Favorite MJ Lyric??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am considering getting a line from a song tattooed somewhere on my body...but I want it to be from an MJ song...

I was just wondering what is your favorite MJ lyric??
So many it's hard to pick just one. The one that comes to my mind first is from Human Nature.

See That Girl
She Knows I'm Watching
She Likes The Way I Stare

Black or White

Dont tell me you agree with me
When I saw you kicking dirt in my eye
Well, there's so many lyrics of his that I personally love but I'll take a line from my favorite song.

"If this town is just an apple, then let me take a bite." - Human Nature.

I also love, "Before you judge me, try hard to love me." - Childhood.
stay with me,
I want you to stay with me.......
I love you,I love you and I need you baby....
Heal the World: Heal the world, make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race.
There's a place in your heart and I know that it is love.
I Just Can't Stop Lovin' You: I just can't stop lovin' you, and if I stop then tell me just what will I do.
Bad: If we change the world tomorrow this could be a better place.
Man In The Mirror: Gonna make that change, today.... Man in the Mirror.
If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change.
You Are Not Alone: You are not alone, I am here with you, though we're far apart you're always in my heart.
Butterflies: You give me butterflies inside.
I'm really into the religious stuff, angels and stuff..
I'd love to get the sermon from "Will You Be There" illustrated by an angel holding up a book or something, but it's sooo long.

strawberrypie999, what you definitely should do is read through every single Michael Jackson lyric and kind of mark which lyrics you feel can relate to... then after that make up your mind what you will go with.
Michael often doesn't pronounce his words so it's unclear to hear what he is singing... sometimes you can't appreciate a lyric to the fullest until you've seen it in written form.
Someone put your hand out was one of those songs for me.
They don't really care about us:

Beat me, hate me
You can never break me

I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
Set me free

Will you be there:

They Told Me
A Man Should Be Faithful
And Walk When Not Able
And Fight Till The End
But I'm Only Human

Earth Song:

I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
Although I know we've drifted far


You'll never break me, 'cause I'm unbreakable.

Heal The World:

We Could Fly So High
Let Our Spirits Never Die


I'm searching for the world that I come from
'Cause I've been looking around
In the lost and found of my heart.

Black or White:

I'm not going to spend
My life being a color


Oh and...

Stranger in Moscow:

Happy days will drown the pain.
Aw... these are all wonderful! Tonight I am going to sit down and listen to all the MJ songs and I will let you guys know a few that I am thinking about ... =]
There's a lot that I like. But I like "My Life Ain't, Worth Living If I Can't Be With You" From: “I Just Can't Stop Loving You”
its difficult, because those lyrics i like are long lol
like from history or wanna be startin something.
but i guess you only want one sentence for a tattoo, dont you?
I have decided to get 'Heal The World' in a basic cursive. Then I am going to have a peace sign 'hanging' off of the loop in the H and a heart dangling off of a loop at the top of the D in world. And 2 little paw prints underneath it...because my world is peace, love and animals...and heal the world is an amazing song. It always makes me wanna cry
Man in The Mirror

So many beautiful lines in that song. I've already picked out my tattoo, I just don't know where I want to put it yet and when I want to get it. I always think long and hard before getting a tattoo. I have 4 of them already, LOL. I don't know if I want to share the details, though, because some biatch in the past stole one of my tattoo ideas RIGHT after I told her what I was going to get. Triflin' heffah! :angry:
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Man in The Mirror

So many beautiful lines in that song. I've already picked out my tattoo, I just don't know where I want to put it yet and when I want to get it. I always think long and hard before getting a tattoo. I have 4 of them already, LOL. I don't know if I want to share the details, though, because some biatch in the past stole one of my tattoo ideas RIGHT after I told her what I was going to get. Triflin' heffah! :angry:

WOW! Someone stole your tattoo idea!? That's bold!

PS I LOVEEE your Signature. Smooth Criminal is by FAR my favorite music video =]
I have decided to get 'Heal The World' in a basic cursive. Then I am going to have a peace sign 'hanging' off of the loop in the H and a heart dangling off of a loop at the top of the D in world. And 2 little paw prints underneath it...because my world is peace, love and animals...and heal the world is an amazing song. It always makes me wanna cry

I saw this the other day. I dunno if it's anything you would be interested in for the peace part of the tattoo but I thought of it when I read your post.


Edit: Lovely tattoo idea by the way.
Soooo much to choose from, but the one that comes to my mind, and which I have in a locket, is a line from Heal the World: "BE GOD'S GLOW" :wub:
You took away the fear
You brought me back to life...
We are the world:
we are the world
we are the children
we are the one to make a brighter day

You are not alone:
you are not alone
for i'm here with you
though you're far away
i'm here to stay

RIP Michael
Is It Scary

Masquerade the heart
Is the height of haunting souls
Just not what you seek of me
Can the heart reveal the proof
Like a mirror reveals the truth
See the evil is you
You are not alone
for I' m here with you
though you 're far away
I'm here to stay

I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
now I don't know where we are
although I know we drifted apart
I think if you want to get lyrics tattoed on yourself, in memory/respect/love of Michael, get something that was written by him, personal to him.

As much as we all love the lyrics to songs like Man In The Mirror and You Are Not Alone, and we all know Michael totally owned those songs despite not writing them - I just feel maybe you might feel more happy to have something inked on you that Michael inked himself??

I hope that doesn't come across like me saying you shouldn't get MITM etc because he didn't write them or anything. Michael nailed that song, and meant every single word he sung. It's his song.

I don't know, I just think if it was me - i'd get something that he wrote from his heart. His exact words. Something he penned. A message he wrote.

Just my opinion though, I'd love to hear what you end up getting!

And at the end of the day, what you get is what the tattoo means to you, and what he meant to you :)
I think if you want to get lyrics tattoed on yourself, in memory/respect/love of Michael, get something that was written by him, personal to him.

As much as we all love the lyrics to songs like Man In The Mirror and You Are Not Alone, and we all know Michael totally owned those songs despite not writing them - I just feel maybe you might feel more happy to have something inked on you that Michael inked himself??

I hope that doesn't come across like me saying you shouldn't get MITM etc because he didn't write them or anything. Michael nailed that song, and meant every single word he sung. It's his song.

I don't know, I just think if it was me - i'd get something that he wrote from his heart. His exact words. Something he penned. A message he wrote.

Just my opinion though, I'd love to hear what you end up getting!

And at the end of the day, what you get is what the tattoo means to you, and what he meant to you :)

I feel the same way; something he wrote has more of his essence, even though the songs he didn't write, he made his own too. But that's just me.. like you said at the end, as long as it reflects what Michael means to you, that's the important thing :)
But They Told Me
A Man Should Be Faithful
And Walk When Not Able
And Fight Till The End
But I'm Only Human
~Will You Be There

You Can't Hurt Me
I Found Peace
Within Myself

If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change
~Man in the Mirror
Ohhh...glad you posted this. I've been thinking of doing the same thing. For awhile I have felt like getting a lyric tattooed on my arm, but I had a hard time finding something that was really meaningful to me. Now, since I have come to know and be touched by Michael so deeply, I can't imagine anything more perfect than something that was written/sung by him. SO many of his songs are inspiring. I want to get something that doesn't just remind me of Michael, but reminds me of his mission... of just, being and spreading love.

I'm thinking in the range of these:

"What More Can I Give?"

"Let Us Bring Salvation Back"

"Be God's Glow"

"Make That Change"

"You Can Change the World"

"We Are the World"

I love "Heal the World" - but I don't want anything that will feel "overdone" so I'm really not sure about that one. Though I like your idea that you came up with for this...I think it will look great! :)
Nothing's real but all is possible if God is on my side. This is from Speechless

I love the lyrics to Man in the mirror