petition against murray


Proud Member
Aug 28, 2009
Recently, we've learn that Conrad Murray is going back to work. I would like you, all MJ's fan, friends and family, to prevent this, all you have to do is to sign this petition and to send it everywhere on the net, any website about MJ, on facebook, anywhere where you think you can find signatures for this. If we have enough, we'll send it to the family or to an official source which can spread our message, and prevent the Doctor who took Michael away from us, to go back to work and to kill other people.

Think about these people who are going to be treated by this horrible man, and help us to stop him before he makes any other victim !

Spread the petition, anywhere, but spread it to have a lot of signatures ! Thanks to all of you.
Signed the petition! I hope a lot of people will sign it!!!
I signed too.... Murray has been given the green light to go back to work and earn a bad Michael wasn't given that same option.......I have been losing so much sleep at night because of is not like to me to let things like this bother this situation..I just cannot believe that he is being allowed to practice really sickens me..
I burst in to tears when I heard about this all of course,for Michaels sake.
I cant believe they are allowing this to happen after he murdered Michael.
This has made me lose all previous faith I had in the American justice system.
If they are allowing this to happen I get the felling that he is not going to get the proper punishment that he deserves or even worse get away with it.