Madonnas new video

^^^^You must have never heard Millie Jackson, who's way older than Madonna. Madonna is like Debbie Gibson compared to Millie, lol.
hahah i havent heard of her

humping the wall and floor like that.. come on, i love 'age is just a number' but ya know.. theres a time when humping the air stops haha
It is boring and very typical.She is just dancing around,thinking she's hot.She looks great for 51,but still,that does not make her sexy...I mean,c'mon...there's a time and a place.
I like the Balmain dress she's wearing.
The song isn't too bad either.
Great song,but I don't like the video
Lourdes did great move in the video
This is the remix version of the video. There original version will be released sometime soon which features Madonna dancing with a troupe of backup dancers. I can't wait because I much prefer the album version over the remixes.

P.S. The "Celebration" video is available for download free at iTunes today and tomorrow only.
Here's a still from the video for Celebration in which we haven't seen (her daughter Lourdes dressed up like Mama). Striking!

I thought it was pretty tame in comparison to her earlier videos. Her outfit was tasteful and not very revealing. Some people seem to think once you reach fifty you have sit in a rocking chair and start knitting sweaters!
A Nice little Madonna review from Rollingstone. I especially like the bold part.

Bootleg: Madonna, August 11th, 2009. Parken Stadium, Copenhagen

On one hand, bootleg recordings of Madonna shows- like this audience tape from the final leg of her 2008-2009 Sticky and Sweet Tour- seem incomplete without the elaborate stage and dancers. But without the spectacle to distract you, you can focus on what amounts to a great remix collection of Madonna hits. The original music to "Dress You Up" has been replaced by a brilliant mash-up of "God Save The Queen" and "My Sharona"; "Like a Prayer" becomes a rave-ready monster jam; and "La Isla Bonita" has been reimagined as a Gogol Bordello gypsy-punk number. The best part is "You Must Love Me" from Evita: It's little more than Madonna, some acoustic guitars and a fiddle. She should drop the props more often.

-Andy Greene

Madonna does have real talent outside the spectacle and I for one love moments like these where she shows it.
Has madonna gained some weight? She looks great! I want that haircut! :lol:

And was that Lourdes too at the end doing the rolling thing?
I saw this the other day......................I'm not feeling it
The track itself sounds dated.