petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ [ All threads merged ]

elusive moonwalker

Sky1 HD today (Tuesday 13 October, 2009) announced that world-renowned psychic medium Derek Acorah will attempt to make contact with Michael Jackson on Sky1 HD in two specially-commissioned shows, MICHAEL JACKSON: THE LIVE SÉANCE (1 x 60’) and MICHAEL JACKSON: THE SEARCH FOR HIS SPIRIT (1 x 60’) to be broadcast in November.

The programmes, both presented by broadcaster and Jackson fan June Sarpong, aim to give fans a final chance to connect with their hero. Acorah, whose high profile on screen séances have to date been restricted to historical and mythical figures will lead proceedings in MICHAEL JACKSON: THE LIVE SÉANCE; an hour long live special from a secret location familiar to, and previously inhabited by, Jackson and where the famed psychic medium will attempt to contact the music legend.

If you believe that Michael should be allowed to rest in peace and not have stupid, publicity hungry people trying to summon him for entertainment purposes please follow the link below. It is a petition to have the programme and seance banned from being aired on British Television. The petition will be sent to OFCOM which is the British Broadcasting Standards Agency. This Agency controls what is shown and what is not. They have to listen to public opinion and act accordingly.

If you would like to sign the petition please visit:

Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

signed also
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

signed too!
Whether this psychic can do someting or not, LEAVE MICHAEL ALONE!!!
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

Signed and happy to have done so. !!
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

I am an open minded person and I'm not sure about this petition and I think that maybe michael wants to be contacted, anyone thought about that. I like to think out of the box.
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

I'm going to move this to the Fan Action sub forum.
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ


Andy, your sig is awesome! :D
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ


horrible idea
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

If you believe that Michael should be allowed to rest in peace and not have stupid, publicity hungry people trying to summon him for entertainment purposes please...petition to have the programme and seance banned

Michael was a major supporter of progressive culture and policy. This includes democracy, free speech and tolerance. He was far more hurt in life by tabloid spin and biased criticism in the media than he could possibly be in death by greedy fools pretending to talk with dead people.

And yet he never called for bans on public discourse because he was personally hurt or offended. He said, Just don't watch it, don't support it, don't buy it.

(Uh, oh... a new meme: WWMJS... "What Would MJ Say?" :) )
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

signed .:sleep:
dont mess with that stuff !
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

I have a bad feeling about Mr. Acorah anyways and what he plans to do is not in the best interests of anyone except possibly breathing some life back into his career but doing this is not the case, yes, as a Medium one of the overriding reasons we do this work is to prove that their is life after death but Michael is Alive anyway within our Hearts and as a Believer in many things, even I would not be watching something featuring Derek Acorah.

The man had his time in the limelight and at the start he was very well respected but as time grew on he made a mockery about something that should bring comfort to many but instead just fuels the fires of persecution.
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

i don't believe in such :censored:
when a person dies, his soul goes back to its creator
but i signed because apparently there are some people who are crazy enough to try & toy with such sacred things & on TV !!
thanks for the heads-up & for the link
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

Only 104 signatures so far. Maybe someone can make a Youtube video about the petition ?
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

First I thought this was the Twitter seance I read about in another thread. I see it's a separate mess... I don't agree with this sort of thing, so I signed.
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

i have an idea guys.
we all have posts in different places of the forum.
everyone who signed here could add this thread's link to his/her signature (or replace till it's over - i don't want anyone to get a warning due to over-sized signatures) asking the MJJC members to sign & when they do, they could also add this to their signatures. I'll do it now.
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Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

In Randy's book, Randy T. alleged that MJ wanted to do a seance to see if Elvis Presley would approve of his marriage to Lisa, and Lisa said No! Is it possible that if someone reached out to MJ, he would respond?
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

Guys if these guys are good - maybe he will answer.I did something like that long time ago and beleive me - it happened and it was amazing... I don't want to do it again anyway...
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

SIGNED! Just when I thought people couldn't scrape the bottom of the barrel any further......... :doh:
Re: petition to ban sky 1 seance with MJ

Whether you think he should be left in peace as an entity or not, you have to agree that this is being done for the WRONG reasons!! The timing. The ratings. The has-beens.