A Different Way

Do you want Michael to peform in the U.S.A. ?

  • Would you want to donate money to give to a newspaper?

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Would you want to donate and raise money for a worthy cause?

    Votes: 31 93.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Sharon B. Sidney

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
To ALL of Michael Jackson's fans and friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Body: Maybe I should start off by apologizing for what I am about to write but I honestly don't feel apologetic- I am more than highly agitated concerning efforts of the "Bring Michael to the USA Project."

Please don't get me wrong. I would LOVE Michael to perform here in the US but I have clicked on far too many posts asking for donations to reach "between $15,000 and $60,000 to run an ad in the L.A. Times."

I think the world of Michael Jackson and my protest has nothing to do with the heart of such efforts; but why on earth would I or anyone want to essentially donate money to the L.A. Times? I can think of far too many better efforts in which his fans can assist with time and or money - placing an add in a newspaper for him to perform here is NOWHERE on my list.

Michael Jackson and every single one of his fans can hate me for saying this and I'll deal with whatever consequenses come my way but my conscience will not let me keep silent. I apologize if this offends anyone BUT instead of wasting "a minimum of 15,000" on buying an ad in the L.A. times to plead with Michael Jackson the entertainer to perform here why not raise money and donate it towards a WORTHY cause!

We could toss thousand of dollars to the same conglomerates that trash him at their whim and likely would say the same thing I'm saying after such an ad was run critisizing him and his fans for what they would likely call wastefullness in tough economic times


We could follow Michael's beautiful examples of humanitarianism by pulling others together for a WORTHY cause!

Perhaps even the light that would shine so brightly when people offer care, support and help to others in need will be of such an extent that the L.A. times would feature a cover story and other news agency might follow suit? Maybe even Michael Jackson the man will be deeply touched and will not only be willing but would want to perform here.

One thing I do know - and that's that no matter how much I want what MJSUNIFC and any others are promoting ( MJ to perform in the U.S.) I cannot in good consciense take part or keep silent.

I do propose this to them and any others willing to help show who Michael Jackson is, how he's impacted our lives and just how badly We want him to perform in the U.S:

1. Pick a worthy cause! (Not a donation to go to the L.A. Times)

2. Raise as much money as we possibly can

3. Use it to help others or someone in some way.

I'll even go so far as to donate profits from one of my songs when my CD is complete or perhaps better yet if any other fans are willing to compile a charity CD as MJ did with Heal the World we can sell it and donate the profits. How about that? I know Michael has a lot of highly talented fans who already have singles recorded and we could a charity CD?

Maybe no one likes that idea but I'm open to hear and help with any others that will help some worthy charitable cause.

I'm sorry if I caused any hurt to anyone... Let me say that I think the heart behind the project is phenominal! Everyone who has helped in some way hats off because I and I'm sure most if not all America longs to see our King of Pop perform.

Sharon B. Sidney
May 5, 2009

P.S. I'm ready for the backlash

Below is a copy of the many requests for assistance with the Bring Michael to the U.S.A. Project:

There are a lot of projects out there right now to "Bring Michael",but this is the original project that we started that some of the other fans and clubs, to create projects and petitions:O)

Which we are happy that other fans and clubs feel inspired by our idea, and are following in our footsteps.

AGAIN we still feel the best way to make an impact is to stand united together in one common goal. if 5000 projects and petitions are created for the same thing everyone's effort will fall upon deaf ears. This seems to be a challenge with us americans to stay united.

*UPDATE* A lot of fans of been helping with our project and we need many more to make this happen so please pass along and share this information with your Michael friends! With more reports indicating that he "may" possibly tour the usa as well, we think its even more pressing to get this message out there!

Updates will be made on our forum.

You can also help by placing one our "Bring Michael To The Usa" Banners, or Video (made by kem21loveMJ29) below.



There have been more reports that indicate the possibility of Michael performing other places as well before he is done with touring. In the meantime we want to let him know how much we want him to perform in the USA.


We would like to take a FULL Page ad ( a letter to Michael from his USA fans) in the L.A.Times which is the area he's been in lately!

I believe that with your help we can make this happen, but we have got to get serious about it!

We need to prove that his fans in the usa have not gone anywhere and love him just as much as his overseas fans do.

I have contacted the L.A. Times and it will cost between $15,000 and $60,000, depending on which day of the week we choose. So our minimum goal is $15,000.

I know it probably seems like a lot of money, but when you really think about it and break it down for what we are trying to accomplish it really is not.

All we would need to reach the minimum goal is an average donation of $5.00 from 3,000 fans.There are some Michael Fan Clubs out there that have more members than that in one club!!

All though our club is not as big as some of the others clubs we have managed to do some amazing things, like getting the support of the Jackson family, in statements and in person, for our annual Michael Jackson Fan Events.

Michael Jackson has millions of fans in the USA so if we cant pull together and make this happen then shame on us, and we really cant blame him if he does not tour here.

So if we get serious about this and truly want to send a message to Michael, LET‘S MAKE THIS HAPPEN!

I started this fan club to unite other fans and fan clubs, that is why our name is Michael Jackson’s United Nation. The time has come to put any differences aside and unite for one common goal………….

Michael Jackson Touring in the USA!!!


Once we reach our goal of paying for the ad, our team and I will personally make sure that a press release is sent out to major newspapers all over the united states.

If you want to help, please contact me at mjsunifc@mjsunifc.com
you can mail your donations in the form of a money order to:
P.O. BOX 30813
89173-0813 USA
(international fans please send money order in us currency)

*fans can also send donations via paypal to the above email, but paypal does take fees out of it, so keep that in mind.*

I will post a log of the names or clubs donating, unless you would like to remain anonymous, it will just say "anonymous."
Deadline: Michael's Tour in London is in July so we would like to have this done before he goes so hopefully we can get this done by June!

Thank You!


There shouldn't be any backlash with this thread.

I think a worth while charity would benefit better especially since MJ is gonna go where MJ wants to go not where people tell him too. I already think Michael will come to the USA anyway :yes:
i love what you doin sharon!!!!!!!!!
i agree with you 100 percent the la times always dogging out our idol so why would michael donated anything to them..
thanks for this article
Wonderful idea, you're a credit to the Michael Jackson fan community.

Don't sweat though, Michael will go to the USA! :)
no backlash here. i'm not a fan of the L.A. Times..and both MJ and one of his just recent This Is It dance candidates, said he'll perform here, in the USA
:clapping: @Sharon

For much less cost ...
Anyone can simply put a press release out asking michael to do a show in the states and would get as much attention as any ad in any newspaper. No matter how far reaching the specific newspaper's circulation might be, the INTERNET is more vast a reach.

Not to diminish any fans well placed intentions, in raising funds to get their collective message to Michael or his people... but money could definitely be spent in a more effective and constructive fashion.

Save your money for the grocery bill or energy costs peoples ;)
I would love for him to tour America, but I agree with you Sharon, money should be donated to a charity or maybe his favorite charity. I really hope you don't receive any backlash for stating your opinion. I have seen such posts about donating $ to place an ad in a paper that is quick to call him W**** J****, or mention the trial (which he was found INNOCENT), if I am not mistaken hasn't MJ said on several occasions that he doesn't read the news papers?? I know he avoids the tabloids, but hell the way the newspapers are hurting for sales they have resorted to doing tabloid reports. So how in the hell would you expect him to see an ad that cost several thousands of dollars when he doesn't even read the LA Times. You got a better chance of writing to his company and asking for him to tour America or possibly having posters made and leaving them in the stores he frequents (Off The Wall, Ed Hardy, Comic Book Stores, etc).lol that would cost probably $5.. lol..

That is very logical thinking Sharon.

If we were to raise money, let's buy him a KFC!
Wow! I am overwhelmed by the kind comments! I thought I would get chewed out.

question is... which charity?

That's a good question Darvon. I am not sure what all fan clubs have been working to get that request out but what if the fan clubs came together and let thier members decide that? Is anyone willing to to spread the word for charity suggestions?

I read where they wanted to place something where Michael was living so how about some type of charity effort there?

Perhaps something for the homeless? I know there are a lot of homeless children in L.A. so maybe we could raise funds to do a benefit for them? Perhaps a day of fun could be organized and I am sure we could get local business' to donate food and stuff as well to make it even better than our efforts alone?

Michael did a speech once that truly inspired me where he mentioned people coming together forming a symphony of hearts. Those words burned inside me and I have been writing out many plans to bring people together to help others. Can this be a part of his vision? Let's bring the world together and if not the world can his fan clubs muster the strength to unite?!? O But wait "We Are The World!"

I am open to any other suggestions for a worthy cause- that is just what came to mind as I typed.

I was going to release my CD under Symphony of Hearts (C) 2004 BUT are there any fans who would want to submit a single so that we can compile a collection of songs to distribute? I think it would be most appropriate that the first project be done by Michael's fans?

I suggest a CD because that is what I have to give. I write songs and sing (hoping I don't sound bad:) I am sure Michael Jackson's brilliant fans have many other ideas on how to raise money to help others using their many gifts from God.

So, how about it?

What are your ideas?

Feeling good about the kind words but still waiting for the backlash,
Sharon B. Sidney
This may seem far fetched but it just popped into my mind that maybe we could attempt to raise enough money to buy one family a home. We could do something for all of the children at a homeless shelter and bless one family with a home??? How about that?

I am also helping so many over here.

I don't just wear a label of following in His Sandals--I live it!!

God bless.

I had sites on planning an event involving Earth Watch. (Now that MJ announced This Is It - I cancelled the event). But I choose them because Michael's fans are from every walk of life around our Earth and Earth Watch doesn't deal with any one location they are global. Just a thought.
I had sites on planning an event involving Earth Watch. (Now that MJ announced This Is It - I cancelled the event). But I choose them because Michael's fans are from every walk of life around our Earth and Earth Watch doesn't deal with any one location they are global. Just a thought.

I understand what you are saying. I think the fact that people helping from all over the globe would automatically make the project global. Beyond that I think this would be just a continuation of what Michael started and would not end with one act of love. I believe other countries will be agreed upon at other times as needs are targeted.

Perhaps an initial project right there where Michael is living would be best so not only do we combine our efforts igniting divine fireworks right there before him, but should we focus on one major project at a time then the more can be done for that effort.

I think already many of Michael's fans are continuously doing small projects on their own and in small groups showing acts of love and giving help to others. I think an effort such as this -should others agree- is massive and would need to target one charitable event. Whatever is agreed upon?

I was just reviewing Michael's beautiful speech and thought I'd quote this part:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Love, ladies and gentlemen, is the human family's most precious legacy, its richest bequest, its golden inheritance. And it is a treasure that is handed down from one generation to another. Previous ages may not have had the wealth we enjoy. Their houses may have lacked electricity, and they squeezed their many kids into small homes without central heating. But those homes had no darkness, nor were they cold. They were lit bright with the glow of love and they were warmed snugly by the very heat of the human heart. Parents, undistracted by the lust for luxury and status, accorded their children primacy in their lives.[/FONT]
I think I should have posted what I had in the other thread into this one instead.. it seems more appropriate in here.
That is very logical thinking Sharon.

If we were to raise money, let's buy him a KFC!

People tell me I cook better than KFC so let's save the money for others and if need be then I'll cook him some chicken.

Also, I can't say how happy I am that no one is bashing me for what I wrote. Thanks again to everyone who supports the idea of helping others!

God bless!!!

I've written to you (twice.. had afterthoughts). Yes MJ probably has enough money to buy kfc and all that.(though it was funny :) ) It might be nicer to give him something he couldn't necessarily get himself (without lots of time put in) that would reach many more people and really touch his heart.
There are people who are functional and homeless and some who are mentally unstable and would not go to a home even if one were offered to them.

There are some who have violent tendencies and endanger others that are around them.

There are also people who have run into hardships and found themselves without a home. I once worked with a man who said that he use to be homeless because his life fell apart when his wife cheated on him. He left the state with nothing but one of their cars. When he was in another state somehow his car broke down, he had forgotten or lost his ID I don't recall which and without that nor a contact phone or address he was lost.

He said that he tried to get a job and his ID but no one would help him and that he was homeless I think for three years. I remember he said he was so depressed that he became hopeless and that people would walk by him without saying hi or even look at him as if he weren't human.

At first he said he was trying everything he could but at some point he felt that he wasn't human anymore and stopped trying and caring.

It was a very sad story that I am sure many homeless people share.

I have often been guilty of turning the channel when I see people in other countries that are suffering but now I push myself to watch it even though it means I'll be sobbing in tears and gasping for breath in my sorrows.

We as a people are guilty of turning away from what is painful to look at but the after effect of that is lack of active care and compassion. We have to see the people who are homeless and in need and collectively make a difference. Whatever the need.

I know some may think of the millionaires and billionaires and try to shift the blame and solution onto them but for humanity to be better we all have to come together. It isn't those who are wealthy alone who must offer aid but for us all. There is a scripture which if I recall correctly that essentially says God bestows wealth upon whom He will.

The Holy Spirit revealed to me long ago that the problems we face are not due to a lack of substance but to a lack of heart. I think love is like a fire and those without a flame are like peices of dry wood ready to burn.

I once was going through my closet pulling out clothes to give to a shelter and I had pulled out quite a lot of clothing that I didn't neccesarily want anymore then it clicked in my heart why am I just giving away the things I don't want why not give them some of my really good stuff too. I did and I was talking to my roomate as I did that and then suddenly her fire sparked and she said and I quote Ooo I wanna give too! She ran in her room and started picking out clothes to give when at first she was like why are you even doing that.

That's who how we have to be like fires reigniting and combining to burn with other flames. I know we can make a difference. God has already planned it!


Ape I read your emails. Thank you for sending them to me. You mentioned there was a thread on homeless people - is that here? Could you please post a link to it.

I think your idea about little houses is really nice and that one link you sent me was really cute!
It's a great idea to help, but what bothers me personally is the motive. To me charity should come from the heart and be an every day thing...it shouldn't be just so that you can "show off" like "Look Michael, we did this, now you HAVE to perform here". I feel a little uncomfortable having two totally different causes in one thread. One asking for money for a newspaper ad, and one for a charitable cause, but the motive behind being getting Michael's attention. To me it would be more genuine and "commendable" if someone would just remind people of worthy causes and about people suffering around the world every day and then ask them to give what they can to different charities. Or giving quietly to charity without "blowing a horn" about it. But that's just my opinion...Good luck with the project though!
It's a great idea to help, but what bothers me personally is the motive. To me charity should come from the heart and be an every day thing...it shouldn't be just so that you can "show off" like "Look Michael, we did this, now you HAVE to perform here". I feel a little uncomfortable having two totally different causes in one thread. One asking for money for a newspaper ad, and one for a charitable cause, but the motive behind being getting Michael's attention. To me it would be more genuine and "commendable" if someone would just remind people of worthy causes and about people suffering around the world every day and then ask them to give what they can to different charities. Or giving quietly to charity without "blowing a horn" about it. But that's just my opinion...Good luck with the project though!

I agree with you summer. People should give if and when they want to, not because they feel it's right but because they truly have the desire to do it. Also you should give without expecting anything in return.
My opinion is that if We :)D) ended up doing that idea of housing a family, the family would be helped if it were done to "look good for Michael" or because they felt a need to help. The family would be better off regardless, unless the person who did it expected something of that family that was unreasonable back. But to me, If it gets more people helping each other, then let it be to make Michael proud. Of course it is more noble to do things anonymously without ever telling anyone, sure, but if it keeps a person from helping others because they don't think their motives are selfless, then that's a shame too. A person has gotta start somewhere and this world needs people helping others. Maybe the pure selflessness will come later.

Though really, if a person cares about someone else, and knows something that would make them really happy, and they do that thing, that isn't selfish. That is giving and caring and being thoughtful. So if someone cares about Michael truly, and they see that by helping others, it would be like a gift to him, then there is nothing wrong with that either. It's not done to look good for him or to be the "top fan" or whatever. It would still be done out of love. Not to show off, but because you love and care for him and want to see him happy and help him in his dream of making this world a better place. It can still be your own dream of making it a better place too. Some people may have more selfish motives, but I do believe that if people were to partake in this particular idea, or some other one, that most of them would not have those selfish motives, it would be done out of love.
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It's a great idea to help, but what bothers me personally is the motive. To me charity should come from the heart and be an every day thing...it shouldn't be just so that you can "show off" like "Look Michael, we did this, now you HAVE to perform here". I feel a little uncomfortable having two totally different causes in one thread. One asking for money for a newspaper ad, and one for a charitable cause, but the motive behind being getting Michael's attention. To me it would be more genuine and "commendable" if someone would just remind people of worthy causes and about people suffering around the world every day and then ask them to give what they can to different charities. Or giving quietly to charity without "blowing a horn" about it. But that's just my opinion...Good luck with the project though!

Hi Summer,

Only God can judge the hearts of man kind because He is the only one who knows what is on the inside.

It seems you misunderstood what I was saying in my post so I am going to try to be even more concise.

There are fans who have been sending me messages requesting donations for an ad they have been wanting to place in the L.A. Times... Their goal in doing such was to somehow have Michael perform in the U.S.

My post is an expression of my frustration concerning the idea of people essentially donating money to the L.A. times.

I have not critisized any of those fans intentions nor have I tried to judge their motives or hearts. As I said above - only God knows the heart.

I am merely making the suggestion that fans combine their efforts for a worthwhile cause such as helping others as opposed to raising money for the L.A. Times.

In relating to the efforts of those who had been sending me messages I mentioned how instead of paying for and placing a big ad perhaps a better thing to do would be to follow Michael Jackson's beautiful examples and participate in acts of humanitarianism. I mentioned the possibility that in doing such the newspaper may actually run a story on that and if Michael was to hear of such he might be deeply touched---perhaps proud as well...

Whatever a person's motives are is between them and God. Some people give blood for money, some to help others, some to look good with their company and or to others etc. but the bottom line is that the people who were in need of blood I am sure could care less as to what the motivation was for those who gave it. The fact is that they had a need and the need was supplied.

I do not anticipate asking any of Michael Jackson's fans who decide to help another what their reason are, I will simply be overjoyed that another human took the time and made the effort to actively show another person that they cared.

Originally Posted by Ape :
"My opinion is that if she ended up doing that idea of housing a family, the family would be helped if it were done to "look good for Michael" or because they felt a need to help. The family would be better off regardless, unless the person who did it expected something of that family that was unreasonable back. But to me, If it gets more people helping each other, then let it be to make Michael proud. Of course it is more noble to do things anonymously without ever telling anyone, sure, but if it keeps a person from helping others because they don't think their motives are selfless, then that's a shame too. A person has gotta start somewhere and this world needs people helping others. Maybe the pure selflessness will come later.

Though really, if a person cares about someone else, and knows something that would make them really happy, and they do that thing, that isn't selfish. That is giving and caring and being thoughtful. So if someone cares about Michael truly, and they see that by helping others, it would be like a gift to him, then there is nothing wrong with that either. It's not done to look good for him or to be the "top fan" or whatever. It would still be done out of love. Not to show off, but because you love and care for him and want to see him happy and help him in his dream of making this world a better place. It can still be your own dream of making it a better place too. Some people may have more selfish motives, but I do believe that if people were to partake in this particular idea, or some other one, that most of them would not have those selfish motives, it would be done out of love. "

Ape good post! I'd change one little thing and make the word she WE

One last thing I'd like to say for today and that is please give YOUR suggestions so that we can all be unified for a common cause! Motives can be as diverse as you like guys and gals!


Sharon B. Sidney
I actually noticed that this time when I read it before reading your post. That does make it more clear that I am not talking about your intentions, but everyone who may participate. Tired lately and I'm not always clear. lol..maybe I should take a break from posting when I'm this exhausted.

I read through either this thread or the other and I really like the idea. I didn't fully understand your thoughts about it at first because I read some of it and then my ideas popped into my head and I didn't get to see yours fully cause my idea was blocking my view. Now I see your idea. It's really quite beautiful I think. I hope it works out.
well...looks like the l.a. times is giving MJ free publicity after all. things tend to converge to make these things happen for MJ. but you can tell that the fans didn't pay for this article in the may 12 news thread, cus the times is saying MJ is irrelevant. nonetheless, they're talking about the upcoming event, and you can't help but be excited in the usa as well as elsewhere.
There have been some members contacting me outside of this community and I apologize for not originally seeing all of the emails. If you have not gotten a relpy yet please let me know and I will write you back ASAP.

Also, If anyone else writes me at diversity2003c@hotmail.com please send me a pm with your email address that you will be sending it from so I will know that it is safe to open.

Any others wanting to contribute a song or participate in any way be it video editing, marketing or what have you please let us know.

Also, still open to ideas:)

God bless!!!

Sharon B. Sidney