Michael Jackson to receive Lifetime Achievement Grammy


Proud Member
Sep 25, 2009
London, England

The Recording Academy will honor a number of artists with Special Merit Awards as part of the upcoming Grammy celebration. This year's Lifetime Achievement Award honorees will be Michael Jackson, Leonard Cohen, Bobby Darin, David "Honeyboy" Edwards, Loretta Lynn, André Previn and Clark Terry. Additionally, this year's Trustees Award honorees are Harold Bradley, Florence Greenberg and Walter C. Miller; and AKG and Thomas Alva Edison are this year's Technical Grammy Award honorees. The Grammys will be handed out on January 31 and will air live on CBS.

"This year's honorees are a prestigious group of diverse and prominent creators who have contributed some of the most distinguished and influential recordings," said Recording Academy President/CEO Neil Portnow. "Their outstanding accomplishments and passion for their craft have created a timeless legacy that has positively affected multiple generations, and will continue to influence generations to come. It is an honor and privilege to recognize such talented individuals who have had and will continue to have such an influence in both our culture and the music industry."

The Lifetime Achievement Award honors lifelong artistic contributions to the recording medium while the Trustees Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the industry in a non-performing capacity. Technical Grammy awards are presented to individuals and companies who have made contributions of outstanding technical significance to the recording field.
Very Cool...btw, Janet presented him with the "Grammy LEGEND" award back in 93, a totally different but equaly prestegious award from the Grammy commitiee.
thats really cool but to be honest this means nothing when michael is not here to recieve it himself. why are all these award shows now honoring Michael after his death?? what was wrong with honoring him while he was alive?? i dont get it.
i do not want to see Jermaine again !

Great honor. I am glad that they are doing this and I hope they put together a nice tribute for Michael. There seems to be six other recipients, so I don't know how this is going to go. I wish Michael received a Kennedy Center Honor while he was alive.

Anyways, ITA with the above. I actually would like to see Katherine receive the award since it's her son and she gave birth him. But I know that she is too shy. My next choice would be Jackie and/or Marlon. Too much Jermaine being in the spotlight.
Couldn't he of won this last year? Or a year when he could receive it? Sorry for the negativity.
The ceremony where MJ and company will get honored happen's on the night before the Grammy's. Hopefully, On the actual show, there will still be a good tribute.
Hopefully they will present a fitting tribute on the show as its well deserved.
This makes me feel really sad. :( I know it's supposed to be positive but, omg...just missing him I guess.
you know, I'm so sick of these two-faced Grammy whatever committees. why couldn't they give it to him while he was still here? :angry:
Well deserved, Just wish you were here to see all this recognition you are now getting. :cry:
Go Michael...it's yah burfday...we gonna party like it's yah burfday....:D

It would have been nice if he'd gotten it when he was here, but hey, at least they're showing the man respect finally. If they didn't do anything it would be worse.

For some people the horse has to run out of the barn before they shut the gates.
I think this kind of news will always bring mixfeelings to our damaged hearts. On one hand, we get very upset when Mike loose any of this things (just remember our reaction to him loosing the AMA), but in the other hand, when he actually gets the award, we also feel angry or sad because they are giving this to him simply too late. And so we claim or cry to know they could have done it before, but they didn't.

So here we go again. This is really a big honor, but it comes too late.

So it is up to us now to make our choice on how we will continue reacting to this issues: should we keep on getting upset? or sad? or happy? I think if will depend on our current mood.

Me? at this moment, it gives me a bit of joy for him, but it hurts he wasn't given this when there was a point on him receiving the honor. I will always think his heart would have been in a better condition if he had received more of this kind of public recognition to his enormous contribution to music during his life. However, I am glad he did receive many.

...and yes, I wish we will see another member of the family on stage.
It would have been nice if he'd gotten it when he was here, but hey, at least they're showing the man respect finally. If they didn't do anything it would be worse.
My thoughts.

Think it's awesome! Ofcourse it's sad that it didn't happen when he was here, but well.
Hope they also gonna give him a nice and fitting tribute.
I think this kind of news will always bring mixfeelings to our damaged hearts. On one hand, we get very upset when Mike loose any of this things (just remember our reaction to him loosing the AMA), but in the other hand, when he actually gets the award, we also feel angry or sad because they are giving this to him simply too late. And so we claim or cry to know they could have done it before, but they didn't.

So here we go again. This is really a big honor, but it comes too late.

So it is up to us now to make our choice on how we will continue reacting to this issues: should we keep on getting upset? or sad? or happy? I think if will depend on our current mood.

Me? at this moment, it gives me a bit of joy for him, but it hurts he wasn't given this when there was a point on him receiving the honor. I will always think his heart would have been in a better condition if he had received more of this kind of public recognition to his enormous contribution to music during his life. However, I am glad he did receive many.

...and yes, I wish we will see another member of the family on stage.


one of the best posts I've read on this forum. you hit the nail on the head. I'm guilty of what you speak. I admit it. what can I say? it's gonna take some time. right now, I'm hurting and just really angry. no one's been charged, the LAPD are silent as night, and Michael's gone. I am so angry I could scream.

so forgive me please. it's just... it's gonna take some time.
blah! I'm sick and tired of all the tributes/awards and speeches about how great he is, but no one owning up to how they tore him down while he was still alive. This wouldn't leave such a bitter taste in my mouth if the people who were responsible for slandering his name (basically the media) could just come right out and admit their faults.

But I guess in the end, these tributes and awards are a result of the guilt many people may be feeling now.
thats really cool but to be honest this means nothing when michael is not here to recieve it himself. why are all these award shows now honoring Michael after his death?? what was wrong with honoring him while he was alive?? i dont get it.

Actually, Michael received loads of awards during his lifetime.

He definitely should have received more grammys than he did. When I think of the artists and records that actually win grammys these days, and Michael only received 13, with Thriller receiving 8, meaning the rest of his phenomenal work was only acknowledged 5 times with grammys, it borders on the criminal.

But outside of the grammy's, he received a lot of recognition from various other sources.
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Is Mike the youngest person to recieve this specific award from the Grammy's dead or alive? I think I read that somewhere. If so, then it's crystal clear that he is only getting this because he's no longer here, if he were alive, he would've probably have had to wait another 10 years or so before he was recognized.
blah! I'm sick and tired of all the tributes/awards and speeches about how great he is, but no one owning up to how they tore him down while he was still alive. This wouldn't leave such a bitter taste in my mouth if the people who were responsible for slandering his name (basically the media) could just come right out and admit their faults.

This but it's not going to happen. Media admit they're wrong? Pfft.
blah! I'm sick and tired of all the tributes/awards and speeches about how great he is, but no one owning up to how they tore him down while he was still alive. This wouldn't leave such a bitter taste in my mouth if the people who were responsible for slandering his name (basically the media) could just come right out and admit their faults.

But I guess in the end, these tributes and awards are a result of the guilt many people may be feeling now.

Feeling the same. :no:
Fab news. I hope MJ continues to get awards and accolades. I don't want him to be forgotten or for bad news to be what people remember about him. Maybe I will watch just for that.

Please no more Jermaine accepting though.
I am happy but sad. He would have been so honored by it. I hope the actual show something is done for him. The last few awards shows were not that great. I wish he was here to see this.
It is really conflicting. Its great that the Grammy comittee are honouring him but on the other hand I wish they honoured him before he passed so we could see him go to the stage and pick the award up, not Jermaine on his behalf. Sometimes you forget that he's gone and things like this brings all the pain back. But I'm glad they are doing something to honour Michael.
Go Michael...it's yah burfday...we gonna party like it's yah burfday....:D

It would have been nice if he'd gotten it when he was here, but hey, at least they're showing the man respect finally. If they didn't do anything it would be worse.

For some people the horse has to run out of the barn before they shut the gates.

nicely worded APM. I think I might use that 'horse' thing sometime, too.

At the same time, we all know he got screwed by them a couple of times in the past. I'm still angry that BAD didn't win a single thing.