Famous Michael Jackson Quotes

MJ TinkerBell

Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
Where Michael IS..Is where you will find Me <3

Famous Quotes by Michael

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”

“Everyone who knows me will know the truth, which is that my children come first in my life and that I would never harm any child.”

“There's a Mother's Day and there's a Father's Day, but there's no Children's Day. It would mean a lot. World peace.”

“Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.”

“And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face...and the world we once believed in will shine again in grace. Then why do we keep strangling life wound this Earth, crucify its soul. Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly. We could be God's glow... Heal the world.”

“It pains me to watch the human suffering taking place in the Gulf region of my country.”

"The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.”

“I wake up from dreams and go "Wow, put this down on paper." The whole thing is strange. You hear the words, everything is right there in front of your face . . .”

“The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.”

“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.”

“'Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons. The truth will win this marathon in court.'”

And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.”

“I was a veteran, before I was a teenager.”

“I'm just like anyone. I cut and I bleed. And I embarass easily.”

"Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts and only asks to be lived.”

“I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars. Now I don't know where we are
although I know we've drifted far.What about yesterday. What about the seas
The heavens are falling down,I can't even breathe. What about the bleeding Earth?
Can't we feel its wounds, What about nature's worth? It's our planet's womb.”

“My heart and prayers go out to every individual".

“I changed. People change.”

“I am bewildered at the length to which people will go to portray me so negatively,”

I will say again that I have never, and would never, harm a child. It sickens me that people have written untrue things about me.”

“Why can't you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone, ... You say, 'You can have my bed if you want it. Sleep in it. I'll sleep on the floor. It's yours.' I always give the beds to the company.”

“People who grew up as child stars have the same thing in common. You're cute, they love you; you go through the awkward stage, they don't accept you any more. Very few make the transition to adult star.”

“I believe in my heart that the music community will come together as one and rally to the aid of thousands of innocent victims, ... There is a tremendous need for relief dollars right now and through this effort each one of us can play an immediate role in helping comfort so many people.”

“I have always maintained my innocence, and vehemently denied that these events ever took place. I reluctantly chose to settle the false claims only to end the terrible publicity and to continue with my life and career.”

“All of Hollywood has plastic surgery. I don't know why they point me out. The press exaggerated it. It's just my nose, you know. They want it to be everything. Just the nose isn't enough.”

“No action or investigation has been taken to determine who is leaking this information or why they are permitted to violate the law in such a manner. I respectfully request that people see these efforts for what they are.”

"I wanted to change the world, so I got up one morning and looked in the mirror. That one looking back said: "There is not much time left. The earth is wracked with pain. Children are starving. Nations remain divided by mistrust and hatred. Everywhere the air and water have been fouled almost beyond help. Do something!"

"I love doing all kinds of things. Every experience is new and exciting, and I learn more each time."

"What I enjoy most about performing is making people happy. Just to make a person smile means more to me than anything."

"I hate to admit it, but I feel strange around everyday people. My whole life has been onstage. And the impression I get of people is applause, standing ovations and running after you."

"When I’m onstage, I feel it’s the safest place on earth for me."

"Kids, or grown-ups, can be very cruel. Or very kind."

"When you’re acting, you’re just being yourself. And who can teach you to be yourself? You can’t teach a person how to act, just like you can’t teach a person to sing—it’s inside of you. Singing is a form of acting, the way you do certain lines, the feeling, you can call it acting."

"I surround myself with people I want to be my friends. And I can do that with manikins. I’ll talk to them."

You know, all over the walls of my room are pictures of Peter Pan. I’ve read everything that Barrie wrote. I totally identify with Peter Pan, the lost boy of never-never land.

- I always want to know what makes good performers fall to pieces. I always try to find out. Because I just can’t believe it’s the same things that get them time and time again.

- A lot of people don’t believe [in God]. Science is so silly sometimes. The sun has been up there for ages and ages. What holds it up? I don’t care how many scientific explanations they give me, it ain’t deep enough.

- I wouldn’t say I was sexy! But I guess that’s fine if that’s what they say. I like that in concert. That’s neat.

- My real goal is to fulfill God’s purpose. I didn’t choose to sing or dance. But that’s my role and I want to do it better than anyone else.

- I’m not an angel, I know. I’m not like a Mormon or an Osmond or something where everything’s straight. That can be silly sometimes. It goes too far.

- I believe in God. We all do. We like to be straight, don’t go crazy or anything. Not to the point of losing our perspective.

- We know lots and lots of people because we have such a big family. But I’ve got maybe two, three good friends.

Being mobbed hurts. You feel like you’re spaghetti among thousands of hands. They’re just ripping you and pulling your hair. And you feel that any moment you’re gonna just break.

- Whenever we go to Paris, I rush to the Louvre. I just never get enough of it! I go to all the museums around the world. I love art!

- On television I never had any real time to study anything; we just had to do it. Quick. With a movie, you go over lines over and over again. That’s why it takes so long to film. It’s got to be right.

- Moving your body is an art. Dancing is really showing your emotions through bodily movement. It’s a wonderful thing to get on the floor and just to feel free and do what you want to and just let it come out… It’s escapism, getting away from everything and just moving the body and letting all the tension and pain out.

- I love to create magic; to put something together that’s so unusual, so unexpected, that it blows people’s heads off. Something ahead of the times. Five steps ahead of what people are thinking.

I’ve never tried marijuana and I don’t want to try it. I’ve never tried any of those things. I’m not interested in it. I’m happy the way I am. I don’t even like the word ‘high’. If I want to feel free with my mind, I’ll go walk the beach, read a beautiful book or write a song.

"I never get tired of concerts … I like to go on tour – especially outside the states." (1973)

"The audiences were mostly very intelligent: they listened and they applauded at the end." (1973)

"When I hit the stage it’s like all of a sudden a magic from somewhere just comes and the spirit just hits you and you just lose control of yourself." (1982)

"With acting, it’s like becoming another person. I think that’s neat especially when you totally forget… which I love to do. That’s when it’s magic." (1982)

"I just love James Brown. He’s phenomenal… I always thought he was underrated." (1982)

"Fame never has bothered me, except when you want some peace. Like you got the theatre and you say, ‘nobody’s going to bother me tonight. I’m going to enjoy this film and that’s it.’ And at the climax of the film, somebody taps you on the shoulder for an autograph." (1982)

"I don’t care about every day clothes. I love putting on an outfit and just looking at myself in the mirror. Baggy pants or some really funky shoes and a hat and just feeling the character of it. That’s fun to me." (1982)

"The guy who works should eat. It’s that simple."
(About his high earnings)

"I don’t go many places. I don’t know many places." (1982)

"We all have the same emotions and that’s why a film like E.T touches everybody. Steven (Spielberg) went straight to the heart. He knows – when in doubt, go for the heart." (1982)

"My room is loaded with (film) scripts and offers and some of them are great ideas. But… I just don’t want to make a mistake." (1982)

"I don’t ever remember not singing, so I never dreamed about singing." (1982)

"I love to read. I like philosophy and short stories." (1982)

"We can fly, you know. We just don’t know how to think the right thoughts and levitate ourselves off the ground." (Jan, 1983)

"When I’m upset about a recording session, I’ll dash off on my bike to the schoolyard, just to be around them (children). \When I come back to the recording studio, I’m ready to move mountains. Kids do that to me." (Jan, 1983)

"In a crowd I’m afraid, on stage I feel safe. If I could, I would sleep on stage. I’m serious."

"I'm never satisfied. There are so many different avenues and so many different things that I want to do. I've done a lot, but I don't think it's enough."

"I know my race, I just look in the mirror. I know I'm black!
I am proud to be a black American, I am proud of my race. I am proud of who I am. I have a lot of pride and dignity."

"We are Germans. We are Armenians. French, Italian, Russian, American, Asian, African... many other nationalities. We are Christians, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu. We are black, we are white. We are a community of some many differences, so complex and yet so simple. We do not need to have war."

"If this is what I have to endure to prove my innocence, my complete innocence, so be it."

"I would love to adopt children. I think that's something I've always wanted to do. But children of all races: Arab children, Jewish children, black children, all races."

"I wanna put a red dot right there one day (pointing to his forehead), And two eyes right here."
(responding to question about plastic surgery)

"I'm resilient. I have rhinoceros skin."

"It's on the level of purity and love, and just innocence. Complete innocence. If you're talking about sex then that's a nut. That's not me! Go to the guy down the street because it's not Michael Jackson. It's not what I'm interested in."

"I love people of all races from my heart, with true affection."

"Do not judge a person, do not pass judgment, unless you have talked to them one on one."

"I'm never pleased with myself. No, I try not to look in the mirror."

"Someone makes it up and everybody believes it. If you hear a lie often enough, you believe it."

Well here is the start...:wild:

If You see ANY Michael Quotes, please add them to the list...
!!!! :wub:

MJ TinkerBell..:agree:
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awwwwwwww thanks for sharing these.
Michael is such a lovely man
. love reading his wee quotes. he's just so cute hehe :wub:
I love reading his words and thoughts and hearing him speak. He speaks with the wisdom of a man beyond his years.

Famous Quotes by Michael

“I was a veteran, before I was a teenager.”

- Moving your body is an art. Dancing is really showing your emotions through bodily movement. It’s a wonderful thing to get on the floor and just to feel free and do what you want to and just let it come out… It’s escapism, getting away from everything and just moving the body and letting all the tension and pain out.

- I love to create magic; to put something together that’s so unusual, so unexpected, that it blows people’s heads off. Something ahead of the times. Five steps ahead of what people are thinking.

If You see ANY Michael Quotes, please add them to the list...
!!!! :wub:

MJ TinkerBell..:agree:

this are my favourities, it´s true he created magic!!
thanks for sharing,
I love reading these. Thanks so much for posting them! :wub:
Wherever you go-in every country,or in every continent, people yearn and hunger for only one thing, to love and be loved. Love transcends international boundaries and heals the wounds of hatred, racial, prejudice, bigotry and ignorance. It is the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation."
I love Michael's quotes...so intelligent, insightful! Thanks for posting! :wub:
I love reading his quotes
that's how i can hear him saying these words in my ears
thanks for sharing :hug:
Michaels quotes deserve to be read again
MJ TinkerBell;2441184 said:

Famous Quotes by Michael

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”

“Everyone who knows me will know the truth, which is that my children come first in my life and that I would never harm any child.”

“There's a Mother's Day and there's a Father's Day, but there's no Children's Day. It would mean a lot. World peace.”

“Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.”

“And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face...and the world we once believed in will shine again in grace. Then why do we keep strangling life wound this Earth, crucify its soul. Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly. We could be God's glow... Heal the world.”

“It pains me to watch the human suffering taking place in the Gulf region of my country.”

"The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.”

“I wake up from dreams and go "Wow, put this down on paper." The whole thing is strange. You hear the words, everything is right there in front of your face . . .”

“The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.”

“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.”

“'Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons. The truth will win this marathon in court.'”

And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.”

“I was a veteran, before I was a teenager.”

“I'm just like anyone. I cut and I bleed. And I embarass easily.”

"Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts and only asks to be lived.”

“I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars. Now I don't know where we are
although I know we've drifted far.What about yesterday. What about the seas
The heavens are falling down,I can't even breathe. What about the bleeding Earth?
Can't we feel its wounds, What about nature's worth? It's our planet's womb.”

“My heart and prayers go out to every individual".

“I changed. People change.”

“I am bewildered at the length to which people will go to portray me so negatively,”

I will say again that I have never, and would never, harm a child. It sickens me that people have written untrue things about me.”

“Why can't you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone, ... You say, 'You can have my bed if you want it. Sleep in it. I'll sleep on the floor. It's yours.' I always give the beds to the company.”

“People who grew up as child stars have the same thing in common. You're cute, they love you; you go through the awkward stage, they don't accept you any more. Very few make the transition to adult star.”

“I believe in my heart that the music community will come together as one and rally to the aid of thousands of innocent victims, ... There is a tremendous need for relief dollars right now and through this effort each one of us can play an immediate role in helping comfort so many people.”

“I have always maintained my innocence, and vehemently denied that these events ever took place. I reluctantly chose to settle the false claims only to end the terrible publicity and to continue with my life and career.”

“All of Hollywood has plastic surgery. I don't know why they point me out. The press exaggerated it. It's just my nose, you know. They want it to be everything. Just the nose isn't enough.”

“No action or investigation has been taken to determine who is leaking this information or why they are permitted to violate the law in such a manner. I respectfully request that people see these efforts for what they are.”

"I wanted to change the world, so I got up one morning and looked in the mirror. That one looking back said: "There is not much time left. The earth is wracked with pain. Children are starving. Nations remain divided by mistrust and hatred. Everywhere the air and water have been fouled almost beyond help. Do something!"

"I love doing all kinds of things. Every experience is new and exciting, and I learn more each time."

"What I enjoy most about performing is making people happy. Just to make a person smile means more to me than anything."

"I hate to admit it, but I feel strange around everyday people. My whole life has been onstage. And the impression I get of people is applause, standing ovations and running after you."

"When I’m onstage, I feel it’s the safest place on earth for me."

"Kids, or grown-ups, can be very cruel. Or very kind."

"When you’re acting, you’re just being yourself. And who can teach you to be yourself? You can’t teach a person how to act, just like you can’t teach a person to sing—it’s inside of you. Singing is a form of acting, the way you do certain lines, the feeling, you can call it acting."

"I surround myself with people I want to be my friends. And I can do that with manikins. I’ll talk to them."

You know, all over the walls of my room are pictures of Peter Pan. I’ve read everything that Barrie wrote. I totally identify with Peter Pan, the lost boy of never-never land.

- I always want to know what makes good performers fall to pieces. I always try to find out. Because I just can’t believe it’s the same things that get them time and time again.

- A lot of people don’t believe [in God]. Science is so silly sometimes. The sun has been up there for ages and ages. What holds it up? I don’t care how many scientific explanations they give me, it ain’t deep enough.

- I wouldn’t say I was sexy! But I guess that’s fine if that’s what they say. I like that in concert. That’s neat.

- My real goal is to fulfill God’s purpose. I didn’t choose to sing or dance. But that’s my role and I want to do it better than anyone else.

- I’m not an angel, I know. I’m not like a Mormon or an Osmond or something where everything’s straight. That can be silly sometimes. It goes too far.

- I believe in God. We all do. We like to be straight, don’t go crazy or anything. Not to the point of losing our perspective.

- We know lots and lots of people because we have such a big family. But I’ve got maybe two, three good friends.

Being mobbed hurts. You feel like you’re spaghetti among thousands of hands. They’re just ripping you and pulling your hair. And you feel that any moment you’re gonna just break.

- Whenever we go to Paris, I rush to the Louvre. I just never get enough of it! I go to all the museums around the world. I love art!

- On television I never had any real time to study anything; we just had to do it. Quick. With a movie, you go over lines over and over again. That’s why it takes so long to film. It’s got to be right.

- Moving your body is an art. Dancing is really showing your emotions through bodily movement. It’s a wonderful thing to get on the floor and just to feel free and do what you want to and just let it come out… It’s escapism, getting away from everything and just moving the body and letting all the tension and pain out.

- I love to create magic; to put something together that’s so unusual, so unexpected, that it blows people’s heads off. Something ahead of the times. Five steps ahead of what people are thinking.

I’ve never tried marijuana and I don’t want to try it. I’ve never tried any of those things. I’m not interested in it. I’m happy the way I am. I don’t even like the word ‘high’. If I want to feel free with my mind, I’ll go walk the beach, read a beautiful book or write a song.

"I never get tired of concerts … I like to go on tour – especially outside the states." (1973)

"The audiences were mostly very intelligent: they listened and they applauded at the end." (1973)

"When I hit the stage it’s like all of a sudden a magic from somewhere just comes and the spirit just hits you and you just lose control of yourself." (1982)

"With acting, it’s like becoming another person. I think that’s neat especially when you totally forget… which I love to do. That’s when it’s magic." (1982)

"I just love James Brown. He’s phenomenal… I always thought he was underrated." (1982)

"Fame never has bothered me, except when you want some peace. Like you got the theatre and you say, ‘nobody’s going to bother me tonight. I’m going to enjoy this film and that’s it.’ And at the climax of the film, somebody taps you on the shoulder for an autograph." (1982)

"I don’t care about every day clothes. I love putting on an outfit and just looking at myself in the mirror. Baggy pants or some really funky shoes and a hat and just feeling the character of it. That’s fun to me." (1982)

"The guy who works should eat. It’s that simple."
(About his high earnings)

"I don’t go many places. I don’t know many places." (1982)

"We all have the same emotions and that’s why a film like E.T touches everybody. Steven (Spielberg) went straight to the heart. He knows – when in doubt, go for the heart." (1982)

"My room is loaded with (film) scripts and offers and some of them are great ideas. But… I just don’t want to make a mistake." (1982)

"I don’t ever remember not singing, so I never dreamed about singing." (1982)

"I love to read. I like philosophy and short stories." (1982)

"We can fly, you know. We just don’t know how to think the right thoughts and levitate ourselves off the ground." (Jan, 1983)

"When I’m upset about a recording session, I’ll dash off on my bike to the schoolyard, just to be around them (children). \When I come back to the recording studio, I’m ready to move mountains. Kids do that to me." (Jan, 1983)

"In a crowd I’m afraid, on stage I feel safe. If I could, I would sleep on stage. I’m serious."

"I'm never satisfied. There are so many different avenues and so many different things that I want to do. I've done a lot, but I don't think it's enough."

"I know my race, I just look in the mirror. I know I'm black!
I am proud to be a black American, I am proud of my race. I am proud of who I am. I have a lot of pride and dignity."

"We are Germans. We are Armenians. French, Italian, Russian, American, Asian, African... many other nationalities. We are Christians, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu. We are black, we are white. We are a community of some many differences, so complex and yet so simple. We do not need to have war."

"If this is what I have to endure to prove my innocence, my complete innocence, so be it."

"I would love to adopt children. I think that's something I've always wanted to do. But children of all races: Arab children, Jewish children, black children, all races."

"I wanna put a red dot right there one day (pointing to his forehead), And two eyes right here."
(responding to question about plastic surgery)

"I'm resilient. I have rhinoceros skin."

"It's on the level of purity and love, and just innocence. Complete innocence. If you're talking about sex then that's a nut. That's not me! Go to the guy down the street because it's not Michael Jackson. It's not what I'm interested in."

"I love people of all races from my heart, with true affection."

"Do not judge a person, do not pass judgment, unless you have talked to them one on one."

"I'm never pleased with myself. No, I try not to look in the mirror."

"Someone makes it up and everybody believes it. If you hear a lie often enough, you believe it."

Well here is the start...:wild:

If You see ANY Michael Quotes, please add them to the list...
!!!! :wub:

MJ TinkerBell..:agree:

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Beautiful! I'll never get tired of reading quotes from Michael. :wub:
“I’m just a person who wants to be honest and do good, make people happy and give them the greatest sense of escapism through the talent God has given me. That’s where my heart is, that’s all I want to do. Just let me share and give, put a smile on people’s faces and make their hearts feel happy." ~ Michael Jackson