Do you need to see Michael's body to heal?

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Dangerous Incorporated

I know that when 2 of my family members past away at separate times, it helped that I saw their body. I dont know why this is but I guess thats why they have open coffins at funerals. Michaels kids were told it would help them in time according to Jermaine. Well for me Michael was apart of my extended family. He was there my entire life. I dont know if I want the world to see Michael like that but I dont know if it would help me or not.

What are your thoughts?
Definitely not. I couldn't see him like that, no way.
guess it depends on how u were brought up i dont want to see him like that its intrusive. i want to remember him as how he was. its not like u will able to go upto him and kiss him and say goodbye then i could understand but u will just get to stare at him from 50 yrds away.that doesnt help to me. u need to touch and kiss them sorry im starting to cry again................
Hell no, I don't need to see his body. I don't want to remember him dead in a coffin anyway. I want to remember him alive, young and doing what he loved to do. I want the recent rehearsal footage to be the last time I saw him. Doing what he loved. I live in CA and was planning on going to the memorial, but if his body is gonna be rolled in, I aint going.
No way. I just want him to rest.

And I'm really pissed off with the family and the neverending preparations.
I dont know, Ive never been to a funeral actually.
Never had someone close to me that died...

Dunno if it would help or not, but I would like to be there...but I wont tho....and it hurts so bad...I feel like I should go see him for the last least to say goodbye... :(
I want to see him. I'm hoping his body will be there.
i've been to several funerals, it's really really hard to actually look at the body. but somehow i always feel a bit more at peace after funerals, but i guess it got to do with something the priests say..
i honestly still wish they'd do a small private funeral, but then again i know the fans who are planning to go to the funeral would not be happy about it. i don't want to see the body, but i guess we'll see the pictures everywhere.
and honestly, once again i still can not believe it has happened, even though it's been a week. i still think of this as something that will pass and everything will go back to normal, as it was with the trial..
I just keep picturing the image of Elvis which added to the Elvis is alive theories etc. I want to see him but I dont want the media to see him but thats the only way I could see him which is a catch 22.
I sincerely hope that it will be a closed casket funeral, remember Michael as he was.....I think some people would be going there just to gawk at him.
Oh man, I don't even know what to think here. I actually think seeing him like that would be too much for me. I don't think I could handle seeing him lying there motionless. I hope it's a closed casket. I don't want people once again talking about his looks anyway. Let him die with some dignity.
Hell no! I want to remember him as he was. And also I hate the fact that if we saw him, footage and pics will be everywhere forever. I didn't like it when they did it with James Brown, but at least he was old and died naturally. But with MJ everything is so messed up and sad. Just let the man go out with some dignity.
I think it would give me closure to accept that he's really gone. It doesnt HAVE to be an open showing of him. don't wont it to be open because the media will have a field day (unless it was no cameras). But I do need closure because im still coming up with silly what if thoughts in my mind thinking maybe he is alive. I dont need to walk up and see him either. Defo not touch him. I think seeing in this case is believing or accepting. But a closed one would help me too. idk. Id rather no media frenzy/no pics all over tv then me needing closure though.
The last picture the media has of him is he was still alive still breathing still full of life, just also full of pain perhaps or deperation to sleep they say or whatever reason he was feeling not in the distress he was in unable to indicate any discomfort,

so I have peace with that last photo. Would I choose it to show you right now? Why would I. There are illions of photos of him, why would I choose that but to me its not a shame to him, and he lived with such deep feelings of shame it seems as did I so I understand him there so I say please, give him for once in his life what he needed, in his shedding off the skin and going home. The thing in the casket is just a shell. Only a mask, a mould, from clay. Let it go. That's what I want the world to do as Michael did. That's not him at all, not at all. If people want to remember him repping death, rather than repping life like MJ did when he was alive - cool. I say whoever knows what MJ would want- do that. I'm gone. This thread has been helping me cope thank you!! I'm gonna have to unplug soon and get quiet. I hope nothing really crazy breaks within the next coup, few days.
Nope, don't need to see it! Rather see him alive and remember him that way. I understand there are people who whole heartly want to see him in physical and say goodbye but everyone at a public viewing is not a fan :( and say to say. There are people who are so hateful that would go like someone said here to gawk at him. To me that body was just a shell and not his beautiful soul. Right now he is somewhere looking as gorgeous and sexy as ever cause he is in perfect spirit form.
Hell no! I want to remember him as he was. And also I hate the fact that if we saw him, footage and pics will be everywhere forever. I didn't like it when they did it with James Brown, but at least he was old and died naturally. But with MJ everything is so messed up and sad. Just let the man go out with some dignity.

I am in agreement with what seems to be the majority, I could not bare to see Michael like that. I just want to remember him as he was happy and full of energy. these new footage videos are killing me.
On another note, I might would, I'm not sure, I have felt the loss of so many I've loved from a distance as my family is spread all around and I have not always been in a position to depart my location for various reasons and I was ok within, but with Michael it might just be different because I've loved him enough within my being, inside myself (y'all feel me) with not seeing him in person face to face, so it could answer for me the request, 'face me and kiss me'

so, to face him and kiss him on the cheek could be healing closure, but that doesn't mean Michael would want the world to remember how he looked after they got through doing an awesome job of making it beautiful, peace preferring human who did what he felt he was supposed to be doing ... we need to accentuate every positive choice for the sake of the true "image" Michael deserved to have and what we can do to help that where we can, whatever I can do, I want to. He was there for me through the music, age 8, me, 1969. Here I am, call me if I can help I will whoever sees this and wants to reach out ... reach out and touch. The fans can be a resource of stimulation of thought, we all know that. lol
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nobody needs it to heal... some people for whatever their reasons want to see it... think it will comfort? no it won't. if one feels devastated now. seeing that......nobody needs this. no matter what they want.
i'm not sure. the first dead body i ever saw was my dog's last year. he had to be euthanized due to cancer and i held his little body the entire time. i'm not sure if it "healed" me, but it sort of helped me wrap my mind around the idea of death. i still take death hard, and always have... my grandfather and i were very close, but when he died 8 years ago i didn't go to his funeral and i didn't see him at all the last week or so of his life. i just couldn't handle it.

when kirby (my dog) died and i saw his actual lifeless body, i realized that it wasn't really "him" you know? people said that all the time to me before, but i never understood it until i experienced it for myself, so maybe some people need that experience with michael. especially fans who have never dealt with the death of someone or animal close to them.
I know that when 2 of my family members past away at separate times, it helped that I saw their body. I dont know why this is but I guess thats why they have open coffins at funerals. Michaels kids were told it would help them in time according to Jermaine. Well for me Michael was apart of my extended family. He was there my entire life. I dont know if I want the world to see Michael like that but I dont know if it would help me or not.

What are your thoughts?

I know a lot of people will have their problems but it does have some comfort knowing that this person is now happy,safe,welcomed. But for some it will be hard to see Michael in that way but i love Michael and i love his life. But to see him in a casket might bring some comfort to me. like i said hes in a better place where hes happy and safe with his past idols. He is loved no matter where he is.