Amazing video of MJ's Crypt at Forest Lawn Yesterday!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
We brought gift's from fans around the world yesterday. The guards left a message for the fans and then took everything into Michael. It is wonderful to see where Michael is inside. Warning this video may makes some sad, so please be advised. This video is not for use for the Media or Tabloids.

Everything we do is for Michael...
Please Join us at Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California Face book for event's and updates.
Thank you for posting your video ejacobs29.

Oh man, I wish that you guys could have run into Dr. Death. He would have been running the other way, I bet!
OMG, they let you film the inside of the place...

It looks so peaceful and beautiful.... TT_TT

I love you Mike...

Happy Advance Valentines Day!
We brought gift's from fans around the world yesterday. The guards left a message for the fans and then took everything into Michael. It is wonderful to see where Michael is inside. Warning this video may makes some sad, so please be advised. This video is not for use for the Media or Tabloids.

Everything we do is for Michael...
Please Join us at Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California Face book for event's and updates.

thank you ALL for what you do :hug:

i wasn't ready to see the .... :cry::no:
That's so sweet of you guys to do that for him. That video makes me cry. I miss him so much. :cry: Just seeing the crypt in the video hits me like a ton of bricks. It's just like, this is reality, Michael is really not here...I still can't believe this happened. :no:
DR murry he had the Nerve to show his face there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice video :)

Thank you for posting it,

but seeing mjs crypt..aww man..:cry:
Thank You for Posting the video. I am going to join the group. I wasn't aware of it before.
A very powerful video, and heartbreaking too. :cry: The place looks very peaceful, and it's beautiful. It was also very nice to see how kind and understanding the security staff was.

It would have been an amazing experience to have been there. I hope to make it there someday to pay my respects.

Thank you for sharing.
This is so hard to watch. Thank you for posting the video. It's just so hard watching and listening to his music that is so full of life and free and then...looking at this, realizing that he's in there. It really hits you hard.

It looks beautiful, I hope to visit there this summer. But I don't know how I'm going to do it. :cry:
Thank you for sharing the video......i thought i was man enough to watch it but i was wrong...............i'll never get over his death.I so wish Michael was still with us:cry:

It feels just surreal seeing videos or photos of fans visiting Michael...there...

But yes, the video is simply amazing, it's wonderful how you guys visit Michael there and bring all that L.O.V.E. from people who can't be there :yes:

Thanks for sharing!
Awww..Michael. My sweet sweet Michael..:cry:

That's the FIRST thing I am doing when I move back to California! I have to visit..and say my words to him... maybe I will feel a little bit more closure then?.. Who knows.:(
Beautiful video, thank you guys so much for doing this. I couldn't watch the video all the way through, had to turn it off half way because its too heartbreaking :cry:
thank you for sharing... good to know that Forest Lawn staff are so nice towards the fans...

:cry: :cry:
All the things you took in looked amazing. He wuld be so happy knowing that he is surrounded by all these flowers and gifts and to know that we will never forget and we will never leave his side.

Thank you for sharing this.. is anyone else in the holly terrace or is it just Michael?

I hope one day fans might be able to go inside but only in a way that's peaceful and quiet and doesn't disturb anything.

Just so you know the link to the facebook group from the youtube page doesn't work.

Why on earth was Murray there? :(
geez, my heart sank after I saw his crypt...I knew I shouldn't have clicked on this thread. :(

Thanks for the sharing the video. I wish I could gather up all my courage to visit him one of these days. I'm only about 2-3 hrs away.