Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.[WRONG INFORMATION]


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi guys. I got a new email from him. He said that he was wrong by a mistake. There wont be a hologram. Just a video on the screen displaying Michael(maybe). Thats all. He got it all wrong. What a douche. Im so dissapointed.

im sorry...
Thank you again. :(
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Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

Wow..., have you got any link to see this MTV awards live?, I mean some stream link...
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

maybe it's gonna be the real mike :)
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

Why do I get the feeling I'm going to be an emotional wreck watching this?
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

Seriously? Beside Janet?

I don't know if I believe this or not. I mean, is Janet ready to do something like this?
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

I'm so nervous thinking about it already...
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

I dont know either. But he said so. Why a friend had to lie to me?
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

Hmm this is interesting. I will take it with a grain of salt until I hear something more official.
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

Are you sure he doesn't lie :OOOOOOO
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

OMG I'm still in tears over the promo, I'm gonna cry rivers at this.. :boohoo:
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

I dont know. I do know that hes working at the VMA team right now. I dont want to say his name. For privacy.
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

maybe they should wait a few months and do something like this special at the Grammys as a tribute to michael. you know a serious awards show.

vma and hologram...ehh a little freaky.
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

It will be so hard to watch if they do use a hologram :-(
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

i dont think janet would allow that.
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

MTV and everyone else using Michael now to make money are disgusting
they didn't give a shit about him when he was alive and showed no support whatsoever...what's the point now??
oh right to "Keep his legacy alive" i.e. "Fill our pockets with money"
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

If true I'm excited but that is going to be so upsetting :cry:

especially knowing that Michael SHOULD be ip on a stage right now aswell:boohoo:
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

MTV and everyone else using Michael now to make money are disgusting
they didn't give a shit about him when he was alive and showed no support whatsoever...what's the point now??
oh right to "Keep his legacy alive" i.e. "Fill our pockets with money"

It's better than them not doing anything at all. Either way, it's obvious that some MJ fans will have been annoyed if they hadn't changed their whole evening into a MJ tribute, don't you think?
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

MTV and everyone else using Michael now to make money are disgusting
they didn't give a shit about him when he was alive and showed no support whatsoever...what's the point now??
oh right to "Keep his legacy alive" i.e. "Fill our pockets with money"

You complain about people making money off Michael tributes but you'd the first complaining if there were no tributes. These things cost money that you are not willing to put up. I am so annoyed with some of you wanna be fans. Just enjoy and stop judging and comparing.
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

MTV made Michael into a hologram. This is how bad everybody misses him.
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

Would be great in years to come maybe, if they could bring the TII tour around the world with MJ there as Hologram like the Elivs Live Tour. I seen bits of that and looks really great. Don't feel we'd be able for something like that with MJ yet though.
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

I agree with the poster above. Some fans need to stop carrying on about people "taking advantage" of Michael's death and profiting from it. Would you rather nobody talk about him and for every major event to ignore him? No obviously not. They are not taking advantage of Michael at all, they are paying tribute to him. When somebody dies, the people who love that person usually find it comforting to do something in tribute of that person. It's no different with Michael, only he had millions of fans all around the world so you have to expect lots of people will want to take part. It's not some scheme to make cash off his name, it's a win-win situation for every party.
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

I would have been disgusted with MTV and other music Award shows had they not paid tribute to MJ. All artists at these are mainly fans too and MJ inspired them in their craft and would have wanted to do something.

I bet if these shows had no tributes, we'd have people complaining why we have no tributes.
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

I don't know how to feel about this if it was true
I mean its gonna be so hard seeing him right there but at the same time its cool
is that weird ?
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

Thanks for sharing! i am going to be a mess watching this :cry:
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

It should be pointed out that there is no known technology (to my knowledge, at least) that could project Michael as a live hologram on stage for the audience and presumably Janet to see. The scenario would most likely be a sort of televised "hologram", where Michael is inserted into the tv picture.
Anyway, I have my doubts about this, and about Janets involvement in something that would potentially be too heartbreaking for her to take part in at this point.
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

um this was the hologram mj was producing for the shows......

janet wouldn't exploit that if this is true.

and this will be something that mj intended for us to see, i reckon
Re: Michael Jackson Hologram to be used @ VMA.

if this happens it would be amazing_ very hard for janet if they make it that she is standing infront of her deceased brother that would be soo hard to take!

I agree it is soo touching that people are remembering michael and doing things for him such as all these meets and stuff its great to see things about and hear his music more just sad he isnt here to see all of this tho