Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate


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Jul 25, 2011
Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Posted Nov 10th 2009 1:40PM by TMZ Staff
Katherine Jackson has just drawn a line in the sand with her husband Joe ... her lawyer just announced in court Katherine has no problem with John Branca and John McClain as executors of Michael Jackson's estate.

Joe just filed legal papers yesterday trying to boot Branca and McClain from the case ... and he claims the will is a forgery.

story developing

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WU3OreAS

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WU3OreAS
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Michael Jackson's Parents at Legal War

Posted Nov 10th 2009 1:45PM by TMZ Staff
What a turn! Katherine and Joe Jackson are fighting each other in court ... right now.


Katherine's new lawyer, Adam Streisand, is arguing to the judge that Joe has no legal standing to object to John Branca and John McClain as executors, nor does he have any standing to object to the validity of the will.

Streisand is arguing .... since Michael Jackson cut Joe out of the will, he has no dog in this fight.

During the fight, Billi Jean Jackson -- you know -- just stood up and said that she's an heir so she'll object ... so Joe's got that going for him.

Stay tuned...

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WU4iv68Q

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WU4iv68Q
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

They are permitted, but in the TMZ thread *no chatter* I guess... but since every five minutes we have a new TMZ thread.. well...
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Michael Jackson's Parents at Legal War

Posted Nov 10th 2009 1:45PM by TMZ Staff
What a turn! Katherine and Joe Jackson are fighting each other in court ... right now.


Katherine's new lawyer, Adam Streisand, is arguing to the judge that Joe has no legal standing to object to John Branca and John McClain as executors, nor does he have any standing to object to the validity of the will.

Streisand is arguing .... since Michael Jackson cut Joe out of the will, he has no dog in this fight.

During the fight, Billi Jean Jackson -- you know -- just stood up and said that she's an heir so she'll object ... so Joe's got that going for him.

Stay tuned...

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WU4iv68Q

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WU4iv68Q

oh god @ Billie Jean...

carinemjj... yeah, I figured that.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

During the fight, Billi Jean Jackson -- you know -- just stood up and said that she's an heir so she'll object ...

I'm sorry but why this nut is allowed to be present at the courthouse?
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Go, Katherine, GO!!!

Tell your lame hubbie to BEAT IT!!!
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

I'm glad someone is sitting Joe's butt down!!!
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

just look at the votes on TMZ, poor Joe. :)

I'm on ...
Team Katherine 98%
Team Joe 2%
Total Votes: 1,610

when will somebody do a "team katherine" and "team joe" t-shirts?

They are permitted, but in the TMZ thread *no chatter* I guess... but since every five minutes we have a new TMZ thread.. well...

I thought that thread was to keep all TMZ reports in one place with no discussion - so that people can go back and read what has reported without having to read pages of discussion and these seperate threads were for discussion.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

I thought that thread was to keep all TMZ reports in one place with no discussion - so that people can go back and read what has reported without having to read pages of discussion and these seperate threads were for discussion.

possible :) I just wrote what I actually thought :)

just look at the votes on TMZ, poor Joe. :)

I'm on ...
Team Katherine 98%
Team Joe 2%
Total Votes: 1,610

when will somebody do a "team katherine" and "team joe" t-shirts?

Now it's 98% Katherine
2% Joe
total votes 6399!
I'd get a Team Kat t-shirt :lmao:

but 2% means that more than 100 people voted for Joe... uhg!
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Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Gary has permitted TMZ for the time being. I guess it depends on the article/report. Since this isn't tabloid and they are reporting directly from the court house I'm assuming it's okay.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Looks like I was wrong. It wasn't a strategy. Interesting! Maybe a settlement is on the horizon since Katherine is supporting Team Branca. Wow, just wow!
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Gary has permitted TMZ for the time being. I guess it depends on the article/report. Since this isn't tabloid and they are reporting directly from the court house I'm assuming it's okay.

Thanks for clearing that up :)
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

just look at the votes on TMZ, poor Joe. :)

I'm on ...
Team Katherine 98%
Team Joe 2%
Total Votes: 1,610

when will somebody do a "team katherine" and "team joe" t-shirts?

I thought that thread was to keep all TMZ reports in one place with no discussion - so that people can go back and read what has reported without having to read pages of discussion and these seperate threads were for discussion.

there's a vote? where?

EDIT: never mind... found it.
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Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Is this Billie person for real or are TMZ playing? I just can't believe that she is really present at the courthouse so often? My goodness the things she says. Almost like a lame comedy show for real...
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Posted Nov 10th 2009 1:40PM by TMZ Staff
Katherine Jackson has just drawn a line in the sand with her husband Joe ... her lawyer just announced in court Katherine has no problem with John Branca and John McClain as executors of Michael Jackson's estate.

Joe just filed legal papers yesterday trying to boot Branca and McClain from the case ... and he claims the will is a forgery.

story developing

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WU3OreAS

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WU3OreAS

WOW...this is something else. Seems like its Katherine vs. Joe/Randy...Thanks for posting.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Is this Billie person for real or are TMZ playing? I just can't believe that she is really present at the courthouse so often? My goodness the things she says. Almost like a lame comedy show for real...

Seriously, I wish the judge would be finished with her and send her home. But she's probably making new requests all the time. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Is this Billie person for real or are TMZ playing? I just can't believe that she is really present at the courthouse so often? My goodness the things she says. Almost like a lame comedy show for real...

she is real - they had a video of her during the custody hearing.

I guess she's waiting outside the courthouse or comes to the courthouse regularly - tmz reported that there will be a hearing today to discuss about Joe's allowance request. I guess she might have read that and shown to the court.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Michael Jackson's mother approves will executors


Associated Press - November 10, 2009 2:24 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Michael Jackson's mother has withdrawn her objections to the appointment of 2 longtime Jackson associates as executors of the singer's will.
The surprise announcement Tuesday came from Katherine Jackson's attorney Adam Streisand, who said his client feels it's "high time the fighting end."
Streisand says Katherine Jackson no longer objects to the appointment of attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain to oversee the singer's estate. Streisand says the mother feels her actions are in the best interest of her son's children.
A judge says he will make the formal appointment after resolving whether Jackson's father can challenge the appointments. Joseph Jackson was omitted from his son's will.
Lawyers for the estate were ordered back later to argue to matter.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Michael Jackson's mother approves will executors


Associated Press - November 10, 2009 2:24 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Michael Jackson's mother has withdrawn her objections to the appointment of 2 longtime Jackson associates as executors of the singer's will.
The surprise announcement Tuesday came from Katherine Jackson's attorney Adam Streisand, who said his client feels it's "high time the fighting end."
Streisand says Katherine Jackson no longer objects to the appointment of attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain to oversee the singer's estate. Streisand says the mother feels her actions are in the best interest of her son's children.
A judge says he will make the formal appointment after resolving whether Jackson's father can challenge the appointments. Joseph Jackson was omitted from his son's will.
Lawyers for the estate were ordered back later to argue to matter.

Katherine wants peace. :(
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Get 'em Katherine!

and wtf Billie Jean is still there -_- well at least that other one (Claire) or w.e her name is, is gone. Why is this "Billie Jean" woman still allowed in court?
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Thank you Katherine....

I am sure she is under a lot of pressure from Randy & Joe...but I am glad she MADE THE RIGHT DECISION. For Michael's 3 innocent children.

Joe go sit down...We do not want to hear you.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Now it's 98% Katherine
2% Joe
total votes 6399!
I'd get a Team Kat t-shirt :lmao:

but 2% means that more than 100 people voted for Joe... uhg!

The one's who voted Joe probably just clicked the wrong one :D
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Go Mama Katherine! STFU Joe!
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

I am so proud of Katherine! She stood up and did the right thing for her son Michael and his children. Way to go, Katherine! :)
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Everyone involved with the will needs to stop fighting, take a step back, and not forget about the three most important people involved with this: Michael Jr, Paris and Prince Michael. For their sakes stop fighting. They have lost the only parent they know and don't need all this fighting.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Everyone involved with the will needs to stop fighting, take a step back, and not forget about the three most important people involved with this: Michael Jr, Paris and Prince Michael. For their sakes stop fighting. They have lost the only parent they know and don't need all this fighting.

:yes: This