Who are the fans who claim to see Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Calling on all MJ "followers". The final months.. Your recollections.

I see many fans (myself included) are dying for an accurate account of the final months from the fans who saw our beloved Michael. It doesn't neccesarily have to be about his health only but the little things, e.g I heard a story about how he was reluctant to sign a fan's hand because she was intending to have it tatood. These type of stories somewhat bring closure for us. Be honest and tell us what you saw, whether good or bad. What would he say, what would he do, how was he with his guards, how often would he go to rehearsals, who was in the room when he said he was duped into 50 shows, how did he react to the song requests, how did he react to your reaction to the curls, ANYTHING PLEASE. Justin Carl, Maryka, sam, Cris, Faze, I'm talking to you. Please..
Does any one know these people?

Lets keep this thread on TOPIC for our investigation

I have some questions that we need to ask them being they came forward with
information and stated they saw and talked to Michael days or weeks before his death ..

If you have info about these (Fans) names etc etc _ that can be verified
what they heard and saw (DETAILS) please post it here _ and any link to their story ..
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I Just found someone Cris123
who posts here on this board and stated they spoke to MJ ..
Im very interested in what they have to say .. Im going to
invite them into this thread to answer some questions to help us.

Can I respectfully ask you, were you there? Did you see Michael in the last month?
I was, I saw him. End of story. It just baffles me how people don't trust the fans who were by Michael's side

Thank you Cris123
I think its very reasonable that fans would question any info after all No one knows who you are ?
Im very interested in what you have to say ??? :) - so we can find the truth ..
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There is a girl called Marika I think, who was around Michael before his death - she was talking in the 'email I got 4 days before Michael passed..' thread. There was quite a lot of information in that thread about Michael's condition before his death.
I think this is private to those fans they prob dont want to reveal everything!

Im not asking for anything private
Just from the ones who came forward with information . Im not talking about people who havent
seen Michael or have not told fans what happened _ they came forward to make statements to tell
the fans what they saw and what happened.

why wouldnt they want to verify what they say is true ?
let them say what they want

If what they say is true they will have no problem..
I believe they want the facts to be known to help Michael ..
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Well to be fair to the very fans that you're asking to come forward - when they came forward before and immediately after Michael's death, they were labeled as "liars" and no one would believe their accounts. Why should they come forward now when they were not believed when Michael was alive and then immediately after his death?

I say do a search on the forum to find their stories. Their accounts are all over the board.
are u doing death investigation?
This whole forum is the investigation Unit
every thread in here is investigation _

Im just trying to verify some facts becuase everything is spread out all over
and some fans just state hearsay .. The fans testimony is very important and
we need to verify the facts .. if we are going to use their testimony to make
clams about MJ _ we need facts ..
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There is a girl called Marika I think, who was around Michael before his death - she was talking in the 'email I got 4 days before Michael passed..' thread. There was quite a lot of information in that thread about Michael's condition before his death.

Thank you _ Thats a good start ..
we have Marika
does anyone know her _ have they met her? Can we verify she is
a real person and what she says is true ? does anyone have her email
or a link to a post here that shows it ???
lots of people have put their names forward on Karens facebook wall.. if you have facebook.. a few came forward a few days ago.. Karen seemed to know who they were so i dont see how they can be lying

i know members off this forum got "that" email (about MJs health) BEFORE MJ died. they too came forward in other threads. i remember they were posters for years and had loads of posts
Well to be fair to the very fans that you're asking to come forward - when they came forward before and immediately after Michael's death, they were labeled as "liars" and no one would believe their accounts. Why should they come forward now when they were not believed when Michael was alive and then immediately after his death?

I say do a search on the forum to find their stories. Their accounts are all over the board.

Thank you trish for the advice
I do know they are all over but
we need them in one place to make it easier
we have hundreds of threads _ so its hard to find
all the individual statments _ thats why I ask others
to post links or info in this thread to help.
Re: Calling on all MJ "followers". The final months.. Your recollections.

I see many fans (myself included) are dying for an accurate account of the final months from the fans who saw our beloved Michael. It doesn't neccesarily have to be about his health only but the little things, e.g I heard a story about how he was reluctant to sign a fan's hand because she was intending to have it tatood. These type of stories somewhat bring closure for us. Be honest and tell us what you saw, whether good or bad. What would he say, what would he do, how was he with his guards, how often would he go to rehearsals, who was in the room when he said he was duped into 50 shows, how did he react to the song requests, how did he react to your reaction to the curls, ANYTHING PLEASE. Justin Carl, Maryka, sam, Cris, Faze, I'm talking to you. Please..

I would also like a time line, of these encounters with Michael. I'm am trying to determine did this behavior start when the tour came about or if it had been going on way before the tour.
Thank you _ Thats a good start ..
we have Marika
does anyone know her _ have they met her? Can we verify she is
a real person and what she says is true ? does anyone have her email
or a link to a post here that shows it ???
i have not met her, but she is a real person yes and true.lol but i dunno..would they be happy to see such question about them here?
My thing is that not every fan could get so close to Michael, that does not mean we love him any less. WE just want to no what happened. I trust the fans, but I still need more information. I have my own theory of how Michael died and the accounts by the fans are very important to me. I need to piece all this together. I can not depend on the media, so I must look to the people who was around him and had his best interest at heart (the fans). I don't feel like a fan should have a reason to lie about what they saw or heard (they have nothing to gain). I am at a disadvantage, I was not able to even get a glimpse of Michael so I have know clue what his demeanor was like or the timeline. So I am trusting in the fans that were blessed enough to be around him to disclose accurate information so the rest of us can put the pieces together. I am reaching out to someone anyone to help me piece all this nonsense together.

I have looked at the footage of Michael during his last days, nothing stood out as unusual to me. If I am looking at the wrong footage please direct me in the right direction so I can form my opinion.

Thank you

I Love you Michael. You inspire me. You have changed my life. I thank you for this.
Michael has always said that he didn't like to tour, so he was probably tired and struggling a bit, but that doesn't mean he didn't want to do the shows imo, none would force such a big entertainer to do so. I don't know what he told the fans, but I have a feeling they are exaggerating. Everyone goes through stress in their lives. I believe propofol killed Michael, and nothing else.
Well Marika has an account here. Why don't you search members and check posts. You will find. Then you can write pm or email asking whether she wants to talk to you.
There are many insiders here and on facebook. If you want to find them add Karen as a friend.
Well Marika has an account here. Why don't you search members and check posts. You will find. Then you can write pm or email asking whether she wants to talk to you.
There are many insiders here and on facebook. If you want to find them add Karen as a friend.
Thank you :)
yes I had already read that story from Cris :)
it was very beautiful and she stated Michael was
very happy and in good spirits _ unlike some of the horror
i have heard _ I was very touched by what she said ..

Agreed, beautiful story. But wasn't Michael supposed to be unhappy during this time, according to some people? I don't understand.
well there are fans and there are insiders. There's a difference. Michael might've opened his heart to people that he knew through the years. I read many things from heart broken insiders who tried to reach out for Michael begging to take care of himself. They were scared he will die.
Then again i will not post their words or quote their names. If someone wants to find them Karen's facebook is the best.
Such things must be done in private not a questionaire given to fill.
Fans are not obliged to answer any questions, unless police is questioning.
Otherwise you can only try to become their friends.
Some insiders talk to you and add you as a friend, some shy away. It's their choice.
Michael has always said that he didn't like to tour, so he was probably tired and struggling a bit, but that doesn't mean he didn't want to do the shows imo, none would force such a big entertainer to do so. I don't know what he told the fans, but I have a feeling they are exaggerating. Everyone goes through stress in their lives. I believe propofol killed Michael, and nothing else.

Yeah and he did say he feel like he would be dead if he did a tour anyway but Michael was willing to do anything for his fans so I just couldn't see him suddenly wanted to cancel the concert. Again if he didn't wanna do it, he didn't have to sign but he did. We'll never know.
yes I had already read that story from Cris :)
it was very beautiful and she stated Michael was
very happy and in good spirits _ unlike some of the horror
i have heard _ I was very touched by what she said ..

Me too. I forgot about all the tabloids, TMZ, and all that b.s. when I read that. Like I said the day he died, I know he's in a better place. :)
Michael has always said that he didn't like to tour, so he was probably tired and struggling a bit, but that doesn't mean he didn't want to do the shows imo, none would force such a big entertainer to do so. I don't know what he told the fans, but I have a feeling they are exaggerating. Everyone goes through stress in their lives. I believe propofol killed Michael, and nothing else.

but.. if you accept that MJ was taking propofol to sleep.. doesnt that suggest to you that theres a huge problem??

if you choose to ignore the fans emails to Karen fearing for MJs life on June 21st, and you choose not to believe what Karen has said on facebook abotu MJs health and mental state... then just think for a second purely about propofol
*if someone is relying on propofol to sleep.. they are not actually getting the rest their body needs cos it doesnt let your body "sleep" it is putting you unconcious
* you arent meant to eat 6 hours before anaesthetic
* anaethetic is a massive assault on the system and repeated use of it is very serious for your health
* i realise murray may have said "hey its fine to use this drug" but mJ will have had doctors telling him its INSANE!... thats why MJ must have insisted on Murray.. he knew 99% of UK doctors that AEG were suggesting were NEVER going to be so dumb

I'm sorry.. but the sheer lunacy of someone having propofol in their home to sleep.. via an IV drip.. does that not make you think.. hold on somethings not right?? i'm sorry but if MJ was planning on using this through the tour there is no doubt in my mind he would have died at some point.. no human body could take that
There was no mention of Propofol in the e-mails, the e-mails made it seem as if MJ was thin as f**k and stuff and that they felt he was underweight and "looked ill". It didn't mention nothing about IV drips or anything like that. :ph34r:

***Humming "Twilight Zone"****
WHY WAS THE TITLE OF MY THREAD CHANGED?? What was wrong with it? The current one makes it seem like I'm second guessing these fans! @ Qbee, with respect, I don't subscribe to the AEG murder theory so don't treat this thread as such.
Well Marika has an account here. Why don't you search members and check posts. You will find. Then you can write pm or email asking whether she wants to talk to you.
There are many insiders here and on facebook. If you want to find them add Karen as a friend.

I see them on Karen's page but they dont accept my friend requests.
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but.. if you accept that MJ was taking propofol to sleep.. doesnt that suggest to you that theres a huge problem??

if you choose to ignore the fans emails to Karen fearing for MJs life on June 21st, and you choose not to believe what Karen has said on facebook abotu MJs health and mental state... then just think for a second purely about propofol
*if someone is relying on propofol to sleep.. they are not actually getting the rest their body needs cos it doesnt let your body "sleep" it is putting you unconcious
* you arent meant to eat 6 hours before anaesthetic
* anaethetic is a massive assault on the system and repeated use of it is very serious for your health
* i realise murray may have said "hey its fine to use this drug" but mJ will have had doctors telling him its INSANE!... thats why MJ must have insisted on Murray.. he knew 99% of UK doctors that AEG were suggesting were NEVER going to be so dumb

I'm sorry.. but the sheer lunacy of someone having propofol in their home to sleep.. via an IV drip.. does that not make you think.. hold on somethings not right?? i'm sorry but if MJ was planning on using this through the tour there is no doubt in my mind he would have died at some point.. no human body could take that
Well I don't know the state of mind he was in, I'm just saying that eventhough he was in stress, why would he tell fans all this? Im not saying fans are lying, it's just hard at this moment who to believe, since many people are saying contadictory things. First I hear people say oh he wanted to do this many tours, and than others who say he wanted out.
^^ Why would he tell his fans anything? I'm not sure if I believe the accounts. True they may not be lying but there's a 50% chance they could be just making up a story. Because according to one fan, all he said was "I love you" and the fan telling MJ she loved him, then other people saying he was ill, not well, too thin and saying he didn't wanna do the shows and felt AEG and Kenny were "forcing him", huh? You mean to tell me that he was excited to do the shows and then say he was forced into it? Weird.