Michael's Speech at Oxford in 2001 This is a MUST READ! Truly Amazing Speech by Michael!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello everyone! I am new here so if this is posted somewhere on here already I am sorry. I just found this on You Tube myself and listened to all four parts and was just truly amazed. For one-Michael who hates to speak in public really actually gives a lecture for almost an hour! It is on Children and the disconnect between kids and their parents today. He even goes in to why he has forgiven his own father for the way he treated him as a child. The whole speech is amazing, inspiring and moving. I did not think I could love Michael anymore than I did, then I listened to this speech. It literally made me cry, and I am no softy either. So I just wanted to post it on here so you can all listen and enjoy it as Michael fans too. I am posting the link to all four parts-

(Part One)


(Part Two)


(Part Three)


(Part Four)


Enjoy Everyone!

it is a wonderful speech. it kills me when he starts crying when he talks about how joe never told them they did a great job.
I like what Michael was trying to teach us
here and how he wanted to create a program to teach children and parents how to come closer to each other and reconsile any hurt or differences _ The family condition was very importants to Michael. He belived it was the key to saving many children from a lost childhood and that through them our world could really be a better place ..
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Aw...he cried..
His speech is beautifully written!
I'm touched. It's so sad that there are so many wounds in this world.

Thanks for the videos! I just read the Joe's part of the transcript years ago and I'm so happy I can hear the whole speech.
I love this speech of Michael's, he was doing so much good stuff,trying to get a bill for childrens rights passed and talking about love peace and forgiveness etc.
I was actually reading this last night..I have printed out and bound up into a little book because I love it. It is one of the most beatufuil speeches. Brings tears to my eyes.
thank you for the link!! i have read it somewhere, and i am really grad to be able to hear it now!! :)
its posted quite a few times. plus the transcript. also go on allmichaeljackson.com its there
thank you, one of my favourite speeches!
i hope one day we get to see a video of it too:)
i have tears, his speech is beautiful, this is the first time ive heard it. I too hope this was recorded.

How could anyone think he could hurt a child?
You are all so welcome for posting this. It was my pleasure to do so. And even more so to find it in the first place and listen to it. It is so inspirational. Michael was not only so talented, loving and generous, but he was extremely intelligent too. It all shows in this speech. That all came from his heart too.

I agree with the person who said how could a man who wrote this speech ever hurt a child? How could anyone really think that at all about him.

This speech made me miss him even more. It made me respect him even more. It made me love him even more. I did not think that was possible. I have never actually hurt or mourned over anyone famous that has passed away suddenly. Ever. Alice in Chains is my Favorite Band (along with The Police-my taste in music is all over the place as you can see LOL) and the lead singer Layne Staley died in 2002. I was so sad about it, but it didn't actually hurt like I knew him. I am not like that at all. But with Michael I am. Maybe because I have liked him since I was 8 years old and never stopped. Maybe because his music was the Soundtrack of my Youth. Maybe because he was my first memories of seeing Videos on MTV. Maybe because he was what got me into music at all in the first place. And I do love music too. Music is a HUGE part of my life too. I would be lost without it a lot of times. Music-Michael's, The Police, Alice in Chains, Sting and many others-has helped me get through many tough times. And Michael's music opened up that door to me. He really did. Now he is gone. So maybe that is why....

So I look forward to getting to know a lot of you on here too. It is nice to talk to people who feel the same way about Michael that I do too. To be honest on a good note, most people I know love Michael, never thought he did any of those things and are sad he is gone too. But of course as I am sure is the same with many of you, I have friends who feel otherwise. To them I just say-See the Media got ya. They got ya to buy into what they wanted you to see. To them you are sheep being led to the slaughter. You will believe anything they tell you to get you to buy into it. It's sad. I am glad that I am not that way. I am in no way naive either. But I know the truth when I see it and I also know when something is a lie when I see it. I have not had the easiest road either in life, so I have had to rely on that sense to get through a lot. To the degree of I would not be here today typing this to you all if I did not have that sense. So when my sense tells me that Michael did not do those things I always know to go with it. No matter how big a fan, if my sense told me that it was true about Michael with the awful allegations, then sadly I would go with it too. But as you can my sense did not tell me it was true about Michael, it tells me that he was being railroaded and did not do it. This sense I talk about is a sense that a lot of people sadly are not born with. And it they have even come up with a name for it too, maybe some of you have even heard of it. It's called "Common Sense". You know what I mean? LOL

So anyways that is a little bit about me as well here. Look forward to talking more with you all!

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This is so good and a much needed reminder that it's ok to be child-like. I'd like to figure out out to record this and listen until I fall asleep.

Can we just turn back time and do all of this all over again? Kind of start at June 23rd and whisk him away somewhere safe?
I know it's quite some time ago this thread was posted, but it is the first time I heard the speech and just wanted to share with you guys what it did to me.
I always knew that MJ was a good person and that he stood up for love.
But this speech clearens things out and shows exactly what he tried to tell the world his whole life.
What a wonderful message!
And how I feel the need right now to go and make that change, starting of course, with the woman in the mirror.
I wish everyone who ever spoke ill of Michael will hear this speech, then they will know that he wasn't the crazy ***** who hurt little boys they all take him for.
He was an intelligent, loving and caring man.
It also makes me miss him even more, if that's even possible.........
Michael, I respect and love you so much and I will try to continue your message, your work, for the rest of my life. For myself and for everyone I love.
Because again, it all about love!
My angel, rest in peace, and may we meet one day (a thing that I wish for all you guys to happen!)
God bless you.
I love this speech a lot, I love his humour, his knowledge, his love, his softness, his belief, and kindness. I love his speaking voice, and just love him SO much! Thank you for EVERYTHING Michael!!! You are truly inspiring and THE greatest.
I can't watch this now, I'm too sensitive right now. I'm having a bad bad moment, actually.

I can't even read the Murray threads because I'm just not in the right place of mind-strength. I'm infuriated and raging at how Murray is living his life normally while he has blood on his hands.

I'll watch this later when I have more strength.
Michael has inspired me in so many ways and on so many levels. But it was this speech that after reading the transcript a few years ago now, that Michael really made a remarkable difference in my life on a very personal level. I have always related to Michael because of my relationship with my own father, and without going into detail, when Michael said you have to forgive before you honestly heal and move on, from that moment I decided to repair my relationship with my father. Now we have a great relationship and talk much more. He'll even say I love you, which he never did when I was younger. I always wanted to say thank you to Michael for that because he unknowingly helped. I believe he knows now while watching over me and all of us. That thought always keeps me smiling!

I hope it's ok to post very personal thoughts and emotions like this here, I don't often post on the site, but I feel very strongly about the Oxford Speech Michael gave. It feels good to come here and share this with everyone on MJJC! :) Its very healing in itself!
I hope it's ok to post very personal thoughts and emotions like this here, I don't often post on the site, but I feel very strongly about the Oxford Speech Michael gave. It feels good to come here and share this with everyone on MJJC! :) Its very healing in itself!

That's exactly how I felt too!
Thank you for sharing! :)
There are so many great quotes in this speech. I've found myself quoting him many times on this one.
Hello everyone! I am new here so if this is posted somewhere on here already I am sorry. I just found this on You Tube myself and listened to all four parts and was just truly amazed. For one-Michael who hates to speak in public really actually gives a lecture for almost an hour! It is on Children and the disconnect between kids and their parents today. He even goes in to why he has forgiven his own father for the way he treated him as a child. The whole speech is amazing, inspiring and moving. I did not think I could love Michael anymore than I did, then I listened to this speech. It literally made me cry, and I am no softy either. So I just wanted to post it on here so you can all listen and enjoy it as Michael fans too. I am posting the link to all four parts-

(Part One)


(Part Two)


(Part Three)


(Part Four)


Enjoy Everyone!


Thanks for the links!! :D
All i can say is he was a good good person, too bad the media did all they did to him, i think many of them regret it, may he be in a better place, he was such a strong person, but he was just a human as well, he lived as much as he could, and he was passionate for everything he did, and i wish he was alive, but this world was cruel to him, the world treated him awefully bad, just too bad, and he's better now, God bless him up there, even though i miss you.
Hello everyone! I am new here so if this is posted somewhere on here already I am sorry. I just found this on You Tube myself and listened to all four parts and was just truly amazed. For one-Michael who hates to speak in public really actually gives a lecture for almost an hour! It is on Children and the disconnect between kids and their parents today. He even goes in to why he has forgiven his own father for the way he treated him as a child. The whole speech is amazing, inspiring and moving. I did not think I could love Michael anymore than I did, then I listened to this speech. It literally made me cry, and I am no softy either. So I just wanted to post it on here so you can all listen and enjoy it as Michael fans too. I am posting the link to all four parts-

(Part One)


(Part Two)


(Part Three)


(Part Four)


Enjoy Everyone!


Yes this a classic all by its self I love this man I always watch all his speeches cause he spoke for the heart and the truth so many couldn't handle this man power MJJ I love u damn this made me brake down a little when he spoke out the killings in school he even got coke up Michael was one of a kind he knows his history. I bet people who judge him feeling real soft right now corny ass's.
That's exactly how I felt too!
Thank you for sharing! :)

You're welcome charlotte2807. I'm glad that others feel the same way about this speech :) Michael will be pleased that it had an effect on people for the better. Luv u Mike xxxxxxxx