Confirmed: Michael Jackson DID compose music for Sonic 3


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Some of you may or may not be aware of the long debated connection between Michael Jackson and Sonic the Hedgehog 3, such as the various similarities between the game's soundtrack and elements of various MJ songs, which were observed by various people after news broke that MJ was at one point scheduled to compose tracks for the game. According to SEGA, he was canned after the 1993 allegations broke out. However, not many believed this was truly the case, as many of his collaborators from his various works were in fact credited for the game's music. See for a brief history.

It remained a mystery just how involved he was, or how much of his work remained, in the final product. Until now.

In the latest issue of Black & White magazine (a french publication about Michael Jackson), composer Brad Buxer confirmed that MJ and himself actually worked on the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 soundtrack.

B&W: Can you clarify the rumor that Michael had in 1993 composed the music for Sonic 3 video game, for which you havel been credited?

Buxer: I've never played the game so I do not know what tracks on which Michael and I have worked the developers have kept, but we did compose music for the game. Michael called me at the time for help on this project, and that's what I did.
And if he is not credited for composing the music, it's because he was not happy with the result sound coming out of the console. At the time, game consoles did not allow an optimal sound reproduction, and Michael found it frustrating. He did not want to be associated with a product that devalued his music...

B&W: One of the surprising things in this soundtrack is that you can hear the chords from Stranger in Moscow, which is supposed to have been composed later...

Buxer: Yes, Michael and I had composed those chords for the game, and it has been used as base for Stranger in Moscow. [...]
As a Member of the Sonic Retro community, I was the one who originally observed that Stranger and Moscow and the Credits music were extremely similar, back in 2006. To finally see my observation come full circle, and reveal that not only was MJ directly involved, but the credits music was in fact the BASE for Stranger in Moscow, is just awesome.

There are many other songs within the soundtrack that bear samples from MJ's work, or share melodic similarities. So just which other tracks he was involved with is still up for debate. But we now have incontrovertible proof that he was directly involved, and his work was never removed. REALLY interesting to know that Stranger in Moscow has its roots in this game; it has always been my favourite MJ song.

Exciting stuff :)
Well done!!!!


This is why I think of this a great forum: update info, from well informed MJ fans. Congratulations!!!

Unfortunately my knowledge of these games is 5000... below zero :( Do you think you could advise me of any links or any way to actually hear what you identified as the base for "Stranger in Moscow"? (also, one of my top 5 favourite MJ's).
Well done!!!!


This is why I think of this a great forum: update info, from well informed MJ fans. Congratulations!!!

Unfortunately my knowledge of these games is 5000... below zero :( Do you think you could advise me of any links or any way to actually hear what you identified as the base for "Stranger in Moscow"? (also, one of my top 5 favourite MJ's).
Absolutely. Here is the song in question, which would go on to become the base for Stranger in Moscow. The link I provided in the first paragraph also expands on the various songs and similarities (though it is dated).

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is a Sega Genesis/Megadrive game released in 1993, which is easily playable via emulation or one of the many compilation discs it has been included on for more modern gaming consoles.

Check out this link here for other notable musical similarities within the soundtrack, made by yours truly, and draw your own conclusions :yes:
Absolutely. Here is the song in question, which would go on to become the base for Stranger in Moscow. The link I provided in the first paragraph also expands on the various songs and similarities (though it is dated).

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is a Sega Genesis/Megadrive game released in 1993, which is easily playable via emulation or one of the many compilation discs it has been included on for more modern gaming consoles.

Check out this link here for other notable musical similarities within the soundtrack, made by yours truly, and draw your own conclusions :yes:

This is really a great job!!

Carnival Night Zone IS Jam. I will recognize that sound anywhere, it is Jam!!!

Our perfectionist Mike... Great!!! Just think of how many other surprises could be revealed in the future... well... that is something.

Congratulations, Shade, this has been a looooong journy and I am glad you took the time, passion and efforts to make. You rock!
I certaintly can't take all the credit. This information has been put together by many others, such as the people who conducted the various interviews over the years, and who pointed out some of the other musical similarities. All important pieces in the big puzzle. I was merely one contributing factor. I only take credit where I am directly credited. All the same, it's terribly exciting to see it come to a head.

I've pulled out Sonic 3 and am playing it as we speak. There's no medium which MJ has not left his mark on. Truly awesome.
I've pulled out Sonic 3 and am playing it as we speak. There's no medium which MJ has not left his mark on. Truly awesome.

Yes... no question... truly awesome and genious man.
This is when you feel that special warm in your heart, the pride to be his fan.
Some other interesting tidbits for you all. One of the game's composers, credited as Scirocco, revealed in an interview that MJ had called him up in the middle of the night to dictate some ideas he had for the game's tracks, and began singing the notes to Hydrocity Zone acapella (

In fact, MJ himself was something of a Sonic fan :D


As an aside, the only song we have proof of being MJ's work in this game is the credits music, as of now. However, being that Brad does not know which of their tracks were or were not used, it remains entirely possible more of the game's tracks are MJ's. Again, check out the links I provided to see what you think for yourself. There's some strong evidence.
That is friggin' awesome! WoW! Thanks =) I'm always hearing bits of songs in other songs too. =P
Okay, I am going to purchase Sonic 3 for my Wii. I've played most of the Sonic's and they are great games.
The rumour has been going round for years and the whole internet dismissed it, saying it was MJ fans grasping at straws. Hmmm, looks like we were right all along!
The rumour has been going round for years and the whole internet dismissed it, saying it was MJ fans grasping at straws. Hmmm, looks like we were right all along!

But of course! We know our Michael! :yes:
I always knew it. The evidence was all there! Interesting to discover that he wasn't credited because he didn't like the Genesis soundchip (LOL poor Sega. SNES was far superior in the sound department) and not because of the allegations.

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Wow, I've been hearing that rumor for ages, how fascinating! Thanks for sharing!
I purchased it on Xbox Live Arcade a while ago, and noticed the credits music sounded A LOT like Stranger In Moscow.
That's cool to know, never played Sonic 3 before, just the first and second one. will have to check it out now ;D
That is so very cool that Michael did the music for Sonic 3. Even though I had never really played any of the Sonic games before. Until this one MJ site that I am a member of put the game in to their arcade section. Before that I had never own a Sega. Which is why I had never played Sonic. The only game systems I ever had is either the Atari 2600, Nintendo, and Playstation. Seeing those you tube videos about that the music really does sound like Stranger In Moscow. Now I wish that I had played that game.
Interesting thread, thanks. I will take a look at the links later :)
I think Sonic 3 is available in the Virtual Console for the Wii, if any Wii owners want to play the game.
This is cool, I have this game for Sega Genisis, I'm about to go play it now!
When the rumours came about there was no doubting in my mind that there was a connection. I've always loved sonic, and this belated official confirmation sweetens the deal.