it's kind of pointless to ask this at an MJ message board, because your automatically going to get incredibly biased responses.
I don't enough to comment on who's a better song writer. MJ is a good songwriter but he's not one of the best.
on vocals, dancing, pioneering, and live performances it's kind of pointless to compare the two. michael jackson is like to those categories what Michael Jordan was to basketball.
especially in the pioneering department. MJ changed the video artform from cringeworthy to watchable, with many of his videos being downright masterpieces.
WHo was a better visionary and pioneer in the music video, live performances, and everything else.
lol madonna did have that brass bra corset thingie
Why do people insist on doing MJ vs Prince, MJ vs Mads, MJ vs Elvis, MJ vs Bealtes threads? Obviously were gonna be biased here! :scratch:
But many claim marge is a better innovator in them music video. ( I disagree, I believe MJ is), but as the literary legend Norman Mailer himself noted, Madonna's best videos define and reach the zenith of videos as an art form. I mean she has some very innovative music videos.