****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**** Next event MARCH 23rd


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
Type: Causes - Rally
Date: Thursday, March 11, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: www.twitter.com


We want the world to know the truth about Michael Jackson's murder and we want to seek justice.Hence, our plan is to use twitter as a tool to get the word out and emphasize the injustice Michael Jackson endured, not only on June 25,2009 but right now at the present moment as well ! The world needs to know why we are in complete outrage and dismayed of Dr.Murray's involuntary manslaughter charges which are completely absurd and inequitable ! The punishment clearly does not fit the crime !
Michael Jackson is a man who has done so much for all human kind as he broke down racial barriers and was the most charitable artist in history !

If the people of Los Angeles didn't accept the LAPD getting away with police brutality upon a man we barely knew in '92 ,why is it that we as a society, the people of the world should ignore the fact Dr.Murray killed Michael Jackson ? Thus why should we let Murray walk away with murder and depend on the DA to bring any justice ! As we can all see, 2nd degree murder charges have not been added and Dr.Murray will likely end up taking a plea bargain without a trial, probation and community service as his punishment !

Can you believe this is happening to the most famous man in the world,the best entertainer of all time ? What does this say about our future destiny, if we allow this to happen? Dont you see they don't care about us?

Help us make a change ! On March 11, 2010 at 7pm/pst get on twitter and type in #JUSTICE4MJ at the same time .Retweet it 100 times if you can until our #JUSTICE4MJ becomes a trending topic. This is our only attempt to raise world wide awareness before Murray goes back to court for preliminary hearing on April 5,2010 .

We still have a voice and can make the DA change the Involuntary manslaughter charges to 2nd degree murder !! Its not too late,please act NOW !!

I will also be doing a usteam live video at the same time where I will answer questions and take calls .I urge everyone to participate and do the ustream live video with me if you can ! Ustream video and twitter go hand in hand so as to make our tweets more effective as well as to keep our #JUSTICE4MJ a trending topic for as long as we can.




Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

haven't used my twitter in a long time, but will definitely use it for this! :)
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

Defnitely will be joining in, thanks guys for letting us know!
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

Im there :) I love how even though we are all over the world we can come together for Michael and do this!!! If you have not got twitter make one just for this ha ha!
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

This is something we can do it is not too late to have the charges amended. I know there has to be more than three people who can help.
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

Great idea!!!
Does anyone know what date and time it will be in Holland at 7pm on the 11th of March?!
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

I don't know the time zones but I can tell you it is 4:16am on March 9, here in the states, yes like Michael I can't sleep! Thank you for your support! Everything we do is for Michael.
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

For every person who participates in this twitter event. Please go to our site join our face book page leave your name, after the event and we will hold a drawing for a free justice4MJ shirt!
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

For every person who participates in this twitter event. Please go to our site join our face book page leave your name, after the event and we will hold a drawing for a free justice4MJ shirt! enter your name on our discussions board.
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

For every person who participates in this twitter event. Please go to our site join our face book page leave your name, after the event and we will hold a drawing for a free justice4MJ shirt! enter your name on our discussions board.

The link doesn't work it says page doesn't exist
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

Let get the DA to have DR Murry in the death penalty !!!!!!!!!!!
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

My twitter is set to protected will I need to make it public for my tweets to counttowards trending topic?
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

My twitter is set to protected will I need to make it public for my tweets to counttowards trending topic?

Good question. Mine is set to protected too.
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

If I can stay awake until 4am, then I'll do it too :) (Too bad it's so late... or early, depending on how you look at it... in Europe)
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

I'll be there! I don't care if I don't sleep for one night.
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

If your twitter accounts are set to private that will need to be changes for the day. We still have a chance to amend the charges, it isn't too late we have a shot we need to take it.
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

Thats a great idea
and while Im all for justice for MJ
I DONT want the DA to change the charges to 2nd degree
becuase I AGREE with Tom Mez.. Michael's Trial attorney

Tom said it would be most difficult to get a Jury to convict Murray
under those charges_ that if we want conviction we should stay
with the manslaughter _ Murray will walk free on 2nd degree weather
it is the correct charge or not_ I want that man Found GUILTY in killing MJ
We need a Guilty from all 12 Jurers _ there is not enough evidence to convince
a Jury to convict under 2n degree _they cant allow rumors or gossip only FACTS
I think Tom MEZ knows BEST ... I trust him _ I do NOT trust Brian Oxmoron

non the less I will participate in the Twitter cause for Justice for MJ :0
Becuase I want Justice _ I want Murray to be found guilty of causing MJ's death
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

I'll be joining!
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

GOOD point again about the protected accounts! If you have a protected account your tweets will not count toward trending topics because they're not visible to the general public. You'll need to unprotect your account just for this short time and then you can reprotect it. If anyone new that you don't want follows you during that short time, just remove them from your followers after protecting your account again. Pretty easy.

Thats a great idea
and while Im all for justice for MJ
I DONT want the DA to change the charges to 2nd degree
becuase I AGREE with Tom Mez.. Michael's Trial attorney

Tom said it would be most difficult to get a Jury to convict Murray
under those charges_ that if we want conviction we should stay
with the manslaughter _ Murray will walk free on 2nd degree weather
it is the correct charge or not_ I want that man Found GUILTY in killing MJ
We need a Guilty from all 12 Jurers _ there is not enough evidence to convince
a Jury to convict under 2n degree _they cant allow rumors or gossip only FACTS
I think Tom MEZ knows BEST ... I trust him _ I do NOT trust Brian Oxmoron

non the less I will participate in the Twitter cause for Justice for MJ :0
Becuase I want Justice _ I want Murray to be found guilty of causing MJ's death
I have to say I agree with you. I think T-Mez knows what he's talking about. I'll also do the Twitter thing.
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

I have made it possible for every single fan to participate for Thursday twitter event! *****************

This is so important for every single person to get involved. There is no reason for people to say they don't know what to do. I have provided tweets all you have to do is copy and paste and send.

If you want to know why we are asking people to participate, the charges call still be amended, THERE IS STILL TIME!

We want an amended indictment! Second Degree Murder! @SteveCooley4AG @Justice_4MJ #Justice4MJ #Michael Jackson

Dr.Murray lied to the police about his timeline. This is not acceptable! How can the LAPD accept this when Murray had no alibi #justice4MJ

A Inv. manslaughter charge max punishment is 2-4 years in prison in La. Where is the justice for MJ?#2nddegreemurder4Murray ! #justice4MJ

@SteveCooley4AG YOU yes YOU are letting a murderer get away with murder!! DONT BE A COWARD!! DO THE RIGHT THING! #justice4mj

@stevecooley4AG Are YOU hearing us? WE WANT JUSTICE 4 Michael! We will not stop Intel you CHANGE the charges, it was MURDER!! #justice4mj

@stevecooley4AG you alone stand in the way of justice4mj, resign. #thejacksons #justice4mj

The world is watching Mr. Cooley. We've seen what your peers have been saying! http://tinyurl.com/ycmolmt @SteveCooley4AG #Justice4MJ

LAPD didn't seal the place as a crime scene so now evidence is tainted, which makes prosecution difficult #JUSTICE4MJ

Dr Tohme was at hospital speaking as MJ manager, yet MJ had fired him in May#JUSTICE4MJ

google "AEG demands justice for MJ " no links ! google:" Sony demands justice for MJ" ...guess what ? Eye-wink no links either!! #JUSTICE4MJ

Why arent any of AEG / SONY labels heads or their representatives fighting for justice on Michael's behalf? #JUSTICE4MJ

Is it true Michael only agreed to do 10 shows in London and he woke up knowing he had signed up for 50 shows ? #JUSTICE4MJ

Did Conrad Murray really think he could go on with his propofol medical treatment in London ?#JUSTICE4MJ

@Stevecooley4AG What's done in the dark will be brought to the light. #justice4mj #michaeljackson

@stevecooley4AG Your career is over http://www.fulldisclosure.net/Programs/515.php #michaeljackson #mjfam #justice4mj

“Steve Cooley takes untold amounts of money from the criminal defense sector” http://tinyurl.com/ycmolmt RT @SteveCooley4AG #Justice4MJ

@stevecooley4AG We are disgusted by all the injustice #mjfam #justice4mj

@stevecooley4AG Change the charges to Murder 2! We will not give up! MJJ deserves justice!

Mr. Cooley! Hope you are enjoying your family! MJ's kids don't get to enjoy their father anymore. @SteveCooley4AG #Justice4MJ

@stevecooley4AG Not serving justice, when u were sworn solemnly 2 do so, is a BETRAYAL & a MURDEROUS! change the charges!#justice4mj

@SteveCooley4AG Robbery gets 3 years in prison and up to 6, but IM gets 4 years? Don't make this a mockery! You can do better! #Justice4MJ

MJ received a fatal dose of propofol from a IV in his leg.Dombrowski stated amount Murray said he gave MJ wasn't enough 2kill .#JUSTICE4MJ

There were many bottles of propofol found in closet in secret compartment + a 100ml bottle with large tear in rubber stopper.#JUSTICE4MJ

DR.Dombrowski believes Murray may have connected 100ml bottle 2 tube.If this is true Murray gave MJ 4 times amount he claimed#JUSTICE4MJ

There isn‘t an article in the will that declares that Michael‘s children would become the trustees upon reaching a certain age #JUSTICE4MJ

None of us have seen the previous Michael’s will from 1997 which is also in Branca's possession.#JUSTICE4MJ

Why didn’t Murray perform cpr on a flat hard surface instead of a bed?Hes a cardiologist for God’s sake not a 711 worker ! #JUSTICE4MJ

@SteveCooley4AG "Second degree murder applies to killing caused by dangerous conduct." Change the Charges!!! #Justice4MJ

@SteveCooley4AG We've had enough! Change the charges! Your letting a murderer walk free!!!! #justice4mj #michaeljackson #thejacksons

@SteveCooley4AG it was murder you know it we know it, change the charges #justice4mj

@stevecooley4AG Are YOU hearing us? WE WANT JUSTICE for Michael! We will not stop until you CHANGE the charges, it was MURDER!! #justice4mj

@SteveCooley4AG A balanced society isn't soft on murderers. Are you Mr. Cooley? #Justice4MJ #michaeljackson


@stevecooley4AG do you job or will will do ours on Nov .2 2010

Murray failed 2 ensure maintain pt airway, provide oxygen, intubate, ventilate, & offer circulatory resuscitation.#JUSTICE4MJ

A dr whose considered 2 be in financial debt would carry out best med treatment available 2 his patient.So why did Murray fail? #JUSTICE4MJ

How is Murray able to afford a defense team,child support,and able to make bail?#JUSTICE4MJ

Murray has illegitimate children whom he can not support,who's in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. #MOTIVE WAS$$ #JUSTICE4MJ

How can Conrad Murray go to 7 years of college + med school and not know how to perform proper cpr? #JUSTICE4MJ

The paramedics&Dr. Hoefflin confirmed there was lividity in Michaels body,when they arrived @ scene.MJ may have been dead 4 while#JUSTICE4MJ

Phillips says insurance will help cover any losses on the now-canceled MJ tour if he died accidentally.#JUSTICE4MJ http://bit.ly/cM43T4

Insurance covers AEG if MJ dies accidentally including of a drug overdose, but not if he died of natural causes.#JUSTICE4MJ

Michael fired Tohme Tohme on May. Why he was with Jermaine in UCLA, when Jermaine announced Michael's death? #JUSTICE4MJ

June Gatlin has recorded tapes of conversation where Michael said he was terrified of Tohme Tohme http://bit.ly/btGTte #JUSTICE4MJ

Sony and AEG have earned huge money after Michael's death. #Justice4MJ http://bit.ly/1r7G4

When MJ found out Branca was working 4 SONY he was furious! He fired him immediately ! Here's the letter http://bit.ly/ao7ubW #JUSTICE4MJ

Branca claims that MJ rehired him on June 17th (8 days before his death) "I showed him my agenda & its exactly what he wants #JUSTICE4MJ

Dick Gregory provides motives for MJ’s assasination. #JUSTICE4MJ http://bit.ly/C8Axq

Branca claims that MJ rehired him on June 17th (8 days before his death) "I showed him my agenda & its exactly what he wants #JUSTICE4MJ

Branca McClain are listed as Executive Producers of TII movie. They have ownership/royalties=Disqualified as executor of will #JUSTICE4MJ

Brance negotiated the acquisition of ATV catalogue and the merger of Sony/ATV=Disqualified to be executor of will.#JUSTICE4MJ

Branca had 5% share in Sony/ATV catalogue.Branca & McClain were trustees of MJ Publishing Trust.=disqualified to be executors #JUSTICE4MJ

AEG is partner Grammy Museum.
http://bit.ly/9blhRV Branca is on Board of Museum.
http://bit.ly/bRcUPZ #JUSTICE4MJ

Branca refused to show Katherine Aeg contract.Katherine had to go to court to see contract.Why? Here it is http://bit.ly/b9ljLy #JUSTICE4MJ

Branca and McClain want 10% of MJ's estate. In life and death they are still stealing from him. http://bit.ly/bLdyoZ #JUSTICE4MJ

Gest said that Tohme had masterminded Michael’s 50 comeback concerts at London’s O2 Arena, w/out telling MJ the full facts.#JUSTICE4MJ

Murray was in $840,140 in debt b4 he worked for AEG as MJ’s dr .His debts include court judgements, student loans, child support#JUSTICE4MJ

Why is LLoyds of London insurance policy valid if the shows never began. Mike never performed? This was just rehearsals #JUSTICE4MJ

Given the fact that MJ’s death is mistaken 4manslaughter, how easy can it be 2 commit murder pretending stupidity&negligence?#JUSTICE4MJ

Contact Att.Gen.Jerry Brown and ask him to demand 2nd degree murder charges against Dr. Murray ! #JUSTICE4MJ

Contact info @ jerrybrown.org, jerry.brown@doj.ca.gov VM (916) 322-3360 (800) 952-5225 Fax(916) 323-5341 #JUSTICE4MJ

Contact DA Steve Cooley at scooley@da.lacounty.gov and (213) 974-3512, tell him charges are not enough #2ndDegreeMurder4Murray #JUSTICE4MJ

when propofol's used for sedation it should be administered only by persons trained in deep sedation drugs/general anesthesia#JUSTICE4MJ

CMurray wrongly performed CPR on the bed instead of on the floor, he pretended to save MJ`s life while he was already dead #JUSTICE4MJ

CM wasn`t trained for using Propofol, not in a hospital, nor at another location #JUSTICE4MJ

Michael Jackson didn’t need to be sedated with anesthesia. He needed to be treated for his insomnia. #JUSTICE4MJ

when propofol's used for sedation it should be administered only by persons trained in deep sedation drugs/general anesthesia#JUSTICE4MJ

CMurray wrongly performed CPR on the bed instead of on the floor, he pretended to save MJ`s life while he was already dead #JUSTICE4MJ

CM wasn`t trained for using Propofol, not in a hospital, nor at another location #JUSTICE4MJ

Michael Jackson didn’t need to be sedated with anesthesia. He needed to be treated for his insomnia. #JUSTICE4MJ

even if moderate sedation is intended, all patients given propofol should receive care consistent with deep sedation. #JUSTICE4MJ

CM didn't provide the equipment to maintain MJs airway,provide oxygen,intubate,ventilate,resuscitate #JUSTICE4MJ

patient can go from breathing normally to a full respiratory arrest in seconds even at low doses without warning #JUSTICE4MJ

CM didn't monitor MIchael all the time with special equipment. He didn`t even have anyway to resuscitate him Sad #JUSTICE4MJ

Michael wasn`t being evaluated for sepsis OR treated accordingly to adverse reaction to Propofol fever chills #JUSTICE4MJ

Dr Murray is a cardiologist but yet he did know how to perform cpr on a patient having cardiac arrest #JUSTICE4MJ

Did Murray really think he could face a legal demand from AEG if his negligent actions had killed Michael while on tour ?#JUSTICE4MJ

A Radio Medicine dr,"instead of finding the source of the physiological problem, prescribes a drug that hides the symptoms" #JUSTICE4MJ

Is it true LAPD has denied interviewing / taking testimony from the security team&bodyguards at Michaels house that night? #JUSTICE4MJ

Dr. Hoefflin said, "LAPD is corrupt“. How are we supposed to trust this investigation ?#JUSTICE4MJ

Didn't Murray have an obligation to report on Michaels health to AEG on a regular basis (including insomnia/propofol usage)? #JUSTICE4MJ

AEG and Mr. Murray were in charge of Mr. Jackson's well being, during rehearsals and the 50 shows in London #JUSTICE4MJ

If Murray was unable 2 report truthful facts 2AEG, wouldn't he be in danger of getting stuck with a large lawsuit from AEG ? #JUSTICE4MJ

Shouldn't C. Murray have shared info with AEG on a regular basis in order to confirm Michaels "good health" ? #JUSTICE4MJ

Is it true Murray was licensed to practice in California but his license was not active at the time ? #JUSTICE4MJ
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

There is no way people can be happy about Murray getting probation for killing Michael. He might as well, walk free. Does everyone realize had this crime been committed in London he would be behind bars for life...guess that explains why they took him out here. What if it was your child would you be happy with a slap on the wrist and 4 yrs probation? Or would you fight for more? Thank you to the people who will support us but I must say I am disappointed. MY last post about Debbie Rowe showing up to the cemetery had 6,000 views and when I saw Murray outside the court room almost 4,000. I thought based on that this was a good place to come and ask for help for Michael. When we take cards and letter to Michael's grave we get an overwhelming response, fighting for Michael, not so much. What a shame!

Why do we live in a world where to take is so easy but to give back is so hard?

L.O.V.E for Michael.
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

I'd like to play my part in the twitter ''justice for MJ'' tomorrow. ( 11th)
I will find out what time it will be in the UK.
If anyone knows please let me know!
PS I have found Justice_4MJ's twitter and clicked to follow........am I correct in thinking that all I need to now do is copy and past the sentences from this forum threads as above.......?:scratch:
Anything else I need to do to make this effective?

Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

I'd like to play my part in the twitter ''justice for MJ'' tomorrow. ( 11th)
I will find out what time it will be in the UK.
If anyone knows please let me know!
PS I have found Justice_4MJ's twitter and clicked to follow........am I correct in thinking that all I need to now do is copy and past the sentences from this forum threads as above.......?:scratch:
Anything else I need to do to make this effective?

It is 5:22 in the morning( pst) If that helps. the event will take place on the 11, of March 7PM-10pm( psT)That is California time west coast USA. Thanks for supporting justice4mj.

Also go to our face book page and enter to win a JUSTICE4MJ shirt for helping!

www.justice4mj.com join face book link under discussions place your name for the drawing.
We will be providing shipping too! 100% Thanks
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

Is this the only day and time this is happening?? I have to work tomorrow night. :(
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

Oh so it's 7-10 PST?? I'm Eastern time so I will be able to be there for most of it.
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

SO IS IT...about

13.22pm GMT time(London UK)?
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

Let me see if I can find the time for the UK. This should be big we have been contacted by the largest fan club in Germany and another one in Mexico!!! MJ fans in the house!
Re: ****justice 4 mj twitter event in 2 day's make a change!**********

i'm don't giveup on this i'm fighting for my rights & i know the truth he did it & he knows he did it the lie is in his eyes & we all will get him good

he kill my heao & i never had chance to met him or see him in concerts & he broke my heart with big tears that i never will forget, never forget

my heart still fighting for the rights i'm not endding this or stopping this i know he did it
he hurt us all & i'll hurt him :cry: