EXCELLENT REVIEW: Don't Miss Michael Jackson's 'This is It' (Spoiler Alert!)

Arabian Knight

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Don't Miss Michael Jackson's 'This is It'

By Lisa Pease
November 2, 2009

Go see “This is It” while you can, even if -- perhaps especially if -- you are not a Michael Jackson fan. Seeing him for yourself allows you to get to know the man, not the media image of him, which is pretty far from the more talented reality.

And seriously, this is a really interesting film. It’s not a biography of his life. There is no cheesy narration. It’s a recreation, from rehearsal footage, of the concert he was preparing, and seeing this made me wish he’d lived long enough to deliver it to audiences.

The film opens with a scene that appears to have been shot just after the final cast had been named. Teary and emotional performers express how they’ve watched Michael Jackson since childhood, and how amazing they feel knowing they’ll be sharing a stage with him.

And wow, do those performers deserve to share the stage with the King of Pop. In one sequence, as good as Michael was, my eye kept getting drawn to the two men shadowing his moves from behind, so strong was there dancing. I literally couldn’t take my eyes off of them.

For most of the numbers, Michael is “marking” his performance -- not singing full out, sometimes barely singing at all, just rehearsing the steps, the blocking the timing of events relative to special effects.

And watching him in action, one realizes that he truly was a genius performer. He knew which moments to end quickly, which ones to stretch, how to let a moment “simmer” -- something his technical crew had trouble understanding, but something any other good performer would understand instantly.

Michael had impeccable timing. There’s a reason he sold so many records. He was a true artist when it came to performing, and you don’t have to like his music to appreciate his expertise in this arena.

The film offers compelling behind-the-scenes looks at some of the special effects that were to have been involved. Early on, for example, the audience learns, along with the performers, the difference between “elevator speed” and “toaster speed.”

Square platforms cut into the stage, powered by hydraulics, either raise or “pop” performers onto the stage, depending on the speed of the platform’s rise.

Several small movies were created in conjunction with the show, which the live performers would interact with in different ways.

One number decries the deforestation of the rain forest via a young girl who falls asleep in a Garden of Eden spot, only to awake later with a bulldozer ready to uproot the last plant in the garden. As the film climaxes, a real bulldozer appears on stage, ready to chomp down on Michael.

In another number, ten performers have been digitally multiplied into 10,000 marching soldiers as the lyric cries out, “All I really know is that they don’t really care about us.” The film and song present a strong anti-war message, complete with a snippet of a Martin Luther King speech.

Jackson’s cast is multiracial, and gorgeous. His musicians were the best of the best. And director Kenny Ortega, who may have become most famous for directing and choreographing “High School Musical,” shows his own creativity and sensitivity, always suggesting things, never taking offense if Michael wanted to do it a different way.

No smart person would argue with a guy who has sold so many millions of records. Kenny shows he understands when to push and when to back off, revealing a level of emotional maturity most people can only hope to aspire to.

The film’s title has many meanings, as the audience will learn throughout the film. When Michael introduced his tour, he told people, in terms of his own performing career, “This is It.”

The show was meant to be his last big public performance extravaganza. When the show reaches the segment regarding the need to stop global warming, “This is It” means we don’t have another planet, and if we don’t turn the current situation around, we may never have another chance. This is it.

Toward the end of the show, Michael talks of the importance of loving each other. This is it, the thing we all need most in our lives. Love, spelled L.O.V.E., Michael reminds his cast in a preparatory moment.

The film “This is It” is not just for Michael Jackson fans, although fans will certainly enjoy it. But the story is much bigger than that, starting with an unraveling of myths about the man.

There is nothing freakish about the man, nothing crazy about him. He was not emaciated or starving to death. You’ll see instead, a shy but brilliant artist, with a strong point of view, whose sensibilities are such that he insists key moments in the show wait for a cue on him.

And finally, if you do like his music, you’ll really enjoy some of the new twists and bends Michael was giving to old classics. The upbeat song “The Way You Make Me Feel” opens not with a peppy beat, but in a languid, hot-summer-day sort of rhythm.

Michael leans on his musical director to lay even further off the beat to convey that “just got out of bed” feeling he’s trying to impart. The results are often miraculous.

Although I always personally liked dancing to his music, I wouldn’t have really considered myself a fan. But that was then.

Having seen him in action, I appreciate what he brought to our world more than ever, and am doubly sorry he was taken from us too soon.

“This is It” is set for only one more week of release, as Sony was trying to rush the DVDs out by Christmas. But the movie theater owners revolted, and begged for a bigger window between the in-theater release and the DVD release.

There’s a chance the run might be extended. But don’t wait. This is one of the few films you really should see on the biggest screen you can find. It’s the only way to enjoy this performer who was truly larger than life.

Lisa Pease is a historian and writer who specializes in the mysteries of the John F. Kennedy era. She is also a movie buff.

Thanks for posting this review Arabian Knight, it was a great read :).
I will never get tired of reading these great reviews:
‘This Is It' more than movie

Comments 0 | Recommend 0
November 21, 2009 7:43 PM

There were critics of the Michael Jackson memorial who beat up on fans with the words "news flash - Michael Jackson is still dead."

They should see "This Is It." Maybe this will help explain what all the fuss was about.

Michael Jackson's "This Is It" was created from footage shot in advance of his planned London concerts with the assumption they might be a nice background documentary. It was to be the comeback show to restore his musical reputation. Instead, with his death in June, days before the first concert, "This Is It" became a poignant, emotional and unusually instructive insight into The Man in the Mirror.

"This Is It" reminds us of the extraordinary personal discipline he brought to his work and the demands he placed on every aspect of his productions to push the envelope, to do what had never been done before.

"This Is It" portrays a leader in his field, someone who relished going back where he belonged, and the thrill that endeavor brought to an international cast longing to work with him.

"This Is It," reveals a side to Michael that led a veteran musician to share the King of Pop was not only a perfectionist and a genius, he was a good guy. A humble man. Someone who tried to help every performer shine, have his or her day in the sun.

"This Is It" is like seeing Michael Jackson for the very first time. The updated 3-D version of "Thriller" is fantastic.

I noticed things while watching the movie in a local theater. An older white couple perhaps as old as Michael's parents, young Hispanic families, teens and pre-teens coming in groups and middle-aged black guys like me sitting down for what we knew would be a sad ending.

Kids weren't running around. Annoying cell phones were turned off. Look around and our wiggling chairs said we were all moving to the music. I make this demographic point because Michael Jackson's reach was universal and extended over the decades.

A real cross-section of humanity found that they loved him, and missed him, perhaps more than they thought. Close comparisons might have been Elvis Presley, whom he respected, or slain Beatle John Lennon.

Sitting in the theater, I couldn't help but remember that, like Elvis, Michael has his faults and lack of judgment that may have contributed to his untimely death. The curse of superstardom kept "yes men" around, blocking him from those who loved him and wanted to get him off of drugs, get him some sleep, get him to eat more than a canary.

The molestation allegations were never proved, but he put himself up for ridicule and blackmail, or worse. He went too far to retain his sense of childhood.

I've had more than a little discomfort over the years in his skin color change and obvious plastic surgeries. He was a perfectly good-looking young man in his teens and 20s. I never understood that odd war within himself.

Had the London concerts taken place, it was hoped the past would be washed away and his performance stature would pick up where he left off in the 1980s. He was heard to say he wanted to perform now so his children could see in person what others had before they were born.

His messages in "This Is It," understandable at any age, are to love the art of music, to love the ones working with you, to love your family, to love your fans and to love the planet. His new environmental song is haunting and inspiring even if you don't believe in global warming, and I don't.

I found myself in another level of loss that this man would never visit theatrical schools taking questions from students. This film is a clinic on putting together a world-class event that's techno savvy yet never losing the human touch. He could have elaborated on his old-school love for Frank Sinatra, Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly all of whose styles he borrowed much from.
I know there are those who say Michael Jackson was just another entertainer. If that's all he was, then the Gettysburg Address was just another speech. The Eiffel Tower is just another building. The Grand Canyon is just a crack in the ground.

I will stand with Motown creator Barry Gordy who said at Michael Jackson's funeral that he was the greatest entertainer who ever lived. The King is dead. Long live the King.

Mike Shelton is a Yuma resident and guest columnist for the Yuma Sun. E-mail him at mikshelt@msn.com

This is nice but it bugs me that someone has to die before someone can see thier greatness. What MJ did in this movie was NOTHING NEW. SO this why I do not get these people who come with this "I was not a fan before but I am now".
"The curse of superstardom kept "yes men" around, blocking him from those who loved him and wanted to get him off of drugs, get him some sleep, get him to eat more than a canary."

I have seen the movie three times and I haven´t seen a man on drugs.He had problems to sleep for many years and if those who loved him knew how he could get some sleep ,why didn´t they help him before?Besides if someone really could have helped him to sleep he would have got the message.

"I've had more than a little discomfort over the years in his skin color change and obvious plastic surgeries. He was a perfectly good-looking young man in his teens and 20s. I never understood that odd war within himself."

There are so many pictures where you can see he has vitiligo and they still don´t believe it.
This is nice but it bugs me that someone has to die before someone can see thier greatness. What MJ did in this movie was NOTHING NEW. SO this why I do not get these people who come with this "I was not a fan before but I am now".

You are so totally right about that...It's great that he's getting his props, but he has been such a fantastic performer all his life, and there are people who are surprised at the way he was portrayed in TII, as a brilliant performer...well...DUH...lol
"The curse of superstardom kept "yes men" around, blocking him from those who loved him and wanted to get him off of drugs, get him some sleep, get him to eat more than a canary."

I have seen the movie three times and I haven´t seen a man on drugs.He had problems to sleep for many years and if those who loved him knew how he could get some sleep ,why didn´t they help him before?Besides if someone really could have helped him to sleep he would have got the message.

"I've had more than a little discomfort over the years in his skin color change and obvious plastic surgeries. He was a perfectly good-looking young man in his teens and 20s. I never understood that odd war within himself."

There are so many pictures where you can see he has vitiligo and they still don´t believe it.

Totally agree. Diddo on everything you wrote. Earth song is NOT new. Mj doesn't emphasise the controversial "global warming issue" he emphasises stopping deforestation and stopping wars. Decades old messages.

Well, I give him a B for his review.
Totally agree. Diddo on everything you wrote. Earth song is NOT new. Mj doesn't emphasise the controversial "global warming issue" he emphasises stopping deforestation and stopping wars. Decades old messages.

Well, I give him a B for his review.

Yes I agree with you on your response to this review...every word. Nonetheless, for someone who doesn't buy into everything that Michael or some of us believe, it was a very nice review. It could have gone the other way. Peace and love.

"I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart...":angel: