Help me make Michael's memory live on!

Empyrean Dancer

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello everyone! I made this thread so I (and all of you) can help a great friend of mine.

There's a TV show in Portuguese television that started two weeks ago called "Nasci p'ra cantar", which means "I was born to sing" and despite the title, the show consists not only in singing, but imitating an artist as well.

There's a great friend of mine, called Delfim Miranda, that enrolled in the show to imitate our Michael. He sings very well and dances great too, and I think it would be a very nice gesture to show that Michael will be forever in our hearts to help my friend win the show.

The prize for the winner will be a month of resident performance in a Las Vegas show called "Legends in Concert".

In my opinion this will be a great way of showing to the world that our beloved Michael will never ever be forgotten.

To make that possible, you will have to help. Portugal unfortunately is not abundant in Michael fans, never was, and so you have to lend a hand and vote for him online.


Here's how:

All you have to do is go to this link:

And chose him as your favourite. Now, as the site is in Portuguese, I made a tutorial to show you how to vote for him.

All you have to do is click on his picture or name, just like that:

Then a small window will appear, with a "captcha" code, and all you have to do is insert the numbers and press the button. Like this:

Now, as the numbers are written in Portuguese, here's the translation to English of what you have to write:

Cento or Cem = One hundred
Duzentos = Two hundred
Trezentos = Three hundred
Quatrocentos = Four hundred
Quinhentos = Five hundred
Seiscentos = Six hundred
Setecentos = Seven hundred
Oitocentos = Eight hundred
Novecentos = Nine hundred

Onze = Eleven
Doze = Twelve
Treze = Thirteen
Quatorze = Fourteen
Quinze = Fifteen
Desasseis = Sixteen
Dezassete = Seventeen
Dezoito = Eighteen
Dezanove = Nineteen

Vinte = Twenty
Trinta = Thirty
Quarenta = Forty
Cinquenta = Fifty
Sessenta = Sixty
Setenta = Seventy
Oitenta = Eighty
Noventa = Ninety

Um = One
Dois = Two
Três = Three
Quatro = Four
Cinco = Five
Seis = Six
Sete = Seven
Oito = Eight
Nove = Nine
Dez = Ten

So, if the words say, let's imagine "Quinhentos e vinte e cinco", all you have to do is compare to the words here on my list and type in 525 in the field. Then click the button.

You know when you voted right when this message appears:

I know it can be a little tricky, but please




Let's all help him make Michael's memory alive! I think my country needs that demonstration of love!

You can vote everyday, several times a day, so please help!

Thank You!!!
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Here are the videos of my friend performing on the show:
In the first show, singing Billie Jean. He's not the first guy that shows up dancing. That guy is clearly out of beat, I don't even know how he got to be a professional dancer. :p
Here's the second show. He sang Don't Stop Till You Get Enough, which is really difficult to sing. The music starts at 5:40
Ana sweetie thank you for doing this.I was wondering how i could say this in here,but asyou know,me and computers and not good friends.
if anyone wants to try voting by phone,the number is
760 10 40 03

Thank you all so much.
Delfim is a great dancer and he is also a member in here.
No one else voting? Come on people, show Michael our love! Help me and Maria keep Delfim on the Show!

He told me he will be performing Thriller this Sunday. I'll post the link later this week if you want to see the show live!
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Thank you very much! Keep voting during the day! I have that page opened during work time and sometimes I refresh it and vote.

It's not that hard, and I would really appreciate if you could vote for my friend! If he wins, we will help Portugal to keep Michael's memory alive!
People, please, keep on voting! The tv show is TODAY and my friend needs to win!

Michael has to prevail!

The show will be broadcasted at this link: at 9pm Portugal time. At the moment I'm writting this post, it's 5pm, so it will be 4 hours from now.

!!!!! Keep Michael's memory alive!
It looks like you put some time into that voting tutorial! I voted a couple of times for your friend. Good luck to him!
Thanks diana!Delfim deserves to win because he dances like Michael so much!his de4votion to Michael isjust heart breaking.
Thank you so much for all your time, love and votes! A big thank you to all of you that helped put my friend on the semi-finals of the show! He made it! We made it! We did it for Michael! Thank you all!