I hate my generation (vent).


Proud Member
Jul 16, 2009
I really do. I was at a high school dance last night (I'm a sophmore in HS) and I seriously can't believe the junk my generation listens to. I've been to plenty of dances before, I love dances and such. It's my thing. But they usually played some decent music. I hardly listen to mainstream and when I do, my friends are playing it. I don't even know 98% of the stuff that was played last night but it all gave me a giant headache.
Anyway, this is sort of about Michael. Since they were playing crap music, I went up to the senior DJ and asked if he had any Michael Jackson. He showed me and he had the usual songs you know like, Beat It, Billie Jean, Thriller, Smooth Criminal. I said, "Play some Michael Jackson, anything you have."

So about 10 minutes the later, the DJ announces that the food and refreshments had arrived and told everybody to go help themselves. Then he said, "During this little 'intermission' we'll give you a little bit of MJ. Rest in peace." Then everybody starts to clear out of the gym to go get food and he plays Beat It. I was so pissed off. He turned it down too, to the point where almost nobody could hear it. There were barely any people in the gym at the time and I was the only one singing. The only part everybody else sang was, "BEAT IT!" Otherwise, nobody cared. But then some song by supposedly (my friend told me) Lil Wayne and a few other people came on right after Beat It and the DJ blasted it. Everybody was screaming and I saw a swarm of people rushing back in to dance to the song. I thought that was really ridiculous.

Then the rest of the night, they didn't play anymore Michael Jackson. All of the other dances I've been to, they played Michael Jackson constantly. But they weren't really high school dances, so maybe that's why. I just can't believe the garbage my generation fills their heads with. These songs they were playing were just...disgusting or plain stupid. And then some song that goes like, "do the stanky leg" was playing and everybody kept saying, "This is such a great song! I love this song!" Uh...ok...if that's their idea of a "great" song then I really don't want to know anything else...Personally, I was lmao upon hearing the song because I thought it was a joke.

Oh might I add, there were a lot of "blank" parts in the songs. You know, where they edit out the cuss words. I listen to music from before my time and not even the rap music was like that. Now, I can't believe they allow such content in music. It gave me a damn head ache.

Oh, how I wish I was a teenager in the 80's. I can just imagine how awesome the high dances would have been. I'm so jealous of you 80's teens.
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Oh, how I wish I was a teenager in the 80's. I can just imagine how awesome the high dances would have been. I'm so jealous of you 80's teens.
LOLOL. Well, being a teenager in the 80's sucked too. But yeah, the music was better, I agree ;)
LOLOL. Well, being a teenager in the 80's sucked too. But yeah, the music was better, I agree ;)

lol. Well, I also love the style then too. lmao. I would totally wear something from the 80's today, but if I did...my friends and other people would think I'm crazy. hahaha. :p
Basically, being a teenager in general sucks. So you can't win either way. lol.

I really was born in the wrong generation though. Why God did this, I have no idea. :p
Well, if we could only choose our time.. As in Russia say: you dont choose your time, you just live in it and die in it..
Btw, I love 80s music & style too :)
I no how u feel, i was totally born in the wrong decade! Im only 13, so are school discos usually only consit of songs from grease and scally ladz!
I was talking to my dad the other day about the 80's and his discos, it sounds amazing, he was tellin me how much everyone loved off the wall when it came out!
I know exactly how you feel, I'm not at all on one line with my generation :rolleyes:
I was born in 1990, but I always feel my heart lies somewhere between the 60's, 70's and 80's.
I can feel for ya kid...my daughter is a sophomore in high school to...she says that the DJ wont play anything but rap music....she says that the school dances have gotten lame...its to bad but she wont even go to Homecoming this year. I tell her she is missing out on her high school years..once they are gone you cannot get them back. Even though the other kids may not like Michael...you still can....they wouldnt know good music if it swam up and bit them on the A$$...:lmao:
lol. Well, I also love the style then too. lmao. I would totally wear something from the 80's today, but if I did...my friends and other people would think I'm crazy. hahaha. :p
Basically, being a teenager in general sucks. So you can't win either way. lol.

I really was born in the wrong generation though. Why God did this, I have no idea. :p

LOL yeah, I think it's simply being a teenager that sucks :lol:
I was a 90's teen, and I'll tell you, compared to now, being a Michael fan in 93 was far from fun...
LOLOL. Well, being a teenager in the 80's sucked too. But yeah, the music was better, I agree ;)

your post is so true!!!...The 80's was a great time for music though being a teenager DID stink...:lmao:
I at times wish I was born the same year as Mom (1958) so I can experience the J5 and the Jacksons era (my really favorite era is 1976, 1977 and 1978. When He had that fro.) But I'm happy about the year I was born. I'm 20 and there are plenty of Fans from our gen that do love Michael so much, mostly on forums sometimes. ;)

And what was wrong with being a teen in the 80's?
I can feel for ya kid...my daughter is a sophomore in high school to...she says that the DJ wont play anything but rap music....she says that the school dances have gotten lame...its to bad but she wont even go to Homecoming this year. I tell her she is missing out on her high school years..once they are gone you cannot get them back. Even though the other kids may not like Michael...you still can....they wouldnt know good music if it swam up and bit them on the A$$...:lmao:

Yeah, but the high school years (these days anyway) aren't as cracked up as they're made out to be. ha. Life basically revolves around school and preparing for your future and everybody around you nagging the hell out of you. I really don't blame your daughter though. Those kind of things, like dances, aren't really any fun if they're not playing music that you're interested in. I was having a hard time having fun because for one thing I didn't know the songs and they just gave me a head ache. haha.
Yeah, but the high school years (these days anyway) aren't as cracked up as they're made out to be. ha. Life basically revolves around school and preparing for your future and everybody around you nagging the hell out of you. I really don't blame your daughter though. Those kind of things, like dances, aren't really any fun if they're not playing music that you're interested in. I was having a hard time having fun because for one thing I didn't know the songs and they just gave me a head ache. haha.

This is very true....there is alot more pressure on you guys now a days then there was on my generation when we went to high school....fortunately my daughter is a good student...BUT....I do still nag her too....they have created this new thing for graduation called portfolio...and it is just a pain but it is a requirement and it must be done in grades 9-12 in order to graduate. I dont know if you are familiar with this??? This is true about the school dances not being fun.....:(...sorrry)
EDIT....actually my daughter likes groups like...Boys like Girls, Aiden, ya know punk rock groups...I have spent many a nights at these concerts.....(so she doesnt get hurt)
The problem with the last 10-15 years or so is that no one have any respect for music any more.
The artists don't put enough work into it, the consumers aren't picky enough, the DJ's don't give a crap. No one cares about music, and we're flooded with too much music.
When I grew up in the 90's, even the dance music was well put together because you had to have a real studio to make music (which costed a shit load of money) - now days people make #1 records on a laptop, which in a way is a great thing because it opens up doors for people with no money.
But in the end of the day it's like, we're brain washed but what MTV and the radio channels are playing and people are dumb enough to buy those records.
It's an evil cycle where people buy and support crap music, and the labels force us to buy that crap by not putting out quality music.

Today everyone can have a label, everyone can make music, everyone can be a rapper, everyone can be a DJ. It's would be a great thing is people would take it more seriously.
i say the same thing everyday...i'm 23 and i've always been a more old soul than my friends. i listen to crazy rap or goofy songs like stanky leg while driving because I hate driving and it cracks me up and something to bob to, but holy hell does the music of today suck.

I wish so bad that I was born the year my mom was (1960). Get the J5 and motown, fun teens in the 70s, then GLORIOUS 20s in the 80s...i would have given anything to have my whole 20s in the 80s and she barely paid attention. She wasn't into anything, I'm like were you asleep your whole life? jesus.

Great concerts, cool crazy ass makeup and clothes and hair, great movies that we now just REMAKE, michael mania, just awesomely fun times. ugh, nothing like that now..only thing i like about now is the technology (cell phones, laptops, etc) but i'd still kick it to the curb if i could have had my 20s in the 80s.
This is very true....there is alot more pressure on you guys now a days then there was on my generation when we went to high school....fortunately my daughter is a good student...BUT....I do still nag her too....they have created this new thing for graduation called portfolio...and it is just a pain but it is a requirement and it must be done in grades 9-12 in order to graduate. I dont know if you are familiar with this??? This is true about the school dances not being fun.....:(...sorrry)
EDIT....actually my daughter likes groups like...Boys like Girls, Aiden, ya know punk rock groups...I have spent many a nights at these concerts.....(so she doesnt get hurt)

Hmm, I'm not sure exactly what portfolio is but I know for our writings that we do for English class and such we have to keep them IN a portofolio binder because some colleges ask to see them. Otherwise, I don't think it's the same thing. haha. Whatever it is, it doesn't sound fun. I'm a good student too, so it's a lot more pressure than you think. It feels like I have no life. :p

Boy Like Girls is pretty alright. Some of their songs are good, I don't much of them though. They don't really play punk rock stuff at dances. Not sure why but sometimes I'd rather have that over the p.o.s. music they play now.

The problem with the last 10-15 years or so is that no one have any respect for music any more.
The artists don't put enough work into it, the consumers aren't picky enough, the DJ's don't give a crap. No one cares about music, and we're flooded with too much music.
When I grew up in the 90's, even the dance music was well put together because you had to have a real studio to make music (which costed a shit load of money) - now days people make #1 records on a laptop, which in a way is a great thing because it opens up doors for people with no money.
But in the end of the day it's like, we're brain washed but what MTV and the radio channels are playing and people are dumb enough to buy those records.
It's an evil cycle where people buy and support crap music, and the labels force us to buy that crap by not putting out quality music.

Today everyone can have a label, everyone can make music, everyone can be a rapper, everyone can be a DJ. It's would be a great thing is people would take it more seriously.

My thoughts exactly! Today anybody can make 'music', anybody can have a hit song, and nobody puts their heart and soul into it anymore. It's meaningless junk targetted towards (some) idiots in my generation who easily get brainwashed and sucked into it. They put anything out there just to make a few bucks off of it. I mean really, there are "music artists" getting discovered instantly through youtube and myspace. Plus, all of the music sounds the same. Last night, I really couldn't tell when they changed to a different song. And a lot of the songs today sound like a remake of songs from 20 years ago (that "you spin my head right round" song or whatever, totally butchered the original song). They're all the same. I wish music would be taken more seriously again. It's a form of art. How disturbing would it be if you saw a painting representing Lil Wayne's song "Lollipop" (heard that song last night...I was greatly disturbed. lol). I certainly don't want to listen to that...
Ah man, close your eyes for a second... imagine that it's 1969, you're sitting in your car... your turning on the radio and you're hearing I Want You Back & ABC for the first time. That is what they played on the radio.
I love to escape into worlds like that while listening to those songs or Big Boy, I'll Be There, Never Can Say Goodbye e.t.c... just closing my eyes and trick myself that I'm in another place.
Oh hell yeah, I totally wish I was born a lil' earlier! I'm 19 now, can still say I was an '80s kid so I experienced only a bit of the last puffs of those good times.
I feel being an 'old soul' since I was little...I love the music, love the style, just the whole time is awesome!
I think this generation is losing it's originality....it's so sad!:doh:
Though when you search you'll find enough people who feel the same way as we do, but the average person just goes with the flow and the hypes and that's it. That type of behaviour is what I'm so irritated about...I feel so different from people of the same age.
Especially now that Mike died I feel like that whole generation of those times is kind of closed or gone.
IOh, how I wish I was a teenager in the 80's. I can just imagine how awesome the high dances would have been. I'm so jealous of you 80's teens.

Hi Courtney,
I'm sorry for what you went through at your dance. I was also a teen in the 80s like other posters here in this thread. I will say that I loved our high school dances. They were great, and yes they played a lot of MJ and other people who were very popular and maybe still are depending on the singer.
What about the truly talented music artist that can't be discovered or signed because they didn't match the Image that the corporate record companies wanted? I feel so sorry for them because some have to struggle to be heard. Maybe if the music business these days were worried about quality and not Image I think I would respect music these days more. That's also the reason of why I don't listen to radio these days, they just play the same stuff over and over again.

And BTW, I hate the stanky-leg dance (with the fire of a thousand suns) and any dance fad these days. It's just plain stupid and uncreative, I mean seriously.
My thoughts exactly! Today anybody can make 'music', anybody can have a hit song, and nobody puts their heart and soul into it anymore. It's meaningless junk targetted towards (some) idiots in my generation who easily get brainwashed and sucked into it. They put anything out there just to make a few bucks off of it. I mean really, there are "music artists" getting discovered instantly through youtube and myspace. Plus, all of the music sounds the same. Last night, I really couldn't tell when they changed to a different song. And a lot of the songs today sound like a remake of songs from 20 years ago (that "you spin my head right round" song or whatever, totally butchered the original song). They're all the same. I wish music would be taken more seriously again. It's a form of art. How disturbing would it be if you saw a painting representing Lil Wayne's song "Lollipop" (heard that song last night...I was greatly disturbed. lol). I certainly don't want to listen to that...

Exactly! And I don't know when or even if this "junk hysteria" will stop, because soon people can make music on their iphones, and then they will probably develop a tool which makes the music create itself.

It's like, Mary J Blige said in an interview, that she wished that people would still make records like "Rock With You"... but how can that be when they don't fill a studio with musicians any more?!
It's only on rare occasion where you hear well orchestrated records... it happens almost only in movie scores.
That's why I love Shakira's latest single "She Wolf" because it has that work ethic to it. It might not be the illest record right now, but you can hear that the producers really cared when they did put it together.

Man, rap music in the late 80's and early/mid 90's were absolutely awesome. They sampled soul records and built untop of that. Now days they don't do that because it cost too much money in lost royalites to sample music.
So what do they do? The let some 14 year old pimpled up kid make a drum beat to rap over.

It's pity, I'm glad that they can't take all the old records from us
*goes away and listens to Jackson 5 - Big Boy*
I think this generation is losing it's originality....it's so sad!:doh:
Though when you search you'll find enough people who feel the same way as we do, but the average person just goes with the flow and the hypes and that's it. That type of behaviour is what I'm so irritated about...I feel so different from people of the same age.
Especially now that Mike died I feel like that whole generation of those times is kind of closed or gone.

I feel the same way! I feel that people just look at it as "old" music or their "parents" music. I mean really, when a song from 2006 is on the radio, my friends will be like, "Ew, this song is so old!" Meanwhile, I listen to music that is well over 20 years old. If they think 3 years is old, they must think 20 is ancient.

What about the truly talented music artist that can't be discovered or signed because they didn't match the Image that the corporate record companies wanted? I feel so sorry for them because some have to struggle to be heard. Maybe if the music business these days were worried about quality and not Image I think I would respect music these days more. That's also the reason of why I don't listen to radio these days, they just play the same stuff over and over again.

And BTW, I hate the stanky-leg dance (with the fire of a thousand suns) and any dance fad these days. It's just plain stupid and uncreative, I mean seriously.

I agree. It's all about the looks, no talent required. That's how it is now and it's sad. Also, I can't stand that auto-tune crap or whatever it's called. It's what Akon uses on his voice. I can't stand that. It's very annoying and is being used for a lot of songs now. Can't we have some real singers?

Oh yeah, and there's also something called "Jerk" I think? My friend constantly talks about. She always says, "I want to learn how to jerk soooo bad!" I'm like wtf? She told me it's a new dance to a song. I don't really want to know anymore than that. haha. Next time she says it I'll say, "How about I teach you Thriller instead?" :p

Hi Courtney,
I'm sorry for what you went through at your dance. I was also a teen in the 80s like other posters here in this thread. I will say that I loved our high school dances. They were great, and yes they played a lot of MJ and other people who were very popular and maybe still are depending on the singer.

That's sounds awesome. I always wanted to go to those "80's" dances. I know a few schools that have had them in the past and I wish I would have went. They would be a blast.
I feel the same way! I feel that people just look at it as "old" music or their "parents" music. I mean really, when a song from 2006 is on the radio, my friends will be like, "Ew, this song is so old!" Meanwhile, I listen to music that is well over 20 years old. If they think 3 years is old, they must think 20 is ancient.

I cannot stand that either, there are even some songs from early 2008 that some of the same people will dismiss as old.
I feel the same way! I feel that people just look at it as "old" music or their "parents" music. I mean really, when a song from 2006 is on the radio, my friends will be like, "Ew, this song is so old!" Meanwhile, I listen to music that is well over 20 years old. If they think 3 years is old, they must think 20 is ancient.

Yeah indeed...it sometimes makes me feel so lonely, but on the other hand....they're missing out BIG TIME! And we can be proud of ourselves that we judge music by the quality, the love, the message and the feeling...not by it's popularity or stupid hypes.
Gotta keep that in mind.;D
Yea... I feel you on that.

I use to not care much about music BUT now that I do, OMG!!! I've noticed how crappy the radio stations are. I can't help but be very negative when I listen to it. XD My brother gets mad at me cause I keep making sarcastic comments in the car while his driving. For instance:That song 'Best I ever had" Are you kidding me?? I wanted to smash the person's face for repeating that line so many EFFIN times! It's like, I get it.... And the autotune... I DESPISE IT! It's like if you can't sing and has no other talent, then dont even bother becoming a singer. By the way, I HATE LIL WAYNE so much! How the hell did he become so popular? He just murmurs his way through a song...and I hate his voice... GRR!!

Okay, that's enough venting for today...My diary is full of it already.. :p

I feel like an old soul really. I was born in the wrong time period, definitely.....
I'm kind of embarrassed to say I don't know any of the songs of the "popular bands" or "popular artists" today. I love 80s and Early 90s music the most. Lots of hits! Some 70s music is okay, but I'm picky!

I can remember a time where there was actually MUSIC (good music) on MTV *Sigh*

I was born in '83
I got sick of the music at my prom. They only played TWO old songs...Pour Some Sugar on Me and You Shook Me All Night Long (but ruined that one with a hip-hop beat in it and the guitar solo was taken out). I was the only one who knew EVERY SINGLE word to those songs! It was disappointing for me.
I can see the anger lol I've had countless arguments with people my own age about how awful today's Music is and society as awhole, and as a result i never get along well with people my age (I'm 20) and were always arguing most of my offline friends are in there 30s and 40s! lol weird i know but i have more in common with them and are more mature too
I absolutelly agree. I am not on the same boat with everyone else (meaning: my generation). I so wish I could have been born in the 60's or early 70's! I don't fit the nowadays world at all.
i was born in 1964 just a few years younger than MJ, so i grew up with him really. by the time i was into music he was there for me. by the time i was into fashion .......... well gotta say 70S fashion was the pits lol. but we loved it at the time, so colourful.
teenage years arnt easy no matter what decade you was born but the one thing that always stays with you is the music, i feel you can and always will identify with your own era. i do like alot of todays music but it has to be music not just a bloody noise.
i recently went out with some friends, most of them alot younger than me (they feel sorry for this old bird i think).... i asked the dj to play some mj and he typically played BJ, BI.... but i wanted YOU ROCK MY WORLD... SIM RE-MIX.. but no... he didn't have them.. i love all MJ music but i just wish his newer stuff got played more.
all you young uns... i just love you all . xxx
I got sick of the music at my prom. They only played TWO old songs...Pour Some Sugar on Me and You Shook Me All Night Long (but ruined that one with a hip-hop beat in it and the guitar solo was taken out). I was the only one who knew EVERY SINGLE word to those songs! It was disappointing for me.

oh my god 'pour some sugar on me' is FANTASTIC! lol always makes me laugh. what a classic tune!! hehe
i also agree with the 80's thing, both me and my boyfriend wish we were this age in the 80's. we're both 24 and love all the 80's fashion and music, luckily it has all come back again!! for a while at least.