Michael Jackson Museum Construction Could Start Next Year


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
InsideINdianaBusiness.com Report
Jackson Museum Construction Could Start Next Year - Newsroom - Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick

Developers of a Jackson family museum and performing arts center in Gary say they plan to break ground next year. Our partners at The Times of Northwest Indiana report an agent for the Jackson Museum Performing Arts Center Corp. is not revealing the date for a groundbreaking, but says it is tied to "a specific Jackson event." Developers also want to expand the project to include a golf course and a Neverland Ranch type estate and theme park.


Michael Jackson Museum to Get Rides, Golf Course

Gary, Indiana is moving forward with plans to build a museum dedicated to native son Michael Jackson and his family.

Despite funding issues, the Jackson Museum Performing Arts Center is growing --- at least on paper.

Developers now want to add an amusement park designed to look like Jackson’s Neverland Ranch and a golf course to a city owned 10-acre plot of land where the museum is supposed to go, according to the Northwest Indiana Times.

The idea for the center has been batted around ever since the MJ died on June 25, but its never been clear the project would come to fruition. From the start funding issues besieged the museum project, which had an estimated price tag of up to $30 million before the amusement park and golf course were added to plans.

Gary city council members have indicated support for the plan, but say they have yet to see any specifics. At least one council member doubts a museum, theme park and golf course could fit on a 10-acre plot.

"We have heard absolutely nothing about it," Councilwoman Marilyn Krusas told the Northwest Indiana Times. "I know I certainly haven't. At this point, I think the council and the citizenry need to know a lot more information -- like who's going to finance it and who's going to pay for it -- before we start giving land away."

That’s not stopping principals from moving forward with the project.

Odie Anderson, the listed agent for the Jackson Museum Performing Arts Center Corp., said the his company will break ground on the Jackson museum and theme park sometime in 2010.

Anderson said the 2010 groundbreaking will be “tied to a special Jackson event,” but declined to say what that was.

Michael Jackson Museum to Get Rides, Golf Course | NBC Chicago
believe it when i see it. tied to a special jackson event. prob the 25th june as they all like being so crass. maybe jerm can hold his concert there
I do hope someday that there is a place where the fans can go visit and feel closer to Michael. I know there is Forest Lawn too.
Crap Rides.. makes me sad because Michael's Neverland rides are all sold.. just to me atleast not the same.. 'if' this happens at all.. :/
A golf course? Why? I don't recall ever seeing Michael play golf.

I guess just to attract people...

I'd be interested to know who the developers are. The article says an "agent for the Jackson Museum Performing Arts Center Corp" and mentions a theme park and museum, but I wonder if they have future plans for a performing arts center.
maybe we should think positively, i for one would love a place to go and see his things and remember him fondly, lots of ppl dont have a whole lot of money for sites like vegas, i think its a good idea even if doesnt pan out. dont they come up with these ideas according to the feedback that they get. if its negative then they 'll trash the idea.
believe it when i see it. tied to a special jackson event. prob the 25th june as they all like being so crass. maybe jerm can hold his concert there

why do I feel Joe will rob Peter to pay Paul for this museum..meaning he will try to drain the funds from Michael's estate..

this is just my feeling..hope I am wrong...
why do I feel Joe will rob Peter to pay Paul for this museum..meaning he will try to drain the funds from Michael's estate..
this is just my feeling..hope I am wrong...

I don't believe from the estate ... there are sponsors on the foundation website for "The Jackson Family Museum and Cultural Center" (If I understood correctly)
What has the golf course anything to do with Michael? Unless all the trees around it aren't Giving Trees. Its very hard to make an approriate MJ museum.