Check this out, Beat-It dance on public square in Stockholm, Sweden

Re: Check this out, if you haven't already

That is freaking awesome! :) I'm gonna edit the title to make it a little clearer
Thank you dear. I couldn't find a youtube for it, but if you do, post it here!

awesome stuff :punk:
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Here, this is also the same flash mob in Stockholm, but on different places:

Other videos of the first place mentioned in this thread (different angles):

Forget how many celebrities came to the memorial service, this....this is what Michael Jackson would have been most proud of. This is what his biggest contribution to the world was. I´m not speaking about this flash mob event particularly, but the essence of it.


Spread the word!
Haha, that was really, really cool!
Now THAT! is fantastic!!

I love how it got bigger and bigger and then they all just sorta walked off like it just overcame them or something :lol:
Proud to be swedish !!! :D Nice tribute to our man, Michael Joseph Jackson. always in my heart.
I wrote this in some other thread here that was posting the same thing.
Just so you all know (who are not swedish) how speciall this is.

"Now this is not very "swedishlike", trust me, We don't that often do stuff like this in our country.
Very happy to see it =)
And happy they did it downtown Stockholm so that a lot of people could see it. "
This is the official video from Bounce, the dancegroup who started it.I really like when they dance in the street late in the evening.This is something I didn´t expect to see in Sweden

I hadn´t watched it for some months and when I was looking at it a few days ago I had problems that it stopped all the time.I thought maybe Sony has done something but today I can watch it without problems.
Does anyone else have problems?
That is so awesome!! I love seeing things like this dedicated to Michael. I know the whole Beat It dance by heart and I would love to participate in something like this someday. That is so cool.
Oh I thought this was a new one but that's awesome! I love it :yes: