Photos taken by you - the fans


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
I went to the courthouse back in 05 - travelled there all the way from Australia to see him. I remember just snapping photos but unfortunately only 1 actually caught MJ. It's not a great shot but I love it because it always reminds me of the one time I saw him in the flesh.


I would love to see some shots from fans who have managed to capture a photo of MJ.
great idea! unfortunately i have nothing to contribute, but I am looking forward to seeing everyone elses :)
um...i haven't seen Michael before ,so i can't take any photos from him, but i'm so glad that you can and i would to see the photos who taken by other fans^^
Wish I had one to share with you.. :(

But I love to see yours! Keep posting :D
Are you kidding.. I can see him, so therefore its good :p! You can always zoom in. Treasure that photo, know that its yours and not just one that you 'right clicked and saved as..' :D and of course treasure it because it reminds you of being there for Michael when he needed you, and you got closer to Michael than probably a lot of people on this forum have ever been. Lucky you x

I went to the courthouse back in 05 - travelled there all the way from Australia to see him. I remember just snapping photos but unfortunately only 1 actually caught MJ. It's not a great shot but I love it because it always reminds me of the one time I saw him in the flesh.


I would love to see some shots from fans who have managed to capture a photo of MJ.
Thanks guys for the photo's Michael was always so handsome and sweet..:)...I look forward to seeing more..
Are you kidding.. I can see him, so therefore its good :p! You can always zoom in. Treasure that photo, know that its yours and not just one that you 'right clicked and saved as..' :D and of course treasure it because it reminds you of being there for Michael when he needed you, and you got closer to Michael than probably a lot of people on this forum have ever been. Lucky you x

Thanks - I definitely treasure it. I still remember that day so clearly...he came out smiling and joking with Joe. It's the day that his hair was blowing all over the place. He did a wave to us (at this point in the trial, there were the least fans out there - maybe only 10 of us). But he was in a happy mood that day and it was good to see.

I also got a few photos at Neverland, but MJ's SUV seriously speed and beat us back so I only managed to snap the guard at the gate and some fans.

This is of his SUV's leaving for Neverland.


This one is when I arrived at Neverland - MJ was already inside. Fans said he waved to them as he was going through the gates.


I thought Neverland was absolutely stunning.
Allright then, heres one more for you :)


Posting these pics again is Sad for me because that was the 1st time i had ever seen Michael in person :(

I know it must be hard for all of you who saw him in person to tell us about him or to post pics of him and I want you to know that I really appreciate it A LOT, you are all giving those who never met/saw him a priceless opportunity.
I love your pics bc they are look more....real, closer to him.
This one is SO beautiful, thank you so much again for sharing. :wub:

Thank you ALL.
Thanks - I definitely treasure it. I still remember that day so clearly...he came out smiling and joking with Joe. It's the day that his hair was blowing all over the place. He did a wave to us (at this point in the trial, there were the least fans out there - maybe only 10 of us). But he was in a happy mood that day and it was good to see.

I also got a few photos at Neverland, but MJ's SUV seriously speed and beat us back so I only managed to snap the guard at the gate and some fans.

This is of his SUV's leaving for Neverland.


This one is when I arrived at Neverland - MJ was already inside. Fans said he waved to them as he was going through the gates.


I thought Neverland was absolutely stunning.

Aww..Thanks for sharin. This will forever be a sweet memory for you :) Yea, I believe Neverland is a beautiful place was created by a beautiful person :wub:
i took this in Budapest on 23rd July 1996 the very first time i saw him in flesh. After that i never took photo of him, i rather enjoyed the moment seeing him
but i am happy to have at least this photo taken of him

can't get enough of them .but i havent nothing to contribute,looking forward to see more from you lucky guys~
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Fantastic photos guys! Wish I had a photo or something from when I met him back in 96 :( My best friend has the teddy bear that he gave her sister. She takes it everywhere :)