Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael? *See post #40 re: Neverland also!*


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I mentioned in that thread that I would be happy to receive any cards and/or gifts for Michael and then deliver them to Forest Lawn a few days before Christmas. Several people PMed me, and I wanted to let everyone know that I would be happy to do this; feel free to PM me. If anyone else is going to be visiting Forest Lawn and would like to volunteer to deliver things, feel free to chime in also.
I see in the video that they brought a little tree--I think that is so sweet. If you guys think of anything else we should bring to Forest Lawn to honor Michael(from all of us), post your ideas here and I'll try to make it happen.
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Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!

I saw on Lisa Burks' blog that she joined some MJ fans to bring X-mas to MJ - I CRIED my eyes out.

I have really been struggling to participate in group activities like this, even hearing tribute songs & videos - I collapse & cry for hours.

This mourning is very real, not fan fiction at all. I've never cried so hard for anyone in my life for this amount of time. There are moments that I'm stronger. There are some that aren't

I will definitely PM once I'm in the right frame of mind & strong enough - and THANK YOU for this beautiful gesture.

I'm writing a journal with my letters to MJ, as if he were present - it has helped me cope. Maybe when I'm done, I can send it over to you for Glendale.
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

im willing to go with you to FL but it has to be at 10 or 11 that we meet up there so can spend some time with MJ
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Oh Sirena. :better: I know, it's so hard. Yes, do contact me anytime if you'd like me to deliver anything for Him from you.

Maria, I will be coming from out of town so I'm not sure precisely what date/time I'll be going to FL yet. I will try to keep you posted. :)

I'm so happy to be hearing from people. At the rate I'm going, I'm going to look like Santa Claus heaving a bag of things to deliver to MJ. :D :wub:
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

ok. I want to do something for Michael and if you are doing this and taking it to forest lawn im just curious of the process. And what exactly to send.

What do they do with the gifts? Will they go to the family?

I have also been thinking about these things and i never know what to do. I want to give to the kids and i want them to know the fans care but i also want to know that the gifts dont get tossed in the bin when people aint lookin.

Where do the gifts and cards go when christmas is over or any time really?

Sorry for being such a bother about it i just wanna know the details.
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Hi Ginny,
You can send anything you'd like--I think several people are just sending me cards/poems/letters, but a few are sending a small gift(I don't know what).
This is my understanding of the process: the security people do take the items and place them near Michael. Simply due to the logistics of it being a small space and the fact that items will accumulate, I'm sure everything placed will be removed at some point to make room for newly arrived items. I know that might be sad and upsetting for some and make one hesitant to want to leave anything, so yes, be aware that whatever is placed won't be permanent. But I will take comfort in having something with my energy placed close to Michael, if only for a while. Also, anyone who is allowed access to go inside and see everything will probably be comforted by seeing the outpouring of love for Michael.
If anyone knows more about the process, please chime in!
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

im takng something to MJ when i go a fan is sending a gift too to my house/ apartment to be place near the door of the Mausoleum so a soon as get it ill be there and will be taking lots of pics

about the kids I'm also worried I'm worried that this christmas they wont have a christmas tree since Miss karthen is Jewish and she wont kind of understand that that important to them especially little blanket since he loves christmas!!!!!!

i want to take gift to Paris Prince and Blaket but im scard that they might not get it
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Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

I want to send u some things to give it to michael.
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

This is wonderful Melania. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity!
I'm gonna send you a PM.

Sirena, I feel your pain :hug: It's so hard to look at videos like that and knowing what happened. It's so hard to understand.
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

I just bought a card and some other cute thingy. Gonna be so hard to put that in the mailbox.
Just to know it will be at his resting place in a few weeks... :boohoo:

Thankyou, Melania! :hug:
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

im takng something to MJ when i go a fan is sending a gift too to my house/ apartment to be place near the door of the Mausoleum so a soon as get it ill be there and will be taking lots of pics

about the kids I'm also worried I'm worried that this christmas they wont have a christmas tree since Miss karthen is Jewish and she wont kind of understand that that important to them especially little blanket since he loves christmas!!!!!!

i want to take gift to Paris Prince and Blaket but im scard that they might not get it

While Katherine and Rebbie are still presumed to be Jehovah Witness's (maybe you meant to say that but instead said Jewish), my guess would be that enough of the rest of the family are no longer practicing JW's and most likely do celebrate Christmas in some shape or form. Marlon is Catholic, Jermaine is Muslim (unless I'm misinformed), the other brothers/nieces/nephews/Joe- I have no idea. But surely somewhere along the line P/P/B will have some sort of Christmas experience.

Thinking about the children receiving gifts from fans, it's pretty hard for me to make any guess on that. Idk, I'd have to presume that if there are just so many things they will receive, perhaps some items that are not personalized will be given to charitable groups for children with little or nothing so they may too have something. I'm thinking that would be something Michael would encourage, to share with those that have very little. jmo
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Oh Sirena. :better: I know, it's so hard. Yes, do contact me anytime if you'd like me to deliver anything for Him from you.

Hugs back to you as well.

Let me say that it was hard enough to see the Jackson Bros' interview on Larry King, just saw it now. Of course, I was a waterworks at the end of it.

I need time to settle into my emotions, and with MJs death - it's been ROUGH.

I have not been able to see This Is It yet. I can't walk into the movie theater. I tried twice and I break down.

And thank you for understanding & Marias21 too!!!
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Hey guys, I am the one who took Christmas to Micheal on the 3rd. Yes what ever you bring to FL they will take inside. I have developed a friendship with the guards and they are wonderful. It is clear to them how much this means to us...Look for Patrick or Adrian. They are both great. I have a package that I still have to take to the Encino compound. I plan on stopping the car, putting it near the gate and leaving!! They do not like fans lingering. It is where the children live. I wish they did celebrate Christmas..I would organize a group to go caroling there. If you have any questions, just PM me. We go to FL every single month on the 3rd! Merry Christmas!
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Thanks so much Melania. I just pm'd you.
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

ejacobs, would you take a small card/gift from me to Michael when you go?? How do I send it to you??? SandyFromHouston
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

I would so like to send something, but I don't know if a country as far as Serbia (NOT Siberia!) is acceptable... :(
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

I want to send u some things to give it to michael.
PM me TwinklEE!

Hey guys, I am the one who took Christmas to Micheal on the 3rd. Yes what ever you bring to FL they will take inside. I have developed a friendship with the guards and they are wonderful. It is clear to them how much this means to us...Look for Patrick or Adrian. They are both great. I have a package that I still have to take to the Encino compound. I plan on stopping the car, putting it near the gate and leaving!! They do not like fans lingering. It is where the children live. I wish they did celebrate Christmas..I would organize a group to go caroling there. If you have any questions, just PM me. We go to FL every single month on the 3rd! Merry Christmas!
Erin, thanks so much for the info, and for everything you do! I live out of the area, but I hope to sometime be able to make it on the 3rd--I'll miss you guys by a day this time as I'll be leaving on the 2nd. :(

I would so like to send something, but I don't know if a country as far as Serbia (NOT Siberia!) is acceptable... :(
Of course it is!!! I'll PM you now. People from like 5 different countries are sending me things; it's beautiful, and you aren't too far!
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

:hello: Melania.. I'm going to PM you right before I mail out the things okay.
Thanks so much again.
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

im takng something to MJ when i go a fan is sending a gift too to my house/ apartment to be place near the door of the Mausoleum so a soon as get it ill be there and will be taking lots of pics

about the kids I'm also worried I'm worried that this christmas they wont have a christmas tree since Miss karthen is Jewish and she wont kind of understand that that important to them especially little blanket since he loves christmas!!!!!!

i want to take gift to Paris Prince and Blaket but im scard that they might not get it

Who is Miss Karthen is she a new nanny or something I never heard of her before?
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Who is Miss Karthen is she a new nanny or something I never heard of her before?

I think... maybe they mean Mrs. Katherine Jackson. uhmmm...and if so,she is as far as I know, Jehovah's Witness.
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

A BIG shout-out to Melania, a fan like this is worth praise!!!

Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

This is so nice of you to do!
I might be sending a card to you (still have to make my christmas cards) although I don't know if it will be there in time...
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Who is Miss Karthen is she a new nanny or something I never heard of her before?

Me too. I have never heard of this person. I wonder who is she? Anybody can answer this question? Thank you.
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Me too. I have never heard of this person. I wonder who is she? Anybody can answer this question? Thank you.
Guys, it's just a typo I guess....:lol:
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

sorry is was a typo i ment MJ mom
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Melania, what date would you need to have the gifts/cards at the latest?
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

I sent you a Pm, I want to send something too =) thank you so much
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

A BIG shout-out to Melania, a fan like this is worth praise!!!

You guys are making me cry! Thank YOU all, I am so overwhelmed by the response, and having the honor of bringing your love to Michael is making me excited to go to FL rather than dreading it. You guys have no idea how amazing you are.

This is so nice of you to do!
I might be sending a card to you (still have to make my christmas cards) although I don't know if it will be there in time...

Melania, what date would you need to have the gifts/cards at the latest?

No deadline ever; this is a permanent offer. But here's the deal for this month: I live outside of LA and I'll probably drive into LA before everything is received, but my best friend will be coming to meet me a few(4?) days before Christmas and I'll have her bring anything that arrived after I left. So everything received a few days before Christmas will make it to FL before Christmas. I'll probably stay there another week or so beyond that, and I'll have my sister mail me any stragglers. And I go to LA pretty frequently, so I want everyone who wants Michael to have a physical token of your love for him placed at Forest Lawn to always feel free to send me anything you need me to take to him for you.
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

And I want to add that I wish I had a million dollars to give plane tickets to all of you who so badly want to be able to visit FL, and just know that when you make your way to California you will always have a friend to stay with.
Re: Forest Lawn video spinoff: Anyone want to mail things to be left at Forest Lawn for Michael?

Melania, you're too sweet....seriously, thank you so much! :hug:

I've just sent my package. Oh god, it was so hard to not jump into that mailbox as well....LOL!
Just couldn't let go of it...totally devastated now. I hope I won't come up with new ideas and regret I already sent it, so hard to make the perfect card/thingy. :cry: