Little time left. Michael,s message.....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hardenberg, Netherlands
This was it?
Now it really has become THIS IS IT?
In my opinion Michael just placed us at the start of a path we have to follow.
Thats very clear to me after watching this phenomenal documentary THIS IS IT.
A path on which we, his fans, will keep his legacy alive.
The ideals of a man who saw the bigger picture.
Michael is claimed to just be an artist?
By saying that we are not fully appreciating him, don,t you think?
The planet is sick, it has a fever
Often people think...oh right, others will make sure things turn out okay.
But who are these ‘others’?
It is us, to make a change, if we dont then who will?
Its really clear that we live in a time where we have to change, just look at the wars all around us.
For me personally i can tell but it concretely...i will ban as much negativety out of my life as possible.
To forgive the people that hurt me and i will try my best to love them.
I also hope that people that have been hurt by me will forgive me as well.
I can honestly say i do not hate anyone.
Hate is a bad word.
Out of love for the world and humanity i want to try to ban negativety and let love live.
It,s all about love.....L.O.V.E.
But have we done our best to make this world a better place?
No, we can be clear about that.
My generation and the generations before me made this world sick.
For man and animal.
Nature is crying.
Trees are being destroyed.
Humans and animals are being treated in a bad way.
Do we realise we need those trees to breathe?
That those animals serve a purpose in the bigger picture on this planet?
That we, humans, have a different purpose on this world that we are currently not fulfilling.
What am i doing about it?
Making myself and others aware that this has to stop.
if we continue on like this we are completely broken.
There’s little time left to heal our world.
The world is not endlessly able to recover itself.
It is time to give something back to it now.
And now i just mentioned a few things to make this world a better place but there is much work to be done.
A lot of signs are being picked up by me now, it is like a puzzle that is being solved.
They show me that the message Michael wanted to spread through his concerts has become my purpose.
I know my job and the task that has been set out for me.
Do you?

It,s all for love......L.O.V.E
Your post made me cry :cry:
I too have been thinking of Michaels messages in the movie all day today.
I think everybody needs to look at themselves and think what is it that they can do to make the world we live in a better place.
Michaels words were haunting about how little time we have left and if people who are not generally fans see the movie I hope they take those messages away with them and think about it.
We see it on the news nearly everyday but somehow it just seems like we know about it but its like ages away from happenning and some how it will all be ok but it won't, it really won't, unless we take action now!
What did Michael say don't leave it to the goverment.
Sorry i made you cry.
Sometimes i,m scared people don,t see the bigger thing.
What mike wanted us to do.
We really have to change.
There is only very short time left.
And we all do know that mike really had some spiritual "powers" to predict future things.
He was knewing.
Watch the signs in the movie and watch the sign by looking around what,s happening in this world.
Thanks for posting,yes I also care about this, what Michael said was we only had 4 years left to heal the planet otherwise it would be too late. I a m not sure in what context he meant. I'm not sure in what way we as individuals can heal the planet, it is the powers that be that could stop this

I've felt for many years like Michael that if they do not stop chopping the rainforest down, human life will be doomed, the rainforest are the earths lungs, they chop it down to grow soya for cattle food one of the best ways we can not take part in this is by being vegetarian or vegan, or at least reducing consumption of meat and buying free range grass fed and not grain fed animals

It takes 35 pounds of grain protein to make one pound of animal protein it is a waste of prescious resources, those grains could help feed the third world starving population.
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Interesting gaiachild!
Consumption reducing.
I didn,t think off that till now, thank you!

I really would like to talk to someone who knows more about that 4 year thing michael talked about.
Maybe some people who were around him those last days, or the dancers.
He said it just like that and the people around him acted like, yeah we know.
So i would like to get some answers.
They were talking about how meat production was affecting climate change on the news a couple of days ago.I found a couple of useful pages of info
I myself only eat chicken I havn't eaten red meat for years.

They were talking about the impact on our seas last night on the news regarding the blue fin tuna I found this page with a video of the problem

I think every one of us can take Michaels messages on board and change something about themselves.If we all did one thing it would make a huge impact on the world.

I have found myself thinking alot about things that I have never really thought of before,how I interact with people the fact I need to have more patience lol.
I think we all need to open our eyes and be honest and take a good look at ourselves on how we treat others,how we treat the planet,how we parent our children,how we teach our children.

My husband turned to me during the film and said I wish the real world was like that,if everybody was like Michael it would be such a great place to live :(

Slightly off topic but Michael was all for bringing children up the right way and giving them all the love in the world and that if children were given the respect and are listened to and educated on how to treat others this world could be so great.
When I was at school this morning a little boy who is in my childs class was crying hysterically in the playground.He had run on to school while he thought his mum was following, and he got to school but she never caught up with him.It wasn't until another mum said that she had just seen the little boys mum heading back home that the poor kid realised his mum wasn't coming to kiss him goodbye before he went into school :cry:
How terrible is that! All he wanted was to kiss his mum goodbye and be waved to but she just went on home without a wave nothing :(
Parents really need to stand up and stop treating their children as objects that they can't wait to palm off or dump onto somebody else.
If everybody took more time with children and showed them love and that they have time for them,then how they develop ino adults would be so different.
No child is born evil i am 100% with Michael on that.
Thanks for posting,yes I also care about this, what Michael said was we only had 4 years left to heal the planet otherwise it would be too late. I a m not sure in what context he meant. I'm not sure in what way we as individuals can heal the planet, it is the powers that be that could stop this

I've felt for many years like Michael that if they do not stop chopping the rainforest down, human life will be doomed, the rainforest are the earths lungs, they chop it down to grow soya for cattle food one of the best ways we can not take part in this is by being vegetarian or vegan, or at least reducing consumption of meat and buying free range grass fed and not grain fed animals

It takes 35 pounds of grain protein to make one pound of animal protein it is a waste of prescious resources, those grains could help feed the third world starving population.

That is very interesting. I've been vegetarian for almost 28 years now (partly due to me wanting to be like MJ when I was young)!
I truly hope that his message will influence people. I work as a product designer, and I have woved to keep this in mind and try my best to incorporate this in my work as what our profession do has a great influence on the environment. On a personal level, we all have the power to make changes. As Michael said; its up to us.
The 4 years thing did that have to do with 2012 theory? I heard he believed in that.

It was a beautiful message, one every human being should follow.
Michael was/is an angel and will always be :)
This was it?
Now it really has become THIS IS IT?
In my opinion Michael just placed us at the start of a path we have to follow.
Thats very clear to me after watching this phenomenal documentary THIS IS IT.
A path on which we, his fans, will keep his legacy alive.
The ideals of a man who saw the bigger picture.
Michael is claimed to just be an artist?
By saying that we are not fully appreciating him, don,t you think?
The planet is sick, it has a fever
Often people think...oh right, others will make sure things turn out okay.
But who are these ‘others’?
It is us, to make a change, if we dont then who will?
Its really clear that we live in a time where we have to change, just look at the wars all around us.
For me personally i can tell but it concretely...i will ban as much negativety out of my life as possible.
To forgive the people that hurt me and i will try my best to love them.
I also hope that people that have been hurt by me will forgive me as well.
I can honestly say i do not hate anyone.
Hate is a bad word.
Out of love for the world and humanity i want to try to ban negativety and let love live.
It,s all about love.....L.O.V.E.
But have we done our best to make this world a better place?
No, we can be clear about that.
My generation and the generations before me made this world sick.
For man and animal.
Nature is crying.
Trees are being destroyed.
Humans and animals are being treated in a bad way.
Do we realise we need those trees to breathe?
That those animals serve a purpose in the bigger picture on this planet?
That we, humans, have a different purpose on this world that we are currently not fulfilling.
What am i doing about it?
Making myself and others aware that this has to stop.
if we continue on like this we are completely broken.
There’s little time left to heal our world.
The world is not endlessly able to recover itself.
It is time to give something back to it now.
And now i just mentioned a few things to make this world a better place but there is much work to be done.
A lot of signs are being picked up by me now, it is like a puzzle that is being solved.
They show me that the message Michael wanted to spread through his concerts has become my purpose.
I know my job and the task that has been set out for me.
Do you?

It,s all for love......L.O.V.E

With no disrespect intended...but isn't what Mr.Jackson is saying in the film has been stressed many times in his is humanitarian efforts, speeches, compositions, concerts, cd's?

I'm a bit confused...please edify me?

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are THe World...Education IS The Key~~~
Yes , he said it many times.
As a fan i allready changed my life and did many good things.

But did you allready saw it?
The movie i mean?

Michael was never so clear about something like this time.
The urge of healing this world.

It seems that we reached the point of no return.
And it,s so crystal clear, clearer as before.

Ask his family and friends.
Michael wanted to spread this message with this show.
Michaels words were haunting in the film.Kenny even said on the red carpet at the premier I hope people hear Michaels messages in the movie.
With no disrespect intended...but isn't what Mr.Jackson is saying in the film has been stressed many times in his is humanitarian efforts, speeches, compositions, concerts, cd's?

I'm a bit confused...please edify me?

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are THe World...Education IS The Key~~~

He said we only had 4 years left to heal the planet, otherwise it would be too late. He has not said this before to my knowledge.
I knew he also believed in the more spiritual world.
But this goed beyond everything.
We all know michael was very very spiritual.
It happend to him more then often that he knew things before they even happend....
Remember the barbara walters interview where he talks about lady di and mother theresa.
He knew something was going to happen.
That is why i,m taking this 4 years message very serious!
mmmmm 4 years? 2013?

This planet.......... a large asteroid............u are my sweetheart..............

Tender with my viens I felt the mystery.....................

tubulent tempest........ this moment of now

Planet earth...........a minor globe about to bust?

Cold as a rock without a hue.....held together with a piece of glue..something tells me this isnt true.......

Planet earth gentle and blue.............

With all my heart......I love you. :yes:

I am very much aware as one individual that we have a responsibility......and to carry on MJ's legacy............his heart......what HE WANTED.........

I'll do my best...........but I'm only human.......

I knew he also believed in the more spiritual world.
But this goed beyond everything.
We all know michael was very very spiritual.
It happend to him more then often that he knew things before they even happend....
Remember the barbara walters interview where he talks about lady di and mother theresa.
He knew something was going to happen.
That is why i,m taking this 4 years message very serious!

I think he means we have to heal our souls, our spirits. there are many messages in his songs. I find the lyrics of some later songs also particularly poignant songs like we have had enough, or what more can I give, in addition to the earth song, heal the world, man in the mirror.

He also spoke about importance of love L.O.V.E, loving one another and unity etc.

I know that many people talk about the 2012 thing as the mayan calendar comes to an end. There are many different speculations around that.

I also heard many times that all it would take is 144000 people with healing loving energy to change the energy of the planet for the postive. It is really not that many and every little we do adds up to a lot.

All we can do is to be the best we can be
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Here is a recording of the beautiful poem planet earth written and recorded by Michael.

It is also in his dancing the dream book

Planet Earth, my home, my place
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space
Planet Earth are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust
A minor globe, about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A speck of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spacship, a large asteroid

Cold as a rock without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn't true
You are my swweetheart soft and blue
Do you care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart
Tender with breezes caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul.

In my veins I've felt the mystery
Of corridors of time, books of hisotry
Life songs of ages throbbing in my blood
Have danced the rhythm of the tide and flood
Your misty clouds, your electric storm
Were turbulent tempests in my own form
I've licked the salt, the bitter, the sweet
Of every encounter, of passion, of heat
Your riotous color, your fragrance, your taste
Have thrilled my senses beyond all haste
In your beuaty, I've known the how
Of timeless bliss, this moment of now

Planet Earth are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust
A minor globe, about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A speck of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spacship, a large asteroid
Cold as a rock without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn't true
You are my swweetheart gentle and blue
Do you care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart
Tender with breezes caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul.
Planet Earth, gentle and blue
With all my heart, I love you
Yes ,
he said it many times.
As a fan i allready changed my life and did many good things.

But did you allready saw it?
The movie i mean?
Michael was never so clear about something like this time.
The urge of
healing this world.
It seems that we reached the point of no return.
And it,s so crystal clear, clearer as before.

Ask his family and friends.
Michael wanted to spread this message with this show.

Yes I have seen the film...

Again with no disrespect...
In my eyes Mr.Jackson has "always" been "very clear" on what needed to be done to help Heal The World...that is what and who he has always been about..!

He would be proud that his message is once again getting out to the masses...

Here are some other things that we as the individual can do to help Mother Earth...

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
He said we only had 4 years left to heal the planet, otherwise it would be too late. He has not said this before to my knowledge.

To my knowledge he has not said this before. The "This Is It" had to do with healing the planet, one, by one, by one. It was a mature version of "Man in the Mirror." It was NOT about the end of his concerts, or anything like that, as I understood it. In the TII film, he explained.

We all must do what we can, to honor him, and his message. . .
Jenny, I'm so glad you posted this. I'm worried that his message won't be heeded...
I'm a vegan, and I'm planning to stop driving. I would like to live in an intentional community...I've joined a few Yahoo discussion groups for them and have been looking for one to join, or would love to start my own.
Yes , he said it many times.
As a fan i allready changed my life and did many good things.

But did you allready saw it?
The movie i mean?

Michael was never so clear about something like this time.
The urge of healing this world.

It seems that we reached the point of no return.
And it,s so crystal clear, clearer as before.

Ask his family and friends.
Michael wanted to spread this message with this show.

I agree and he was very specific.. He said we have just four years or it could be too late. I know Michael believed in the 2012 thing. Maybe it was about this?
Jenny, I'm so glad you posted this. I'm worried that his message won't be heeded...
I'm a vegan, and I'm planning to stop driving. I would like to live in an intentional community...I've joined a few Yahoo discussion groups for them and have been looking for one to join, or would love to start my own.

Your post and your sig just gave me goosebumps. Please tell me more about this 'intentional community'. I'm considering selling my car too.

I REALLY felt the urgency in Michael's voice when he spoke about LOVE and givinv love back to the world, and healing our sick planet. He really meant it and that's what This is It is about. I hope everyone who watches the film can do something to make that change.

OK, what are we going to do? Other than our individual efforts, collectively as Michael fans, surely we can make a massive impact? I'm getting panicky, as if time is running out. :mello: