitis or anemia

Again, Oxman is selling stories to tabloids and is making some $$$$
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

^ Exactly.

The lawsuit also confirms the singer - once famous for his energetic dancing - was a weak, exhausted, stressed out drug addict in the days before his death.

There's that word again. And where the hell is Oxman getting his info...because the autopsy didn't detect what he seems to "know" Michael was on and "addicted" to. Smh. Go away, Oxman, just go away. :no:
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

the autopsy report never said that he had pneumonia, bronchitis or anemia

again, oxman is selling stories to tabloids and is making some $$$$

totally agree!
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

when he had pneumonia, bronchitis
eh? oxman talking shit. and this is whay oxman wantsthe charges put upto murder 2. its not cause he wants justice its cause he wants more money from the lawsuit. this asshole doesnt give a dam about mike. its that confirmed re the heartbeat or is it more crap from oxman

he lawsuit also confirms the singer - once famous for his energetic dancing - was a weak, exhausted, stressed out drug addict in the days before his death.
WTF is this fecker saying. its because of ppl like him thats mj isnt here. hes as guilty as murray
MJ may have had some brain damage no doubt as you receive brain damage within 6mins of the cardiac arrest. But at least he would have been alive right?
he would have been a total veggie. i hate saying this but its better that they didnt get him back. imagine the family fighting over whether they should turn the machines off. mj being a veggie for god knows how long. thats the worst death possible.thats if its true.but readign this is really upsetting. the thought of they maybe saved him. thats crucifyed inside even if u think about the state he would have been. i didnt want to know that. i wanted it to be as it was. that there was nothing they could do no hope *fills up*
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

WTF is this fecker saying. its because of ppl like him thats mj isnt here. hes as guilty as murray

Thats not a quote from Oxman, thats a bit the News Of The World has added on the end, but yeh :no:

OMG they say Oxman represented MJ in 2005? hmm for what.. 3 minutes.

About this pneumonia and bronchitis.. I don't recall the autopsy saying pneumonia but there was something in there about some problem with his lungs, though if he had bronchitis I doubt he'd be able to sing like we heard him in TII. This claims to be from documents so can we see where in any documents it states this?

I didn't realise it was actually true about Murray in the strip club drinkin before he went to MJ. :no:

The suit was compiled from police and coroners' documents and evidence from Dr Cooper, the respected head of the UCLA Medical Center Emergency Department.

As we revealed last week, paramedics declared 50-year- old Jackson dead at his home but he was still rushed to hospital, arriving at UCLA at 1.21pm on June 25.

Miraculously in the emergency room Dr Cooper and her team, with their superior equipment, established "cardiac rhythm." Hospital reports say the heartbeat "appeared to be wide and slow in the 40s."

The lawsuit explains: "The nurses and physicians at UCLA detected a weak femoral pulse and cardiac activity.

"At 13:22 hours he showed cardiac activity. At 13:33 he showed a weak ventricular rhythm (contracting of the lower heart chambers).

"At 13:52 he had a pulse of 53 beats per minute."
Cover up: Lawsuits claim Murray gave five versions of death. Suit also claims Murray did not mention killer Propofol

At 14:05 doctors inserted a balloon pump up through the star's leg to his heart valve entrance, hoping to kick-start normal heart activity. The report goes on: "His diastolic blood pressure (the pressure between heartbeats) went from 20 to approximately 40 at times and sometimes to 60.

"Despite these efforts, Michael Jackson did not regain a spontaneous pulse or heartbeat. Michael was pronounced dead at 2:26 pm."

Oh no, is this from the ucla records they were permitted to view? Michael was nearly saved?? :cry: We nearly had him back?
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

I didn't realise it was actually true about Murray in the strip club drinkin before he went to MJ. :no:

Isn't that what Geraldine Hughes said but later when people asked her she said she had no proof and did not went to the police? Looks like Oxman believes to anything said to him.

Oh no, is this from the ucla records they were permitted to view? Michael was nearly saved?? :cry: We nearly had him back?

don't think so. I tend to think that this news headline is a little bit sensationalized. hopefully a person with medical knowledge could explain it to us better.

but I believe as they were working on him , giving him drugs, electroshocks, doing pumps etc they would have got some mechanical response back. The last sentence "did not regain spontaneous pulse or heartbeat" could mean that his heart was not beating on its own. In either case these events happened 1-2 hrs later, he would be already brain dead by that time.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

bout this pneumonia and bronchitis.. I don't recall the autopsy saying pneumonia but there was something in there about some problem with his lungs, though if he had bronchitis I doubt he'd be able to sing like we heard him in TII. This claims to be from documents so can we see where in any documents it states this?
its not in the autopsy so its prob oxman just lieing its leading to sueing AEG as he will blame them for letting a sick mj perform. the lung issue was nothing to do with that. u got pneumonia u certainly aint performing like mj was
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Michael was nearly saved?? :cry: We nearly had him back?
not really he was brain dead no doubt. if they got a proper beat he would have been a veggie. i read a report where an expert said its not uncommon to get a beat but its just a reaction to the treatement. nothing that lasts. i guess it was that orthey stopped cause they knew he was brain dead and just kept trying till katie got there. this is horrendos trying not to think about who im talking about. really wish i didnt come online today and see this
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Isn't that what Geraldine Hughes said but later when people asked her she said she had no proof and did not went to the police? Looks like Oxman believes to anything said to him.
not sure didnt she say he left the house and came back after already giving him dip
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

The last sentence "did not regain spontaneous pulse or heartbeat" could mean that his heart was not beating on its own. In either case these events happened 1-2 hrs later, he would be already brain dead by that time.
yeah i think thats what it means and i guess u can only try for so long and as we kow it was way to late hours to late
*edit* yeah quick google spontaneous basically means beats on its own.so i guess u could say it was a false heartbeat. only there while the drugs were being given but otherwise it stopped. same as life support i guess.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

this is awful to read. I didn't need to know this :( poor Michael. my heart is bleeding.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Also waiting to really see more about the documents before I take something from NotW as fact, but the snippets they show look real.

UCLA is known for cutting edge care for cardiac arrest. They've been known to bring people back up to a couple of hours later with minimal brain damage due to putting them into hypothermic states. There was an article about this last summer, about how they can bring people back, do 'miracles'. (Found a similar one in Newsweek: http://www.newsweek.com/id/32982/page/1) In the end, though, with high levels of propofol in the blood it wasn't as 'simple' as just cardiac arrest then, huh. :no: I think they're right about the 11am thing. I think Michael was gone by then. :( When they got a heartbeat for a while later it was ... how do I say it... 'just' his body being pushed into it. He was already gone, if you can understand what I mean :cry:

Isn't that what Geraldine Hughes said but later when people asked her she said she had no proof and did not went to the police? Looks like Oxman believes to anything said to him.
I thought she said he'd been with a prostitute. Well, similar in any case.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

i think oxman is using the 11am time cause thats the first timeline. whether he has anything to support it is another question.

When they got a heartbeat for a while later it was ... how do I say it... 'just' his body being pushed into it. He was already gone, if you can understand what I mean :cry:
yeah agree it was just a reaction to the drugs. i guess like being on life support you are alive but not really cause something is keeping u alive. turn the machine off and u are gone. same with the drugs as he did not regain spontaneous pulse or heartbeat" so once they stopped with the drugs i guess to see if there was a beat on its own there wasnt one
Michael Jackson Lawsuit Reveals Damning New Details

Micheal Jackson’s father, Joe, has filed a lawsuit that contains damning new details about the pop star’s death.

The suit includes allegations that Dr. Conrad Murray was drinking before he administered deadly Propofol and that Michael was briefly revived — an hour after his heart stopped.

The lawsuit, filed by Brian Oxman, who successfully defended Jackson during his 2005 child molestation trial, claims Murray is responsible for the wrongful death of the King of Pop. Murray is already facing criminal manslaughter charges.

The suit lays out a damning bill of goods against Murray, including that he failed to tell paramedics he had administered the anesthetic that killed him.

He also allegedly told five different versions of events leading to the star’s death and concealed Propofol containers and other drugs before calling 911.

Most damning of all, Murray is alleged to have lied to emergency room Dr. Richelle Cooper about the singer’s condition and failed to disclose that he had injected him with Propofol.

“[Murray] concealed his reckless and deadly use of Propofol for the purpose of protecting himself from his improper use of medications for Michael Jackson when the life of his patient was in jeopardy,” court papers state.

“Three times the defendant falsely stated the nature of the drugs used by and which he administered to Michael.”

The lawsuit claims that Murray spent the evening drinking at a strip club called Sam’s Hof Brau before administering the dangerous drug to Jackson.

“It was reckless for him to drink prior to administering anaesthesia to Michael Jackson. He concealed his conduct from Michael Jackson,” the suit states.

Incredibly, the lawsuit states that Cooper and her team were able to re-establish a “cardiac rhythm” or heartbeat in Jackson, as much as two hours after he went into cardiac arrest.

“The nurses and physicians at UCLA detected a weak femoral pulse and cardiac activity,” the suit claims.

They continued this extraordinary treatment until Jackson’s pulse rate was almost normal at 60 beats per minute. But ultimately their efforts failed.

Had he survived, Jackson would almost certainly have suffered severe brain damage, leaving him in worse shape than the zombies portrayed in his landmark video “Thriller.” He would have been among the living dead.


feel free to delete it if its not appriopriate just thought id post this information
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

Idk what to say :cry:
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

the only chance mj would have had with that is if they took him straight to the hospital murray rang straight away etc. it only takes minutes to suffer from brain damage
Yeah :( But due to all the delays and lies and covering up.... :no:
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

he would have been a total veggie. i hate saying this but its better that they didnt get him back. imagine the family fighting over whether they should turn the machines off. mj being a veggie for god knows how long. thats the worst death possible.thats if its true.but readign this is really upsetting. the thought of they maybe saved him. thats crucifyed inside even if u think about the state he would have been. i didnt want to know that. i wanted it to be as it was. that there was nothing they could do no hope *fills up*

God, the thought of that is nauseating...

And the first thing I thought of when I read that from you was that I think I've found my answer for Murray's "incompetence/disregard for life"...

I think he injected the Propofol, left for who knows how long, and came back to find MJ gone (but maybe not totally gone) or gone (but not past the point of no return, physically) - But it had been so long that he knew that no matter what he could have done he wouldn't have been able to bring Michael back. So, he waited until he was past the point of no return before he called for help. I think he wanted to make sure that there was no chance that the scenario quoted above would happen. Because think about it, would that not be scarier/creepier/harder/more guilt inducing than just being responsible for his death? If I were Murray, the only thing that would be worse than killing Michael Jackson would be sucking the life out of him, stripping Michael Jackson of Michael Jackson. Can you imagine how the world would react to that? Can you imagine what it would be like ten years from now?... Frankly, that would be horrifying.

However, I am not excusing Murray. If that is, in fact, what he did, it was unimaginably dishonest and worse than the story he's telling now (which is pretty God-awful already.) - not to mention, it would be THE VERY DEFINITION of Second-Degree Murder.
Re: Michael was almost brought back to life says documents

^ Thinking of that is so horrible... I mean the 'what if' they would've brought him back and he was brain damaged and such. :no: Jesus. And yes, in the end I would choose for him to be free, to leave this life long before I'd have ever wanted such a fate for him to be stuck on machines and trapped in a body that was essentially lifeless. That would've been worse, if anything could be. Really. :cry: